Tag: Dresden
O stolzere Trauer! Ihr ehernen Altäre,
Die heiße Flamme des Geistes nährt heute ein gewaltiger Schmerz,
Die ungebornen Enkel.— Georg Trakl
8,366 words
German translation here
Editor’s Note:
The following account of the destruction of Dresden on the night of February 13–14, 1945, is an excerpt from chapter 10 of Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944–1947 (Sheridan, Colorado: Aberdeen Books, 2010), which deals primarily with the fate of innocent Germans, primarily women, children, the old, and infirm in the last year and aftermath of World War II.
At the gates of heaven
he did not know the names
beyond the bombing bay.But many miles away
he could still see the flames
judging the dead in Dresden. -
February 18, 2014 Thomas Goodrich
Dresden 1945
8,325 words
Übersetzt von Deep RootsEnglish original hereAnmerkung von Greg Johnson:
Der folgende Bericht über die Zerstörung von Dresden in der Nacht vom 13. zum 14. Februar 1945 ist ein Auszug aus Kapitel 10 von Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 (Sheridan, Colorado: Aberdeen Books, 2010), das sich vorwiegend mit dem Schicksal unschuldiger Deutscher, (more…)
At the gates of heaven
he did not know the names
beyond the bombing bay.But many miles away
he could still see the flames
judging the dead in Dresden. -
8,366 words
German translation here
Editor’s Note:
The following account of the destruction of Dresden on the night of February 13–14, 1945, is an excerpt from chapter 10 of Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944–1947 (Sheridan, Colorado: Aberdeen Books, 2010), which deals primarily with the fate of innocent Germans, primarily women, children, the old, and infirm in the last year and aftermath of World War II.
February 13, 2012 Leo Yankevich
Somewhere over Germany, 1945
At the gates of heaven
he did not know the names
beyond the bombing bay.But many miles away
he could still see the flames
judging the dead in Dresden.