The term “NAXALT” is short for “Not all [members of group X] are like that.” It’s a frequent rebuttal to discussions of group behavior. This X might refer to any race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual identity, social class, or really any other particularism. For example, if you say that anyone who identifies as a cat is deluded, someone might “correct” you for making a hasty generalization: surely not all bipedal talking cats are that way!
Another frequent statement equivalent to NAXALT is “I know an X who is totally different.” For convenience, we can call it the n=1 objection. This basically means “My anecdotal observation about a single person belonging to group X invalidates any observations you have regarding the behavior of this group.” The problem is that a single outlier doesn’t invalidate an observed trend. After all, you were not talking about every single X. The best response to a rebuttal as silly as the n=1 objection is “Yeah, and?”
Stereotypes – What Are They Good For?
With my liberal upbringing, I’m quite familiar with the arguments. Everyone is an individual, and should be treated as such, rather than as a member of a group. With any generalization, there will always be exceptions. It’s unfair to make hasty assumptions. Stereotypes are unfair too. That’s prejudice, which is really bad. If only we could get past all this, we could move forward as a society. Anyway, I’m not sure if non-white kids get told the same things by their parents, but I’m guessing they get an entirely different kind of message.
Libertarians often have a similar riff. “I don’t see race. We’re all just individuals!” Often this is spoken as if the clouds have parted and a great cosmic truth was revealed unto the world, like the long-standing mystery of what the middle initial stands for in Jesus H. Christ. Surely, some actually believe this mush, but it seems more likely a cop-out to sidestep thorny discussions about race. Granted, leftists have done much to make these discussions highly unpleasant, but the subject can’t be dodged forever.
It’s all well and good to think of everyone as individuals. Why not treat the entire world that way? The problem is that you don’t know the entire world. Whether you like it or not, people are unknown quantities until we become familiarized with them through experience. Of all the billions of people in the world, you’ll never get to know more than the tiniest fraction of them. The only way to get useful information about people you’ve just met is by inference based on observed characteristics, and their demographic identity is an important part of this.
In fact, in some circumstances, ignoring this and pretending that everyone is the same is a good way to get yourself into a lot of trouble. Is it safer to walk by a crowd of Japanese grandmothers, or a crowd of Salvadoran “youths” covered in tattoos? You already know the answer. Average differences between groups can be very significant!
Imagine a small Minnesota town, a beautiful place where everyone knows everyone else. The crime rate is zero, so they don’t bother to lock their front doors, or take their car keys out of the ignition. Nobody fears for the safety of kids playing by themselves. The town’s residents are descended from Germans and Scandinavians, and the problem is that this is the only diversity there is – so ordinary! An ennui-stricken resident, so liberal that he has a life-sized granite statue of Walter Mondale on horseback in his front yard, figures that everyone in the world is all the same deep down. One day his heartstrings are tugged by a picture of a woebegone Somali refugee. Surely this nice old lady is really no different from Aunt Mildred! After discussing this with the Lutheran pastor (an unfortunate victim of the ultracalvinism mind virus), their church group convenes and discusses how grand it would be to invite over a few hundred new buddies from the Horn of Africa. If it comes to pass, they’ll learn the hard way that Somalia is the way it is because of Somalis.
Deep down, most liberals are more practical than that. They’re hardly more likely to move to the ‘hood than Klansmen. This is despite cut-rate housing costs, easy access to downtown, and being immersed in the diversity they treasure. They know very well that if they moved to a no-go zone, the non-whites they love so much wouldn’t return their affection, to say the least. Liberals are masters of cognitive dissonance. I remember what that was like, long ago. If only they could get past lecturing everyone else on race relations, we could move forward as a society.
Of course, it’s easy to be “enlightened” about race from a posh gated community in the ‘burbs, or from the lily-white outer reaches of Yankeeland. In areas like this, the few minorities present will be more likely to conform to white norms. Observing this, liberal confirmation bias kicks in, and they declare assimilation to be a success. They may turn to nay-sayers like us and proclaim, “See? NAXALT!” Of course, the situation changes if the minority population increases to the point that the misunderstood dears are finally comfortable being themselves, whereupon they’ll stop conforming and revert to type.
Observing group behavior and drawing conclusions isn’t prejudice; it’s knowledge. One pernicious aspect of the NAXALT argument is focusing on exceptions instead of general trends. It’s a mistake to base public policy on outliers. That kind of faulty statecraft is dangerous to society by misreading compatibility. When populations interact, that will involve all of them, including the average and the underperformers, and not just certain well-behaved, high-functioning, photogenic representatives. Believing otherwise is self-indulgent wishful thinking which has no legitimate place in public policy.
