The following is a continuation of two previous essays of mine on the intersection of religious skepticism and White Nationalism, “Christian Nationalism Has Made Me Agnostic” and “The Religious Skeptic’s Case for White Solidarity,” but can be read independently.
Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars. — Carl Sagan
In the final analysis, whites will not secure their existence and survival through nationalism alone. Like all of humanity, we are living on borrowed time here on Earth. Fortunately, scientists believe we are mere decades away from realizing the dream of successfully colonizing other planets. Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, plans to launch the first manned mission to Mars as early as 2029. He believes a Martian city could become home to perhaps a million people.
Like airline pilots, astronomers are predominantly high-achieving whites, who make up approximately 80.6% of the field. Asians are a distant second at 7.9%. Despite Hollywood propaganda which insists that blacks are the “hidden figures” behind NASA, they make up a paltry 0.8%. A January 19 livestream broadcast from the International Space Station confirmed these demographics for the benefit of a global audience: every member of the team save one Asian man was apparently white. In a high-intellect community where bequeathing positions based on anything other than sheer meritocracy could mean the difference between life and death, whites dominate. Not that the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DIE) fanatics haven’t been above attempting to inflict substandard affirmative-action hires on the airline industry and been ravaging NASA over the years. Even Musk’s SpaceX was recently attacked for being overwhelmingly white and male.
Space exploration is one of those intellectually demanding endeavors where merit-based white dominance is inescapable. It leaves its critics shaking with a sense of inferiority and jealousy. They’ve meticulously censored the legacy of European man’s titanic scientific achievements in order to protect their own fragile egos. To see the bleeding edge of progress still in our hands leaves them envious over the inescapable reality.
Musk himself has intermittently shown signs of an awakening white racial consciousness; for instance, when he decried the violent attacks on white South African farmers, or when he called out Jewish anti-white hatred. Surely he sees the benefits that the superior white intellect can provide in his own team at SpaceX. Yet whenever the door cracks open, it is forced shut again by the power of the Zionists and his woke business partners in the American military-industrial complex and Israel.
But this also raises a religious question. Wernher von Braun, the late German-American mastermind who designed rockets capable of reaching the Moon for NASA, was a devoted Christian who demonstrated the potential for scientific achievement among the faithful. But by and large, science is the domain of materialists. A 1996 survey of scientists employed by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) found that only 7.5% of physicists and astronomers believe in God. Musk himself is, predictably for his type, irreligious.
Much like the harsh reality empirically revealed via white scientific achievement, the stark reality is that for millennia, the superstitious world of prayers and incantations failed to cure disease, achieve flight, and reach the stars. This is because supernatural explanations of the natural world involving ghosts, gods, and demons were inadequate. On the other hand, the study of the natural world involving our senses and through specialized instrumentation rather than faith alone achieved many of the long-promised miracles of organized religion.
There is, apparently, something tantalizing about the quest to reach the heavens, even among the irreligious. From the moment he learned to draw on the walls of his prehistoric cave, primitive man was depicting his fascination with the stars in the night sky and dreaming of soaring above them like the birds. But it was European man who finally made these primordial dreams a reality.
Those of us who breath the rarefied air of the racially-conscious white religious skeptics have an inheritance — and a duty. We cannot allow our birthright as the inheritors of the stars to fall into the hands of those who would strip it from us. We cannot allow them to burden the galaxy with more disastrous multicultural social engineering experiments. We simply cannot condemn our future space colonies to collapse due to forced diversity, as has occurred in London, Cape Town, Paris, Chicago, and all the other once-great cities of the Western world.
We need a white — or predominantly white — colony on another planet and should take measures to prepare for its fruition. It may be likelier than you think. Despite the obvious political pressure to “diversify” space, the essential reality of white achievement, competence, and intellectual dominance in the field will make us unavoidable as the necessary candidates for space colonization.
What does this mean in a practical sense for those of us who support the interplanetary agenda from afar, but who are not in a position to contribute directly?
- To the extent we have intellectually-apt family members, we should be encouraging them both to develop a white racial consciousness while also embarking on a career in science and engineering, with an eye toward extra-planetary travel.
- We should work to make inroads within the space community, and let them know that we wish to be their friends and allies.
- Although SpaceX is currently a private company, the rumor mill constantly circulates the idea that it will eventually be listed on the stock market. It would behoove us to make organized strategic investments in this field, with the aim of both reaping the profits as well as exercising political influence over the direction of extra-planetary colonization.
To some, this dream may seem ridiculous. We’re all concerned with the here-and-now challenges of our daily lives. But this future will arrive within the lifetimes of many who are reading this. We have an opportunity to strategically prepare by exercising high time-preference behavior in a way that could ensure the long-term survival of our race — as well as a galactic imperium.
Please contact me by e-mail or on Telegram, Twitter, or Gab if you’d like to join a network of pro-white investors who are interested in shaping this great twenty-first century journey. Also contact me if you work in or are studying to work in fields related to space travel, especially organizations such as NASA or SpaceX.
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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 619
Elon Musk, Wilmot Robertson, and the Question of White Immigration
Dawn of the Lizard People
I am all for continuing our pioneering ways and expressing our indomitable spirit in space exploration. However, Earth is our base. It isn’t clear that man, in large numbers will be living in the planets and stars. It may be a few men and many robots. I think that is most likely.
Our number one job is not to be in the stars while our homelands burn and our people shrink and are exposed to violent, genocidal threats. Our top priority is to fight peacefully and as necessary to secure our homelands here on Earth. For as far as the eye can see, Earth is our base, and where the vast majority of our people will live. Space exploration is a great mission and we should absolutely pursue it and strive to be the leaders in it. However, Earth is and will be for a long long time if not for the next 2 billion years, our home base. Let’s make securing our homelands here our top priority.
Its hard for me to understand the resistance to space exploration. We will not have another Musk to do this. Its now or never.
It does not follow that if there is a colony on Mars that means we should abandon our defense of our homelands. A Martian colony will be relatively small: a population less than Rhode Island. And it won’t likely be made up of people like you or me, but highly educated scientific types. Maybe a few unskilled laborers here and there, but not many.
When Cook, Columbus, Pizarro, Cortes, Magellan and the others were exploring the unknown limits of the Earth, did their home country stop functioning in other respects? Of course not!
When Cook, Columbus, Pizarro, Cortes, Magellan and the others were exploring the unknown limits of the Earth, did their home country stop functioning in other respects? Of course not!
During the Age of Discovery, Europe had a surplus of active population. In Spain, after the Reconquista, there remained a big bunch of hidalgos who all knew how to fight, but did not know how and did not want to farm, and there was not enough land for everyone. The Conquest was an excellent way for the Spanish and also Portuguese kings to send all these people to colonize distant lands, thereby reducing the demographic burden of overpopulation on the metropolis, and even get rid of passionate warriors, i.e. possible rebels. The same can be said about the English of the 17th and 18th centuries, the French and others. They had a surplus population that could be sent somewhere far away. Now whites do not have such a surplus population. White people sent to distant planets will be lost to the white population of the Earth.
Probably because our mitochondria won’t be able to produce any ATP if we’re not on the Earth’s electromagnetic charge. But maybe you don’t believe in any of that.
It is in part because you see what I said as, “resistance to space exploration.”
It is an issue of the priority and it is an issue of the pragmatic issues involved in space travel – where we are evolved to inhabit and the time scales required to succeed in space. Across three continents and the tip of a fourth, all of our homelands are being invaded. At the top we are being colonized by a new, alien and hostile elite. At the bottom and middle we are being colonized by masses of hostile alien invaders. At the same time our birth rates are cratering.
In other words, our villages are burning. What you are proposing is is the equivalent of Alfred and his Aldermen in Wessex embarking on a mass scale exploration even as the Danes were steamrolling the British Islands and had the last remaining unconquered kingdom cornered and surrounded on the southeastern shore. That would have been suicidal. It would have been an effective surrender and total defeat.
