Mark Milley’s Incompetence: Stupidity or Design?
Morris van de Camp1,039 words
Among the many problems in the Inept American War Machine is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley. It was recently revealed in a book by Bob Woodward, Peril, that Milley had contacted senior military officials in China during the final months of the Trump administration to assure them that he would warn them should then-President Donald Trump order a sudden attack. Furthermore, Milley had more than one conversation with the Chinese on this matter. This all took place at a time of increasing tensions between the United States and China.
General Milley should immediately be fired for this and other reasons, including an obvious lack of judgement, carrying out an ill-advised and partisan anti-“extremism” training stand-down, and encouraging a culture of military failure and lies.
Lack of Judgement
The fact that Bob Woodward was given this information at all demonstrates an extreme lack of judgement. Talking to Bob Woodward[1] is like going on a daytime TV show to take a paternity test and expecting to be treated in a respectful way.
Milley’s lack of judgement was also on display in his failure to understand the domestic political situation. The January 6 protest shouldn’t have come as a surprise. Whatever one thinks of the way the 2020 election was conducted, it was clearly volatile enough that one should have expected anger and protests. Furthermore, the sheer scale of support for Trump in the face of wall-to-wall media hostility shows that there are a great many Americans – millions, in fact – who don’t believe the press, the Democratic Party, or the bureaucracy. In such a circumstance, treading carefully should have been the order of the day.
It was also simply idiotic to believe that Trump would suddenly sling nukes at China or any other nation without cause.
A Partisan Agenda
General Milley should have been sacked during the Antifa/BLM insurgency of summer 2020. Much property and many lives were destroyed by mobs throughout this period, and Milley did everything in his power to keep the American military from restoring law and order. Deploying troops to quell race riots is not unusual or unconstitutional. America is poorer today because of Milley’s insubordination and treachery.
Then we have the recent Department of Defense “extremism” stand-down. Essentially, the whole of the American military’s bureaucracy held a day of anti-extremist training. This event was a divisive disaster, of course, but it is important to note here how poorly thought through the training’s overarching philosophy was. The word “extremism” itself is a loaded term, like “cult” or “demagogue.” They have negative connotations, but no real meaning. What is the difference between a “cult” and a “religion?” What exactly is “extremism?” Is there an ideology behind it? It is an empty description for the imaginary domestic enemy of the American Empire of Nothing.
Implied in the “extremism” training was the idea that whites are evil. This was shown when General Milley discussed “white rage” at a Congressional hearing. Strangely, Milley doesn’t recognize that whites have done approximately 75% of the dying in the two decades of war since 9/11. How does Milley think this is going to be perceived by the broader public? Again, his lack of judgement is astounding.
Part of this is the natural result of the American military’s equal opportunity culture that papers over the problems of integrating sub-Saharans into a white institution. Sub-Saharans as a group cause many disruptions, but these are denied by the institution. Those who best cover up these disruptions are promoted. Thus, America gets senior leaders who think that they have beaten back the second coming of the Gestapo while their African troops are carrying out drive-by shootings using military-issued rifles downtown.
The US Military: Failure & Lies
The collapse of the Afghan National Army showed the entire world that the US Department of Defense had been tolerating a culture of lies and failure for years. This didn’t start with Milley. The only notable thing that General David Petraeus did during his tenure as the military’s commander in Afghanistan during 2010-11 was to take a mistress. His mistress, Major Paula Broadwell, was a West Point graduate whose only notable accomplishment was demonstrating her loose sexual morals.
For his part, General Stanley A. McChrystal’s only notable accomplishments in Afghanistan during his tour in 2009-10 was to mount a counter-insurgency strategy that involved sending brave men to walk through minefields. On top of this, he was dumb enough to give an interview to a Rolling Stones reporter where he insulted several Obama administration officials, including Joe Biden. With leaders like that, the Fall of Kabul should not come as a surprise. General Milley is cut from the same mediocre bolt of cloth.
A Lightning Rod for Senile Joe?
The big question is, why hasn’t Milley resigned or been fired? There are probably several factors at work. The Senile Joe regime seems to be in deep trouble. When an administration is in trouble, they often find a person to become a lightning rod for the President. Milley can become that.
The Biden administration could also be keeping Milley around as bait. If Milley gets assaulted by a white male veteran, for example, the national narrative can return to “white rage” rather than military failure.
