3,463 words
I fought in the Optics War for six years. Then, last December I declared that the Optics War was over for several reasons. The Right Stuff closing down the National Justice Party project took the question of real-world activism off the table. Andrew Anglin and Nick Fuentes falling out over the Richard Spencer Question was a sign that old Optics War rules were no longer being adhered to by its most prominent figure. But more importantly, Elon Twitter/X had become the place for white racialists to be.
Elon essentially took the issue of optics out of our hands. He will decide what you can and can’t say. You can’t say “ZOG” or use racial slurs. You can’t call Jews pedophiles — apparently. Now, you can complain that Elon is not favorable enough toward free speech, or that he enforces rules inconsistently and at times arbitrarily, but I think there is value in having Elon as a sort of Supreme Court of Optics so that we don’t have to have those kinds of disputes anymore.
Now, however, it looks as if that Supreme Court may in fact be a League of Nations incapable of keeping peace among the pro-white factions. I fought for six years for a world where we didn’t have to debate about optics anymore, and yet I can see on the horizon that another Optics War is brewing. The lamps are going out all over Twitter/X, and we may not see them lit again in our lifetimes.
Since the events of October 7 in Israel, many on the dissident Right, particularly those who specialized in criticizing Israel, saw unprecedented follower growth on Twitter/X, some into the hundreds of thousands. Much of this was due to tweets going viral in adjacent anti-Zionist communities, particularly in the online pro-Palestine scene. This movement includes a lot of Muslims, but also includes white guys such as Jake Shields and Ryan Dawson, who are anti-Zionist but not explicitly racist.
Dissident Right figures such as Keith Woods and Lucas Gage started to build a following among this new audience. Nick Fuentes, who many assumed was washed up, enjoyed something of a social media comeback after being rediscovered and championed in the pro-Palestine scene. They come at anti-Zionism from a Palestinian perspective, and dissident Rightists have been able to contribute a more Kevin MacDonald-influenced critique of the Gaza War. They added something new to the conversation, and a lot of /ourguys/ were better spoken on the subject than theirs.
There was talk of a grand coalition against Zionism for a time, and there was a feeling that we were all in it together: the Muslims, the TikTokers, the White Nationalists, the anti-globalist Left, the normies marching in the streets, the woke college kids on campus screaming about settler colonialism. We may not agree on much, but we are all on the same side on this one issue. We each held down our own small portion of the front line, but we were fighting the same enemy in our own ways.
This development created a certain incentive structure that is problematic for the dissident Right, however. If there are massive amounts of attention and an audience to be gained by appealing to an outside group that is not explicitly pro-white and which contains many non-whites, there will be a strong temptation to “sell out” — i.e., to start tailoring your messaging to be more palatable to those groups. Water it down and sugar it up. Maybe tone down the pro-white stuff or the criticism of Muslims. It’s like when an edgy underground rock band gets a small taste of what a little MTV exposure can do for them and completely changes their style to accommodate that audience instead of their own.
All this talk of Whites making alliances with Jews, Muslims, etc… How about first we get Whites to form an alliance with ourselves before we start plotting who Whites are going to ally with from there? We’re not even capable of forming alliances until we are ourselves unified.
— Joel Davis (@joeldavisx) April 17, 2024
Joel Davis has been an outspoken critic of this trend. On March 27, Davis held an X space where he voiced his criticisms. His argument was that trying to appeal to non-whites makes pro-whites less effective at appealing to other whites. Davis believes that uniting whites should take priority, and that fostering a grand coalition with non-whites undermines this. Lucas Gage came in after an hour and 14 minutes, and the two had a debate. Gage said that it is fine to be pro-white, but that activists should not be overly hateful toward minorities. One should not hate Muslims, because after all, the Jews are the ones who brought them over. Davis replied, quite reasonably, that if a bunch of Muslims take over your country and start raping girls, you are well within your rights to hate them. The stream is worth listening to because it illustrates an emerging fault line on the Right.
A few days later and out of the blue, Nick Fuentes issued a full-throated denunciation of “ideological White Nationalism” on the grounds that it is too egalitarian.
Fuentes has always had a disproportionately high percentage of non-whites among his followers and has conducted extensive networking with non-whites. He also has shaky relations with the broader pro-white community and several high-profile non-white supporters. He therefore has cynical reasons for taking this position.
Return of the wignats . . .
Meanwhile, the remnants of the old wignat community have slowly been migrating from Telegram back over to Twitter/X, with those who were permabanned doing so under anonymous accounts. The Right Stuff network, who were initially skeptical of Elon Twitter, have since been convinced by its potential and have instructed their audience to get on X. In a recent episode of The Daily Shoah, Seventh Son told his listeners:
There are things happening on these other platforms. There’s nothing happening on Telegram. . . . Telegram is a prison and sometimes it’s a prison for good ideas. Take those ideas and put them on Twitter and you can fight it out with the Jews.
Another group that has recently set up camp on Twitter/X is the Goyim Defense League (GDL), a semi-ironic White Nationalist troll group best known for their comically bad optics. A few weeks ago, GDL star Handsome Truth attended a city council meeting in Palm Beach, Florida where he gave a stirring speech railing against Jewish power before ending his speech with “Heil Hitler”:
🇺🇲🚨Today – HandsomeTruth confronts Palm Beach, FL City Council, asking if they will side with Americans or Jews.
HT’s Gab in comments. 👇🏻 pic.twitter.com/djCe2w3HHZ
— Gentile News Network™ (@Gentilenewsnet) April 3, 2024
Lucas Gage scolded Handsome Truth in a tweet for ruining a perfectly good speech on Jewish power with unnecessary Nazi LARPing at the end. This finger-wagging made Lucas Gage the target of much ridicule among the GDL faithful. Many called him an optics cuck; many others accused Gage of hypocrisy and asked how what Handsome Truth did any worse than Lucas Gage tweeting Hitler speeches or telling his audience to watch The Greatest Story Never Told.
