The Poseur Question
Are Dissident Right Ideas Spreading Too Quickly?
Travis LeBlanc

Morgan Ariel, one of many online commentators who has recently jumped on the anti-Semitic bandwagon. (Photo from her Instagram.)
1,887 words
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Back in the days of the Alt Right, I used to lament that a movement whose cause was so irrefutably just was filled with so many awful people. It wasn’t everyone or even a majority of the Alt Right, but you couldn’t walk a few feet in it without bumping into a narcissistic sociopath, a drug addict, a degenerate, or some other type of anti-social personality type.
But what could we do? If one has ideas that will cost one everything if publicly expressed, then it stands to reason that a high percentage of the people willing to express such ideas are going to be those with nothing to lose. It also stands to reason that because getting involved in White Nationalism is very high in risk, many who get involved in it are going to be risk-taking personalities who also engage in other types of high-risk behavior such as drug use, deviant sex, petty crime, and so on.
Given these realities and the fact that you’d have to be at least a little crazy to want to get involved with White Nationalism, I resigned myself at the time to gritting my teeth and putting up with the crazies, at least for the time being. But it was always my hope that things wouldn’t always be like that. As the Overton window shifts and our ideas gradually became more mainstream, I believed, professing White Nationalism would become lower in risk and thus attract a newer type of person — a more stable and neurotypical type of person who didn’t have a social death wish.
The mainstreaming and Overton window-shifting I long hoped for is now upon us. Since Elon’s takeover of Twitter/X, topics such as the Great Replacement and criticism of Jews has been totally normalized — at least on Right-wing Twitter/X. This process has accelerated exponentially since the beginning of the Israel-Gaza conflict on October 7. Over the last year or so we have seen several high-profile personalities enter the dissident Right’s fray. Charlie Kirk is now a spokesman for white identitarianism, Candace Owens is talking about Jews, and former mixed martial arts champ Jake Shields is now one of the Internet’s most prominent anti-Zionists.

You can buy The Alternative Right, ed. Greg Johnson, here
As I hoped, these people are, on average, less anti-social and autistic than the kinds of people the Alt Right attracted, and present as normal. That’s good and necessary if our ideas are going to climb out of the underground gutter. What I did not consider was the possibility that in the process of mainstreaming, these new people would have new kinds of problems. After all, we are dealing with individuals who only started saying the right things after it became totally safe to do so. Better late than never, but it does call into question their character, moral fortitude, and possibly even their sincerity. So let’s look at some of those who have moved closer to our circles recently.
Former rapper and bounty hunter Stew Peters has been gunning for Alex Jones’ position as the #1 conspiracy theorist in America in recent years. He saw a surge in popularity during the COVID crisis by promoting the wackiest conspiracy theories, which earned him half a million subscribers on Rumble. Peters could fairly be described as Alex Jones on steroids. Whereas Jones said that the COVID vaccine would kill you, Peters insisted that it included microscopic tentacled creatures that were going to transform people into monsters.
Peters was all “Deep State this” and “globalists that” for years, but he has recently rebranded to “Zionists this” and “Jews that.” It’s especally interesting given that as recently as last year, he fired groyper Dalton Clodfelter from his network for promoting anti-Semitism.
I searched his Twitter/X history and found that the first two times he referenced Jews was in March 2023. The first is a quoted tweet from Brian Krassenstein where he wrote: “Oh look, a virtue-signaling atheist non-practicing Jew using the Bible to try and justify demonically possessed perverts having access to your kids.” It appears that his grievance with Krassenstein was that he is non-Christian, not so much that he is a Jew. A couple of weeks later, he quoted one of Krassenstein’s tweets again, writing that Soros “worked for the Nazis and turned in his fellow Jews.”
Holocaust survivor? He worked for the Nazis and turned in his fellow Jews…
— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) March 20, 2023
Oh look, a virtue-signaling atheist non-practicing Jew using the Bible to try and justify demonically possessed perverts having access to your kids.
— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) March 4, 2023
During the summer of 2023, Peters made some more references to Jews as being atheists, and then in August he began making more and more Judeo-critical statements. August 2023 also marked the first time he used the word “Zionist” (aside from a 2021 tweet where he quoted someone else calling Tucker Carlson a Zionist). His anti-Semitism picked up throughout the #BantheADL campaign, and after October 7 he completely rebranded his show by making anti-Zionism its central feature. He went from “tentacle monsters in the vax” to Culture of Critique seemingly overnight.