For example:
Sometimes there’s a lot of negativity about blacks here. I’ll be positive for a moment. I did know a literal Shaunequa from a prior job – despite stereotypes about people with that name, she has a nice personality and I have nothing bad to say about her. I have no objection to the blacks I work with in a professional basis now. We all get along. I think it helps that we’re in a high-class occupation. As for black church ladies, I only have kind regards for them.
It would be wonderful if all blacks were as outstanding, but again, we have to consider groups in their entirety rather than just the positive outliers. If we’re to be honest with ourselves, it’s impossible to overlook the constellation of elevated social dysfunctions within the black community which make them a massive net drain on society. Really, I could write an entire monograph about how they’re simply not compatible with us as a whole, and would be an aggregate burden even in the best of circumstances. In short, it would be better for blacks and whites to separate.
As for Jews, I do know a number of them who are decent citizens and otherwise irreproachable. For those ones, I couldn’t bring myself to deliver even a mild scolding. They just have a slightly exotic religion – assuredly, mine is considerably weirder – so why would I hold it against them? They’re good ambassadors for their people, so it pains me to say that there are others whose bad behavior ruins it all for everyone.
Most unfortunately, some other Jews include neurotics, leftist screwballs, and sneaky Zionists. Tragically, this includes their so-called elites, who more or less are acting as an ethnic mafia writ large. Since they have powerful influences in our media, government, finance, and commerce, they’ve become a problem for everyone. This includes their co-religionists, whose reputation they’re harming, as well as by destabilizing the society where they live too. It didn’t have to be this way. If only they’d just stop doing that, this tiresome sectarian conflict could be over at long last, and we could be getting along together. It would be to everyone’s tremendous advantage if the sober-minded Jews would rein in the troublemakers and handle these problems within their community, but unfortunately, I don’t see that happening.
Then consider José the undocumented immigrant. He’s such a hard worker! We should just make him a citizen, because no human being is illegal. Besides, everyone is all the same, right? And how dare the government tell people where they can and can’t go? How dare they restrict the free flow of labor around the world? Let the identical worker-units go where management can use them to keep wages as cheap as possible. ¡Somos un pueblo sin fronteras!
Whoa – not so fast, there. . . Let’s also consider José’s wife, a welfare entrepreneur who just delivered her fourth anchor baby. The bill will be paid at taxpayer expense, just like all the other times she’s used the hospital as a free clinic. Then there’s his brother, who runs dope across the border. Other than that, José’s teenage nephews are already in a gang. Setting aside this fictional example, there are Hispanics who do fit into society. Still, taken as a whole, they have a tremendous negative fiscal impact, though blacks win the prize on that one. Big business benefits from the cheap labor, but taxpayers foot the bill for all the negative externalities. Finally, if we need people like José to help our economy, why is it that they didn’t help their own economy where they came from?
Last up, there’s Hassan, the industrious gas station manager. He was one of the early arrivals in his growing community. He really is a straight-up guy, and there’s hardly anything reproachable about him. Although he moved into territory that isn’t his own, the fault ultimately lies with the politicians who permitted it. Fortunately, he doesn’t pay much attention to the parts of his scripture telling him to make war on the unbelievers.
At first, the new arrivals seemed rather exotic, but there’s really nothing wrong with that much. As they streamed across the border and formed a local community, they began to seem more insular and out of place. When another population moves in, it’s inevitable that this includes both the good and the bad. Some of the latter included those who believed that martyring themselves in a terrorist attack would be their ticket to heaven. Although most of the community is peaceful, they’ve gotten to the point where they assert themselves politically, they want things run their way, and sometimes their agendas are at cross-purposes with the rest of the country. In Europe, where things have gone further, sometimes their ethnic enclaves evolved into no-go zones, and it may well come to pass here. If the pattern from centuries of history applies, when their population reaches about 30%, then they’ll start getting ideas that they own the place. All told, “bomb the world, invite the world” doesn’t work. Hassan’s people should stay where they belong, and the neocons should stop causing trouble over there.
