Slovak translation here
I first drafted this essay back in June of 2012 after reading an article on CNN by a Jewish homosexual named James Cantor entitled “Do Pedophiles Deserve Sympathy?” In it, Cantor argues that pedophiles should not be morally condemned as people who fail to do the right thing, but pitied as people who are born with abnormal brains.
Pedophilia is not, however, simply a sexual preference, just one more kinky thing that consenting adults might do behind closed doors.
Pedophiles by definition are not attracted to adults, and non-adults by definition cannot consent to sex. Therefore, pedophilia is by its nature a desire to rape, and rape is a crime.
Of course Cantor points out that being inclined toward pedophilia is not the same thing as actually molesting children, which is true. So trying to set aside the emotional revulsion and moral stigma attached to pedophilia, and instead looking at it as a mental illness, is not necessarily a bad thing. Indeed, it might help us find treatments for pedophilia, which might actually save children from being raped. It all sounds so sweetly reasonable. And in a well-ordered society, it might actually be a humane and workable policy.
But then a cold chill of horror went through me when I realized that, on the contrary, Cantor was actually laying the groundwork for a pedophile rape epidemic. Sympathy for pedophiles will lead to an epidemic of child rape merely by becoming a politically correct liberal cause. All that is required for an epidemic of rape is for a particularly rape-prone class of people to become a protected politically correct victim group. And pedophiles are by their nature rape-prone. For once the liberal mind decides that a particular cause is morally imperative, it is willing to evade reality, to lie, and to defame, censor, and even persecute truth tellers when confronted with the negative consequences of its policies.
I never finished the first draft, however, because the argument became complicated. Racial egalitarianism is the great moral crusade in modern America. And its consequences are a catastrophe that beggars imagination when one begins to add up the enormous increase in crime and social alienation, the destruction of great cities, the collapse of education, and the sheer amount of lying, corruption, and hypocrisy required to maintain the fiction of racial equality.
Political correctness is nothing more than lying and injustice. The basic lie is that people are equal, and the injustice follows from the lie: false excuses for the guilty, false blame upon the innocent, penalizing those who did nothing to compensate those who suffered nothing, etc. But it does not stop with mere rent-seeking. For political correctness demands that whites accept predatory non-whites into their societies and then covers up the inevitable consequences: tension, hatred, and violence, in which whites are disproportionately the victims. When liberals lie, people die.
But my argument was specifically about rape. I needed a historical example of a rape epidemic caused and protected by liberal political correctness. Of course we know that the amount of interracial rape, specifically black men raping white women, has gone up considerably over the last 100 years, from the time when such a crime would often trigger the swift and deadly deterrent of a lynch mob and when the only people who had any sympathy for black rapists were Communists trying to stir the pot — to the present day when blacks mingle freely with whites, when white girls are programmed to suppress their feelings of caution around black men lest they seem “racist,” and in which the media works to conceal black crime and describes hulking black thugs and rapists as “gentle giants,” lest people start thinking that integration is a mistake.
Raping white women has not been legalized. But it has been massively enabled nonetheless, simply because blacks are a politically correct protected group. But statistics supporting this argument are hard to come by. In 2007, Laurence Auster cited some shocking 2005 statistics about the massive disparity of black-on-white and white-on-black rapes and sexual assaults. But I could find no statistics to illustrate rape levels before and after desegregation. So I set the draft aside and went on to other things.
Then, much to my horror, an eloquent proof of my thesis that political correctness leads to mass rape appeared just last year: Rotherham, a town of 250,000 in Sheffield in which 1,400 English girls were raped, prostituted, and otherwise sexually exploited during a 16-year period between 1997 and 2013. The victims were mostly white. The perpetrators were mostly Pakistani.
Of course the police were informed of these crimes, but parents who objected to the rape of their daughters were treated as potential racists. Reports on the rape epidemic in 2002, 2003, and 2006 were suppressed by the local police and government, who judged that it was better that English girls continue to be raped by non-whites than the English to feel fear and hatred toward outsiders.
