There are not many festivals like Eternal Hate Fest (EHF) in the Czech Republic or in the world, and I dare say EHF is the oldest in this field. We had a chance to see the 21st year of this festival and now you can read about it.
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So it looks like the goat or ram’s head in the picture was fake?
One of my favorite things in Sunday school was learning about all of the sacrifices. I’m not sure this wouldn’t go over well at this festival, but in certain respects, the biblical sacrifices complete with psalter may have been the first metal festivals. Don’t tell these people about the ancient Hebrews slitting the throats of goats and sheep and then dousing their doorposts with their blood to protect themselves from the angel of death. Then there’s the story of Solomon dedicating the temple, with the blaring of horns, as a lightning bolt shots from the heavens to ignite altar aflame. How metal is that?
I’ll have to check out the the bands you mentioned. I used to think metal, especially black/death metal cringe. I started getting into these genres during Covid. I more like these genres for the guitar solos but sometimes the growling has a sort of synergy with the music. I also like when folk instruments are added like in various folk pagan metal bands like Oakenshield and Falkenbach. Then there is that genius cross of black metal and the doors that is Black Magick SS. I also love this music when working.
The head of the goat was real, bought from a local butcher. Animal sacrifices were made in all ancient cultures, and in Greece and Rome special animals were kept for these purposes. For example, for divination from animal livers. The Jews did not invent animal sacrifices. With black metal it’s more like a show and a black metal tradition, it doesn’t have an occult meaning. Definitely try to listen to bands like Nokturnal Mortum, Temnozor, Kroda, Goatmoon, Burzum, Two runes & Nocturnal Depression. Black Magic SS isn’t really black metal in style, it’s more hippie stoner rock. I like this band, they are pretty creative. My friend listens to their music and translates very difficult philosophical texts.
Heavy Metal is The White Man’s Music, both in Spirit & in Design.
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