I am not resistant to exploring space, I am resistant to fighting the wrong battle at the wrong time. It is also my opinion that man is just not evolved for space. That isn’t to say that we can’t and shouldn’t explore and colonize it. It is just that I think the most practical approach and most likely way it will play out is that robots will do the most heavy lifting.
It is the pursuit of advanced robotics that European man should invest his efforts and energy. Advances in robotics will solve many problems one of which is our most pressing. It will eradicate the argument and need for mass migration for labor. It will unlock massive wealth and encourage population stability. It will also serve us as we are a massive minority population on the global stage. It will afford us the ability to fight mass war with robots and preserve our people. Finally, the robots will, and I predict this is the reality of space exploration, do the heavy lifting in space.
It is far more likely that advanced material science, nuclear energy and advanced 3D printing will make robots the most suited representative of man to do most of the work in our colonization of space.
So, I propose we kill two birds with one stone and focus on robotics, advanced materials, 3D printing … … In my studies I already came across a young white man who won top prize in a major high school science fair for designing and prototyping a self printing system for enabling perpetual planet to planet travel.
At the same time, we are evolved to live and be happy on earth. The vast majority of us will do so until some cosmic event crushes earth or the sun incinerates it 2 billion years from now. In the meantime, we have our homelands to save, or we won’t be getting to space. You won’t explore it if the command and control center, based on Earth, is overrun by non-whites who seek to destroy us.
“We need a white — or predominantly white —“.
Wrong! We need total White, we need to embark on our Breakaway Civilization in perpetuity & head to the stars in our unquenchable thirst for knowledge. For those who disagree I say – we tried the diversity experiment & it resulted in many of our people getting attacked, raped, killed, murdered, our children’s high rate of suicides, en route to our extermination.
We need total White…
Exactly. No compromise. None.
Mr. Kessler: Please contact me by e-mail or on Telegram, Twitter, or Gab if you’d like to join a network of pro-white investors who are interested in shaping this great twenty-first century journey…
Who are you kidding? Telegram, Twitter or Gab? Seriously? You shot your wad with the Charlottesville debacle.
Our side needs attorneys. Why don’t you just practice law and leave leading our race to those who know what they are doing and will never compromise on the primacy of race.
If you’re going to use fighting words at least have the courtesy to use them to my face.
In the field of space exploration, you need to have some merit-based component to the hiring decisions. If there is an Asian super genius on some hyper-specialized aspect of colonization or terraforming, I would not hesitate to use him if he is the only qualified individual in his field.
Neither would Elon Musk or anyone else serious about the project. White people deserve to survive because we make smart decisions like this.
Whites would necessarily be the supermajority in such a project and, I believe, should have the ability to form exclusive communities in the colonies. Its bizarre that this is the point of my article but people here in the comments are acting like I am arguing for woke multiculturalism LMAO.
I would rather have a successful White colony with 5% Asians, who might be perhaps the only people experienced enough in a particular specialization, than a bunch of dead people floating around in space and no colony.
The level of difficulty for a project like this simply cannot be grasped by guys competing to be the most obnoxiously racist in a comment section.
We don’t need any Asians in a Mars colony or anywhere else. If you can find an Asian expert in a particular field, then surely you can find a White expert in the same field. Asians are neither necessary nor desirable in any White enterprise. Moreover, if you allow one Asian in, he will lobby for admitting more. Do you know what happens when an Indian rises to the top of a White company? He will hire only other Indians, then hire only Indians from his own state in India, and, finally, fire all those Indians and only hire members of his own family. There is no such thing as hiring only one Asian. Allowing any non-Whites to be involved in a White enterprise is a Trojan Horse that we do not need to accept.
Nikola Bijeliti: January 26, 2024 We don’t need any Asians in a Mars colony or anywhere else. If you can find an Asian expert in a particular field, then surely you can find a White expert in the same field… Allowing any non-Whites to be involved in a White enterprise is a Trojan Horse that we do not need to accept.
Jason Kessler: January 25, 2024 If you’re going to use fighting words at least have the courtesy to use them to my face.
You call what I directed to you “fighting words?” Really?
It is not my intention to pick a fight, insult you or offend your delicate sensibilities. We come at White preservation from opposed positions. You want to unite the right, don’t mind sharing White living space with non-Whites, or at least with smart Asians, and you do not oppose coexisting with Christianity.
I don’t belong to any right-wing and don’t care to unite with those who consider themselves as “rightists.” I’m current chairman of the organization Dr. William Pierce founded fifty years ago, the National Alliance. He explained NA doctrine back then clearly, what we are and what we are not. Listen, here: Dr. William Pierce – Our Cause – National Alliance Video (
We advocate strict geographical separation of eligible, racially responsible Whites from Jews and other non-Whites, and from Whites who oppose us. We also have a belief system, also founded by Pierce, Cosmotheism, that is opposed to Christianity. an alien ideology.
You continue to push your cause, Jason, and I’ll promote ours, and may the best long-term strategy for our race prevail.
“It is not my intent to insult you. Having said that, I’ll immediately follow up by alleging that you have ‘delicate sensibilities’ after already saying that you ‘shot your wad.'”
“We need a white — or predominantly white — colony on another planet and should take measures to prepare for its fruition”, says Jason Kessler
This statement is at the same level of sheer ignorance, or even delusion, as “all men are created equal” and “race does not exist”.
Sure, Mr. Kessler is correct that rocket science, satellite technology, the moon landing are all products of the White man.
And the products of hard science. Those sucesses do not warrant flights into fantasy.
A basic understanding of physics is all it takes to realize the human race will never colonize another planet. There are fundamental relationships between space and time and matter and energy that are well known. Star Trek is make believe. Even the great William Shatner, upon his return from a near Earth orbit, remarked as such. There is nothing up there for us but death, the Earth is life he said.
Of the heavenly bodies it is possible to reach and walk on, the moon and Mars and possibly even a Jovian satellite are not hospitable to human life. At most a handful of men could live in tin cans for a short period of time. That is hardly comparable to the building of the American nation in North America. If Mars had a breathable atmosphere, water, flora and fauna, I might share Mr. Kessler’s enthusiasm. But even in that case, I would not see the White man pushed off the planet he civilized.
The future of the White man, if he has a future at all, is not conquering space. It is reconquering his homelands on Earth. And utterly vanquishing his enemies. Now that would be a noble goal, worthy of channeling the Faustian energies of the White man.
You say that the Martian atmosphere is inhospitable to life as if this would be a revelation to me. There is nothing about the Martian atmosphere that scientists do not believe we can overcome through processes like terraforming. If you are curious about this topic I would encourage you to research it because it is quite fascinating.
No, it would not be easy but nothing we have achieved thus far has been. How can you see all the wondrous achievements of mankind and not realize we are capable of almost anything? We learned to fly aeroplanes, shoot rockets into space and land on the moon but suddenly Mars is too much? No, not at all.
Perhaps you have gotten too accustomed to 21st century mediocrity. The White men who conquered the globe can conquer the universe as well.
I agree with PostUmbraLux’s comment. We should continue space exploration as a quest for knowledge, but things like Terraforming are entirely speculative at this point. Even if it were possible, Asians might beat us to it with their more authoritarian, collectivist mentality. This stuff is fun to talk about, but ultimately the crux of White existence is here on Earth.
At one point it was entirely speculative whether there was an edge of the world where ships would fall into a great abyss filled with dragons and other monsters. In spite of that terrible possibility, the European man faced his fears and persevered rather than cowering in his bed like a frightened dog.