When the story went public in 2014, what happened? Did the streets of Rotherham run with “rivers of blood” as Englishmen avenged their daughters and punished gangs of rapists and the police and bureaucrats who covered up and enabled their crimes? Of course not. Some of the criminals have been punished, but none of the police and bureaucrats have been arrested.
Furthermore, since the same causes give rise to the same effects, there is nothing unique about Rotherham. Thus wherever Pakistani men have access to English girls, we have to conclude that systematic rape and sexual abuse are taking place. This is, in short, a national crisis. There are many more than 1,400 victims. And the crimes will continue until their racial, religious, and cultural roots are address rather than obscured and evaded.
From start to finish England’s Muslim pedophile rape epidemic is the product of liberal political correctness. Pakistanis are in Europe because of multiculturalism; they mix freely with the local population because of multiculturalism; the locals were taught not to fear and shun them lest they commit the sin of “racism”; and when the pattern of rape first emerged, it would have been widely publicized and ruthlessly suppressed were it not for the overriding PC imperative of white race replacement.
Pedophile rape was not made legal in England. All that was required for a pedophile rape epidemic is for the rape-prone Paki population to become a politically-correct victim group. Then a networks of liars, excuse-makers, and crime concealers embedded in the press, academia, and bureaucracy sprang into action. Liberals lie, and your children are raped. Then they lie to cover it up, and still more children are raped.
And now the same evil bastards are at work trying to make pedophiles into a PC protected group. In the last couple of years, there has been a flurry of articles in the American press, the message of which is summed up in the title of Margot (((Kaplan’s))) New York Times article, “Pedophilia: A Disorder, not a Crime.”, however, has become the flagship publication for pedophile advocacy. (Evidently, journalists fear no blow-back from whites. Only Muslims pull a Charlie Hebdo.)
But the same causes produce the same effects. The Left is now extending its protection from Pakistani pedophiles to the whole pedophile population. Not every town has Pakis, but every town has pedophiles. Thus the movement to make pedophiles the objects of PC pity will make every town a Rotherham.
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Saatchi makes me want to puke. The Chapman Brothers are another favorite of Saatchi. I read that he’s an Iraqi Jew. Imagine that.
The Chapmans’ “finest”:
These two pukes desecrated 12 or 13 Hitler paintings for fun. Hopefully their time is short.
I would disagree only for the following reason: childhood has been treated as especially worthy of protection by the European left, because they believe in its essential purity. It is mankind at its most malleable (and least sexually distinct).
I have read a similar advocacy of polygamy… (
…and such arguments, for the moment, simply do not inspire the majority of the left at all. It is the indiscriminate turning of egalitarian logic on any available institution.
You may be correct that another agenda, such as genocide, may be pushed to such an extent that both paedophilia and polygamy become permissible and tacitly accepted.
Revolutions do tend to eat their children.
I think the current culture needs 2 or 3 decades to get to where the leftist & (((moderates))) embrace of paedos as victims could permeate through.
I can’t see our current society carrying on in the trajectory it’s been on for much longer.
Yet there’s a fair contingent of anti-collapse folks out there. They don’t see the evidence for a serious implosion, or they have some kind of agenda.
“I can’t see our current society carrying on in the trajectory it’s been on for much longer.”
People have been saying that for at least the last half-century.
I may have “an agenda,’ but that is nevertheless the truth. Don’t count on the System collapsing of its own accord. It may happen, but you need to be prepared for it to wind down very slowly if it goes unchallenged.
Leftism only has room for one sin, and that is the sin of racism. And of course, only White people can be racist. Now, how do they go about purging sin?
I really believe that if we, collectively, continue to do nothing in the face of this monstrous evil, the stain upon our own souls will be irrevocable. This cannot, and must not, be allowed to continue.
Cantor………….. Don’t go any further..The name say it all……
”non-adults by definition cannot consent to sex.”
By definition prepubescent children cannot even conceive of such a thing let alone have a sex drive.
Therefore it cannot be but Rape.