Now let’s meet Morgan Ariel. Ariel was a dime-a-dozen Christian conservathot and former Turning Point USA (TPUSA) brand ambassador. Now she is 34 and it is getting harder for her to keep up with all the new conservathots cuties coming off the TPSUA assembly line. So in January, she suddenly jumped on the post-October 7 anti-Semitism bandwagon. She can’t be the hottest conservathot anymore, but by golly, she can be the edgiest. She was swiftly dismissed from TPUSA for saying that Zionist Jews rule the world. Those who say that Jews want to control all sides of an argument aren’t kidding. Jews won’t even let us have our own anti-Semitic Christian tradthots. They have to control that, too.
A thread 🧵
Did you know the Talmud teaches that Jesus is burning in hell in his own excrement?
It states:
Jewish priests raised Balaam (Jesus) from the dead and punished him in boiling hot semen. (57a Gittin)4
— Morgan Ariel (@itsmorganariel) January 6, 2024
What makes Ariel so farcical is that for all her anti-Semitism and Christian virtue-signaling, she is herself a Jewish single mother — or at least she once said she is a Jew in a tweet prior to her rebrand. She then pulled a Milo Yiannopoulos by claiming that she had since discovered that she is not Jewish after all and that the whole thing was a misunderstanding. Or something like that. A few years ago she was making videos about the venereal diseases she’s had.
People want to know if I’m Jewish.
— Morgan Ariel (@itsmorganariel) January 20, 2024
Granted, Ariel was a regular talking head on Stew Peters’ show since before either of them started talking about Jews, and it’s likely that her rebrand is an attempt to remain in line with Peters’ rebrand, as he appears to be one of her most important connections.
Moving on, let’s look at Lori Kauffman.

Screenshot from Rolling Stone
Like Morgan Ariel, Lori Kauffman is a Jewish woman from Boston who claims to have converted to Christianity. She is a Kanye West superfan and claims that Kanye red-pilled her on the Jews during his foray into anti-Semitism. She gained some attention in dissident Right circles by starting a Jews4Ye24 Twitter/X account and posting pro-Kanye, pro-Nazi, and anti-Semitic content. She received national attention when she declared that she is running for a spot on the Massachusetts State Committee on a platform of expelling all Jews (excluding herself, presumably). The primary is March 5, and she will probably have already lost by the time you read this.
Ariel was recently featured in a Rolling Stone article wherein they asked her if she is a fan of Hitler:
“Fan” is a weird word. I’m still learning a lot about what actually happened during World War II. There were no gas chambers. Every single thing we know about World War II is a lie, just like everything we know about our own world we live in today is a lie. I have the same goals as Hitler: exile the Jews and keep their degeneracy and corruption and lies out of society. It’s destroying us.
Now, I’m instinctively pro-big tent, but this is starting to get out of hand.
Anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are no longer restricted to the underground, but they are not yet completely mainstream. They are now what I like to call “safe edgy.” A few years ago, being anti-feminist or anti-social justice warrior were both “safe edgy” positions. The Alt Lite and the YouTube skeptic community were “safe edgy” as well. Their ideas went against the mainstream but were still safe enough so as to avoid total ostracization. “Safe edgy” positions attract a different kind of person than genuinely edgy ones. Instead of attracting the likes of Matt Heimbach and Sacco Vandal, safe edgy attracts people such as Sargon, Gavin McInnes, and Milo Yiannopoulos. It’s a different kind of terrible — less psycho, but slimier.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.
The Alt Right had its problems, but it never had to worry about grifters and opportunists. No one was in the Alt Right for the money because there was no money in it — or at least not “quit your day job” money. Plus, the high social costs of being involved in White Nationalism kept opportunists from jumping on the bandwagon just because it was trendy. But as our ideas gain popularity, we will start to see more of both. Grifters will look at the growing audience for anti-Jewish content and get dollar signs in their eyes.
Sometimes I feel like an aging punk rocker lamenting the state of current punks. The newcomers just don’t “get it” like we did back in my day. They’re poseurs: They wear the right anti-Semitic clothes, but don’t understand the true spirit of anti-Semitism. They don’t understand its ethos or live the true lifestyle. They don’t feel it in their souls. Half these niggas ain’t ever even heard of Kevin MacDonald.