The idea of the flat Earth was not a delusion due to ignorance, but a deliberate disinformation on the part of the Phoenicians, who spread the idea to eliminate potential competitors in long-distance navigation. They were so threatened that if they sailed too far, their ships would fall off the edge of the Earth. While the Phoenicians themselves sailed very far and earned good money. In general, the usual Semitic lies.
“We need a white — or predominantly white”…
We Whites don’t need a “predominantly white” anything.
And the first person you quote is a jew.
I must admit, I didn’t have a good impression of you after Charlottesville. I hadn’t heard of you before 2017, and then all of the sudden you were leading that infamous gathering and publicly disputing with Richard Spencer. In the 6.5 years that have gone by since, I saw your name pop up here and there, but otherwise assumed you had faded into the background.
Your last three articles on Counter Currents, including this one, demonstrate an impressive level of maturity and growth. You’ve seemingly gone from a milquetoast White Advocate in 2017 to forward-thinking White Imperium in 2024. I liked the prose of this essay about Space Exploration, even as I share the disagreement expressed by the commenters about compromising on the need for *100 percent* White societies in the future.
*(I am a purist on the matter of racial homogeneity. I wish no ill-will on other races, but our race cannot and will not survive if we allow them to share the same living space as us – whether they have equal rights with us, or not)
It is critical for WN influencers to deconstruct the primitive religious elements among us – specifically in regards to Christianity – and to present a viable vision for the future. I encourage you to continue along the train of thought you are on here. I also encourage you to take a look at what Dr. William Pierce had to say about The Cosmos. The Christians and the superstitious resist materialism because the atheists don’t do a good enough job presenting a teleology. Cosmotheism is that teleology.
Thank you for the compliments. Obviously, the purpose of this article is to advocate the survival of the White race over periods of not just centuries but millennia. I’m really surprised that so many people have focused on one phrase “predominantly white” for such sustained criticism.
Even if we had an ethnostate here on Earth there is no way we would not be admitting tourists and foreign scientists to occasionally lecture at our universities and so forth.
I’m no expert in physics but I do know that in insanely difficult fields of expertise, like physics and aerospace engineering, there can occasionally be only one or 2 people in the entire world with the theoretical and practical expertise to accomplish a task or fill a position.
If that person happens to be Asian, its just ridiculous that a nearly all-White colony could not be hospitable to that individual so he can accomplish his critical work. It is eternally frustrating to me how people in our movement want to be to the right of the Third Reich. The Japanese were a central partner in the Axis FFS. There is a level at which being too inflexible just makes you brittle.
Appreciate the dialogue.
Here’s where I’m coming from on the topic of nonwhites being admitted to White homelands and colonies:
Having friendly international relations with them, as Nazi Germany did with Japan, is one thing. Inviting them in as diplomats or as guest speakers is also one thing. Letting them physically live among the masses of Whites on a day to day basis is another thing entirely. We shouldn’t stand for it.
The evolutionary history of the human race traces back up to 800,000 years. Even if we just look at the last 20,000 years when “homo sapiens-sapiens” became dominant and the neanderthals died off, the different subspecies of the human race – that is, the different races of humanity, such as the Aryan Race, Negro Race, and the Mongloids of the Far East – all were separated by geography and distance.
Simply put, if we jumped into a time machine and headed back to 3000 BC – which is when recorded history began – or if we had Bran Stark’s powers and could literally gaze into the past, we would see that each continent had a racially homogenous population with zero foreigners among them.
In White homelands of the ancient world, if there was any contact with nonwhites, then it was within the context of dominant-subordinate relationships. In other words, any nonwhites in Europe back in those days were by no means “equals” or “citizens,” they were slaves or servants. They were subjugated. It is natural for one race to avoid contact with another race and treat them differently than they would their own.
Only within the last 500 years has this natural situation been challenged. Only since 1865 in particular has one entire race, previously enslaved, been liberated and allowed to live freely among the dominant race. Only after the 1960s in the United States and after the 1990s in Europe did large masses of nonwhites start occupying the same living space as the White masses.
All of this is wrong, all of this is unnatural, all of it is largely driven by frothing Jewish hatred towards us, and all of it can, should, and must be reversed.
I get the technical point you’re making about not shutting out some Asian genius who happens to be an expert on terraforming, but I think that argument is more of an appeal to colorblind whites or antiracist whites who, frankly, shouldn’t be placated or otherwise negotiated with at this late hour. Their narratives are outdated and are losing.
I don’t care if the antiracists or colorblind true believers among our people are too weak at the knees to do what’s necessary. It’s not about some autistic push to get to the political right of the NSDAP. It’s about taking a long view of things and recognizing the necessity and righteousness of homogenous living space for the masses of our people.
I think that is something we as White Nationalists must internalize so that others will see it in us and respect us accordingly. We don’t need to be ideological or weird about it. But we do need to hold the desire for homogenous White living space as a conviction that defines us as offering something different than what the post-1945 paradigm can offer, which is more of the miserable same.
“The evolutionary history of the human race…”.
Humans are a species, not a race. The human species have different races.
DP84: January 25, 2024 To Kessler: *(I am a purist on the matter of racial homogeneity. I wish no ill-will on other races, but our race cannot and will not survive if we allow them to share the same living space as us…)
It is critical for WN influencers to deconstruct the primitive religious elements among us – specifically in regards to Christianity… I also encourage you to take a look at what Dr. William Pierce had to say about The Cosmos. The Christians and the superstitious resist materialism because the atheists don’t do a good enough job presenting a teleology. Cosmotheism is that teleology.
Mr. Kessler: I would rather have a successful White colony with 5% Asians…
Thank goodness you don’t get to decide who will be in a White colony, sir. Have you considered that Asians cannot make White babies?
Kessler, again: I’m no expert in physics but I do know that in an insanely difficult fields of expertise, like physics and aerospace engineering…
DP is a purist in the best sense of the word. You would do well to take his advice and read William Pierce, founder of Cosmotheism. Pierce was a bona fide big-brained rocket scientist, a tenured professor of physics at 30, who also had worked in the jet propulsion lab of NASA before giving up his promising, lucrative career to dedicate his life to the seemingly impossible task of ensuring future for our people.
Pierce did that practically alone at first, living on $50 per month, sleeping on a cot in his office. Eventually others started following his teachings, until now, 22 years after his death, responsible young Whites are being inspired by those teachings and what he built for us. Note this essay last year by a young National Alliance member who has joined the Cosmotheist Church that Pierce founded in the mid-1970s: The Cosmotheist Solution | National Vanguard
The America that could have gone to the stars was murdered in a Wall Street alley before cars had tailfins, replaced by a the shambling (((thing))) that has been wearing its rotting skin like a suit since the Roosevelt Administration. Like the British Empire on which the sun never set, it is one with Nineveh and Tyre. And there never was nor will be any other White nation with the resources such an undertaking would require. We face dire existential threats far closer to home, in the here and now.
The whole article seems to drip with the sort of mystic scientism Carl Sagan popularized–“our DNA must reach the stars.” Let us leave aside the engineering questions. It is far from obvious that physical law permits interstellar travel at all, much less on a time scale that allows our explorers to see the new worlds instead of their descendants ten thousand generations hence, who may well be so inbred as to have tails and no longer even be sapient. It is not even obvious that interplanetary travel is possible at all, other than as trillion-dollar boondoggles to plant a flag for propaganda. Leaving all that aside, it is a distraction we can ill afford.
We have already passed through the Weimar Republic and are rapidly reaching the South Africa Rainbow Diversity Utopia stage of civilizational decline. Do you doubt this? C’mon up to Detroit. Take a walk on foot, after dark–hell, even in broad daylight. I recommend starting somewhere near Six Mile and Livernois. Take a good look around and document the experience. That’s the future that’s coming toward us all like a highballing express train. Talk to me about spaceships when White people can walk down Six Mile road without getting mobbed and stomped to death by IQ-55 Vibrant Cultural Enrichers.