Pedophilia is not defined as “a desire to rape”. A real pedophile is attracted to children alone and even fall in love with them. They do not have to be rapists or exploit children. Pedophilia in its natural form is very uncommon. However, Pedophilia can be defined as a sexual fetish or fantasy which is much more common. Few however would “live out” such fantasy because it is just a fantasy and goes not against the law but their personal moral boundaries. Another taboo fantasy is incest. There is a bunch of twisted freaks in the BDSM community but would these people really enjoy being kidnapped, tortured and raped? Of course they would not. The majority of them who sexually abuse children are not pedophiles. They have multi-sexual desires but acting out on one specific fantasy which happen to be criminalized. These people have often a combination of different psychological disorders and often live very disordered lives. It is not the fantasy of abuse children which drives them but other factors. In the 1960 sexual exploitation of children was still legal or semi-legal in a few western countries. United States did not ban for-profit production and distribution of child pornography until 1977.
What has been taboo in western countries is intercourse with girls which have not yet seen their first period – meaning pedophilia has been taboo for a significantly amount of time. We wrongly associate Pedophilia with “age” when pedophiles are attracted to children who have not entered puberty. Girls enter puberty around 9-14 and then continue to biologically mature. Having children at 9-14 is of course not feasible because there is a significant risk of miscarriage, disabled children and maternal death among very young mothers. In the Western Medieval Ages, working and middle class women had their first child in their early twenties and upper class and aristocratic women had their first child a few years earlier. Northern Europe had slightly older mothers while Southern Europe had slightly younger mothers. In Western civilization there was a societal emphasis of having few but healthy children. Mothers were also spared from having too many children. Remember, modern contraception did not exist. Western morality is very much based on the importance of the individual but also on the importance of the group. Older mothers were a way of population control, resources management and focusing on quality of children than quantity. This is however not the case in other civilizations – meaning overpopulation, overuse of resources and endemic infanticide.
In contemporary Western societies we have increased childhood for social reasons rather than biological. Teenagers in Western countries commonly viewed as children while they are considered to be adults in non-western societies. In the Jewish community (which is a borderline Western-Asiatic culture) you see the same development but they still have their initiation rite (Bar and Bat Mitzvah) at thirteen meaning they are considered to be “spiritually” adults after the rite. The Nordic Lutheran Confirmation takes place at fifteen. The age of consent in Nordic countries is 15/16 while Marriage is legally from the age of 18 which also is the case for Israel.
In contemporary non-western societies there is a higher age for consent and marriage compared to western societies. These laws were introduced in most non-western countries after pressure from Western countries to empower women which have been a tool to lower birth rates. Overpopulation is a serious problem in third world countries.
However, marriage followed by intercourse after the girl has had her first menstruation is still very common in third world countries. For example, in Pakistan, the legal marriageable age is 18 but half of the Pakistani brides are younger than 18. Among Pakistani and Afghan tribes arranged marriages is common. Girls are often married between ten and fifteen years old. The marriage is consummated when she have had her first menstruation. The Pakistani government has not been able to change this custom because of its deep cultural and religious roots. One ought to remember that marriages have been arranged including child marriage among the upper casts in Western societies as late as 17th century.
The Pakistani prostitution ring in Rotherham was not driven by pedophiles. They saw an opportunity of exploiting white girls and young white women from broken homes. The vast majority was in their late childhood or early teens – often around 11-14. They were lured or even abducted by these men to be used for prostitution. They target these girls and women because of their vulnerability. They wouldn’t target older girls and women because they are more difficult to control. The political establishment, academia, press and bureaucracy did their best to keep years of abuse and criminal activity from the public eye. When discovered liberals did their best to cover it up. Why? Well, because protection of multiculturalism is of much more importance than the welfare of children and young girls. In particular if they are white.