A Final Word
Unfortunately, a lot of victims of our educational system just don’t understand what an average is and what it implies. In my more conspiracy-minded moments, I have to wonder if this part of the curriculum was dumbed down for a reason. Whatever the case may be on that, it’s not your problem if whoever you’re trying to get through to played hooky during math class, or had an incompetent teacher, or simply is being willfully ignorant and hopes you don’t notice. If someone is that far gone, there’s little point in further debate, since it’s not your job to deliver a lecture in remedial math. The best response I’ve heard to that is “If your black neighbor is so smart, have him teach you what an average is.”
This essay is part of the Counter-Currents NAXALT Contest. Submit yours before the October 2 deadline!
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I say the H in Jesus H. Christ stands for “Haploid”.
I have been hit with the “How could you feel that way about black people when you are friends with “X”(a good friend of over 20 years that is truly ‘one of the good ones’)? I shut them up with “Have you ever met his two brothers? I have. I can’t stand them, he doesn’t even like them and neither would you.”
Yes, even with the best blacks you don’t need to go too far in their family tree before you find people who aren’t credits to their race.
Interestingly, I heard of a victim of genetic confusion who told his White friends quite candidly, “I hate niggers too.” From what I hear, he was quite dismayed by his Black mother’s constant drama and underperforming ways.
The pleasant blacks that we all know should be considered the talented 10%. They should be the ones responsible for the other 90% that nobody wants anything to do with, including them. Instead they move in with us. What good are they?
That’s the way it used to be before World War II. Now this “talented tenth” is merging with whites and dragging everyone down.
A lot of the talented tenth (which, let’s face it, is a very generous number) are also the most lavishly over-rewarded and over-praised blacks and thus, like their white elite counterparts, have low to no offspring.
As things are now, they’re prominent members of a discontented minority group among several jockeying for power in a multicultural pressure cooker where the game is rigged by the top 0.001%ers. If (or hopefully when) an independent Black Nationalist society emerges, they’d emerge as the elites of their people. Although they seldom realize it, they stand a lot to gain from White Nationalism.
The NAXALT argument bothered me till I decided that I don’t want my race replaced by superior, big-brained, high-IQ Asians either. If all Blacks, Mestizos, and Middle Easterners were as superior as Asian Human Bio-Diversity fans claim their own race to be, I still wouldn’t want my own race “selected out” and replaced by them.
If you know a smart Black, a smart Mestizo, a moderate Arab, and a pro-White Jew, that is irrelevant. I still don’t want my own race “selected out” and replaced by them.
Yes. Opposing mass alien invasion for their crime is all well and good, but ultimately they must be opposed simply because they’re alien. I like East Asians. I’ve spent a while there. They are civilized, intelligent, polite, and other good things, but they aren’t us.
I don’t want lions and tigers to continue existing because they’re a vital part of the ecosystem or whatever. (They might not be!) I want them to exist because they’re great and beautiful and unique, and ultimately because I like them. A world without them would be a lesser world.
The Japanese should have a home and continue to exist. Bantus in grass huts should have a home and continue to exist. And so should we.
Maybe I grew up in the wrong places, but I have never understood the position that Asians are superior in any way, even IQ. And I’m sure no one is lying to me about their IQ placement in regard to the rest of us, I simply have never encountered it. Like ever, so I’m not even talking NAXALT. The ones I know have mean personalities and smell like moth balls. And they return fish to the seafood store and will argue about it like their heads are on fire, who does that?? (I see this -I swear – almost every time I buy fish.) I have never even noticed before, but I don’t have even one Asian friend nor do I work with any.
Trying to return seafood and yelling about it when they don’t get their way? Are these people crazy? I suppose that to ask is to answer…
Thanks Weave.
IQ primacy is a huge problem in White Nationalism, probably because most White Nationalists are high IQ, and value those traits in others. Things like creativity, aesthetics, military and leadership ability etc fall by the wayside. Yes, many Orientals and Ashkenazis have high IQs. But what do they do with it? Productivity is important. Also, does anyone stop to consider whether they are being honest about their national abilities? It’s not like they have lied to gain an advantage over us before… oh wait.
I don’t necessarily dislike Orientals. There are many things to like about them, especially the Japanese, who we appear to have a special relationship with. But it gets bloody annoying seeing your own menfolk fawn over them. You can be magnanimous when you win.