Despite my complaining, I acknowledge that these are signs of progress. Dissident Right ideas are becoming so popular that people are becoming anti-Semitic as a cynical career move. Having so many people jumping on the anti-Semitism bandwagon that one feels compelled to turn some of them away is a good problem to have, although it’s still not without its own problems. Yes, these newcomers are less autistic than some of those from back in the day, but they also don’t have the virtues of autism. The online dissident Right was founded by political theory nerds who had first tried out half-a-dozen different ideologies from libertarianism to neo-reaction. Now we are seeing people jump from normie to anti-Semite without even having a Mencius Moldbug or Ayn Rand phase in between. They therefore lack the intellectual foundations of the dissident Right.
In Robert Bork’s book Slouching towards Gomorrah, he made the argument that the 1960s cultural-revolution was the result of the post-war baby boom. The young population grew too quickly and the older generations couldn’t assimilate them into conservativism fast enough, resulting in what he called a “vertical invasion of barbarians.” We are now seeing something similar on the dissident Right: people are red-pilling faster than we can integrate them into the movement.
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I think there’s plenty of silver lining. If we’re getting these kinds of growing pains, then that’s also a sign that The Narrative is beginning to fail.
As far as Jews go, I have nothing against the ones who are decent citizens and don’t do sneaky and subversive things. Unfortunately, within their community, the little Jews (who usually are decent) typically will “circle the wagons” and unquestioningly back the big Jews (who usually act as an ethnic mafia, often having neurotic and sociopathic traits) no matter how horrible and ultimately self-destructively they behave. For the longest time, I haven’t seen a lot of internal debate among them about it, or attempts by the grassroots to rein in the ones at the top.
So if we’re starting to see an increase in little Jews who want nothing further to do with Zionism, let’s cut them some slack. This doesn’t mean we should put them in charge of our movement, of course. It’s nothing personal, and I’ll reconsider if they offer me a seat on the Knesset.
Most dangerous are not Zionist Jews, who are more or less Jewish nationalists, but rather cosmopolitan, Leftist, Globalist diaspora Jews with all their tolerasty, SJW, LGBTQ++, Kulturmarxismus, Frankfurter Schule, democracy, freedoms and another subvertive propaganda ideas. But the same can be said about gentiles too.
It depends on whether Zionism is used in a narrow or expansive sense. In the narrow sense, it’s about the creation of Israel as a Jewish homeland, which is a bit obsolete since they have their country now. In a broader sense, it’s about acquiring maximum power, wealth, and influence for Jews (and to hell with everyone else), which often does involve the subversive agendas you mentioned. As for non-Jews who behave like Zionists, I don’t like them either. They’re usually self-destructive zombies afflicted with some mind-virus or another.
But they aren’t two separate groups. In most cases, powerful diaspora Jews support ultra-liberalism in their host country and ultra-nationalism in Israel.
And it is difficult to respect “nationalists” who refuse to fight their own battles or pay their own bills, but instead use their diaspora to hijack the resources of America.
Zionists are nationalists of a very different mold than Mazzini, who envisioned the nations of the world as separate flowers, each unique and irreplaceable, together forming the bouquet of humanity.
For Zionists, only the Jews are a “real” nation. Americans aren’t a “real” nation, and can therefore be swindled. Palestinians aren’t a “real” nation, and can thus be persecuted out of existence.
There are differences between anti-zionism, anti-semitism, and anti-semitism as the ADL wants to call it (e.g. just about any critique). I don’t have a problem with Jewish folks en toto and hope they can wake up that the leftist agenda isn’t really doing them any favors (importing people who hate them, affirmative action that will target them). It is useful to point out that Israel seeks to have a supermajority of Jewish identity. Should be there anything wrong with that when so many essentially propose open borders? Palestine as well, but both side are intractable in their own way. There is a subgroup of Jews who are problematic, just as there are among whites, asians, etc.
I think the first step is making a white identity ‘ok’, akin to Asians or Hispanics as a group instead of saying Mexican, Nicaraguan, Japanese, or Irish. We should be welcoming… but slow and judicious with newcomers. Many are confused, mental, or in crisis. Some just latch on to a trending topic and their fervor will fizz out. Some will inevitably just flip flop again in the near future and wind up being a huge headache.