It seemed like our hopes of being an interplanetary species died with our costly diversity obsession. But Musk, this Randian uberman, seems capable of single-handedly resurrecting the dream. I’m excited to see where it goes.
No, they died in the early 1970’s, when the space race between the US and USSR finished with the joint Soyuz-Apollo flight. The space race of 1960’s with its predominantly propaganda aims, like who would be the first man in the space – Russian cosmonaut Gagarin! and who will be first men on the Moon – American astronauts, etc., was finished with the Nixon/Brezhnev’s Detente.
For those with children or family members who are interested in topics related to space and who would like a space-related career, I suggest they look into adaptive optics (AO) in astronomy. Don’t be intimidated if you aren’t a math or programming super whiz. Most of those in the field aren’t math super geniuses either. There is a trend towards smaller, portable, powerful telescopes, and though adaptive optic telescopes are mostly thought of as being in the big observatories now, in the future we’ll probably see AO used much more in portable and amateur telescopes too. It would be a great field to get into, as adaptive optic technology has a wide range of applications and will probably also play an important role in future astronomy research.
If God (the Absolute of German Idealism, the One of the Neoplotonics) and His Providence do not exist on Earth, then to hell with Mars.
White? If there is no God and His Providence on Earth, then the death of meaning occurs and what difference does it make to me, within the current situation, about the color of my race?
Be consistent. You want to eat the same cupcake and sell it.
But let’s say you and many white people with non-poor social status went to Mars and terraformed it. Let’s say the Earth no longer exists. So what? You certainly will support one or another system of elite political domination: From Madison to Evola, take your pick.
Sooner or later, taking into account various processes, starting with the introduction of military robotics, genetic engineering, cyber implants and much more, a state of slaves and super-humans will appear. And the first will not care deeply about the white color of their skin.
White (note the capitalization) isn’t just about skin color.
Personally, I don’t think we go by the grace of made-up dieties. But everyone’s conscience walks in their own shoes.
Ha! Noted. Capitalization of White when referring to our race might catch on better when not just used as the first word in a sentence.
The whites of the West were not as obedient and aratic as they are now – even 50 years ago. So, let’s imagine that the ultra-rich of the West were native Anglo-British in origin. The process of atomization of societal structures, commercialization of society and other things is simply a by-product of the power of the ultra-rich in the West.
With ultra-rich Jews, this happens much faster, which also includes ultra-migration, trans-shiz, and so on. They are just accelerators of a cyberpunk dystopia (albeit with its own specifics), which in any case would await the passive population of the West with elites of any origin.
In contrast to Christianity, which is ambivalent towards Jews, the Koran quite clearly views them as a people who were “true chosen” and became “dark “chosen””. Yes, Providence exists.
Mr. Kessler,
I liked your article, and its practical suggestions for progress on the issue, and I anticipate eagerly the impact on the public perception of the events in Charlottesville that your upcoming book will no doubt have.
I agree that space exploration is a noble and worthy cause, for those who wish to pursue it. I recall a recent conversation on the topic with some young men online, one of whom insisted that the required money would be better spent improving the ‘quality of life’ (I assume he means producing all manner of electronic gadgets, and providing welfare families with larger apartments), and when I asked him what he thought the highest purpose was, what his ideal was, he replied that he wanted “to experience the maximum possible pleasure with the least possible pain” … I don’t know how he could stand to express, even anonymously, online, such disgusting, animalistic, self-centered ideas. But it’s possible that by extolling the virtues of space exploration, of the Faustian conquest of the unknown (I recall a collage of Blacks on social media asking why Whites climb mountains, because they surely don’t find anything of value at the top), the value and honor inherent in such pursuits, etc., etc., we can turn people away from this line of thinking, and towards higher ideals. Then, when Commissar Shekelberg, satisfied that our rhetoric is materialistic and completely kosher, is no longer listening, we can segue easily into Piercean talk of “the self-actualization of the Creator”.
But in the absence of any era-defining Aryan supermen, the construction and maintenance of self-sustaining communities in space, and the development of the requisite technologies, will require massive amounts of investment from governments and/or institutions on Earth, as the Space Race did.
All world superpowers are either non-White or actively work to suppress White nationalism. That leaves private institutions – which, in these countries, will no doubt be obstructed if they try to build Hyperborea anew in the stars, because the Justice Department is ALREADY harassing SpaceX for not hiring enough ‘refugees’ – let alone the question of how this will be paid for, in an economy where Counter-Currents cannot even maintain its budget.
So, from where can we launch the colony-ships? From Hungary, maybe, or Estonia, or the forests of Volhynia, some decades from now, with Ukrainian partisans serving as our rear-guard … ?
And if we should forfeit the Earth and run to the Moon or to Mars, leaving the fate of our planet in the hands of resentful anti-Whites, who fantasize about the implementation of the Samson Option, who hate beauty generally, we should only expect them to try their damndest to get rid of us.
If the movement, in its current state, could, as you propose, crowd-fund a space colony, our enemies would not have any trouble enlisting regiments of Space Marines or whatever to destroy it (in the name of tolerance, of course).
So, I think that you have got it backwards, and that we need an “Earth First” policy, you see, much as Roosevelt’s handlers insisted on a Europe First policy, because Germany was an existential threat to them in a way that Japan was not … Space can wait because, sooner or later, we will be ready for it, and in any case, sacred honor demands the liberation of Europe, whether this task will require the crossing of a great sea, or a great vacuum, so, we cannot flee from the battle on this planet, for which the enemy are already arraying their forces.
Leroy Patterson, to Mr. Kessler: I think that you have got it backwards, and that we need an “Earth First” policy … Space can wait…
As the wise old idiom tells us, it’s preposterous to put the horse before the cart.
This is a fine article and I strongly agree with its message.
However, I’m a technology guy, and space colonization is not the least bit realistic now, and it won’t be in any of our lifetimes. Elon Musk is selling eyewash if he thinks so.
There simply has to be a quantum leap in technology for this to be practical, let alone economic or sustainable ─ and I’m not even talking about warp drives, which we would not need to get to Mars.
What we would need at the miminum is portable nuclear reactors ─ fusion would be great ─ but standard fission reactors would work if they are made to be light enough and safe enough for manned extraterrestrial use. And these have been intermittently in development since the first small experimental nuclear reactor exploded in Idaho in 1961, killing three Army servicemen (who remain the only reactor fatalities in the U.S. to this day). As is not exactly uncommon when there is a serious accident, military investigators attemtpted to frame the SL-1 explosion into a conspiracy-theory, but in reality the concept needed a lot more research and development.
All we have now are RTGs (radioisotope thermoelectric generators) which were left to power equipment on all of the Moon missions except for Apollos 11 and 13, and are used on the deep space probes (where solar panels won’t work) like the one currently orbiting Jupiter. Old RTGs continue to power the Voyager 1 and 2 probes that were launched in 1977 on a extremely-pared budget, and both probes are still functioning and communicating with Earth today on a dozen or so watts. But both deep space probes will fail very soon as their RTGs continue to decline, and they were parsimonious in output to begin with.
It will take a lot of power to generate oxygen and water out of ore or whatever they plan to do. Maybe in a hundred years (or two-hundred) there can be a small and semi-sustainable Martian colony, but Musk’s musing about one-way voyages and terraforming panaceas are complete B.S.
“Peak Negro” in Space is probably not one-percent or less but more like one or two individuals at the most, so that is a given. My objections here are about technology and economics. I am not that interested in mysticism or what Marxists think is the definition of progress.
What we can reasonably do is a “boots on the ground and plant the flag” mission to Mars, and that would itself be an expensive and herculean (but worthwhile) effort. It helps inspire education in Science and the development of advanced technology. We always benefit from the spinoff technologies. The later Apollo missions were just starting to emphasize scientific experiments but Nixon cut the budget for that.
