This year, a quota system by the Academy Awards took effect for the benefit of disadvantaged minorities, and you know what that means. If a film doesn’t check the right intersectionality boxes, it’s ineligible to be nominated for any golden dildos. (more…)
Tag: Hollywood
Anyone who can sing, dance, or act is simultaneously gifted with tremendous wisdom concerning geopolitics, economics, and political science. Well, that’s what they seem to think, anyway. Predictably, the moment the election didn’t go their way, lefty celebs have been howling like they’re undergoing an exorcism. Why so blue? (more…)
Oh, What a Night
Directed by: Eric Till
Written by: Richard Nielson
Starring: Corey Haim, Barbara Williams, & Keir DulleaThere is a magical movie out there that went direct to video. As a direct-to-video film, it cannot be called one of the great classics of all time, nonetheless the movie, and the cultural context in which it was filmed, is significant enough for reflection. The movie is Oh, What a Night, (1992), shot in Ontario in a little more than a month during the late summer of 1991. (more…)
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Part 1 of 2
Ideological enforcement has become a thriving industry, representing nearly every cause-du-jour in the cultural Marxist constellation, from the old to the new and the great to the small, from feminism down to sulfate-free hair products in prison. (more…)
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Talk of secession usually focuses on red states, but it can also apply to blue states, perhaps even more so. This is because Republican politicians have generally proven to have less political willpower than Democrats, so a Republican administration is less likely to be willing or able to stop a blue state from breaking off. (more…)
Once upon a time there was a fairy kingdom that lived inside a place called The Beltway, and was surrounded on all four sides by a land called America. The Beltway was aligned with another kingdom called Manhattan, inhabited by disembodied heads that spoke from the walls of bars, and with yet another closed kingdom called Hollywood, the abode of half-educated narcissists. (more…)
An Army of Color: Whites Became a Minority of US Recruits in 2023
Henry Kissinger said in 1973 that “military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used” as the sacrificial lambs of American foreign policy. It’s a wonder that no one killed him for saying that. (more…)
This was supposed to be a year-end book roundup, but I had a difficult end of year. So for the present I’ll pretend this is the 53rd or 54th week of 2023 (a nasty year altogether).
When my husband died a few weeks ago, I found a number of “overdue” library books in all manner of places. I stacked them by the door. That’s pretty much how we did things here. He’d take out a lot of books and then, when he saw me making an exit, he’d go, “Oh, if you’re going out, could you take those back to the library?” He’d say that even if I was just going out to the trash bay. (more…)
Culture-Critiquing Sitcom Mogul Norman Lear Finally Gives Up the Ghost
It took 101 years, but television producer Norman Lear — who probably influenced American culture more than any other single figure in the 1970s — finally decided last Tuesday that it was time to die. (more…)
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I recently wrote about the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, and his then-mysterious “adopted black son” whose existence Johnson only ever referenced for entirely cynical reasons. In 2019 he claimed before Congress that he had asked his adopted black son what he thought about slavery reparations and that he was against it. This was the first time he had ever mentioned having a black son, nor does it appear in any of his official biographies. (more…)
In light of the recent Dublin riots, I thought I would write something Irish-themed and settled on Troy Duffy’s The Boondock Saints, a cult Tarantino knockoff movie from 1999 with Irish-Catholic themes. In the process of researching this I discovered the documentary Overnight about the making of the film — which is actually a far more interesting movie in itself. You can watch it here.
The history of Hollywood is that of a power struggle between producers and directors. (more…)
October 19, 2023 Andrew Hamilton
Filosemitismus a brutalita
“You don’t make up for your sins in the church. You do it in the streets. You do it at home. The rest is bullshit and you know it.” — opening line of Mean Streets
Hollywood collapsed in the 1960s. It proved, if nothing else, that when it comes to big money, even Jews can screw up. A combination of anti-trust actions and the rise of television meant that studio lots fell silent, and the golden age of Hollywood was over. (more…)