In Israel the Great Replacement is going on too. The white European Ashkenazi Jews should be replaced with Moroccan and Ethiopian savages, who are much more lowbrow, unpretending, and that’s why obedient and easier to rule.
In Steve Sailer’s column today he described the affirmative action Israel gives to Muslim women… send them to college, which results in a lower Muslim birthrate.
I don’t know or care about Muslim women getting affirmative action in Israel, but I do know that Israel demonstrates that hysterical misogynist screeching about women’s education is totally unnecessary. Israel is the only developed country where college-educated women have above-replacement fertility. Israel is also an ethnostate that actively fosters a sense of national pride over individualism and collective survival over consumerism as a moral imperative.
If you impress upon young women that the survival of their ethnic group, which happens to be God’s gift to humanity, is in their hands, they have more kids. Meanwhile, if you subject young women to vicious racial abuse, demonizing their people as a pox on the planet, year after year until their early 20s, they have fewer kids. Who could possibly have predicted it?
Of course, it is possible that White women are naturally and inevitably more individualistic than Jewish women, but it’s certainly uncharitable to make that assumption without at least acknowledging the possibility that highly-educated White women would have more kids (indeed, enough kids) if they weren’t taught to despise their own people.
The data we have suggest reasons for optimism about what educated White women’s fertility might look like in the absence of relentless racial demoralization. Noone ever gives us any credit for it, but we certainly seem to appreciate children more than supposedly uberfeminine Asian women. Even the lowest European birth rates are nearly double South Korea’s abysmal .7 children per woman.
We even narrowly beat out US Hispanic women in the Masters and above cohort, despite their affirmative action benefits and their superior extended family support.
However, as Mr. LeBlanc noted in the very first sentence of this article, this movement is full of many absolutely awful people, truly as despicable as the mainstream media claims they are, only for different reasons. Giving other people the benefit of the doubt and preferring less hostile and oppressive remedial measures (such as instilling ethnic pride) over dehumanizing restrictions is something that only decent people do, not deranged psychopaths.
Within the dissident right, if you have competing hypotheses to explain anything about women, the one that justifies cracking down on women is the one that will be preferred, and treated as demonstrable fact without regard to the evidence. Indeed, any other ideas will be ignored, and where that is impossible, ridiculed. The postmodernists are right: most people will toss concepts like objective truth, scientific evidence, and charitable debate right out of the window when it gets in the way of their will to power. It is particularly sad to see it on the Right, because truth is all we have.
“There is a subgroup of Jews who are problematic”
Yes, the ones who are cabinet members, senators, congressmen, billionaires, and the owners and managers of the news media, entertainment industry, academia, big finance, big tech, big pharmaceutical, neocon think tanks etc.
But that middle class doctor next door is a decent fellow, so we should just pretend the Jewish supremacist attitudes and agenda of the most powerful people in the world are inconsequential?
Well you know who it is that influenced many of these people to become more Jew critical. It rhymes with Ick Lent His. His supporters will swarm and either bully or praise those who don’t talk about or do talk about Jews. Stew Peters acts tough and independent, but at the end of the day he will bow to Nick.
I guess, depending on one’s views on the centrality of the jewish issue, you could say it’s a good thing. But it’s a problem when Nick attacks ANY new commentator until they acknowledge Nick’s superiority and say the things Nick wants them to say.
Also, Stew Peters talks about the flat earth nonsense. I don’t know how anyone could believe that stuff. It’s embarrassing and low status and off-putting to a lot of people. Sad how one sometimes has to wade through insane gunk to find discussions about and advocacy for something as important as white identity politics.
Antisemitism is a cesspool. When I was on Milleniyule I said that Kanye could only discredit antisemitism and that nothing good could come of this. I had no idea how right I would turn out to be.
I used to think that Jared Taylor avoided the topic out of deference to the Jews, but now I realise that it was because he (quite rightly!) wanted to keep JQ-obsessives as far away from AmRen as he could. I used to be an antisemite but I’ve discovered that antisemites are a far less likable group than Jews.