I don’t like criticizing the Goyim Defense League — not because I am afraid of being seen as a cuck, but because I am afraid of being seen as a square. I look at what the GDL is doing more as performance art than activism. No, I don’t think what they do is good propaganda, but there is a punk-rock side of me that sees the humor in it. If you are going to present bad optics, at least be funny. No one likes bad optics with a scowl. Lucas Gage’s problem is that he was trying to judge a performance artist as if he were a serious activist. The fact that Handsome Truth gave an impassioned speech while totally straight-faced and then finished with Nazi LARPing is the joke. The speech was the setup, and “Heil Hitler” was the punchline. I don’t like it, either, but I at least got the joke. Gage eventually deleted his tweet criticizing Handsome Truth after receiving negative feedback, but it has made him the target of trolling ever since.
Enter Andrew Tate
All this came to a head last week when manosphere titan Andrew Tate dropped the following tweet declaring that the white race is doomed due to our alleged inability to control our women:
Dear white men.
You’re fucked.
You’re being replaced because none of you have children.
Even those of you bitching about the replacement online like little girls don’t find the gumption to fuck.
I see white men bragging about having 5 kids as if it’s an achievement. lol.…
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) April 16, 2024
Statements like this are nothing new for Andrew Tate. He has a history of saying things to denigrate and demoralize whites:
Europe is done.
Western Europe is 0% European anywhere.
White girls get raped and murdered by migrants every day and the news won’t show it.
They hide the death of your kids or everyone will understand the mess they’ve made.
Eastern Europe is only a few years behind.
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) March 7, 2024
My take on this is that Andrew Tate is trying to black-pill his audience on White Nationalism so that they will stay on the manosphere plantation. In his anti-white tweets, there are two things that Andrew Tate consistently repeats: that Europe and the white race are doomed, i.e. there’s no point getting involved in White Nationalism because it’s a lost cause; and that the reason Europe is doomed is because the men can’t control their women. Thus, if you still want to go ahead and fight a lost cause, the first step is getting laid and learning how to control women, which is all the more reason to sign up for Tate’s instructional video series on how to be an alpha male. It’s pretty obvious why Tate is doing this. His fans are slowly starting to get red-pilled on race, so Tate needs to say things like this to keep them on his side.
Lucas Gage leapt to Andrew Tate’s defense, claiming that his anti-white rant was actually “tough love.” He actually wants white nations to survive, and he’s trying to anger white people. He’s like the Drill Sergeant in Full Metal Jacket, insulting us to toughen us up. Get some anger in the belly of the white man so that he will rise up and take his country back.
This is ridiculous. “He says mean things because he loves us” is battered spouse logic. White Nationalists were having none of it, and accusations of race-treachery gatekeeping and social climbing echoed though the Twitter/X valleys.
No @Cobratate isn’t anti-White.
1. He loves humanity.
2. He’s half White.
3. He’s constantly talking about the need for Whites to stop being weak.
4. He uses a “tough love” method to INSPIRE people with emotion (like I do).
5. We have become weak.
— Lucas Gage (@Lucas_Gage_) April 17, 2024
I’m not responsible for Tate’s obvious troll tweets.
If making fun of White having small PPs (a myth), overshadows his 1hr, pro-White stream inspired by me, then you have your priorities backwards.
Unless you see me condone something, don’t assume I do. https://t.co/CKXrCYeskZ
— Lucas Gage (@Lucas_Gage_) April 20, 2024
As Lucas Gage would explain numerous times in a later video (“Andrew Tate follows me. Let me say that again. Andrew Tate follows me.”), Andrew Tate follows him on Twitter. Tate has responded to some of Gage’s tweets, usually the ones where Gage is defending him. This association has caused some to question Gage’s motives and whether perhaps Gage is acting as a representative for Tate in our sector.
Jake Shields also came out and promoted the “Tate’s anti-white tweet was tough love” narrative, as did Ryan Dawson. Neither Dawson nor Shields has ever claimed to be explicitly pro-white, however, whereas Lucas Gage, a former Identity Evropa member, should know better.
Andrew Tate said White people need to stop being pussy’s have more children
The internet responded by saying he’s a nigg@r who hates White people
If he hated us he would be telling abort our children and not have more of them
Tate has also been very clear that he is proud…
— Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) April 17, 2024
Due to the firestorm that his tweet caused, the Tate brothers did an emergency livestream where they ran with the “It was tough love” explanation. Tate claims that if you are angry about what he said, instead of getting mad at him, you just need to be impregnating more women (and presumably, you should buy his video series on how to do that).
Then on Friday, Lucas Gage called for a wignatocide:
Wignats must be dealt with because when any decent White person finally becomes racially aware, they’re at their most vulnerable. Blinded by justified anger, they risk getting sucked into LARPy Wignat hate groups, doing irreversible damage to their life, if they fall in too deep.
— Lucas Gage (@Lucas_Gage_) April 19, 2024
For 60 years, Wignats have utterly failed, and have done nothing but harm the cause to free Whites from Jewish Supremacy. They can’t point to a SINGLE victory, ever; all they can do, is produce more sperg circle-jerks that further harm their memebers, and our people’s message.
— Lucas Gage (@Lucas_Gage_) April 19, 2024
Many White folks have been sucked into Wignat groups, ruining their lives either ending up in jail, quiting and living in the shadows, apologizing to Jews to get their life back, or doubling down and going full retard, rendering themselves useless in our fight.
This must end.
— Lucas Gage (@Lucas_Gage_) April 19, 2024
Let me begin by saying that that I’m an OG optics cuck from back in the day. I was fighting wignats when Lucas Gage was still rolling with Eli Mosley. I was in that Daily Stormer versus Traditional Worker Party (TWP) optics debate megathread on the old TRS 504-um. That’s how deep I am in this optics game. I have written many thousands of words on the follies of wignatism over the years I spent gazing into that void. By golly, I like to think of myself as a certified wignatologist. So when someone speaks on the subject of wignatism, I think I am qualified.
First of all, “hate groups”? Is that really what we are calling them? I don’t like them, either, but that’s no excuse to use the Anti-Defamation League’s word for them. I’ve said a lot of negative things about TWP and Patriot Front, but it never crossed my mind to call them “hate groups.”