My take is that the Ashkenazim do have some talented people, but taken as an average, I doubt that their intelligence is any higher than the Chinese, if even that. This isn’t to put them down, but rather to say they’re not as special as they think they are. There are a few studies showing fantastic results (like 114-117 or so). The problem is they all have a small sample size; that doesn’t prove much, which everyone familiar with statistics should be aware. As you note, this can lead to deception, and I’ll add self-deception. Then as usual, they can talk out of both sides of their mouths. On the one hand, they promote absolute egalitarianism like “race isn’t real, and besides, IQ doesn’t mean anything”. Meanwhile, they get to make conservative arguments for why they deserve their prominence in society, as if ethnic networking and the taboo on criticizing them wasn’t at least part of it.
I did write about this a while back. The comments amounted to “But I know this really smart Jewish guy…” Basically, it was pretty close to the outlier objection being discussed here!
As far as Asian women are concerned, I’m proud to say that my conscience is clean. I’ve never been involved with any, and I don’t lust after them.
I made out with a Japanese girl once when I was 21 or 22. She kept nuzzling me like a cat. It was pretty fucking weird and a major turn off.
I don’t think it is fair that the Ashkenazim, as far as I know, do not test the entirety of their population, including the Orthodox Jews. If I only tested the middle and upper class Whites whose parents were university educated, I think I would come up with a higher score than 100 for Whites. As usual, we play the game honestly and lose.
Perhaps I misused ‘fawn’ but I was referring more towards White men who feel inferior in comparison with those groups because of their supposed higher national IQ, and often virtue signal it to disqualify themselves from being White Supremacists. As a Pro-White woman, I find talk like that to be very off-putting. My man(folk) is the best in the world, and I want him to act like it.
Of course the committed ricefryers are gross as well, and it’s good to know that you are not one of them.
Fire Walk with Lee you are forgiven, lol! How bizarre.
In Australia academically selective high schools are almost the exclusive domain of sub-elite and elite South and East Asians. White parents pay exorbitant fees to send their children to private schools, even if their children qualify for a free selective school, for reasons that we know all too well, but which they will usually bend over backwards to avoid stating, These schools too are increasingly being dominated by the immivaders and of course the opportunity for our children to grow up comfotable in their culture recedes with each passing year. These Asian children are bright, but they are not us. The managerial class is rapidly and inexorably being miscegenated and replaced. The only all “white” schools are…well, you know who they’re for…
NAXALT is a problem because today people’s default programming is not to see groups, and NAXALT helps maintain that blindness. Before we can be white collectivists, we must be able to see collectives. Before we can see collectives, we need to clear away “colorblind individualism” and NAXALT. So the question is how to get people from where they are now to where you are now.
Superb essay. One of the best I’ve read on here in a while. Clear, coherent, and with a zinger at the end! Perfect.
The money quote?
“It’s a mistake to base public policy on outliers. That kind of faulty statecraft is dangerous to society by misreading compatibility.”
If only we could fit that on a bumper sticker.
“Hard cases make bad law.”
The best brief one-liner I can think of is “Exceptions don’t invalidate averages.”
Supposing an enemy army occupied your country. 90% of the occupation soldiers act “properly.” They pay in hard cash for any goods requisitioned, respect your places of worship, refrain from shooting up your neighborhoods, etc.
The other 10% loot your stores, tear down your statues, seize your children to be indoctrinated in camps, and line up your neighbors in ditches to be machinegunned.
You complain to the occupation authorities about this state of affairs, but they respond by telling you that: “Well, not all occupation soldiers are like that. So shut up.”
Just because there are some good people in other groups doesn’t justify the fact that we just accept the massive replacement agenda. Those good civil blacks who make up 20% of their population deviate from the common norm but they still need to accept the fact that we have every right to be tribalistic and engage in freedom of association. I can still be friendly and cordial with them but those good blacks can form their own isolated communities and areas that were they can separate themselves from us and the 80% of savage low IQ blacks that they deeply despise. The nonwhites before the 60s who lived in US had the decency and respect to not invade majority white areas and force their views on them.
That was also the time when the government supported the existence of White neighborhoods. By now, it’s doing everything it can to bust them up.
Great essay. I will be sending this to my normie family members if the right moment comes up.
We’re up against a feminine trait here. I remember as a kid getting in a discussion with a girl, who countered my statement with, “But, that’s just a generalization!” The fact that it was a true general statement made no impression on her. Speaking in general terms invalidated my argument as far as she was concerned.
Since then I’ve run into that argument and its corollary many times, almost always from women. The corollary is: “But I know an example of X who isn’t that way.” Those suffering from this tendency seem unable to get their minds around the idea that the nice X they know isn’t necessarily the same as other Xs, and that the generality doesn’t mean that their X isn’t a nice guy.
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