When it comes to these artists and journalists advocating for pedophilia their goal seem more push for another sexual intrest group rather than defending Asiatic gang’s exploitation of children. In the long term I think liberals want to reduce our love for our children. They want make them into a commodity and make it morally wrong to defend our families. NAMBLA was founded in 1978 by socialist and liberal Gay Activists in the later 1960s. They had some momentum in the early 1980s but when the LGBT movement became part of the liberal mainstream in the late 1980s they had to cut their ties with NAMBLA. There are still some ties between the broader LGBT movement and pedophile circles. The relationship between criminal gangs trafficking children and LGBT movement and organizations such as NAMBLA seem to be non-existent.
Hence, I think there are two separate things in play here. First, you have the far-left and their identity politics and pedophilic agendas and then you have criminal’s gangs exploiting children for profit which is downplayed by liberal elites to avoid criticism of multiculturalism and the post-war open border policy. In the end it is our children (and I don’t care if they are white, black, Jewish, Christian or Muslim) are sacrificed for liberalism.
Pedophilia will be legalized, after that it will be bestiality. Just as the white christian clerics (WCC) have worked for decades to legalize homosexual marriages, they will work to make pedophilia, and then bestiality acceptable. Even now the WCCs are developing a strategy to make this come about; everyday the WCCs send up reports to jew headquarters and receive instructions on how to move. Nothing makes a WCC happier than the thought that a white child is buggered, tortured, or murdered by a non-white (especially blacks).
This is happening in America, too. There are legions on campuses waiting to crush the first white man accused of rape, regardless of whether or not there’s evidence.
However, the moment a white girl accuses a black man the story is different. Any sports team he is on rallies around him, the administration comes to his aid and urges the girl to really “consider” what she’s doing. The hordes of feminists who claim to be looking after women stay silent, the media doesn’t report the case, and event goes down the memory hole.
Softening up the culture by using the mass media to sexualize the young has been going on for years. Jews are deviants, in addition to the many other things that they are. (Yes, I know, blah, blah, blah, there is a lot more going on in the world than Jewish influence. I realize that, but I’m writing an off-the-cuff comment not a dissertation.)
I recently ran across an old William Pierce podcast. In it he discusses Jews taking over the American clothing line Abercrombie and Fitch and immediately introducing sexual themes into advertising geared toward the young. I don’t take seriously except as a kind of thought-provoking entertainment, like a good sci-fi movie. He does have a large archive of articles documenting the trend of sexualizing the young in mass advertising. People who don’t realize the full magnitude of this campaign should visit VC.
Western Elite Culture is moving a lot faster on pedophilia than I expected. You just can’t underestimate the evil of these people. There is no humanity left in them. What kind of person gets out of bed in the morning and immediately turns the mind to — what kind of evil can I spread in the world today? I thought they would at least get people used to the idea of men in the women’s room before moving on to the pedophiles.
The strategy of facilitating pedophile rape makes sense as a complement or “book end” to the strategy of encouraging white females to miscegenate as much as possible with psyops to make it appealing. It’s like good cop bad cop. Most white females are not going to choose miscegenation despite the propaganda. Therefore, with many white females, fear may accomplish what propaganda to make it appealing doesn’t. And the white females who don’t miscegenate due to fear or by choice after having their minds warped become the rape pool.
As a father of daughters, I’d be lying if I said I’m not scared about this. I am.
””’Time time for Twitter campaigns and rallies is quickly coming to an end.””’
AND all as the mass invasion of Muslim young men who are partial to young girls and boys
This has happened before; it’s just that the time wasn’t “right” to normalise paedophilia back in the 70s when efforts were certainly made. Here’s an article about the “Kinderladen” movement in Germany: Anarcho-communists, disproportionately Jewish, experimented with paedophilia and seriously debated whether parents should sexually initiate their own children. Daniel Cohn-Bendit (Euro politician) was involved, though he later tried to laugh his written comments about being seduced by little girls off as a joke.
As Reuters noted in an unusually short report, the official, Daniel Rosen, was arrested by police from Fairfax County, Virginia, while at his home in Washington, D.C.
When senior counter terrorist officials are plonking little children you have to wonder how deep the rot is:
Learn more:
this is the next great hashtag (and hopefully chant at Trump rallies)
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