Second, what groups are we talking about? What groups are left? Presumably, he means the Goyim Defense League. Now, I’m against joining any group. I know that the GDL does some real-world activism, and I would advise anyone against attending any of their events or giving them any of your personal information. But if are talking about “the GDL” on Twitter/X, we’re mostly talking about an online fan community centered around a handful of GDL personalities and the group’s website. I’d call it more of a “scene” than a “group.”
Third, joining a group might ruin your life — but so will posting Hitler speeches. Either one is going to make for some awkward questions from human resources. There are some reasons why joining groups presents additional hazards, but if Gage is really worried about people ruining their lives, his message should be to stay anonymous.
Fourth, I don’t know what his definition of “wignat” is, but it sure the hell ain’t the same as mine. According to a lot of people’s definition, Lucas himself is a wignat. Gage believes that you can post Hitler speeches and tell people to watch The Greatest Story Ever Told and still not be a wignat. On that point, we shall agree to disagree.
My definition of wignat is that it is not an ideology. Wignat is an attitude whose defining characteristic is a disregard for the sensibilities of normal people. It’s about doing what feels good for you rather than what is effective, and putting purity ahead of practical results. Hitler fetishism makes you a wignat. Look, I don’t make the rules. I think Ricky Vaughn made that rule. Or it might have been Weev. I don’t remember. The Optics Wars were fought a long time ago.
Some people used to say that “wignat just means ‘White Nationalist I don’t like’” or that it is slang for a “real White Nationalist.” The term has caught on in other online communities, and I’ve heard people use it to describe anyone pro-white or who thinks race is real. Lucas Gage, however, believes a wignat is someone who is skeptical of Gage’s battered-spouse explanation that Tate’s deliberately hurtful statements were actually some kind of pep talk, or that Tate is totally on side.
In one tweet, Lucas Gage clarifies the difference between himself and a wignat. According to him, a wignat operates on hate instead of love. A wignat looks down on other races, and Gage insists that is a Jewish thing to do. Gage insists he has no problem with anyone being pro-white; he is against hating other races or thinking that your race is better than anyone else’s. Well, if you don’t think whites are better than other races, then why would anyone have a problem with multiculturalism?
Looking down on all non-Whites, as Jews look down at all non-Jews.
Think they are born superior, just like Jews do.
They have a “Jewish spirit,” rather than an Ayran one.
They operate on HATE, rather than LOVE, like Jews do.
They’re the WORST of our race and miss the mark. https://t.co/Wog9dJBnPE pic.twitter.com/jEjgwzMERy
— Lucas Gage (@Lucas_Gage_) April 18, 2024
This new Optics War is like a bizarro version of the first. In the first, optics cucks told us to stop talking about Hitler and concentrate on race. Neo-optics cuck Lucas Gage is telling us that talking about Hitler is fine, but that you just need to lay off the race stuff. Have I, Travis LeBlanc, OG optics warrior, become the wignat? Will I become the Chris Cantwell of this new Twilight Zone Optics War?
The first Optics War was about strategy. The main criticism of wignats was that Nazi fetishism and uncompromising purity-spiraling were alienating to the broad masses and result in self-ghettoization. When you ask Lucas Gage what’s wrong with wignats, he doesn’t talk about strategy or personality disorders; he starts talking some goofy hippie stuff about love. His complaint is not that wignats make us look bad to normies, but that they make us look bad to Muslims. His idea of “purity spiraling” is when you have a problem with Andrew Tate.
There was a reason for the first Optics War. It was a product of its time. Charlottesville had just happened, and many were slow in learning its lessons. Many wanted to attempt another Charlottesville. Deplatforming was just starting to heat up all over the Internet. Richard Spencer’s college speaking tour was delivering one disaster after another. Something had to change. It was also a time when one person’s bad decisions could be used to smear the entire movement. Every time we got bad press, a few more of our guys would get banned on social media. Thus, there was an urgency to sidelining the anti-social personalities.
Today, most of the underlying issues that brought about the first Optics War have been resolved. We have a handful of free-ish speech platforms and have found various workarounds for payment services. Wignats were a very large percentage the Alt Right, including some of its most visible members, whereas today, orthodox wignats are a minority in the pro-white sphere, and microscopic compared to Right-wing Twitter/X as a whole. There’s no reason why all factions of the Right cannot co-exist under the new paradigm.
My guess is that one of two things is going on here. Either Lucas Gage wants to be friends with Andrew Tate and thinks the racial purists are cramping his style, or Andrew Tate is planning to start grifting the pro-white/anti-Zionist sphere, and bootlickers such as Lucas Gage are helping to lay the groundwork by trying to marginalize the principled people who would object to Tate’s entryism.
I thought about titling this essay “The Tate Question,” but there really is no question. The guy is a sociopath, and I want nothing to do with him or anyone who does. Getting involved with a sociopath is always a net loss, so there’s no point in debating the tradeoffs, such as the fact that he has “such a big audience,” because you know by virtue of the fact that he is a sociopath that there is nothing to be gained. Ask anyone who was ever involved with Richard Spencer if they came out of the experience in a better position than when they came in.
As the dissident Right climbs to the top of the underground scene, however, there will be questions about how to break through to the next level, and this may involve some tough decisions. What if you could triple your audience, and all you had to do was not talk about race realism anymore? Or what if you could only talk about Jews, but not other races? These are questions that many in the dissident Right will start asking as the gap between the fringe and the mainstream closes. Some might get impatient.
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Good Optics, Bad Optics
I think Handsome Truth (HT) is great. He is not intellectual and he is obviously a little Weimared in his presentation, but he has motivated a lot of brave men to real life activism. The flyer campaign has resulted in hundreds of thousands of optically sound, factual flyers being spread across the USA and even beyond (where activists face years in prison and even terrorism charges). He promotes pro-White active clubs, which are male only groups that practice fitness, stage protests and do banner drops. They are presumably the precursor to militias. HT promotes clean living and sobriety, and many of the GDL have growing families, with the younger men usually having girlfriends. The movement overall is friendly to their women, in that they are loved and praised in their capacity as wives and mothers.
The GDL is a peaceful/non-violent movement and Goyimtv users that fedpoast are banned.
