Last week at a grade school in France, a 12-year-old girl attempted to stab her teacher. Other schoolchildren say she told them she was planning a copycat stabbing in honor of a 20-year-old Chechen named Mohamed who’d shouted “Allahu Akbar!” while stabbing his former teacher to death at another school in France this October.
Witnesses say the unnamed fifth-grade student shouted “I’m going to kill you, ma’am!” — at least she was polite enough to call her “ma’am” — before pulling out a knife and lunging at the teacher, who fled the classroom before the girl was restrained and taken into custody.
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The week before that, a female teacher at a school outside Paris claimed a group of Muslim students threatened to kill her after she showed art students the seventeenth-century painting Diana and Actaeon by Giuseppe Cesari, which featured nude (if plump) female bodies.
The threats came only days after a French court convicted a half-dozen Muslim teenagers in connection with the 2020 murder of Parisian teacher Samuel Paty, who had been decapitated with a meat cleaver. Paty had enraged the teens during a discussion about free speech when he showed his students the infamous Prophet Mohammed cartoons from the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which in 2015 had been a motivating factor in the widely-publicized attack on the magazine’s office by two French-born Algerian Muslim brothers who killed a dozen people and injured 11 others.
The week before the Muslim art students had conniptions over the nude painting and the half-dozen teens were convicted of Samuel Paty’s beheading, a group of four to five teens stabbed a French man nine times and broke a bottle over his head while calling him a “dirty white.”
The week before that, a “man known to French authorities for radical Islamism and mental health troubles stabbed a tourist to death and wounded two other people” near the Eiffel Tower.
The week before that, an “elderly couple” was “stabbed by [a] lone knifeman in [a] French shopping center cafeteria.”
The week before that, while a winter ball was being held in the small village of Crépol in southern France, a large group of Muslim teens from the nearby city of Romans-sur-Isère arrived in cars, shouted, “We are here to kill white people!” and stabbed several revelers, killing one.
Marie-Hélène Thoraval, the mayor of Romans-sur-Isère, told a radio station that some people in her town “refuse any form of citizenship and immigration.” Thoraval says she subsequently received phone calls
with a message that was more like intimidation, asking me if I had a Kalashnikov at home and if I had security guards. . . . It went up a notch in the afternoon when I received a private message on Instagram specifying that I was to be decapitated, that my skull would be juggled, and that all that would be done within a month.
For sheer gruesomeness, all these stabbings pale in comparison to the October 2022 murder of a 12-year blonde French girl named Lola, who was raped, had her throat slashed, and was found stuffed in a suitcase inside a car trunk. Four Algerian migrants were arrested for the murder.
According to a story from Remix News:
France has been beset with a number of public rapes by migrants. . . . In [2022], a Tunisian migrant raped an English tourist directly on a street in France. In August 2022, a North African migrant was arrested for raping an American tourist in a Paris public toilet while her partner waited outside. In October 2022, a Congolese migrant attempted to rape a 24-year-old French woman because he did not have enough money for a prostitute, telling police, “I wanted to have a beautiful white [woman].” Last month, Walid E. was accused of raping a 96-year-old woman in her own apartment. . . . The dramatic increase in murders and rapes in recent years has coincided with a dramatic rise in immigration from North Africa, Africa and the Middle East.
The raping and stabbing have become so prevalent that even Leftist feminists are grousing that people are too timid to mention the perps’ ethnic background.
Océane Decan, a “pro-migrant activist . . . [and] vocal supporter of open borders,” claims an unemployed migrant with a long history of sexual assault raped her at knifepoint in a parking lot in October 2021. Two years later, she relates being traumatized at seeing her rapist, who had yet to be tried for his crime, busking in public:
One day in October, I was walking in the center of Bordeaux and I came across him on Rue Sainte-Catherine: He was playing guitar and panhandling. It was a shock. It reawakened everything. Now, I have panic attacks, I don’t dare leave my house.
A feminist group called Collectif Némésis says that contemporary feminists are too afraid to “name and describe” the rapists:
We are a group of young Parisian women . . . [who] do not recognize ourselves in the post-modern feminism that dominates in the media. This feminism refuses to name and describe its aggressors, thus inflicting a double penalty on the victims. Our goal is above all to free the voice of French women and to highlight the role that migration policies play in the problems that women experience.
We have all made the same observation: The people who attack us daily are mostly non-natives . . . [and] street harassment is mainly the work of men from a different culture, and feminist associations try to hide this fact by masking our very concrete problems with abstract concepts such as “patriarchy.”

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Bomb Inside My Brain here.
France took in a record number of immigrants in 2022, most of them from Africa. Many of them claim to be minors but aren’t. Some of them come bearing an undying grudge against colonialism and vow to outbreed the French “until the end of time.”
Statistics from the French Ministry of Interior claim that “Africans” — which include Northern Africans from the Maghreb region who sort of look like they’re half-black and half-rodent — commit more than half of the crimes on public transportation, even though they comprise only three percent of the population.
French intelligence capo Alain Chouet claims that
There are 1,514 lawless neighborhoods on French territory. . . . It is therefore almost six percent of the French population who live outside the law and outside the cultural and political practices of the national community.
