Tag: self-annihilation
1,325 words
One of my internet friends (you know who you are) recently posted a picture of Ted Kaczynski along with text claiming that “you can’t pay reparations if you don’t have any money.” Well, that’s technically true. You can’t pay buttfuck nothing if you don’t have any money, but the curious nature of money means that people will often own negative money, which is to say owe money. So, the theme for today shall be how things can always get worse, and that there’s such a thing as worse than nothing. (more…)
3,350 words
I’m a pretty cold-hearted realist, but after such a buildup of how the Right has been losing again and again for over a century, I expected something perhaps a bit more stirring. Some call to arms, or flowering prose. Instead, you essentially offer “Who knows? Our luck may change; stranger things have happened.” (more…)