The Jews regularly kvetch about their activities and it is clear from their behaviour (and leaked online meetings) that the GDL is doing what they fear the most: tell the absolute truth, and organize in real life.
We must normalise the Roman salute and a love of the Third Reich because it shows fearlessness. Only then will White men be strong enough to do what is necessary to save the White race.
Here is the flyer website: gtvflyers.com
Roman salutes and swastikas are illegal in Oz as of last year. You can literally be jailed for raising your right arm! There’s evidently a subset of Jews who believe these symbols and gestures to be powerful enough to ban them.
I think that is in response to Thomas Sewell’s group. It’s difficult to know whether banning these things will help them or not. They are in a tricky situation – hoping that they can slow the spread of awareness for just long enough.
Perhaps the old Aryan symbols do have a mystical effect on our collective consciousness. The Jews invented the study of psychiatry, is that right?
Yeah, showing how high your dog can jump is a Hate Crime, but everybody is using those vapid clenched fist Commie Power salutes all the time. Makes you wanna go ballistic.
Any battle of ideas requires the right tactics and uniforms. The idea of “normalizing the roman salute” and the 3rd Reich is about as swift as equipping troops in hot pink uniforms for a guerilla battle in a jungle. A white identitarian could not keep his mayor’s job in Enid, Oklahoma (pop. 50k). For every person ‘converted’ by one of these ‘actions’ probably 20-50 normal folks get quite turned off. So a movement will wind up being militia sized, not city sized… a militia uncamouflaged in bright colors, ripe for being picked off. Which tactic is drawing more heat on Israel policies? Anti-Jewish rhetoric or drumming up Muslim sympathy?
We are pro-White. We oppose White genocide. We support the survival and flourishing of our race, the White race. If we don’t support Whites in a racial sense we stand for nothing at all.
Any platform that bans our great thinkers such as Kevin MacDonald or that bans our arguments or our language (such as ZOG) is not “free” or “free-ish” as far as we are concerned. It is a censored platform. We should not treat such a platform as our law-giver.
When White people see the case for our race they should see it with our best thinkers, with our best arguments, and with our most effective language.
Making concessions to the rules of antiwhite censored platforms such that we sell out by presenting a tepid, losing version of the case for our race is bad.
Trying to make up for lost truthfulness, clarity, and authenticity by pandering to the concerns of non-Whites who are unlikely ever to be pro-White is a bad idea. This is not a path to survival for our race.
Andrew Tate:
“White girls get raped and murdered by migrants every day and the news won’t show it.”
Also Tate:
‘You don’t control your women!’
Islamic slavery has a foothold in the West by his own admission. Conservatives can now be open about the limits of multiculturilalism as exemplified by Muslim grooming gangs, without accusations of racism.
“But I integrated!”
No, you fight for Islam in the West. That’s grifting on the Zionist atrocities for your own gain, and at the expense of Western women. A sleeper-jihadist without basic compassion for others.
(And the Woke won’t be pleased about all those free flying lessons from rooftops.)
Alright I’ll cut the trolling…
Andrew Tate reminds me of Roosh V.
And before they were called wignats they had an earlier sobriquet that always made me laugh: Hollywood Nazis.
They compensate for their dubious racial origins by obsessively pursuing white women.
Impossible quest, they’ll never be white.
There is this weird egalitarian sentiment I hear from true WNs that says something like—”We can resolve all differences between genders, ideologies, religions, classes, etc. AFTER we secure a White ethnostate.”
God, I hate how often this disingenuous/stupid criticism comes up. We don’t have our own country, and these people want to go on about stuff like trannies and gay marriage? If the fact that we don’t have our own country can’t focus their minds, then I don’t know what will. If to you, White identity is just one in a long list of gripes you have against society, then I’m sorry, you’re not one of us. Go be a contard or join a monastery.
I’m sure these guys think adding complaint-on-top-of-complaint makes them more sophisticated than simple WNs, but it just makes them extremist conservatives who can’t see outside the current American political paradigm. When your ‘ideology’ is ‘I don’t like a, b, c and x, y, z about America,’ and I think all these points are equally important, or at least, all are very important, then you probably don’t have an ideological ‘organizing principle,’ you’re just a sucker who’s gotten carried away by our country’s political polarization.
WNs are not like that. We see past the noise of the immediate political scene, and have identified what is, for us, the overriding issue of our times. It’s not that we don’t usually agree with the conservatives’ positions on gun rights or turning kids into trannies—I know I do—but that’s not why we’re here. If ethnonationalism had never occurred to me, I’m sure I would generally be rooting for the contards, but I don’t think I would care nearly as much. Just like I imagine Bernie Sanders broadly agrees with most of the panoply of cultural-left issues, but those aren’t what moved him to enter the arena. If it weren’t for his distaste for the dastardly deeds of those millionaires and billionaires, he might might just become a guy in Burlington with some extra bumper stickers on his Volvo.
And the other thing is, what Fuentes calls ‘this weird egalitarian sentiment’ is only wrong in that it does not go far enough. It’s not just that we can put these things off until later, it’s that once we have an ethnostate, 9/10 of all the rest of our problems vanish overnight anyways.
People like Fuentes seem to imagine that the ethnostate will have just as many left-wing Whites as America does; our society would just be America minus non-Whites. But that’s not what it would be; the ethnostate is not just a nation of Whites, but a nation of White nationalists. It would be a self-selected nation, and that, obviously, makes it much more resilient as an ethostate than the old countries of Europe were.
If you’re a Fuentes-tier tradcath, maybe the ethnostate doesn’t solve everything, but if we are able to grow our movement to be large enough that an ethnostate becomes a real possibility, then people like that will have been reduced to a tiny minority. The movement by then will be populated by people whose views are generally mainstream (tending heavily toward the conservative side of mainstream), except they’re a lot more ‘racist.’ And if you’re a White identitarian who has a set of societal preferences typical of normal American conservatives, then yes, nationalism by itself does kinda solve everything.
