Sam Brinton, who the Biden administration thought was the perfect choice to protect the United States from nuclear disaster.
1,372 words
I believe that blind people have a right to be employed — but not as military snipers or crossing guards.
I believe that deaf people are entitled to a living wage — but not as record producers.
In the same spirit of fairness teetering toward cruelty, I believe that people who suffer from gender dysphoria and have lingering resentment toward a world that has bullied them their entire lives probably shouldn’t be in charge of deciding where our nuclear waste gets dumped. They could always have a bad hair day and wind up killing us all.
Due to misguided hypersensitivity about trampling upon the precious feelings of homosexuals and fledgling trannies, the United States Army ignored an entire North Korean military parade’s worth of red flags about Bradley Manning, who told the world he was actually a woman named “Chelsea Manning” after he’d divulged military secrets that in his own words put other people in danger.
Until he was recently put on leave for allegedly stealing a woman’s suitcase from an airport carousel and telling multiple lies about it, MIT grad Sam Brinton was the deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy. After his appointment in January of this year, it was suggested with big, brassy, flatulent fanfare that Brinton “may be the first openly gender-fluid person in federal government leadership.”
“But what about Admiral Rachel L. Levine,” you stammer, “who was appointed Assistant Secretary for Health last September? Wasn’t it the first tranny in a federal leadership position?” The problem — one of many — with Levine is that it has decided it’s a woman and not a man anymore. So Levine is what one might call “gender-solid.” By being “gender-fluid,” Sam Brinton can choose to be whatever gender he wants whenever he wants to be it. His gender identity is always in flux — or, to put it a bit more harshly, he’s all fluxed-up.
Brinton is one odd-looking duck. He resembles an immunocompromised candy apple with lipstick. Or 1960s child star Clint Howard after ten years of anal rape and 20 years of amyl nitrite. Or the verified last of the Mohicans, because all the other Mohicans died of embarrassment. At one point long ago, he looked somewhat normal.

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Redneck Manifesto here.
Look at this homosexual hard-boiled egg gushing about how the nuclear-waste management industry stresses that “transparency and honesty and trust-building are so critical.”
But even though it’s so critical, he tends to spend more time talking about how he’s not actually a boy any more than he does about averting nuclear mishaps. To hear him speak, one would be led to believe that for Candy Apple Sam, saving the US from a nuclear disaster may take a backseat to the crucial mission of “removing this dangerous and discredited idea that we can ever change something we never chose.”
He has it ass-backwards there: A tranny’s entire existence is predicated on the idea that he can definitively change something he never chose. It’s even worse with a “gender-fluid” tranny, because he can keep changing his sex whenever he feels like it.
In a bio that was on his website earlier this morning but was deleted while I was writing this article, possibly because he has recently found himself in a heap o’ trouble, Brinton focused almost entirely on the LGBT thing and gave short shrift to his mission as a waste-management technician:
Sam has worn his stilettos to Congress to advise legislators about nuclear policy and to the White House where he advised President Obama and Michelle Obama on LGBT issues. He shows young men and women everywhere he goes that they can be who they are and gives them courage. Once, while he was walking around Disney World in 6 inch stilettos with his boyfriend, a young gay boy saw Sam with his boyfriend and started crying. He told his mother, “t’s [sic] true, Mom. WE can be our own princess here.”
When he isn’t keeping us all safe from radiation poisoning, Brinton is also a drag queen called “Sister Ray Dee O’Active” in an anti-Catholic troupe that calls themselves the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.” During the group’s performance of “Lavender Mass 2021,” Brinton referred to Anthony Fauci as a “saint” and called him “Daddy Fauci.”
An article earlier this year claims that Brinton told a group of college students “how he enjoys tying up his significant other like a table, and eating his dinner on him while he watches Star Trek.”
A 2016 profile in Metro Weekly depicts our new nuclear-waste czar as a member of a coterie of leather fags who engage in “pup play.” Brinton assumes the role of a human “handler” who issues harsh orders to his leather mask-wearing “dog” as some form of demented foreplay:
I actually have trouble when we transition from pup play to having sex. Like, “No, I can’t have you whimper like that when we’re having sex,” because I don’t want to mix that world. It’s interesting, because he doesn’t have to come out of pup mode to have me fuck him. I personally have to bring him out of pup perception for me. But then I’m still treating him as a submissive to me. One of the hardest things about being a handler is that I’ve honestly had people ask, “Wait, you have sex with animals?” They believe it’s abusive, that it’s taking advantage of someone who may not be acting up to a level of human responsibility. . . . The other misperception is that I have some really messed up background, like, did I have some horrible childhood trauma that made me like to have sex with animals.