And that is entirely the point of the people mentioned in this article and many like them. The narrative is very definitely shifting. When you control the narrative because you control all of the media channels you can get a jump on such things to steer them in a more favorable direction. They are moving people into place to **ensure** that the association between these factual “antisemitic” ideas and craziness remain solidly correlated in the mind of the TV and smartphone zombies.
There is NO WAY, for instance, Candace Owens could be on a Shapiro media outlet if she were not being allowed to maneuver into position. She will express “antisemitic” truths for a certain amount of time and then something will happen with her at the center. Sex scandal? Arrest? Metal breakdown? Who knows?
Whatever it is will be engineered to maintain the normie correlation between the truthful ideas and disrepute. Lather, rinse, repeat.
I couldn’t possibly disagree more.
Jewish supremacy is the root cause of the existential threats facing White nations – mass immigration, catastrophically flawed foreign policy, degenerate culture, and the destruction of the middle class.
Dismantling Jewish supremacy is, unescapably, the absolute first step which must be taken to ensure a dignified future for Whites.
Anyone who helps dismantle Jewish supremacy, be it a conservative Black woman like Candace Owens or an old-left politician with a Muslim constituency like George Galloway, is a de facto White advocate.
Conversely, anyone who consciously bolsters Jewish supremacy, be it a “counter-jihadist” like Tommy Robinson or “race realists” like Nathan Cofnas and Richard Hanania, is a de facto enemy of Whites.
Nietzsche had an aphorism – “if something is falling, push it”. It general, I’d demur, but in the case of Jewish supremacy, I enthusiastically agree. Jewish supremacy, once seemingly impregnable, is beginning to totter. Now is the time to put our back into it and PUSH.
Prehaps you ought to read into Nietzsche’s views on antisemites.
The ultimate problem is not the Jews, the ultimate problem is the leftist worldview. The Jews have certainly played a leading role in the spread of this poisonous worldview, but it can exist without them and even turn against them, which is what we currently see with the leftist reaction to the Gaza War. If Jews were expelled from the West on the grounds that they’re racist and nationalist and colonisers we would be even worse off than we are now, for this only further entrenches the anti-white leftist ideology.
Without Jewish supremacy, leftism would soon burn itself out, as it did after the French Revolution and in the post-Kaganovich Soviet Union.
Without leftism, Jewish supremacy can endure for centuries as blatant gangsterism, as it did in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth where Jews, Lipka Tatars, and deracinated White nobles ruled over degraded enslaved White serfs.
And of course I know Nietzsche was a pathetic philo-Semite who gladly sold out his own people.
Nietzsche was a German who LARPed as a szlatcha, just as the szlatcha were Slavs who LARPed as Turks. False consciousness and philo-Semitism go hand in hand.
In Robert Bork’s book Slouching towards Gomorrah, he made the argument that the 1960s cultural-revolution was the result of the post-war baby boom. The young population grew too quickly and the older generations couldn’t assimilate them into conservativism fast enough, resulting in what he called a “vertical invasion of barbarians.”
Or maybe America suffered an “invasion of barbarians” when millions of European Jews came to our shores and the 1960s was when they finally cemented their rule over us after a “long march through the institutions”.
You are right, and Robert Bork was wrong.
America had a much higher birthrate during the colonial/early national period than it did during the “baby-boom”, yet there were no ill effects observable during those centuries.
I see the point of concern, but I wouldn’t worry so much. WN is just one facet of a larger truth movement, redpilling is the process of breaking free from the confines of Plato’s cave, the Hegelian dialectic, the Overton window, or whichever metaphor you’d use to describe the spectrum of ideological discourse. The lovely part about the truth is that it requires no defense, it simply is. That was how the dissidents who formed the original WN online discourse came to hold their positions-they sifted through the deluge of information once it was exposed to them, and eventually came to the truth of the nature of the game being played.
Most normals will hit the same pitfalls we did, and while the restraints on information are tighter now than they were in the early 2010’s, the outward pressure growing exponentially by the day as more and more people come to the same realizations will eventually see to it that TPTB can’t possibly account for every forming narrative and directing it back towards ideological gatekeepers like they did in past with a Ben Shapiro, Juden Peterstein, etc. There’s too many people now to maintain that level of control, and of course that means you’ll see more the midwittery rise to prominence like you’d see in any mass movement.