When Whites were more in control of their homelands, things like trannism, homosexuality were dealt with, largely with compassion for both the deviant and White society at large. It wasn’t hard to do. Getting wigged out about post-ethnostate policy by Whites is just a waste of time. When Whites are one again supreme in their homelands, things will look quite a bit different. Having actual power tends to do that.
It was inevitable that conservatives-in-a-hurry such as Nick Fuentes would rhetorically separate themselves from White Nationalism. There was an excellent AI-generated speech by William Pierce that National Vanguard just published last weekend. Pierce discusses Adolf Hitler’s legacy, and in it, he makes a startling historical point:
“(Hitler) had built the National Socialist movement and led it to victory over the organized opposition of the entire Establishment: conservatives, liberals, communists, Jews, and Christians.”
It occurred to me that White Nationalism, everything we stand for, will not win by trying to “convert” conservative Christians or “convert” high IQ liberals, as if what we offer is a compliment to their existing ideology, as if we are trying to package our racial ideology in the same way Barack Obama once packaged the Affordable Care Act.
“If you like your healthcare, you can keep it! Just support my plan!”
“If you like your ideology, you can keep it! Just become Pro-White!”
The reason why every ideology and religion opposed National Socialism, the reason why conservatives, liberals, communists, Christians, and Jews aligned themselves against it, is because National Socialism – and White Nationalism today – stands for a value system and a comprehensive view of reality that is utterly at odds with those ideologies and that Jewish religion.
White Nationalism is not going to be perceived by normies as “My beliefs but with Race.” It’s going to be perceived, correctly, as a *replacement* of their existing value system – a value system they *chose* long ago that aligns with their internal character (or lackthereof). White Nationalism is a competing value system to every existing ideology, not a supplement to it.
I think Pierce’s analysis can be interpreted this way: Jews were, for obvious reasons of racial group interest, totally opposed to Hitler and to National Socialism. They were able to organize a coalition of conservatives (Right Wingers), liberals (left-wingers), communists (spiteful mutants), and Christians (third worlders in spirit) against National Socialism because, at their core, the values and view of reality of all those ideologies and that religion were, like the Jews themselves, completely and totally opposed to what the NSDAP stood for.
The only difference is, Jews are the blood enemy of Aryans, whereas contards, libtards, commies, and Christians are ideological enemies who reflect a corrupted spirit within our race.
I’ll say it out loud: Every single one of those ideologies, and above all, the Abrahamic religion that is Christianity, have the *wrong* values, the *wrong* worldview, and the *wrong* priorities! They shouldn’t be allowed to hold those views freely, seeing as those views are opposed to White Nationalism and thus opposed to our existence – and *their own* existence – as a distinct race. They are Enemies of healthy racial values and racial identity. They are Enemies of the underlying morality that makes our survival as a race possible. They must be opposed with fanatical fury. Their values should be suppressed and crushed.
I do not believe that WN rhetoric should tailor its rhetoric or its appeal to any of the major ideologies. What we offer is Race. The White Race. The Aryan Race. Us. People who look like us. People who act like us. People who behave the way they should. A biological group with a distinct racial spirit. As Kevin Alfred Strom calls it, a Race Soul.
Lets wash our hands of the likes of Nick Fuentes and anyone else who wants to brush aside Race. Any White “man” who can read what the Jewish media prints in its newspapers, see the frothing hate of our kind, and not feel a swell of righteous fury, but who instead finds himself attracted to ideologies and value systems that preach things like the Jews are “God’s Chosen People,” or that the job of Westerners is to welcome, cloth, and feed the brown refuse of the world, is White by blood but a primitive humanoid in spirit. We shouldn’t appeal to them or negotiate with them. We should replace them and make their values radioactive. Our ideology should become Total.
Just about everybody in Germany, including Hitler, was a cultural Christian and NS didn’t set itself in direct opposition to Christianity. It was the atheistic enlightenment that unleashed the Jews, not Christianity. Jews are often at pains to weaken and deride Christianity. They played a major role in Vatican II and probably subsequent subversion of the Vatican.
Excellent Post. Christianity is by far the White Races biggest problem. I actually agree with the far left about a lot, I have no problem with homosexuals, feminism doesn’t bother me, I don’t care if young Whites want to explore their gender and sexual identity. What I care about is the 14 words. Christians obsession with social issues that have no impact on the survival of the White race is classic jewish bait and switch. The Jews arent actually pro LGBTQ, they just force meme it into an issue to divide us as White Aryans. Neither our Viking or Roman Ancestors were anti gay or anti feminist. The NSDAP didn’t burn pro gay literature, they burnt anti White literature. I care about all Whites and thats why its best to exclude Christians who insist on yammering about irrelevant stuff.
Jews hate White women and gays just like they hate all Whites. We need to make the case to White feminist and homosexuals that we are the true feminist and pro gays and that the jews are just are pretending to care about them. Once the jews have imported enough non Whites White homosexuals and feminist will no longer be safe, thats the case we have to drive home. Pro White feminist and homosexuals are our racial brothers and sisters, they aren’t homosexuals and feminist 1st and Whites 2nd unlike Christians who will always be Christian 1st and White second.
What about White Christians who don’t yammer on about social issues? Are you OK with us?
I’m glad to hear that feminism doesn’t bother you, but it appears the voices of reason on that issue have lost bigly, because reason has nothing to do with it.
The gateways to WN, like Jordan Peterson, are controlled and their job is to either distract White men from race all together, or, failing that, to ensure that misogynists control and sabotage the WN movement by dint of numbers. Seriously, I had no idea how stupid JP was. I am closely watching the trans issue, which is going to be a historic rout for the New Left, so I watched him interview a woman who is critical of the therapeutic industry the other day. In the course of one stream, he managed to blame women for overmothering our kids, citing literal fairy tales about evil queens as his evidence, and call us dupes for trading in motherhood for a cubicle. It’s the same DIYD and DIYD crap I see here.
Just so you know, the current trans issue is not just about young people exploring their gender. These surgeries are absolutely catastrophic, and appear to be increasing suicides many times over, rather than preventing them as parents are being told. You can find any number of “detransitioners” on youtube talking about how much they wish they could have their penises back. As I have said before, youth gender nonconformity is correlated with high IQ, and these puberty blockers may very well be stunting IQ as well as fertility. The whole point of these Cultural Marxist Crusades is to avoid talking about what has been done to working-class Whites this past 75 years or so, and the Left is running out of wedge issues.