But all the hope and tremendous promise that he displayed as perhaps the world’s first nuclear waste management technician who also wears women’s clothes and reenacts bestial scenes with willing human partners who pretend that they’re dogs was dashed this fall when Brinton decided to avail himself of a stranger’s luggage on the afternoon of September 16 at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
Arriving from DC after not having checked a bag upon his departure, Brinton sashayed up to a carousel that was dispensing bags from a flight that had originated in New Orleans. He grabbed a Navy-blue Vera Bradley roller bag. Surveillance cameras show that he tore off the bag’s luggage tag, placed it in his purse, and hastily walked out of the airport. He stayed at a motel in St. Paul for two days and then returned to the airport with the bag and flew with it back to Washington, DC. Surveillance cameras in DC also spotted him returning from Europe with the bag on October 9.
When police finally contacted him, he denied taking anything that was not his. He also said that even though he might have taken the wrong bag, the clothes inside it were his, anyway. Two hours later, he called police back and said he hadn’t been “completely honest.” He claimed that when he first arrived at the hotel, he realized it wasn’t his bag, but he “got nervous” and “didn’t know what to do.” He told police that he removed the victim’s clothes and placed them in drawers in his motel room. (Officials at the motel say no clothes were left in the room.)
Brinton was recently charged with felony theft for taking a bag that the female victim, who claims her bag still hasn’t been returned, contained items worth over $2,000.
This is the same flamer who insisted that “transparency and honesty and trust-building are so critical” to the nuclear waste disposal industry.
But he’s already been caught in multiple lies about his theft of the roller bag.
And by denying that he is a biological male, he’s been living an egregious lie for years now.
He is not someone who should be allowed anywhere near nuclear waste. America is still a free country, at least in theory, so he should be permitted to do whatever he pleases with the waste that issues from his alimentary canal and those of his human/canine partners.
But we have to keep the kooks away from the nukes.

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Clint Howard was adorable as the peanut butter and jelly sandwich eating kid Leon on the Andy Griffith Show.
Such a great, underrated character actor. I love him as Eaglebauer in Rock ‘n’ Roll High School and Rughead in The Wraith.
I’m not familiar with those two roles. It seems to me that the only time we see Clint is in his brothers films. He and his brother got escorted inside by their father who was an actor. Good ole nepotism at its finest.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who was absolutely shocked to discover that such an upstanding citizen and source of national pride for all of us would have questionable morals and ethics. You never can tell about folks these days.
Bizarre stuff. Incidentally John Waters’s recent novel “Liarmouth” features a duo of baggage thieves.
Quite surprised it was just luggage theft and not something… uhmmm, more.
Sam would’ve been a perfect fit as a character in A Dirty Shame. I can envision him and his “pups” clashing with the three bears.
Did you hear that John Waters is returning to filmmaking to make Liarmouth? I haven’t read the book, but I’m excited to have him returning to the directors chair.
Read about a third of Liarmouth so far. Not bad; the usual Waters lunacy, really. Definitely some deranged sexual stuff in it that it would impossible to film.
Two aspects of this story struck me as worthy of note when reading earlier accounts. First, according to other accounts, this rolly bag cost no less than $3,450. Who pays that for a piece of luggage? The clothes inside, according to this rich bitch’s statement to police, “only” cost $2ooo. Who pays more for a piece of luggage than for what’s in it? I personally think more people should summarily relieve such people of luggage and clothes they obviously don’t need. Call it “Occupy Gucci.”
I’m reminded of a scene on AbFab where Eddie accuses her mother of giving away a bag intended for dry cleaning, and says that she was accosted outside by “a homeless person wearing a Vivian Westwood catsuit.” [Or something like that].
Second, this statement:
“When police finally contacted him, he denied taking anything that was not his. He also said that even though he might have taken the wrong bag, the clothes inside it were his, anyway. ”
IF this were a novel rather than, alas, “real” life, this is where the critic or reviewer would say “Here is where the author brilliantly reveals the mental state of his protagonist in a single offhand remark.” In this case, perfectly summing up the mental state of the MtF troon: “Back off, bitch — those clothes are mine!”
