Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “Holding France at Knifepoint,” on the already terrible and rapidly worsening levels of violent crime perpetrated by migrants in France, in response to which the authorities are doing nothing. (more…)
Tag: Charlie Hebdo Massacre
Last week at a grade school in France, a 12-year-old girl attempted to stab her teacher. Other schoolchildren say she told them she was planning a copycat stabbing in honor of a 20-year-old Chechen named Mohamed who’d shouted “Allahu Akbar!” while stabbing his former teacher to death at another school in France this October.
Witnesses say the unnamed fifth-grade student shouted “I’m going to kill you, ma’am!” — at least she was polite enough to call her “ma’am” — before pulling out a knife and lunging at the teacher, who fled the classroom before the girl was restrained and taken into custody. (more…)
November 22, 2015 Greg Johnson
Мусульманский вопрос
August 5, 2015 Greg Johnson
Le problème musulman
May 31, 2015 Guillaume Durocher
Houellebecq, islám a Židé:
Recenze knihy Michela Houellebecqa SoumissionEnglish original here
Nejnovější román Michela Houllebecqa Soumission vyvolal ohromný rozruch. Kniha popisuje nástup k moci islamistického prezidenta ve Francii roku 2022 a předvídatelně byla označena za islamofobní. Načasování vydání knihy souběžně s masakrem v Charlie Hebdo – kdy skupina ve Francii narozených nespokojených muslimů povraždila několik levicově liberálních karikaturistů a Židů – bylo z hlediska marketingu knihy dokonalé. (more…)
2,835 думи
English original here
Гийом Дуроше
Последният роман на Мишел Уелбек “Подчинение“ предизвика огромен интерес. Книгата описва идването на власт във Франция на президент ислямист през 2022г. и очаквано е набедена за ислямофобска. Атентатът над Шарли Ебдо – няколко разгневени мюсюлмани родени във Франция убиват ляво-либерални карикатуристи и евреи – се проведе в най-подходящото време, за да увеличи продажбите на книгата. Действително “Подчинение“ е нещо, станало изключително рядко – succès européen (за разлика от обичайния паневропейски панаир на културата, състоящ се от холивудски блокбъстъри и дегенерирала бритпоп музика). (more…)
1,719 words
François Hollande went on Canal+ (not to be confused with Quenelle+) to sit down with five teenagers to discuss the issues of the day. The panel consisted of 3 Arabs, 1 half-Black girl, and 1 French boy who, for reasons that were never explained sat across the table divided by spectators while the others were within reach of the President. One segment of the exchange has gone viral. (more…)
February 28, 2015 Greg Johnson
Moslimský problém
Translations: Bulgarian, Czech
Michel Houellebecq’s latest novel, Soumission
, has attracted enormous attention. The book portrays the coming to power of an Islamist president in France in 2022 and has predictably been condemned as Islamophobic. The timing of the Charlie Hebdo massacres – a few disgruntled French-born Muslims murdering left-liberal cartoonists and Jews – could not have been better in terms of boosting sales. Indeed, Soumission is already that rarest of things: a succès européen (rather than our usual pan-European cultural fare of Hollywood blockbusters and degenerate Anglo pop music). (more…)
January 31, 2015 Greg Johnson
Muslimská otázka
January 28, 2015 Greg Johnson
El problema Musulmán