It’s rather funny that the very people who go on about value being subjective act as if a “more productive” economy is objectively more valuable than all possible alternatives. (more…)
Author: Alan Smithee
3,485 words
The Ku Klux Klan created Black Lives Matter, and it’s succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Imperial Wizard Clayton Bigsby explains why and how.
The following is a transcript of a private conversation covertly recorded between Imperial Wizard Clayton Bigsby of the Imperial Klans of America and Kent Wallace, host of Frontline. (more…)
For those who don’t know, how did you end up creating Unite the Right?
It all came as a consequence of an exposé I did on Wes Bellamy, the Charlottesville Vice-Mayor who is pushing to tear down European-American monuments, for “reparations” policies and other anti-white nonsense. (more…)
We all know the story.
Maybe we heard it in our high school history class.
Maybe we went through a libertarian phase where it was repeated ad nauseam as an argument for legalizing marijuana, cocaine, meth, and other hardcore substances—even if you dislike the substances themselves and would rather see them disappear from the face of the Earth.
Maybe we even repeated it ourselves! (more…)
1,107 words
Liberals are set on the expectation of a future where race no longer matters.
The worldview of the liberal progressive is one where the world is fundamentally born in “sin” (patriarchy, racism, etc.) but ultimately redeems itself—inevitably, through the laws of progress—and ultimately takes on a form that is in the end radically different from the form it was born in. (more…)
When it comes to politics, there are four categories of people.
1. There are people who agree with your understanding of the facts, and agree with your values, and therefore come to the same political conclusion as you. (more…)
2,168 words
We live in a world in which loyalty, as a foundational social ethic, is eroding. Now, the problem isn’t just that particular, local, and naturally “rooted” forms of loyalty are declining. It’s that our entire set of ethical assumptions about how people should view their loyalties to those around them is changing—and the individual’s moral philosophy is changing as a result. (more…)
1,380 words
There’s an old-school form of libertarianism that draws from the work of figures like Ludwig van Beethoven, Selma Hayek, and RuPaul (sorry, I mean to say Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, and Ron Paul). This form of libertarianism works from a reasonably comprehensive picture of what it is to be a human being. Rather than thoroughly replacing homo sapiens with homo economicus, it simply focuses on addressing itself to the economic realm of life; and it proposes that people out to support a strongly libertarian order because such is in their best practical interests. (more…)
A meme circulating around social media after the revelations of Harvey Weinstein’s behavior said, “If you’re a man, don’t say anything to a woman that you wouldn’t want a man saying to you in prison.”
For my part, I think there’s value in this way of presenting the idea that most women live in a default state of fear of men in general that influences how particular mens’ actions are perceived. No, this isn’t because all men are dangerous—they aren’t. (more…)
1,549 words
Imagine a world where people live so devoid of happiness that it becomes a popular pastime to compensate by simply watching recordings of people smiling. The need is so severe that when making these recordings, no one even bothers to build in a plot—they just get right to the action of depicting images of people smiling, utterly devoid of any further context or deeper meaning. (more…)
I’m sure I’m heavily biased because of the fact that this is only my second real-world appearance in association with the movement after reporting on Gilad Atzmon’s appearance with Stanley Cohen, Norton Mezvinsky, and Michael Lesher in New York City.
But the American Renaissance conference of 2017 felt downright historic.