That a psycho like this guy and the Levine maniac can have public positions in the American government shows that this country is kaput. Done. Over.
The title for this hilariously frightening article reads like Dr Seuss after a head trauma. Classic. Whoever thought a cast member from Class Of Nuke ‘Em High (appropriate!) would be in such a position of power over sane people? The thieving, bestial, creepy lunatic in this story will never have a bad hair day, for obvious reasons. A bad brain day? Welllllll…
As for Clint Howard, well, Jim, he’s been known to have his revenge on his detractors. So go easy there, lest he call upon Satan to fuck…you…up…
A bizarre story. As Steve Sailer recently pointed out, many-most gays are somewhat apolitical and I don’t see the use of lambasting the whole group when only a loudmouthed fraction are stirring up mayhem. Something similar can be said for women and a number of other groups. But Brinton exhausts one’s patience. Say what you will about Rachel Levine, but Levine at least dresses as one might expect for the optics of an office that will be under scrutiny. Roger Stone was into some freaky stuff, but he wasn’t talking about it constantly and it still cost him some work. We don’t elect politicians or hire attorneys who spend most of their time talking about hobbies and pet projects instead of business. Brinton really did have some pet projects. If Brinton wants to claim it’s the media who is choosing to talk about all this instead of nuclear science, it doesn’t look like there was much courting of the media to keep them on topic. The checked bag theft is so bizarre and such bad judgment I imagine ‘they’ will gone like last year’s pronouns.
I went home on my lunch break to make a sandwich and was happy to see my new hardcover, full color copy of Answer Me! arrived in pristine condition and it looks gorgeous! Well, as gorgeous as a book like this can look. Thanks man for making Christmas come early this year.
Also, apologies to Gregor above, I meant to respond to Goetta.
Is there a new release of Answer Me?
Yeah. Git yew one!
Did I read that right? Did he actually mean a ‘real pup’ when he first mentioned ‘pup play’ which then ‘transitioned’ to ‘real sex’? Good God, and at my age when I thought I had heard of everything! I actually worked for an AIDS charity in my dumb 50’s when I thought I was being a savior for those young men ‘coming down’ with such a horrid disease through no fault of their own. It took me three years at an agency that paid for their meds (and still does), and fed them, sheltered them, counseled them, and helped them with funeral arrangements for their friends and lovers. That was in the ’90s, and I am now still so furious that this insanity has only gotten vastly worse! How have they so taken over the brains of otherwise kindly, charitable souls to this extent?
I myself quit that outfit when I finally grasped the depths of perversity prevalent among our staff and clients. And I do know the difference between a good many fine gays that keep within bounds, and are still my friends — but ‘pup play’ sorts are clearly deviants from most society.
Brinton and Levine have no place whatsoever working for any governmental agency, especially those that deal with ‘health’ of the rest of us, nor with our entire country’s disposal of nuclear waste. Again, did I read this right?
I don’t think the reference was to actual bestiality; but rather a distinction between a “dog” mindset and a human mindset–whatever on God’s green earth that distinction might be.
good many fine gays that keep within bounds
ok I’ll take the bait. What exactly does this mean “gays” who are “within bounds”?
Monogamous, and not having weekly orgies?
Out of your pup space and into your safe space so can gorilla f*** your doggy hole!
I appreciated the frontiers of science that you explored for us here today Mr. Goad. Could you finish the lecture and give us some samples of gender gaseous to go with some gender-fluid and gender-solid?
Agree on who should have access to anything nuclear. That they appointed this guy says a lot about who put this administration together and how.
Muh ol’ great grandpappy used to refer to these kinds of people as “crazier than a shit-house rat!”
Anyone who can’t pass that sniff test should not be allowed to make decisions regarding nuclear waste.
Does anyone still think that we can vote our way out of this?
Yes. What makes you so sure we can’t?
I am not delusional.
In 2020, 80 million people voted for the creature now in the “White” House.
74 million people voted for that MAGA character. And by the way, how did he turn out? Even with attrition over time, the side with the last battalion on the field wins. The skirmishes at the school board level with gay books in elementary school libraries and affirmative action for Asians for Harvard are not going to halt America’s demise.
Goad’s writing regularly makes me L.O.L.
Thank you, sir, for decades of guffaws.
I’m old enough to remember the good old days when people kept their fetishes in the bedroom.
The “information highway” quickly degenerated into the “too much information highway.”
That did indeed bring out a lot of strangeness.
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