We can also start planning for a Moon Base along the lines of the International Space Station ─ meaning very small and very difficult but very worthwhile.
What we should also do is massively increase the amount of robot probes exploring our solar system. And there are even some ideas about exploring the nearest star system that could pay off in as little as a century ─ unless somebody actually invents a warp drive or something.
Once we have experience with boots and flags on the ground and small space stations on remote places like the Moon and maybe Mars, we could do the same on Callisto. This is the only Jovian Moon where the radiation levels are reasonable (by the standards of space). But we absolutely should put a Viking-type lander there and also Ganymede and Europa. There might even be some kind of life in the warm subterranean ocean of Europa. The planet Saturn also has some very interesting moons.
Unfortunately, there isn’t much enthusiasm even for funding Big Science “baby steps” like these unless it is directly Defense or Diversity related.
And not too many Texas religionists were happy that the government was going to build a massive superconductor-supercollider near Dallas in the 1990s. Congress killed the (substantial) funding during the Clinton Administration ─ something about not wanting to spend 12 billion dollars to search for what dumb science journalists called the God Particle.
In July of 1969, the children’s author E.B. White wrote some screed about the Moon Landing in the New Yorker. I remember reading something about this at the time because our class had read the beloved children’s book Charlotte’s Web.
Comrade White should have maybe stuck to poetry and the Elements of Style. He was apparently not too happy about a ragged tricolor nationalist symbol being planted on the Moon. This despite any jingoism about the Space Race win being downplayed by NASA, and the event viewed via television by an estimated 650 million people ─ almost all of whom were in awe and celebrated the historical accomplishment.
E.B. White did not really like that so much public money had been spent on the Moon Landing and probably space exploration in general. I wasn’t even thinking anything about “Whitey on the Moon” when I read this, but White’s objections came across to a seven-and-a-half-year-old as pretty hollow. And besides, NASA’s budget paled compared to what was already being spent by the military-industrial complex and in Vietnam.
One pervasive problem is that artists and authors tend to mysticize science and technology. Think the V’Ger (Carl Sagan) nonsense from the first Star Trek movie in 1979 (a massive disappointment as I was a big fan of The Original Series).
If Elon Musk thinks that people would actually accomplish something on a one-way ride to Mars to live in a space capsule for the rest of their lives, this is proof of his Aspergers. Such an explorer would be dead as soon as the first multi-billion dollar supply mission failed for some reason.
I’m a believer in Progress and Technology, but we have to understand and apply this reasonably and intelligently.
I am excited about going to the Moon again after over fifty years, and maybe a manned visit to Mars in my lifetime (would be nice). But right now we should increase the NASA budget by an order of magnitude and start building many more modern space probes. We should also start thinking about a Moon “colony” in the near future like the ISS.
And we absolutely have to have our ethnostate or else our future is doomed.
“And we absolutely have to have our ethnostate or else our future is doomed.”
Our own Ethnostate must be our first priority. Our bright future must rest on a solid foundational idea.
Many decades ago we based our societies wrongly on diversity, &, it is crumbling. Not to mention the ruined lives from violence diversity brought.
I think whites will have to go through an era of regression if we are to survive. Why did asians invent so much less than whites, despite possessing same or even higher IQ? Because they lack innovation. White tendency for individualism and openness made our race innovative, but the price we now pay is the lack of healthy ethnic tribalism. We can’t have both, either we continue to be meritocratic individualists and go extinct, or somehow the white minority with stronger ethnic attachment manages to come together and form a white ethnostate, which will operate like every non-white nation on Earth, on the basis of tribalism, nepotism, conservatism etc.
In my opinion, the most realistic vision of a white ethnostate is something like North-Korea. Completely closed off, both physically and ideologically, stagnant, probably poor, protected by nuclear threat. It may have to be a theocracy. I’m not saying this is ideal. I’m an atheist and would prefer whites to live in some utopian pro-white space colony with all the high ideals of innovation, exploration blah blah. But whites suited for that are the ones who sold out our nations. They are the ones not having children. The future belongs to the low IQ, poor, rural, often religious whites who naturally possess strong in-group bias. They are the ones who are most immune to guilt tripping and have (thank god) the most kids. Ironically, in some ways they are closer mentally to non-whites than elite whites. So whites may have to lose what made us special, and become just one race among others, in order to survive.
Oh come on. Do any of those premises hold up?
What poh, low IQ, rural Whites are actually breeding well and not overdosing on drugs? I don’t really want to make a case for eugenics, but that would be a good one.
Which Christian groups have more than replacement birthrates? A few Sedevacantist sects maybe.
The Amish? I have doubts right there since their economic system is unsustainable and subsidized. They would not survive for long if the electricity that they don’t use actually went out. We live in a world of billions of people, all banging on the door and wanting to be fed, and this is not the 18th century.
The Mormons? Well, I know a lot about the LDS since I was raised one. They are not poor, and they are extremely well educated. They don’t seem to suffer from more groupthink that any other disciplined group. But Christians are universalist and we now live in a global world ─ meaning with passable oceans and air-travel that can take us anywhere in a matter of hours ─ so this, too, is unsustainable. The LDS will be holding out far longer on the rainbow flags but that is not saying much.
And North Korea? Really? They are already a totalitarian theocracy, but their God-King is not a Nazarene. They have some fifth-rate missiles and nukes, but this is 2024 and that is not so impressive. How well will they hold up if some superpower actually got tired of their B.S. and finally decided to wipe their streets? The NorKs are not only not breeding, they can’t even feed themselves. All (or at least some of them) can do is march well for parades.
Our race can parade too ─ at least in front of edgy foreign correspondents ─ but currently most of our youngsters today would not even pass Basic Training. There is no reason why that couldn’t be changed, however.
Our problem as the White Race is not that we can be individuals (the horror) or that we are educated (reeeee), or that we are even prosperous like no other time in history. We don’t need to be wearing more hair shirts or lives that are “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.”
I will agree that we have become degenerate ─ and there are many reasons for this. Not to single out one cause, but Christianity bears at least some good portion of the blame for the Pozz that we are in.
Who else has been taught to feed the poor and tolerate the intolerable, and to do so over and above the welfare of our own house? Who else has been taught to open our doors and to succor traitors and to let them rule us? We’ve been “trusting the plan” of the Afterworldsmen and the Plutocracy and outright traitors for an awfully long time.
Instead of worrying about saving the souls of Colored men and not offending Jews, we need to teach who we are and what Promethean things we can do. We need to train leaders. And the rest will follow.
Stars are cool – but let’s conquer Detroit first.
Jim Goad: January 28, 2024 “It is not my intent to insult you. Having said that, I’ll immediately follow up by alleging that you have ‘delicate sensibilities’ after already saying that you ‘shot your wad.’”
Thanks for trying to add clarity to what I told Mr. Kessler, Jim.
Are you a proponent of the alt-right, like he? I’m not, in case I didn’t make that clear. Hope that’s OK.
To say Kessler shot his wad, as organizer of the Charlottesville fiasco, should not be interpreted as fighting words, unless taken as the second, more vulgar definition, below. I meant it idiomatically and believe it was appropriate. I don’t discredit him for trying.
The phrase “shoot your wad” has two meanings. The first meaning is slang and refers to losing or spending all of one’s money.
The second meaning is vulgar slang and refers to ejaculating semen during an orgasm1.
The phrase is also used idiomatically to mean using all of one’s effort or money for something, so that they have no energy or money left. Shoot your wad – Idioms by The Free Dictionary
I had advised my National Alliance members to stay away from Charlottesville, that it looked like a trap, which some can say that it turned out to be. I also told them to stay away from the 6 January 2024 Capitol fiasco for the same reason. That appears to have been a trap also.