That said I do think the line of demarcation for the redpill movement is learning to identify the false dichotomy where it exists, identifying gatekeepers as the right hand of the same entity. Once you learn you don’t want a red or a blue pill, but you want instead the guy giving you the pills, you’ve figured it out. I think learning what the Hegelian Dialectic is and applying it to a narrative can be an exceptionally powerful tool for analysis.
Lori Kauffman won her election.
Correction. She lost with 37.5% of the vote. Odd that the newspaper reported her the winner.
Wow. That’s a huge percentage of the vote.
The Jews ( male & female) are very, very schmart on how they play the game! Moran Ariel, Lori Kauffman etc. al., are classic Hegelian dialectics, who play ALL sides… just like the Marranos of old Spain! Yet, they continue to practice Judaism in secret..!
“give me a child until he’s seven, and the world can have him!” St. Ignatius of Loyola script..”holy Moses, Lori has nice boobs!”
The litmus test of the Overton window having shifted to anti-Zionism is not only whether the political candidate and/or public figure is anti-Zionist in word and deed but also that they have come out of the shadows having previously demonstrated bona fide anti-Zionist behavior (which means they actually did good things for people, they weren’t just be a celebrity grifter of another stripe, before they become famous). Perhaps Dr. Shiva is the only current presidential candidate in that vein.
A month ago you wrote that you wanted anti Semitic comments to stop on Twitter so that we wouldn’t scare away Jews who could help our movement. Now you worry that inferior types are becoming anti Semitic and trying to get into your club of snobby intellectuals. Sounds to me like you really just want people to shut up about the Jews unless you approve of them and their messaging.
I’m not sure if you are mistaking me for someone else or if you are just making things up but the only things I’ve complained about people doing on Twitter is fed posting and whining about Elon Musk.
Two of the three “inferior types” I mention in this article are Jewish. Are you offended that I suggested that Jews are inferior?
Even if I give these the benefit of the doubt that these people are not cynical bandwagon hoppers jumping on the hot new thing and/or trying to stay on the cutting edge of edgy, there are problems of having high profile influencers on “your side” that do not have the necessary intellectual foundations.
For one, they will get massacred the first time they debate a competent opponent. This will be used by the enemy for propaganda purposes. “Look at how these Nazis crumble in the face of facts and logic!”
If Morgan Ariel wants to talk about Jews, whatever. The more the merrier. But I hope to God that she is at least smart enough to never debate Destiny.
My apologies. It was Spencer Quinn.
At this point in the journey I pretty much no longer care who hates the Jews and what their motivation is. There is no going back and no making it perfect. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Jews rarely admit to having enemies — other than Hamas right now — but they consider ever group or race or nationality of ‘others’ to be “Their Sitting Ducks”, upon which they can earn money in one way or another. “Oy vey, Abey! Come take your lessons on the cash register!”
I do not know who this Morgan is, but on the picture she’s very sexy.
My reaction as well. Sounds more like a turf defense for someone who stakes too much of their identity on their political views.
I can remember those ancient days of the alt-right where you and Johnson lamented all these anti-social characters, just to take them in a few years later.
Provide one example.
I think much of the anti-semitism of late is not from people becoming White nationalists (although that is happening to an extent), but mostly from Muslims and their White, far-left supporters who also still hate White people. These people have enough hate to go around.
I would add that many far-left Jews hate Israel (as they hate any more or less national state too), and support Palestinians. Maybe the absolute majority of Leftists, both Jews and gentiles, are pro-Palestinians, and anti-Israel.
I don’t know that this has much to do with us.
If we look at right-wing politics in terms of degrees of separation from White nationalism, I guess I’d say at one degree removed we have Sailer/HBD and the Groypers, and next comes the edgier normiecons (TPUSA, Daily Wire, etc.), and then finally straight normiecons. And what’s happening is the edgier normiecons are being influenced by the HBDers and the Groypers. This could have implications for us—the main reason edgier normiecons are looking into Groyper/Sailerian ideas is that they feel a greater sense of desperation and urgency, and hopefully that will eventually drive more of them our way—but for the time being, we’re still on the sidelines.
One of the biggest curveballs of the last few years was Steve Sailer becoming chic in the post-Dirtbag Left scene. A couple years ago out of the blue, Anna Khachiyan of the Red Scare podcast started championing him.