In addition to the trans issue, I have been exploring the problem of mind control in religious cults, for reasons that should be obvious to any dissident. Many of these groups are very patriarchal, and it turns out it’s not working out all that well for women and children. The boys get beaten black and blue for acting like little boys, and the girls get molested or raped and then blamed for it. Women in these groups are like Whites in mainstream society: female culpability is a given, even when the victim is your six-year-old sister. It turns out that boys don’t internalize taboos necessary to protect women when they are constantly told that they can’t help themselves and its the responsibility of girls and women to avoid “leading them astray.”
Unlike reactionaries on the one hand and radical revolutionaries on the other, I actually do sincerely believe that children do best with a mother and a father when that is practicable. However, if a mother has no power in her household, then she is effectively not there. She is, at best, an older sister, and at worst, an at-will nanny. At least until the SCOTUS took a sledgehammer to the natural law-based right to privacy, a parent (mother or father) was, almost by definition, a person who had authority over what could and could not be done with or to her child. Power is essential to motherhood, and harsh patriarchy destroys rather than protects it.
When a woman has no power in the household, she cannot do that which a woman is programmed to do at all costs: protect her child from harm. This, of course, causes such extreme emotional distress that she has no recourse but to detach from the child and join with the father in blaming him or her, which is to say, to demom herself.
White men are, for the most part, very decent nowadays, and it is hard to imagine them raping their own 12 year old daughters or breaking their sons’ bones. The problem is that abuse escalates, as each generation becomes more psychopathic than the last. I don’t think we want to go back to a time when men actually enjoyed watching public hangings, bear-baiting, and even other men killing each other for sport in an arena.
To anyone who whines about our “feminized society,” refuses to recognize that toxic masculinity is a thing, and sees fit to opine about what rights women should and shouldn’t have, how about you do a little fact-finding? Really, it’s the least you can do. If you advocate for he policy, you advocate for the consequences.
Your enemy doesn’t want gay pride parades in your streeet, drag queens in your libraries, your son’s penis mutilated and drip-fed estrogen from birth, your parents dead from opioids and cancer, your daughter race-mixing, your meat replaced with bugs, all while your media laughs at you because they think it’s for anyone’s benefit. They want it because they know you don’t want it, but can’t stop them. They want to humiliate you. There isn’t any other reason. And that’s exactly what they are doing.
@Lexi. I watched that entire interview with the Amish woman. Some of it was quite a revelation to me. After hearing the description of “shunning”, I would say that a good sized portion of Amish folk are stark staring mad.
That woman is right sturdy. Her experiences would have killed most of us. Eight (8) children, a coldblooded, sadistic husband (who was also mean to the kids), a “community” of crazies most of whom took the husband’s side in court – and she managed to crawl out of it, with help from the non-Amish system.
But is the Amish religion really a cult? I am not so sure. No one is lured in, in the way that other cults accumulate members.
Maybe their way of life (semicommunal, all white, lots of children, women obedient) is not something for us to aspire to, this being occasionally recommended by some white identitarians.
What to do, what to do…
There will always be an Optics debate because Optics is part of propaganda.
In my opinion, if there are going to be any in-real-life activists, they have to first understand George Lincoln Rockwell’s principles of “Legal, Psychological and Political Warfare” ─ updated for the current 21st century situation.
Then the campaigns have to be meticulously planned with egress strategies and disaster contingency preparedness. You do not want surprises.
Finally, the optics:
The cadre must present a decent and disciplined appearance. Keep the scruffy beards to a minimum. No Confederates or welders with dirty T-shirts and beer bellies. Symbology and iconography should be kept at a minimum. Bunting in Red, White, and Black is more than sufficient to dog whistle an imaginary Hakenkreutz. The Betsy Ross flag is good. Uniforms are a good idea because of uniformity and keeping it sharp, but also problematical for obvious reasons.
I think mostly-clean-cut guys in the polo shirts and khakis were good optics. Someone suggested that it might look too preppy and not working-class enough, and I don’t entirely disagree. You do want to look like a good neighbor and not criminally dangerous or weird. Leave the ear gauges to Gaige Grosskreutz, the crazy Dr. Sevrin, and Mr. McNabb.
Whoever started associating tattooed prison-gang skinheads with a White Nationalist movement forty or so years ago must have been working for the enemy. I vote to keelhaul that guy.
Whatever your look, you have to get it exactly “right.” You don’t want your White advocates to start looking like the Village People or the Children of the Corn.
You have to go into it with the idea that the System will gulag you for dispensing “It’s Okay to be White” pamphlets, so extreme caution is warranted. Traps will be laid everywhere, but transparency and informed followers is a good vaccine. Be on the proactive side of the rumors and propaganda. You have to be realistic but to actively combat paranoia.
At some point the System is going to pull out the stops to prevent White people from organizing their own organic communities, so you have to be morally prepared. Don’t kid yourself.
Uniforms would be a bad idea. Uniforms are not an American political tradition. Everyone knows what you’re doing. You could dress it up in stars and stripes but you would still not be fooling anyone.
Maybe you could have everyone wearing the same hat if you wanted a visual symbol of unity but uniforms is a no.
Ideally, the best optics would be suits and ties. People need to imagine us in power.
They say you should dress for the job you want. Unfortunately, many people who would like to be SS stormtroopers take that sentiment too literally. However, when I say “dress for the job you want”, I mean “dress like the people in power do”.
Clean shaven would also be best. We haven’t had a president with facial hair since Taft.
I suggest a different approach: Dress like the people you want to represent. Alternate that when dressing as though you were applying for a job and the people are the employers. Dressing ‘up’ shows respect but if done in the wrong way can easily be interpreted as ‘uppity’.
That can easily turn into pandering if it’s not genuine, like politicians waving ears of corn around when stopping in Iowa…
What’s wrong with pandering? I mean, let’s face it, pandering would be a considerable step up from the way politicians now treat White people.