I had advised my National Alliance members to stay away from Charlottesville, that it looked like a trap, which some can say that it turned out to be. I also told them to stay away from the 6 January 2024 Capitol fiasco for the same reason. That appears to have been a trap also.
For which I hope your members are grateful.
Greg Johnson and John Morgan did a podcast before the spectacle, anxious about impending disaster, which of course occurred. If you followed the podcasts of this site at all, you might have noticed Johnson reached out to Kessler soon after. Unlike others, Kessler kept fighting despite the onslaught of lawsuits, trying to organize those unfortunately caught up in that debacle to fight back. Looks worthy of admiration to me; maybe has some of the earnestness and fortitude of Pierce, who you say had a stint of living on $50 a month.
With all the talk of cosmotheism, why not refresh with reading from this selfsame website:
Flin Flon: January 28, 2024 Greg Johnson and John Morgan did a podcast before the spectacle, anxious about impending disaster, which of course occurred. If you followed the podcasts of this site at all, you might have noticed Johnson reached out to Kessler soon after. Unlike others, Kessler kept fighting…
My time is spent with Alliance-building for the most part. I do not listen to podcasts, except occasionally when someone I admire recommends one or part of one — nor do I participate in social media, something I notice Kessler does when he tells people to visit him on Telegram, Twitter or Gab to organize folks for some project having to do with space travel. I’ve never listened to a C-C podcast. I wouldn’t mind listening to that one by Greg and John prior to Charlottesville, if it’s archived.
…[M]aybe has some of the earnestness and fortitude of Pierce, who you say had a stint of living on $50 a month.
Maybe some. Kessler obviously has talent, but I question his judgment.
Pierce was not only the most intelligent, spiritually pure man I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting and working with, but the most focused on what our people must do to prevail over our enemies. He chose his fights carefully and usually won those he chose to engage in, or was forced to, because when he was challenged by Jews or others, his positions, his truths, were always defensible.
Kessler’s positions are not. His fights against the powers to be in Charlottesville and the courts in Virginia, not to mention the Jew-controlled media, are not winnable — they have the big battalions.
With all the talk of cosmotheism, why not refresh with reading from this selfsame website:
There’s not enough talk about Cosmotheism and still way too much about Christianity as being a suitable belief system for White separatists/preservationists. I notice there were no comments (zero) here at C-C under “Wave” back when it was featured in 2013. Too bad.
Thank you, FF, for the link to Dr. Pierce’s 1977 talk, “Cosmotheism: Wave of the Future.” I’m very familiar with that and many other talks by him — 240 of them available here in NA’s CD series The Power of Truth (Volumes 1 through 12) – Cosmotheism (, and free as slideshows on our channel.
Another talk by Pierce from 1976 — six years before Mr. Kesslar was born, according to WikiJews — that is relevant to trying to unite the right:
Why Don’t All the Pro-White Organizations Unite? | National Vanguard
…[T]he organizer of a purely ad hoc group, with no vision beyond the achievement of an immediate and practical goal, will often be willing to join forces with whoever can help him, regardless of differences in style or beliefs.
On the other hand, the leader who has struggled for years — giving up his career and any semblance of a normal family life — in order to advance a cause which has a deep ideological significance for him will be less ready to compromise his beliefs for a temporary advantage. He takes the long view of things and is more concerned with keeping his group headed in the right direction toward a distant goal than he is with negotiating the next bump in the road…
Will Williams:
There’s not enough talk about Cosmotheism and still way too much about Christianity as being a suitable belief system for White separatists/preservationists.
I, too, believe in all-white ethnostates: all of Europe, plus extensive carve-outs in North America, South Africa, and New Zealand – and maybe also in Australia and parts of southern Latin America. Our racial brethren in Europe have every moral right to demand decolonization of their homelands. The nonwhite migratory invaders (and recent descendants of earlier invaders) must leave, humanely if willing, forcibly if unwilling. The white diaspora, however, is in a more ethically complex racial situation, given that we were never the first or only inhabitants of our current homelands. Peaceful ethnostatist separation for those whites who want it (many do not) is the morally fairest and least destructive approach.
Dr. Pierce was a genocidal white supremacist as well as atheist, and thus did not extend moral concern to nonwhites. But most whites – even many strong, lifelong white preservationists like me – reject racial hatred and aggression. I admit, from a prowhite atheistic standpoint, I can see no argument against such doctrines. But I certainly can from a Christian one, and while I am, alas, a philosophical agnostic, there are moral boundaries, both in my personal life as well as my political advocacy, ones ultimately shaped by my Christian upbringing, that I won’t cross.
The National Alliance’s hostility to Christianity needlessly guarantees its limited appeal. Most whites are either Christians, live-and-let-live libertarians, or atheists of various leftist tendencies (liberal, progressive, Marxist). The number of rightwing atheists like you is vanishingly small, and the number of rightist atheists who support racial aggression, let alone genocide, is much smaller still. Who, precisely, is your white target audience?
Christianity, properly understood, is not a race-replacist religion. The idea of Christian brotherhood is a spiritual one. Nothing about it requires denial of biological facts, or for Christians to tolerate nonwhite racial aggression (which includes migratory imperialism). Given that there must be at least ten (a hundred?) thousand times as many white Christians as cosmotheists, isn’t it more rational for white preservationists to seek to show the compatibility between their concerns and Christianity than to expel Christians from the prowhite movement?
Indeed, I would say that Oliver and Pierce, for all their passion and often brilliance, not to mention their lessers like Rockwell, Metzger and Duke, were huge impediments to the actual cause of preserving white people. For every person they attracted, there must have been hundreds they repulsed. Whites are the most ethical race. That is a simple but profound fact, even for atheists and cosmotheists. Very few whites are willing to treat nonwhites as exterminable, like cockroaches. If we are going to wake our people up to their engineered, slow-motion enslavement and destruction, we must make our appeals in the [white-developed] language of universal ethics and justice. The good news is that we can do this; the bad news is that prowhites with your views make it very difficult for us to do so.
Here is a posted essay by John Carver with plenty of comments:
Carver is not sold cosmotheism.
“But considering it first as a philosophy (and setting Hegel aside), what evidence is there to support Cosmotheism? Pierce, in fact, presents no arguments for the basic tenets of Cosmotheism. He presents no arguments for why we should consider “the whole” to be God. Cosmotheism does not rest on a set of arguments at all. It is a vision — a grand vision — which we are either captivated by, or we are not.
Thus, in the final analysis it might indeed be better to see Cosmotheism as religion rather than as philosophy. But here too there are serious problems.
First of all, Cosmotheism is really a form of monotheism, and it exhibits many of the same problems we see in other monotheistic religions. Chief among these is a highly abstract conception of God divorced from lived experience, and divorced from nature. According to Cosmotheism, we do not find God within nature (as we do in the paganism of our ancestors). Nature is “part of the whole,” but it is not the whole itself. Thus, the God of Cosmotheism transcends nature and the senses entirely. In this regard, Cosmotheism is actually a worse form of monotheism than Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, since it presents us with a God completely without any personal properties. Worse yet, an “incomplete” God on whom we must put the finishing touches. This is truly a “God of the philosophers” and not the stuff of religion. It is not the sort of thing that could be believed in (let alone understood) by people of all walks of life.
Further, there are more similarities between Cosmotheism and the Judeo-Christian tradition than the simple fact that both are monotheist. Pierce’s Cosmotheism speaks of a specific race charged with a special mission vis-à-vis God. What can this remind us of except God’s covenant with the Israelites, the Chosen People? In fact, certain forms of Jewish Kabbalism actually claim that it is the task of the Jewish people to “complete” God’s creation through the observance of the Law. In recent times the Israeli writer Mordekhay Nesiyahu formulated a kind of secularized version of this doctrine, which he actually termed “Cosmotheism”! (I have no idea if William Pierce knew about this, but if he did I’m sure he must have found it disturbing.)