Unironically, I think Nick Fuentes has a better chance of making a comeback without a Twitter than with one. All he did with his Twitter was talk shit on his rivals and pick fights with people. If he just stuck to doing political livestreams on Rumble and let his associates act as his spokesmen on Twitter, he would make fewer enemies.
Grifters will not red pill anybody into reading Richard Lynn. Intellectuals don’t do well in the alt-right movement because most people can’t comprehend dissident ideas. The average person is oblivious to the difference between a white nationalist and a white supremacist
So one is good and one is bad? Explain it to me, an average Joe. Because at this point in history I don’t see anything wrong in believing my people are better, and because of that I would like to stay the absolute hell away from the rest of them. And I beg you not to give me a lecture on how there are “bad” white people. I know that. But I would still rather contend with my bad people than theirs.
Travis LeBlanc: March 7, 2024 … Steve Sailer, Anna Khachiyan, Nick Fuentes….
I am unfamiliar with so many of the names that are put forth on C-C, though I’ve heard enough about young Mr. Fuentes to know he’s a joke. Any self-styled White nationalist who is “following” him is a fool.
lipton matthews: March 7, 2024 …Intellectuals don’t do well in the alt-right movement because most people can’t comprehend dissident ideas. The average person is oblivious to the difference between a white [sic] nationalist and a white [sic] supremacist.
If I had my “like” button back, I’d probably like what you say, lipton. Most “intellectuals” are intellectually dishonest when it comes to the issue of White preservation.
Is the “big tent” alt-right still relevant? I question if it is, looking at what WikiJews have to say about it here: Alt-right – Wikipedia. It seems from that entry that the alt-right shot its wad in Charlottesville around six and a half years ago.
I suppose you’re right about average people not knowing the difference between a White nationalist and a White supremacist, but the premise is faulty. White nationalism is another “big tent” like the alt-right. What does that have to do with supremacism?
White supremacist is a term for us from our enemy.
I am a White separatist. My White separatist friends don’t want to be “supreme” over anyone, especially those of other races. We want complete geographical separation from other races, an achievable goal at the community level, and eventually beyond.
I know no White supremacists. Supremacists are not separatists — segregationists maybe, or former believers in apartheid, where they can exploit those of other races that dwell in close proximity, as domestics, or whatever. How did those racial half-measures work out?
However, I and most here at C-C are well aware of Jew supremacists.
Jews as a tribe or race believe that they are chosen by their imaginary deity up in the sky, Yahweh, as a special people to reign over all other races of people, especially “stupid cattle (read goyim, in Jews’ special common language, Yiddish),” as they see us Aryans. How convenient for them. Their Bibles tell them so — as do the same Bibles of gullible Christians who call their same imaginary Jewish God up in the sky, their Jehovah:
… Jewish hatred is “sanctioned by their very laws”—by which they mean, the Old Testament. We know, of course, that the Jews viewed themselves as “chosen” by the creator of the universe: “For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lo your God has chosen you to be a people for his own possession, out of all the peoples that are on the face of the earth” (Deut 7:6). Clearly, then, everyone else is second-best. We also know that God supposedly gave the Jews a kind of dominion over the other nations of the Earth. The Book of Exodus states, “we [Jews] are distinct… from all other people that are upon the face of the earth” (33:16). Similarly, the Hebrew tribe is “a people dwelling alone, and not reckoning itself among the nations” (Num 23:9). In Deuteronomy (15:6), Moses tells the Jews “You shall rule over many nations”; “they shall be afraid of you” (28:10). There is Genesis: “Let peoples serve you, and nations bow down to you” (27:29); or Deuteronomy, where God promises Jews “houses full of all good things, which [they] did not fill, and cisterns hewn out, which [they] did not hew, and vineyards and olive trees, which [they] did not plant” (6:11). And outside the Pentateuch, we can read in Isaiah: “Foreigners shall build up your walls, and their kings shall minister to you… that men may bring you the wealth of the nations” (60:10–11); or again, “aliens shall stand and feed your flocks, foreigners shall be your plowmen and vinedressers… you shall eat the wealth of the nations” (61:5–6). What is this but explicit misanthropy, sanctioned by God, and sustained “by their very laws”?
Source: Dr. Dalton’s On the True Meaning of Hate Speech | National Vanguard.