Not suits and ties! Too corporate, too capitalist, eurgh. I like the clean cut polo shirt/khaki combination best for now. Although it’s not my place to say since I’m not the one going out there, it’s hard not to have an opinion!
Uniforms convey a sense of unity and professional pride. I don’t necessarily agree that Americans don’t like uniforms.
My grandmother was a registered nurse. I think she graduated in 1930, and they had to sew their own uniforms ─ the old style with a distinctive cap and cape. These outfits looked pretty sharp. Now even the custodial staff at a hospital wear the same “scrubs” that doctors and nurses do, and you have to check their badges.
There was also the Boy and Girl Scouts (until they accepted LGBTQ+ and the youth organization died). I’m old enough to remember when school girls often wore skirted “Brownie” uniforms like the Bund of some kind.
And then going to the more banal, there have always been sportsball uniforms, tennis, golf, chess & cheese, etc. Real estate agents often wore these weird gold jackets. Service station attendants had a sharp uniform with a cap and a bowtie. Postal workers usually look sharp in Luftwaffe bluish-gray. Even the milkman in the day wore white with black oxfords.
You still have to be careful and not become a cliche or a parody ─ otherwise you start looking like a Robert Palmer video or Mormon missionaries in the field with mandatory white shirts (although they do actually alter their dress code slightly from time to time, dropping the straw hats, for example).
Lucas Gage is obviously genuine and I like a lot of what he says. The problem is he VASTLY overestimates the number of non-whites we can realistically expect to cooperate with us, and the effectiveness of that alliance. It’s just not the golden ticket he thinks it is.
The reality is we are the only people the Jews truly fear, because we’re the only ones truly capable of putting them in their place.
The Andrew Tate apologetics is just gross.
Gage is trying to form a coalition with non-Whites before solidifying a position among Whites. That’s a recipe for either implosion or co-optation.
As pro-White views become more popular there are going to be any number of persons who are going to try to peel off some of that pro-White interest for their own purposes.
Except for conflict tactics, there is no reason for a White Identity Nationalist to consider the opinions of non-Whites, even those who position themselves as ‘pro-White’. Pro-White Whites have enough different opinions among themselves to sort through.
Tate is anti-White because the functional definition of ‘pro-White’ is ‘Whites caring about Whites because they are White’.
Tate isn’t White and spreading around demoralizing and distorted messaging about Whites isn’t ‘caring about Whites’ no matter how much ‘tough love’ bullshit Tate and Gage want to wrap around it.
Whites have quite enough ‘tough’ between themselves and not enough ‘love’.
It’s how we got into this situation in the first place.
If you want the real skinny on birthrates, see their most recent essay on the matter on the Imperium Press Substack.
A great essay. Thank you, Travis, for taking the time to wade through sewer that is X so that I don’t have to.
Tate is obviously anti-White. And, of course, he doesn’t want to be seen as anti-White because being anti-White is increasingly a liability among ‘concerned Whites’ including both those new to White Identity Nationalism.
I agree that Gage is going to regret supporting Tate because Tate is unlikely to be a ‘fig-leaf’ for Gage’s own erroneous views on race relations and the use of ‘wignat’ as a purely ad hominem attack.
And even with Travis’ sensible self-definition of ‘wignat’ I feel that there’s too much concession to anti-White sentiment masquerading as ‘optics’.
If it’s a choice between Gage and Tate and the ‘wignat community’, I’ll take the latter any day. At least their not weak-sister-race-traitors like the former.
Whites caring about Whites because they are White is the essence of pro-White.
Tate’s empty-headed rants about demographics are very far behind the curve. If you’ve followed the Imperium Press Substack since last year, you’d know that virtually every race in living under the ‘rules based international order’ of liberalism is on a demographic decline to some degree or another. And this includes Africa where the Ruling Class is expecting to find enough bodies to keep buying Doritos to keep their bullshit system afloat. South Korea is down to 0.72 births per capita. In fact, Whites appear to be slowing their demographic decline and stabilizing while other races are not.
Declining demographics is not an issue just for Whites. In fact, it’s working in our favor. Whites have lived under liberalism long enough that we’ve started to develop an immunity to liberalism’s anti-life ideology and, as such are better-positioned to dominate in our homelands once again.
Fascination with demographic decline (and/or growth, depending on your perspective), is another atavism from WN 1.0 that people who are not close to the movement tend to exhibit. If we take ecology seriously and the need to balance the needs of the human with the rest of the natural world, demographic decline isn’t a negative. It’s a matter of how we Whites handle it and the world we build while it is occuring.
I live in a state where Whites are shortly becoming a minority. I can already see a difference in how Whites treat each other. There’s more love and solidarity. And it’s our alone, not to share with the world’s non-Whites. Whites just have to play our hand close to our chests and continue to grow solidarity among ourselves to win big.
Tate’s just a black-pilling mulatto idiot.
Demographics are extremely important. The White children that were never born can’t grow up to do anything for us. We want to be bigger rather than smaller, both absolutely and as a share of the relevant population, whereas decline is the process of death.
That said, “demography is destiny” didn’t work when America was nearly 90% White. The demographics were great but the incoming “destiny” was a disaster for Whites because a racially conscious, cohesive, and antiwhite minority imposed its will on us.
We shouldn’t take the stupidly despairing attitude that demographics are not destiny when they point in the direction we want, but demographics are destiny when our demographics turn downward, so now we should give up and die out.
We should learn from and apply the lessons of a racially aware and determined minority taking destiny in its hands and changing the future to suit itself.
We can do that too. We have to. The survival of our race depends on it.
This is an interesting take in the nature of the manosohere and race consciousness.
millions of men went into the pua community since mystery started it in 2005, only to understand the nature of women, the nature of feminism, the joooos behind it amd then race realism. Roosh and the other puas were all shut down because the were a pipeline to the alt right.
Yep, just another example of a collection of myopic dissident rightists allowing the perfect to be the enemy of the good.