Standardized-test scores are cratering in France, which a professor writing in Le Figaro blamed on the “brutal acceleration of immigration.”
A recent poll finds that 80% of French citizens favor a ban on more immigration.
In 2020, a woman had her arm ripped off while a car dragged her a half-mile to her death. The car’s driver, Youcef Tabal, had a suspended license, yet wasn’t even tried for murder. The lawyer for her family said:
We are in a society where horror is being pushed to its climax. It is time for those who are well-meaning to open their eyes: French society has become savage and barbaric.
Only a week before the car-dragging homicide, four migrants beat a French bus driver to death, causing his wife to exclaim:
We were destroyed in a few seconds. I feel like I am living in a nightmare. A nightmare that is getting worse by the day.
This past May, a group of about ten Third Worlders assaulted a young French couple in Nice while calling them “shitty white filth” and “shitty French filth.”
In June, nationwide riots erupted after cops shot an Algerian teen who tried to pull away from a traffic stop.
In 2015, coordinated Islamist terrorist attacks in and around Paris killed 130 people and injured more than 400.
Ten years before that, three weeks of rioting followed the accidental electrocution deaths of two Third World teens who’d been hiding from police in an electrical substation.
In 1969, my oldest brother was stabbed to death in Paris. The mortician counted over 30 stab wounds on his corpse. His murderer was never caught.
In 1985, the only time I’ve ever been to Europe, I took a train up to see the Sacré–Cœur Basilica in Paris. The neighborhood surrounding the Metro station near the church pulsated with a seedy, Arabic sense of menace. Although it could have been legitimate intuition or merely baseless paranoia, I had a feeling that my brother had been killed in a neighborhood much like that one.
During my three days in Paris, the only political messaging I remember seeing was graffiti on a wall depicting a silhouette of Africa in black paint, with red paint “bleeding” from the bottom. I read it as some sort of statement against South African apartheid.
Nearly 40 years later, and in no small part because the French felt bad about Africa bleeding and welcomed refugees into their formerly great nation, France is bleeding out from every pore.

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Ode to Bucky Goad
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I am sorry, sir, for what happened to your brother in Paris. And as I read your ode to him, I realize how paltry mine or anyone’s sympathy must sound.
And I both rage and grieve at what is happening to France. And to many other White nations.
We all are painfully aware of what is happening, but some of us are still learning why:
How did I guess that it was the usual suspects before I even watched it?
This was like a disturbing visit from the ghosts of Christmas Past and Christmas Present. But what say you, O ghost of Christmas Future?
France – This website shows the explosive birth in popularity of the name Muhammad given to baby boys in France. It is the most popular name for baby boys in immigrant populated Parisian suburbs.
UK –Muhammad was the most common name for baby boys born in the UK in 2022 and 2023
USA – Muhammad & Aaliyah first made the top 10 baby name list in 2019
Back to the Christmas tidings. Muhammad is the most popular name in the Islamic world. The film An American Carol is loosely inspired by Dickens and takes aim at liberal documentarists like Michael Moore.
Reunion island was an uninhabited territory in the Indian Ocean that France began to colonize in the 17th century. Over the centuries they imported slaves, then immigrant workers from Africa, China, Madagascar and India. Nowadays over 80% of the residents were born there. It remains a French territory, but there is a white minority (20-25%) and unclear intermarriage and racial mixing as their constitution bans asking such questions in the census. Former French starlet, Brigitte Bardot, received one of her several racial hatred fines for calling the residents ‘degenerate savages‘, specifically citing their sacrifices of goats.
They wanted it.
It’s hard to feel sorry for them.
In the 80s, it was still possible to drive out these African hordes, as France was fortunate enough to have the first anti-immigration party, the Front National, which was not yet controlled opposition: millions of French people preferred to take to the streets and shout : FN = HATE
All the schools were closed to allow these morons to join in the demonstrations.
Every year, there are over 200,000 abortions in France. Since the legalization, millions of healthy, beautiful white babies have been thrown away in trashcans.
Others – black and brown, ugly and hostile – are happy to replace them and inherit a country they couldn’t have build themselves.
Right you are. I try to forget the 1980s but all I remember were the sweet white French girls wearing “Touche pas a mon pote” buttons. It was all I could do to NOT say “I wouldn’t touch your pal with a barge pole” but the dim future was visible on their blank smiling faces.
Ah, ” touche pas mon pote “, founded by 2 North-african jews, and a half black half jew. Full of hate, envy and malevolance towards Europeans.
You are perfectly right : the occupation government which has been in charge for more than 40 years in the current euroGau named France (its next name will be euroCalifaFrance or euroWasteLand formerly known as France) does not come from nowhere but from the *votes* of morons without logic nor even sense of autopreservation : for more than 40 years now, *poll after poll*, the French have been about 66% to 80% wanting [very] rightist measures in many domains ; for decades too, they have been, poll after poll, about 66% to 80% to pretend they despise mainstream journalists ; and *yet*, the very same rebels *obey* mainstream me[r]dia when they have to vote, and vote for people who are their enemies. Voters are not even able to vote for the “less worst” — which would still be among the worst.
