Tag: runes
In Old Norse, written in the Younger Futhark: “Moria, Komandor, Spámaðr, Helga, Valdis, and Ing raised this stone in memory of Harald, valiant man and husband of Inna. He fell in the east.”
720 words
The story of an Asatruar fighter who fell in Ukraine and is being honored with a runestone was told to the author.
Like many Westerners, Harald rediscovered himself at the age of 30 when he got serious about sports, achieving a high level for a non-professional. He started with trail running, but, like Harald’s approach to his life, he grew ever more ambitious, entering a triathlon and eventually adding swimming and cycling to his schedule. (more…)
October 11, 2022 Counter-Currents Radio
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 493 Sarah Dye of Above Time Coffee Roasters
Greg Johnson welcomed Sarah Dye of Above Time Coffee Roasters, a recently-established nationalist-owned business, to the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download or online listening. (more…)
The second half of last weekend’s broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio was a solo Ask Me Anything with Greg Johnson, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
01:20 What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?
03:28 What is Greg’s idea of musical hell?
05:00 How do you know you’re having an effect as a white advocate? (more…) -
August 19, 2021 Howe Abbott-Hiss
A Rootless Tree Falls
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Norwegian folk group Wardruna released their fifth album, Kvitravn, in January of this year. The band is an impressive example of prominent white Europeans embracing aspects of their own traditional culture. As the band puts it, they are “dedicated to creating musical renditions of ancient Norse and Nordic traditions.” (more…)
Front left detail of the Franks Casket, featuring Weyland the Smith and Anglo-Saxon futhorc runic writing
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If you want a mouthful of history, just say “mouthful of history.” It’s a hybrid phrase, Germanic and Greek, combining two great European traditions that met and mingled on the island of Britain. But there’s a local flavor to it too: the second consonant of “mouthful” is distinctively English. That’s why we once had a good way to write that second consonant: in Old English, “mouth” was muð, pronounced “mooth.” (more…)
Ron McVan is an American white nationalist and Wotanist. He has followed a lifelong career in the fine arts as an oil painter, pen & ink illustrator, sculptor, poet, writer, stained glass artisan, jewelry craftsman, and musician. His extended interests have always been wide and varied, ranging foremost in the martial arts, philosophy, the ancient mysteries, mythology, European history and heritage, comparative religions, and spiritual studies, most particularly in Gnostic Wotanism and Druidism. (more…)
Holger Danske.
Holger Danske.
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Of all the airports I have traveled through, I have probably spent the most time at Copenhagen Airport. During a recent layover there, I kept passing by a souvenir shop that displayed books about hygge, a Danish term that broadly represents “coziness, contentment, and happiness.” Whether I was visiting castles, discovering ancient burial mounds, or attending heavy metal concerts with friends, I have had many experiences in Denmark that gave me the hygge feeling. As a wanderer, dissident, and white advocate, (more…)
Sigurd and the dwarf Regin forge a sword, from the portal of the stave church of Hylestad, Setesdal, Norway c. 1200.
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In our last installment, we saw how Queen Hjordis, pregnant with Sigurd, is taken in by King Alf, son of King Hjalprek of Denmark. Before his death, Sigmund had prophesied that his son “will become the greatest and most famous of our family.” Sigmund also entrusts to Hjordis the fragments of his sword, broken by Odin. “Take good care also of my sword’s fragments,” Sigmund tells her. “A good sword can be made from them, which will be called Gram, and our son will carry that sword and do many great things with it which will never be forgotten. (more…)
Sweden may ban the runes to curb racism.
Justice Minister Morgan Johansson is investigating the proposal to see if the ban would stifle “incitement of ethnic hatred.” Along with the runes, several other Norse pagan symbols could be banned under the proposal, such as Mjolnir (Thor’s Hammer) and the Valknut. The move is clearly directed at the Nordic Resistance Movement, which uses a tiwaz rune as its logo, and other White Nationalists. (more…)
39 words / 23:20
Dr. Jackson Crawford, a historical linguist at the University of Colorado at Boulder, discusses the (sparse) information we have about worship, ritual, and prayer in pre-Christian Scandinavia. He is an experienced teacher of Old Norse, Modern Icelandic, and Norwegian.
Historical Worship of the Norse Gods -
D. Jonathan Jones
3 Paths Through Midgard: A Rune Poem
Portland, Or.: Ravenshalla Arts, 2010