This argument that if we all just wear the right clothing and “present” well, we will reel in average white people like a nice big bass is beyond retarded. Looking the part hasn’t helped folks like Jared Taylor one bit. As far as the jews in the MSM are concerned, he’s mentioned in the same breath as Tom Metzger, the KKK, the “Nazis,” and George Lincoln Rockwell. The focus should be on spreading the message and/or arguments to as many whites as possible without the filter of the MSM to provide their “commentary” on it. Thinking we’re going to win by wandering around in tuxedos ordering vodka martinis shaken not stirred is delusional nonsense.
I agree that behind the window dressing there has to be something of substance to show for it. The White race has a lot of talent and all of it should be used. There is a place for almost everybody except for pathological criminals, etc.
But as far as Optics, the deal is that IRL activism is by definition a SHOW.
It is presenting a snapshot to the world ─ and you absolutely have to be on your game with your propaganda and the picture presented.
This means guys that look pretty normal and respectable, representative of White people and not weird. They also have to look suitably “disciplined but tolerant.” I mean, the type of Boy Scouts that you would trust to escort your 90 year old grandmother across a busy street if you could not be there yourself.
The perceived lack of discipline is my major gripe about the Charlottesville “optics.” The Left by definition look like a bunch of raggedy-ass gutter trash. Even the “students” look like shïtheads. That is what they are good at. We need to look exactly the opposite.
This brings on another point. Even a Jared Taylor who does not touch the JQ is going to be considered a Nazi by the enemy on some level.
I would prefer that when people are called Nazis that they respond with a Sieg Heil!
But failing that, maybe a confident chuckle followed by a “listen, Comrade. Stop dodging the issues here.”
I would avoid using the term “Genocide” too, unless you know what you are doing, because the concept itself is deliberately abstruse, an emotional diversion.
And if the Big-H comes up (and at some point it will) and you don’t want to take the scenic route or are just not confident enough to dive into those weeds, you can say something like:
“That loaded word, Holocaust, means many things to many people, but all peoples suffer horrible things in war. Wars always take two to tango. Many lies are told from cruel wars and their aftermath, which is why we have to think as rationally as possible and to stay focused on the important questions today.”
If they persist, the only mantra that you need to know is this:
“Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Nobody Was Gassed!”
Usually you are only going to get a quick soundbite to make your point for White advocacy.
So you have to choose very wisely and stay focused to make the important point that you want ─ and discussing whether Jochen Peiper’s “blowtorch battalion” really massacred captured G.I.s at Malmedy is probably not the subject that you should be treading water on.
Scott – you’ve got it one! The previous commentator says that Jared Taylor’s personable image hasn’t saved him from accusations of political extremity, but Jared Taylor doesn’t engage in boots-on-the-ground real life activity; his outreach work is on-line which is what he excels at. Besides, we are not (at least for time being) interested in the opinions of those who are still easily swayed by the sentiments expressed the MSM – our message is gaining traction among currently non-politically aligned people and its probably as much as we can currently do to channel them into more concrete forms of lawful activity or at least sympathetic perspectives. I’m sure if he did engage in real life activism he would make a positive impact, but at the same time he would be under selling himself talking to members of the public on a face-to-face basis with the limited numerical catchment of people he would come into contact with.
In real life activism you’ve got to show a positive image – and I’m not talking about wandering around in tuxedos, sipping vodka martinis! You’ve got to look and behave like the adult trusted neighbours in your community that you grew up with when you were a small child – but updated of course to the present day. I’m UK-based born 1965 and grew up in the south east of England; families lived their own lives, but in emergencies neighbours helped out. I can remember as a small child either falling off my bicycle and a kindly neighbour taking me into their kitchen and applying a sticking plaster to my gashed knee, or being driven home from school by the parents of school friends in very poor weather. These are the people we should aim to be.
For too long this movement that I first became involved with in 1983, has put up with anti-social elements of various types – “It’s too late in the day, we have to take help from wherever it comes, after all beggars can’t be choosers”; “Well at least they’re white”. Well, I’m gonna call ’em out! These people are often massively over-weight, smothered in swastika/Odal rune/lightning flash tattoos, communicate in grunts, shaven-headed, gratuitously violent, unable to see things from other peoples’ points of view, willfully ignorant, selfish, self-entitled, jealous and resentful, lack long-term planning strategies and instead living in the here-and-now, completely lacking in humour and fixated with revenge fantasies upon those whom they perceive to be more intelligent, physically attractive and successful. Bar the swastika and similar tattoos, what other disgruntled group that we are currently afflicted with does the aforementioned remind you of? And before anybody accuses me of being a socially pretentious snob, I am not and come from an ordinary working class background. I’ve seen it too often – people turning up to public events in dirty and torn /ragged clothing with the excuse that to look merely clean and tidy will cause the enemy to think that you’re somehow lacking in vigour and effeminate.
Here in the UK, political uniforms have been illegal since 1936 under the provisions of the Public Order Act of that year which put paid to the very smart and natty but totally culturally inappropriate Action Press uniform of Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists. Mosley was himself advised by non-other than Mussolini himself that para-military political uniforms were not part of Britain’s cultural traditions. The people of the British Isles are irreverent to what they perceive to be jumped-up petty officialdom – the dorky little man in a grey rain coat with clip board and pen, asking intrusive questions. Tell him where to go! Otherwise it’s the character “Blakey” off the British sitcom “On The Buses”.
Perhaps rather than uniformity in terms of dress and presentation, we should be looking at conformity to the tried, tested and generally agreeable. As a Brit looking at the US situation, white polo shirts with beige slacks as far as a type of not too obvious uniformity goes, seems OK. I think here in the UK, clean, properly fitting, sober neat tidiness should be the order of the day with perhaps a small lapel badge as a means of identifying fellow travelers. Going back to Mosley and Mussolini, the latter advised the BUF leader to adopt a discrete badge for his followers to wear rather than a paramilitary-style uniform.
Optics cucks have been far more damaging to this movement than any “wignat”
From Victory, On To Victory, On To Victory! Crush underfoot ALL optics cucks!
Describe an “Optics Cuck”. Give me some examples of “Optics Cucks” and the damage they have done. Describe what you think a wignat is. Do you self-identify as a wignat?
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