Francis Parker Yockey was born 107 years ago today, September 18, in Chicago. He died in San Francisco on June 16, 1960, an apparent suicide. Yockey is one of America’s greatest anti-liberal thinkers and an abiding influence on the North American New Right. In honor of his birthday, I wish to draw the reader’s attention to the following works on this site.
Tag: philosophy of history
675 words
Oswald Spengler was born on this day in 1880. For his contributions to the philosophy of history and culture, Spengler is one of the most important philosophical influences on the North American New Right, largely by way of his disciple Francis Parker Yockey. Spengler is often wrong, but even when he errs, he does so magnificently.
Spengler’s magnum opus is The Decline of the West, in two volumes (1918 and 1922). He also wrote three shorter books: Prussianism and Socialism (1919), Man and Technics (1931), and The Hour of Decision (1934). (more…)
May 1, 2024 Greg Johnson
Nowa Prawica przeciw Starej Prawicy
Rozdział 3: Metapolityka i wojna tajemnaEnglish original here, Estonian version here, French version here, Polish version here, Spanish version here
Część 5 (Rozdział 1, Rozdział 2, Rozdział 4)
W 1897 r. Robert Lewis Dabney przewidział tryumf ruchu sufrażystek w oparciu o własną ocenę historii i charakteru jedynej siły sprzeciwiającej się prawom wyborczym kobiet – konserwatystów z północnych stanach USA: (more…)
English original here, Estonian version here, French version here, Polish version here
Capítulo 1 aquí, Capítulo 2 aquí, Capítulo 4 aquí
En 1897, Robert Lewis Dabney profetizaba el triunfo del sufragio femenino en base a la opinión que le suscitaba la historia y el carácter de la única fuerza que se le oponía, el conservadurismo norteño: (more…)
660 words
Oswald Spengler was born on this day in 1880. For his contributions to the philosophy of history and culture, Spengler is one of the most important philosophical influences on the North American New Right, largely by way of his disciple Francis Parker Yockey. Spengler is often wrong, but even when he errs, he does so magnificently.
Spengler’s magnum opus is The Decline of the West, in two volumes (1918 and 1922). He also wrote three shorter books: Prussianism and Socialism (1919), Man and Technics (1931), and The Hour of Decision (1934). (more…)
Francis Parker Yockey was born 105 years ago today, September 18, in Chicago. He died in San Francisco on June 16, 1960, an apparent suicide. Yockey is one of America’s greatest anti-liberal thinkers and an abiding influence on the North American New Right. In honor of his birthday, I wish to draw the reader’s attention to the following works on this site.
September 18, 2021 Greg Johnson
Remembering Francis Parker Yockey: September 18, 1917–June 16, 1960
Francis Parker Yockey was born 104 years ago today, September 18, in Chicago. He died in San Francisco on June 16, 1960, an apparent suicide. Yockey is one of America’s greatest anti-liberal thinkers and an abiding influence on the North American New Right. In honor of his birthday, I wish to draw the reader’s attention to the following works on this site.
Oswald Spengler was born on this day in 1880. For his contributions to the philosophy of history and culture, Spengler is one of the most important philosophical influences on the North American New Right, largely by way of his disciple Francis Parker Yockey. Spengler is often wrong, but even when he errs, he does so magnificently.
Spengler’s magnum opus is The Decline of the West, (more…)
Francis Parker Yockey was born 103 years ago today, September 18, in Chicago. He died in San Francisco on June 16, 1960, an apparent suicide. Yockey is one of America’s greatest anti-liberal thinkers and an abiding influence on the North American New Right. In honor of his birthday, I wish to draw the reader’s attention to the following works on this site.
Oswald Spengler was born on this day in 1880. For his contributions to the philosophy of history and culture, Spengler is one of the most important philosophical influences on the North American New Right, largely by way of his disciple Francis Parker Yockey. Spengler is often wrong, but even when he errs, he does so magnificently.
2,101 words
2,101 words
The following brief introduction to Martin Heidegger’s philosophy does not discuss the concept of Being (Sein), simply because there’s no need to.
141 words / 76:09
141 words / 76:09
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In the fall of 2000, I taught an adult education class entitled Philosophy on Film, where we discussed The Matrix, American Beauty, Ground Hog Day, Network, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Gattaca, and Crimes and Misdemeanors.