It is also possible that Milley sees the polarized political climate as a big opportunity. In such a climate, the military can become a Defense Department with a nation rather than what we are supposed to have: a nation with a Defense Department. Milley might imagine that he could become a military dictator, if circumstances are right.
Whatever the case may be, Milley doesn’t have the best interests of the United States at heart.
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[1] Bob Woodward is the journalist who “uncovered” the Watergate scandal that took down President Richard Nixon. To some, Woodward might seem like a heroic teller of truth to power, but he only really enabled a disgruntled FBI agent named Mark Felt to pull the trigger on the FBI’s longstanding threat of “getting” an elected politician so the FBI could increase their clout. The FBI has been spying on American politicians since the 1930s. Felt had been passed over for the top spot and wanted revenge. Nixon didn’t do anything that JFK or LBJ hadn’t also done.
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“Gen. Mark Milley, the Army chief of staff, came out strongly against the carrying of private guns on military bases as a security measure in the wake of shootings at Fort Hood, the Washington Navy Yard, and a recruiting station in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Milley, who assumed his current post in August 2015, was testifying alongside acting Secretary of the Army and former democratic congressman, Patrick Murphy before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Sen. Mike Lee (R., Utah) asked Milley about what the Army has done to better protect personnel and if the Army would consider letting soldiers carry their own weapons on bases.”
[Read the article for extensive quotes from Mark Milley, all fully negative on the idea of letting American soldiers be armed to defend themselves.]
“The incident at Fort Hood that Milley referenced occurred on April 2, 2014, and left three dead, excluding the gunman. Shootings such as this and another at Fort Hood has sparked debate over whether uniformed military members should be allowed to carry firearms for self-defense.”
It’s a truism in the military that once someone makes the rank O-6 and above, they are pretty much a politician from then on out. Even some E-9’s depending on their billet.
Id like to laugh at the idea of this clown thinking he could be a military dictator but after last year you can’t rule anything out.
China needs to give him an Order of Chairman Mao medal to add to his collection. The USA needs to give him a free lifetime stay at the Crossbar Motel.
Somewhere, a McDonald’s is missing its idiot manager.
Whatever Mark Miley does right or wrong it might be right to replace him just for the amount of jeering the man evokes from nearly all quarters.
Here, Joe Farrell talks about Miley’s opinions on yet another future danger:
“…The next big war will be in space, according to the Mandarins in the Pentagon (think General Milley here, who has not only previously opined about US soldiers having to fight little green men, but who has also documented his official Mandarin status by apparently being a regular phone friend with his Chinese counterpart)…”
If this is “America’s best” we’ve got serious problems.
A cult and a religion differ by whether their prescriptions are pro-social or antisocial.
True, but they also become a religion if they have large numbers of followers. I am guessing, but I would say that you have a religion when you have at least a million followers, I don’t know the exact threshold number.
Am I the only one that thinks General Milley committed treason; couldn’t he be court martialed?
All this “General Miley calling China” bullshit is easy for me to understand. As 2020 regime change operations were underway in America and China was thus at risk of being “attacked” by President Trump for their criminal acts of biological warfare against us…and against him and his Presidency, treasonous military scum aligned with the colluding DNC, were in “secret” communication with the CCP to tell them, ‘hey, don’t attack America with military force, not yet anyway, nah, we got this Get Trump Out thing under control (thank you for your help by the way, we got it from here, oh and nevermind 1/6), he’s out, so there’s no need to bomb America or conduct decapitation strikes on its POTUS in his second term of verbally and economically tormenting those evil gook bugs, the Chinese Communists.’ That’s what it’s all about.
“Or by design.”
“Stupidity or design” should be the globalist tagline.
You write
“General Milley should have been sacked during the Antifa/BLM insurgency of summer 2020. Much property and many lives were destroyed by mobs throughout this period, and Milley did everything in his power to keep the American military from restoring law and order. Deploying troops to quell race riots is not unusual or unconstitutional. America is poorer today because of Milley’s insubordination and treachery.”
You are certainly correct that Milley is a disgusting person. But the ultimate failure to stop the Antifa/BLM riots lies at the top, that is Donald Trump. Like always, Trump’s bark was louder than his bite. His bark “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” His bite, nothing. Trump is Milley’s boss. If he wanted to stop the riots, he should have ordered Milley to do so.
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