I had asked:
Is the “big tent” alt-right still relevant? I question if it is, looking at what WikiJews have to say about it here: Alt-right – Wikipedia. It seems from that entry that the alt-right shot its wad in Charlottesville around six and a half years ago.
Wikijews came late to the realization that the alt-right had self-destructed. Hadding Scott exposed its failings in November of 2016, long before the Charlottesville debacle, here: The Hoopla About the “Alt-Right” | National Vanguard
In one of the many interesting comments under Hadding’s essay is a link to this piece that came out in the Jewish Washington Post, with help from the anti-White SPLC watchdogs, in early 2018:
The best way to deal with the JQ is to beat them at their own game. Jews have more money than God (any god).
As for Whites, I ask you — If you Whities are so smart, why ain’t you rich?
Get yourself a good day job, and go to night school for the first two years of college, and learn Finance — not Art History like I did.
And save 10% of every cent you earn for your whole life. Learn about compounding interest — it’ the Jew’s secret.
As for George Soros and his types, go to Wikipedia and read his whole life story. It’s pages long but it is one of the best stories of ‘How Jews Do It’.
If we are so smart, we can outsmart them. I set the minimum at 250K to be in the game. Get busy.
Alexandra O: March 9, 2024 …The best way to deal with the JQ is to beat them at their own game… If you Whities are so smart, why ain’t you rich?... As for George Soros and his types, go to Wikipedia and read his whole life story. It’s pages long but it is one of the best stories of ‘How Jews Do It’.
The reality is, A.O., that many of us “Whities,” as you call us, are smart, but our wealthiest kin, rather than support smart, racially responsible White preservationists, have insulated themselves from the crime-ridden nigger mess America has become by living in their gated communities or safe areas, away from the increasing danger of living in majority non-White, Black-run cities like Philadelphia. Listen to today’s weekly American Dissident Voices radio broadcast to learn the best way to deal with the JQ: No to Hopelessness; No to a Brown America | National Vanguard. Host Kevin Strom says:
…Previous generations, which I’m a little ashamed to admit includes my generation, egged on by very clever Jews — who told us we just needed to be “fair” and “inclusive” and “color blind” — went along with the Jewish movement to break down all the borders and boundaries that had kept America a White nation for two centuries. We were sold the idea that none of the good things about America would be lost — that things really would not change that much, except that now we’d be more “fair” to everyone. But things have changed. They have changed a great deal. They have changed to the point that our culture and even we are disappearing, leaving behind a mongrel America-in-name-only that is unrecognizable to anyone who lived through the change. It is a worthless, fake America. It is their America. It is a mockery of America. It doesn’t deserve the name. They have stolen our nation, our birthright, and then turned it into garbage.
But we White people are more than just innovators and creators of great art and technology. We are nation-creators too. We created Britain and Ireland. We created Germany and France, Holland and Italy, Russia and Greece — and all the great nations founded by our people. We have done it again and again and again, each wave of creation followed by another; and, until very recent years, each wave greater than the one before it. We can and will do it again. And this time, we won’t be fooled by clever aliens who preach “equality” while practicing genocide and Jewish supremacy. This time, we’ll make sure that the protection of and upward progress of our race is the very basis — the unchangeable basis — of our new nation (Join Us | National Alliance (
The best way to deal with the JQ, or Jewish supremacy, is head-on, not with some rehash of Shabbos goy Bill Clinton’s “It’s the economy, Stupid.” Good luck with your individual goal of achieving $250k per year that you believe will somehow overcome highly organized Jewry’s power of the purse. You won’t be “in the game,” A.O., if and when you achieve that personal goal, any more than you are in it today.
As for your suggestion that we “Whities” study how the anti-White multi-billionaire Jew, George Soros, made his ill-gotten wealth so he can corrupt the U.S. justice system, I’m not reading his GD WikiJew biography. Also from today’s ADV:
…So, who’s running the show now in Philadelphia? Blacks and Mulattos are in almost all the top positions, with some remaining Whites on staff — I wonder how they stand it! — keeping an undeserving governmental structure from totally collapsing. The District Attorney is the Soros-backed Jew Larry Krasner.
Maybe you can move to Philly when you get that $250k, take on Krasner, and restore the <cough!> City of Brotherly Love to its former White glory. Good luck with that.
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