Remembering Francis Parker Yockey (September 18, 1917–June 16, 1960)
Greg JohnsonFrancis Parker Yockey was born 103 years ago today, September 18, in Chicago. He died in San Francisco on June 16, 1960, an apparent suicide. Yockey is one of America’s greatest anti-liberal thinkers and an abiding influence on the North American New Right. In honor of his birthday, I wish to draw the reader’s attention to the following works on this site.
Published by Counter-Currents:
We will also be publishing two more volumes of Yockey’s works as part of a complete set with The World in Flames. You can find out more about Imperium and The Enemy of Europe here.
By Yockey himself:
- “America’s Two Political Factions,” here
- “America’s Two Ways of Waging War,” here
- “Brotherhood,” here
- “Culture” (December 1953), here
- “The Destiny of America,” here
- “1848–1948: Years of Decision,” here
- “From the Notebooks,” here
- “The Imperative of Our Age,” here
- “Liberalism,” here
- “The Nature of Politics,” here
- “Nothing New Under the Sun: A Letter from Francis Parker Yockey,” here
- “The Prague Treason Trial,” here
- Selections from Francis Parker Yockey, here
- “Thoughts Personal and Superpersonal (Excerpts),” here
- “Thoughts Personal and Superpersonal: Knowledge and Skepticism,” here
- “Thoughts Personal and Superpersonal: On Money,” here
- “Thoughts Personal and Superpersonal: Prussianism and Americanism,” here
- “Twentieth-Century Metaphysics,” here
- “Two Reflections,” here
- “The World in Flames,” here
About Yockey:
- Maurice Bardèche on Francis Parker Yockey, here
- Kerry Bolton, “The Cold War Axis: Soviet Anti-Zionism and the American Right,” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Kerry Bolton, “A Contemporary Evaluation of Francis Parker Yockey,” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Kerry Bolton, “Francis Parker Yockey’s Imperium,” here
- Kerry Bolton, “Early Reactions to Imperium,” here
- Podcast, “Kerry Bolton on Francis Parker Yockey at 100,” here
- Anthony Gannon, “Francis Parker Yockey, 1917–1960: A Remembrance of the Author of Imperium,” here
- Juleigh Howard-Hobson, Six Poems for Francis Parker Yockey, here
- Margot Metroland, “Revilo P. Oliver and Francis Parker Yockey,” here
- Michael O’Meara, “Boreas Rising: White Nationalism and the Geopolitics of the Paris-Berlin-Moscow Axis,” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Michael O’Meara, “The Death of Francis Parker Yockey,” here
- Michael O’Meara, “The Jitterbugs and the Vabanquespieler: On Yockey’s America,” here
- Margot Metroland, “Spengler, Yockey, and The Hour of Decision,” here
- Revilo Oliver, “After Fifty Years,” here
- Revilo Oliver, “The Shadow of Empire: Francis Parker Yockey after 20 Years,” here
- Ted Sallis, “The Overman High Culture: The Future of the West,” here (in French, in Portuguese)
- Ted Sallis, “Pan-European Preservationism,” here
- Fenek Solère, “Enigmatic to the End,” here
- Keith Stimley, Interview with H. Keith Thompson on Francis Parker Yockey, here
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I was given an original copy of Imperium as a child. I read it, but it took years for me to really appreciate the context and references. I now have it as an audio book and have listened to it dozens and dozens of times. I still even now marvel at it’s depth and mange to come away with something new every time I approach it. Yockey was an amazing talent.
Thank you for this link.
Please download and share.
Thank you for the link! – Nailer
“An apparent suicide.”
Reach out for help you f… fools. Don’t hang up that phone. Ask for help. Idiots, selfish idiots.
There’s no stopping a Phil Haney. But for anyone else, there are a lot of people who will reach out to help you. Don’t let humiliation get in the way. Unsuspected people will take your call again and again. Keep making those calls. Don’t lose heart! They’re busy, tired? Ask them who THEY would call.
Later, it will not be your absence, but the self-doubt:. Why did my friend, my cousin, my son kill themselves? Am I WORTH IT? There is something wrong that will gnaw at them for years. That doubt will cruelly torment them long after all your problems are ‘solved’.
Nice advice in general, but I assume that you do not know the background of the Yockey matter (unless this is some type of piss-take that I haven’t understood?).
Dear Dr. Bolton,
Your book on Yockey is a masterpiece. Thank you
Thanks for the encouraging words.
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