In sum, Pierce’s theory is very much in the Judeo-Christian spirit. It is monotheist. It sees a particular people as (in effect) entering into a special covenant with God and playing a role of cosmic importance. It has a linear conception of time: it raises the history of scientific progress up into the dimension of the sacred. It even promises a kind of immortality to the members of the race who accept this mission and take part. If we find the Judeo-Christian tradition problematic, then we must find theories like Cosmotheism problematic as well.”
Lord Shang, January 28, 2024. to Will Williams: Dr. Pierce was a genocidal white supremacist as well as atheist… The number of rightwing atheists like you is vanishingly small, and the number of rightist atheists who support racial aggression, let alone genocide, is much smaller still. Who, precisely, is your white (sic) target audience?
To answer your question, Lord, you are not in my audience, so don’t worry about being targeted. I am no right-wing atheist. You haven’t paid attention to anything I’ve written here on C-C.
Pierce was a separatist, not a supremacist. He was a Cosmotheist, not an atheist, like you.
Flin Flon: January 29, 2024 Here is a posted essay by John Carver with plenty of comments:
Carver is not sold cosmotheism…
No, Mr. Carver, whoever he is, certainly is not sold on Cosmotheism.
Thanks for that, FF. Looking though Carver’s remarks and some of the comments below his, I cannot say that there wasn’t enough talk about Cosmotheism here 12 years ago. Unfortunately, it’s mostly negative and from folks who it is obvious never met Pierce. Faustus was close to understanding Pierce, writing:
William Luther Pierce was a man of Western thought and inclinations. He seemed, to me at least, a remnant of high-culture, stuck in a bog of apathy and misunderstanding; even amongst his own peers. The ‘conservative’ element of his day looked at him, not up to him; this would have made them look impotent.
Then, even as now, you had your intellectuals and your activists, and only a very few were a combination of Both. Dr. Pierce was a creator, and he, unlike many of his peers, searched for much more than the mundane; this was both his appeal and gave ammunition to his detractors, as they [wrongly] sensed he was a ‘pie-in-sky’ sort of man.
Man, Western man, has searched in his own fashion, for these answers belonging to Life, as he perceives it. In his primitive state, that is, before the modern, western man has responded to life in different ways but, more often than not, it has been an instinctual aggression to the forces of nature which, as the case might be, caused him to fear that which would destroy him; that which threatened his survival. He did, regardless of the modern’s position that early man was ‘devoid’ of spirituality, that is to say, that ‘he understood his presence in the world’….
Dr. Pierce saw a correlation in science and religion; of this I am certain. He knew, instinctively, that outside of the day-to-day activities, of struggle and chaos, the balance of spirit was precious to him. Like his political endeavors, his Cosmotheism was akin to a spiritual meditative quality – all men who delve deeply into a struggle for the lives of their fellows is gifted with this type of duality.
Religion is for the Individual Consciousness, which created it.
I think Dr. Pierce understood this, explicitly…
Fourmyle of Ceres, otoh, is a dunce who promoted Harold Covington and his Northwest Front as the answer to our race’s problems.
Pierce was not a mere racial separatist, as is most of the CC community. That is pure whitewashing. I’ve read many of Pierce’s essays, both here and at the National Vanguard website. I also read both The Turner Diaries and Hunter decades ago. Pierce took atheistic racialism to its logical, exterminationist conclusion (his truest intellectual heir today is the learned writer who goes under the names “Cesar Tort” and “Chechar”).
Pierce’s cosmotheism, moreover, while of some inherent philosophical interest, and which contains eugenicist aspects with which I thoroughly agree, is not real theism as classically understood in the Christian West (and I’m a rightwing agnostic, not an atheist). Maybe at most it represents a kind of pantheism. Traditionally, most thinkers saw pantheistic (“Nature is God”) doctrines as nothing more than futile attempts to reconcile man’s spiritual sense when contemplating the beauty of nature or the majestic limitlessness and eternity of the cosmos with the nonexistence of superordinate and supernatural (sentient, intelligent) beings.
Anyway, we here at CC are not only philosophically-minded; we actually want to fight antiwhite oppression and secure the white race’s perpetual existence. So we cannot ignore pragmatic questions regarding methods of successful awakening outreach, as Will Williams does above, probably because he has no answer to it. As I put it:
Given that there must be at least ten (a hundred?) thousand times as many white Christians as cosmotheists, isn’t it more rational for white preservationists to seek to show the compatibility between their concerns and Christianity than to expel Christians from the prowhite movement?
I continue to hold that saving our race runs through Christianity. If we can demonstrate to enough persons the moral compatibility between Christianity and white preservationism, we’ll win. But if we set ourselves in opposition to the historic Faith of the West, we consign our movement to irrelevance, and our race to extinction.
I’ve never listened to a C-C podcast. I wouldn’t mind listening to that one by Greg and John prior to Charlottesville, if it’s archived.
It is indeed.
The first fifteen minutes trots out why the first Charlottesville rally was a success while the then upcoming event could be a debacle (which it was). The Hailgate stunt was fresh and rightly mentioned as problematic uncontrolled messaging. I do recommend listening, if only to reinforce the importance of vigilance.
There is indeed something very white about exploration. All the big explorers from back in the day: de Gama, Columbus, Cortez, Magellian, etc… all pretty much white guys. All the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo astronauts were white.
Musk has said some very implicit and even some explicit things in reference to race realism and whitey getting a raw deal in the US. DEI and space exploration simply do not mix. Maybe there could be the token based black uncle ruckus type with a 3 digit IQ on board. I believe it was John Derbyshire who said there should be an “arctic alliance” of whites and asians as despite racial differences both groups have an average IQ around or over 100 and having evolved above a certain latitude means we could cooperate more than say with a sub-Saharan who would see white altruism as a weakness to exploit.
Lord Shang: January 29, 2024 Pierce was not a mere racial separatist, as is most of the CC community.
Excuse me. What do you know about the Cosmotheist Church community, Lord? I just sent our monthly NA BULLETIN for January to the printer. It is our 109th issue in as many months since I became National Alliance Chairman and Trustee of the Cosmotheist Community Church back in 2014. We have no one on our mailing list who answers to Lord Shang so it’s doubtful you have any idea what goes on in our 65-acre Upper East Tennessee community or at our 82-acre West Virginia campus. Correct me if I’m wrong.
You must be aware that Dr. Pierce founded both NA and CCC back in the early 1970s and both are going strong all these years later, so we must be doing something right. There’s a lot to be said for longevity of a political organization or a religion, especially 22 years after the founder’s death. We Cosmotheist followers of Pierce’s teachings do not consider ourselves “mere,” as you do. You’re correct, though: Pierce was not merely a racial separatist.
That is pure whitewashing. I’ve read many of Pierce’s essays, both here and at the National Vanguard website. I also read both The Turner Diaries and Hunter decades ago. Pierce took atheistic racialism to its logical, exterminationist conclusion (his truest intellectual heir today is the learned writer who goes under the names “Cesar Tort” and “Chechar”).
“Chechar” may be a Pierce fan, yes, but he has nothing whatsoever to do with either NA nor CCC. He can’t touch Kevin A. Strom as Pierce’s intellectual heir. That’s why I made Kevin our Media Director and have paid his salary to do what he does for us for ten years. Here is what Kevin has submitted to me in a mere 150 words why he has chosen to be a member of the Cosmotheist Community Church. Judge for yourself
I choose to be a member of the Cosmotheist Church because nothing is more important than Cosmotheism for the future of our race and for the future of Life itself. I want to be a part of that. And I want to have a part in building a community of the awakened, so that ever-increasing numbers of our people, and the next generation of our people, will have a proper spiritual foundation and education. Without such a foundation, we are adrift and must depend on chance to find leaders for our Alliance and our Folk generally. With such a foundation, our young people will also have a chance to meet and marry others who are properly grounded in our truths. I have had these truths deeply infused in my soul, and want the same for my children, and for all members of our people who are ready for these truths.