Now, one must admit the game is rigged : even the most “rightist” (on paper, in words, but never in facts) are still *products* offered by the system : one can be sure that any of the Le Pen, Zemmour, Philippot or Asselineau would be great disappointements for their voters.
Morons deserve their fate. France is a country where, if you dare and defend your life, your family or your possessions, you are condemned to prison, while imported criminals are left unpunished. The rule accepted by 95% of the sheep is : let’s all be slaughtered, but let’s be quiet about it and let’s die in silence. After all, the French have not even understood they were now subjects of the e.u. wannabe empire. But that’s another long and sad story… There would be a short story to write showing French people arriving, after their death, to Hell or to Paradise and beeing looked with a deserved contempt by their ancestors, whether saved or damned.
A good website about everyday horror is, until Ursula Breton has it closed, fdesouche.
A last word about a minor point : FN = HATE has a bad pun in it, which is supposed to be a great witticism among leftists : F.N., Front National, is pronounced Eff Hen. N letter sounds like “haine” i.e. hatred.
Thanks for your kind words , and Franz too.
Yes, F-N = HAINE
But I didn’t want to bother our American friends with french specific pronunciation.
They never wanted it!
When Enoch Powell gave his (in)famous speech in 1968, he was immediately sacked from Edward Heath’s “Conservative” shadow cabinet and furiously denounced by the usual suspects.
The people thought otherwise. When a Gallup poll was taken a week after Powell’s remarks, a solid 74% of respondents supported Powell’s speech. If democracy meant anything in Britain in 1968, Powell would have been swept into office in the next election. Instead he was exiled to the wilderness for the rest of his political career.
Even in super-liberal Sweden, a recent poll taken by the Aftonbladet newspaper had over 60% agreeing with the view that immigrants should “go back to their home countries.” This shocking news was not treated as a slow-down message by the authorities, but rather as a signal to ramp up the propaganda even more intensely than before!
Blaming the people for their current immigration immiseration is like blaming the passengers on Flight 93 for “allowing” their hijackers to corkscrew their plane into the ground.
“Others – black and brown, ugly and hostile – are happy to replace them and inherit a country they couldn’t have build themselves.”
Absolutely correct. Don’t forget we Americans tolerated tens of millions of illegals & we will become a minority soon. Our Founding Fathers would b ashamed as to what we have become. A pathetic pushover people willing to make our children a minority. Now, that’s evil.
The West remains steadfast in it’s determination to learn lessons the hard way…
It is always harrowing to read about the ongoing violent assault and ritual humiliation that is the nature of the knife and rape attacks on White women and children, as well as on some White men, by non-White invaders who should be nowhere near our Western countries. This was all totally preventable, and totally predictable. All of those who made decisions that enabled and encouraged this, deserve to burn eternally in a special hell for traitors. After reading Jim Goad’s linked article in memorial to his brother, “Ode to Bucky Goad”, I was filled with a sort of howling despair. Life is so brutal for the innocent and the weak, and for all of those most deserving of protection.
That’s right. The only experience any of these creatures should ever have of Europe or European lands is via their imaginations from their respective undesirable countries. We must learn to muster enough love for ourselves, and the necessary degree of hatred of them and their enablers, need to do whatever is necessary to get them out and keep them out.
It is always a harrowing experience to read about the ongoing violent attacks and ritual humiliation rapes that continue to be inflicted upon White women, White children, and even some White men, by racial strangers who are invading our Western countries. Invaders who should have never been allowed anywhere near our civilizations. All of those who have aided and abetted in this genocidal policy deserve to burn eternally in a special hell for traitors. After reading the linked article by Jim Goad, “Ode to Bucky Goad”, in memoriam to his brother, I was filled with a howling despair. This world is so merciless to the innocent and to the weak, and to all who are the most deserving of protection.
Obviously, universal suffrage doesn’t work. In every country with “free and fair” elections, weasels and psychopaths rise to the top. It’s not working and it will eventually lead to an Islamic caliphate in much of Europe and a South American style military dictatorship in the US.
This is a great and well-needed post for all of us to understand the strength of the enemy we are facing. I’m only sorry to hear that Jim Goad had to face it within his own family.
This i what happens when religions go off the rails and produce these pathological religious psychos. Mark the words “We will out-breed you until the end of Time” — that threat is clearly meant for all European Whites worldwide — i.e. Me and Thee.
They have clearly delineated their unlimited hatred for us, yet our so-called “Educated college graduates and professors and their adoring students can’t see the outcome of their religious insanity over “All Men Are Created Equal” and its grandchild “DEI” — “Diversity, Equality and Inclusion”.
The entire Middle East — I am fairly sure — has no desire whatsoever to ever be included in a society with us — except as conquerors. Why is that not blazingly obvious?
I’ve read recently that Hamas hates Jews not so much for being their centuries’-old tribal hated enemies, but because s0 many of them have inter-bred with European Whites (witness Trump’s daughter, etc.) and a great many live and work in predominantly White countries worldwide.
How long are we going to leave our borders wide open to facilitate our takeover?
How long are we going to facilitate our adoration of DEI?
DEI means “DIE” for us.
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