“Exterminationist? Really? You sound like an ADL or SPLC mouthpiece, Lord. Go to their sites and search for “Pierce” and you’ll see that description of him. “Atheistic racialism”? I don’t know about that one. It’s your term, not one that Pierce would ever have used.
Pierce’s cosmotheism [sic], moreover, while of some inherent philosophical interest, and which contains eugenicist aspects with which I thoroughly agree, is not real theism as classically understood in the Christian West (and I’m a rightwing agnostic, not an atheist). Maybe at most it represents a kind of pantheism. Traditionally, most thinkers saw pantheistic (“Nature is God”) doctrines as nothing more than futile attempts to reconcile man’s spiritual sense when contemplating the beauty of nature or the majestic limitlessness and eternity of the cosmos with the nonexistence of superordinate and supernatural (sentient, intelligent) beings.
You capitalize Christian, which is fine. That’s your choice. So did Pierce. He also capitalized Cosmotheist, as do I and Kevin and many others in our ranks. You do not. Like Pierce, we capitalize the word White also, when referring to our race. You don’t. That is a small difference between us and you, and is OK, You are a “right-wing agnostic” who believes somehow that “saving our race runs through” Jew-spawned Christianity is the answer. That is a large difference between us and you, Lord.
This response to you is already too long, but I want to address most of what you claim. Atheism and Pantheism, as they relate to Cosmotheism is covered at length by Dr. Robert Griffin in his The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, the only authorized biography of Pierce, here: You may appreciate that Griffin, a Christian, like you, doesn’t capitalize the word White, even when he quotes Pierce capitalizing the word.
Anyway, we here at CC are not only philosophically-minded; we actually want to fight antiwhite [sic] oppression and secure the white [sic] race’s perpetual existence. So we cannot ignore pragmatic questions regarding methods of successful awakening outreach, as Will Williams does above, probably because he has no answer to it.
I see. You at C-C have the answers and he doesn’t. As [you] put it:
Given that there must be at least ten (a hundred?) thousand times as many white [sic] Christians as cosmotheists [sic], isn’t it more rational for white [sic] preservationists to seek to show the compatibility between their concerns and Christianity than to expel Christians from the prowhite [sic] movement?
The National Alliance as well as the Cosmotheist Church strive as best we can for quality in our human material, over quantity. You as much as admit the opposite: build a successful pro-White movement with as many warm Christian bodies as you can bullshit into believing they have not really been worshipping their enemy’s imaginary tribal spook up in the sky.
The fact is that Cosmotheism and Christianity are opposed ideologies. They are incompatible, Lord. Christians are not ineligible to join NA, but those who are Christians and join our Alliance ( and tell us so in their member surveys) will eventually do one of two things: either (1.) leave NA and go back to their Christian church when they realize that Cosmotheism is the spiritual foundation of the National Alliance, or (2.) the more they read, the more they see that Cosmotheism is the right approach for them and they will ditch their spiritual baggage left over from a Christian upbringing.
Joining the Cosmotheist Church, otoh, is not a belief system or religion for Christians to join for the reason stated above. Aspirants to join have to come through me, and I and our Church leaders will decline their application.
I continue to hold that saving our race runs through Christianity. If we can demonstrate to enough persons the moral compatibility between Christianity and white [sic] preservationism, we’ll win. But if we set ourselves in opposition to the historic Faith of the West, we consign our movement to irrelevance, and our race to extinction.
“We” are not in a contest, C-C vs. CC/NA, to see which camp will win over the other. We are in the talking phase of the racial revolution — a time to compare ideas. C-C is a good place for that exchange.
Don’t give me that moral compatibility crap. We Cosmotheists have our way and you and your Christians have Yahweh.
Pierce was not a mere racial separatist, as is most of the CC community. That is pure whitewashing. I’ve read many of Pierce’s essays, both here and at the National Vanguard website. I also read both The Turner Diaries and Hunter decades ago. Pierce took atheistic racialism to its logical, exterminationist conclusion (his truest intellectual heir today is the learned writer who goes under the names “Cesar Tort” and “Chechar”).
Pierce’s cosmotheism, moreover, while of some inherent philosophical interest, and which contains eugenicist aspects with which I thoroughly agree, is not real theism as classically understood in the Christian West (and I’m a rightwing agnostic, not an atheist). Maybe at most it represents a kind of pantheism. Traditionally, most thinkers saw pantheistic (“Nature is God”) doctrines as nothing more than futile attempts to reconcile man’s spiritual sense when contemplating the beauty of nature or the majestic limitlessness and eternity of the cosmos with the nonexistence of superordinate and supernatural (sentient, intelligent) beings.
Anyway, we here at CC are not only philosophically-minded; we actually want to fight antiwhite oppression and secure the white race’s perpetual existence. So we cannot ignore pragmatic questions regarding methods of successful awakening outreach, as Will Williams does above, probably because he has no answer to it. As I put it:
Given that there must be at least ten (a hundred?) thousand times as many white Christians as cosmotheists, isn’t it more rational for white preservationists to seek to show the compatibility between their concerns and Christianity than to expel Christians from the prowhite movement?
I continue to hold that saving our race runs through Christianity. If we can demonstrate to enough persons the moral compatibility between Christianity and white preservationism, we’ll win. But if we set ourselves in opposition to the historic Faith of the West, we consign our movement to irrelevance, and our race to extinction.
I don’t mind having my comments moderated. They usually go through eventually, and I don’t mind losing the “like” button. But losing the “edit” capability results in the mess seen in my last post, above, where I could not remove the gaps in the text after submitting it. Perhaps I can get that back? My putting a link to, say, a article, but it then appearing where it is not “clickable” is aggravating, especially if that practice is used selectively by a moderator. I just want to register those quibbles.
Thank you Flin Flon for providing the clickable link to that old C-C discussion. I listened to nearly 25 minutes.
Flin Flon: January 31, 2024
The first fifteen minutes trots out why the first Charlottesville rally was a success while the then upcoming event could be a debacle (which it was)…
Even dated, that was an interesting discussion about Charlottesville just days prior to the debacle. What White race-thinker couldn’t be inspired by that earlier torch light procession chanting “Jews will not replace us”? Too bad what followed spoiled a victory.
Not being a “rightist,” as I’ve explained, I’ve never been a fan of uniting those on the big tent right-wing or of the alt-right. I’d never even heard of most of those involved, other than the “Nazis,” Kluckers, skinheads, etc., that were mentioned. Where are the alt-righters now? Anglin? Talented, but what a clown. He’s a contributor at the multi-millionaire Jew Unz’s site. Good duo. We are not in the same cause. Spencer? he had potential — articulate, telegenic, but out of his depth as an “identitarian,’ a trendy term I do not use. Ive heard that for a while he taught English at Blue Ridge prep school that my uncle owned and was its headmaster for years.
Mention of Airbnb cancelling Charlottesville participants’ bookings made sense. Their disreputable policy tells its hosts that they are forbidden to decline guests based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, or of any of the other protected sub-groups. What they meant is: do not rent to White racists who have discriminating tastes. What other policy can be expected from the billionaire Jew Airbnb owner, Brian Chesky, who is married to an Indian?
Regulating Big Tech as utilities rather than private corporations has been dissidents’ hobby horse for years now with little action by legislators who are in the pockets of their lobbyists — even when it was revealed how DOJ and Jew watchdogs worked with BT to censor legitimate criticism. NationalVanguard dotcom has followed this issue for years, like with this article from four years ago: big-tech-oligarchs-best-tool-for-censoring-the-internet-the-jewish-adl/. Put ‘tech censors’ in NV’s search block and a dozen or so article will show.
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