Last week I made my debut in the anti-white extremist tabloid, Right Wing Watch. The article is a farcically dishonest and cynical hit piece, of course, but we can’t let Antifa Inc. slander us without punching back. Americans want pugilistic leadership, and stepping into the ring with the Left is glorious work. I am wary of in-fighting, but out-fighting Bolsheviks is another thing altogether.
The Great Replacement
Right Wing Watch spent much of its airspace scolding Neil Kumar for spotlighting the Great Replacement, and they’ve begun fearing this singularly evocative term for a reason. It is not only a household word; it enjoys majority support among Republican voters. Every revolution needs its vocabulary. If we are to surrender ours this easily, soon we will be calling ourselves conservatives and libertarians again.
Right Wing Watch calls the Great Replacement an “old racist ideology” and “a deadly theory.” But the Great Replacement is not a theory or an ideology; it is an easily provable fact, and truth should only prove deadly to liars.
The Great Replacement is a product of the 1965 Hart-Celler Act, which shifted America’s preference from white to non-white immigrants. From 1790 to 1965, the United States restricted immigration to Europeans. Whereas only five states had a non-white country as their largest foreign-born population in 1950, in 2013 only five states had their highest foreign-born population from a white country. To deny the Great Replacement is to deny the existence of the Hart-Celler Act, and the 100 million arrivals since.
We also know that the Great Replacement is real because the system assaults organizations that oppose it. If we struggle against an imaginary foe, why do we face exceptional pressure from elites? Corporate America outlaws Counter-Currents, while the bootlickers of Right Wing Watch get carte blanche.
It is absurd that the United States government would accidentally displace its native people, who made it sole master of the Earth, by 25% in 40 years. White Americans have dropped from 80% of the population in 1980 to 55% in 2022. Pew Research predicts another 100 million immigrants by 2050, and nearly all of them will be non-whites.
Right Wing Watch is as hostile to progress as fifteenth-century witch hunters, but their incoherent screeching cannot stop white identity politics. At this stage, Replacement deniers can only be cynics, fools, or conformists. Seething Neo-Marxists believe replacement is a good thing, but celebrating genocide is a public relations blunder, so usually they just pretend it isn’t happening.
Right Wing Watch claims it is “a lie” that Jewish elites work to replace white Americans with non-whites as an ethnic strategy. But the American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, and Anti-Defamation League led the pressure campaign to pass the Hart-Celler Act. Jacob Javitz was its leading sponsor in the Senate, and the bill bears the name of Emmanuel Celler. Jewish elites are therefore leading architects of the Great Replacement. It isn’t “hate” or a “lie” when Jewish organizations take credit for America’s increasing ethnic diversity; it is only a problem if whites complain about it.
Right Wing Watch implies I am deploying my friend, Neil Kumar, as cannon fodder in a scheme to create an ethnostate. But out of apparent stupidity, they cite the entire paragraph where I state why we should promote high-principled non-whites who advocate for our people:
We have a very firm and clear goal. And that is the goal we outlined in our “America is Ready for White Identity Politics” article: to bring pro-white politics to the patriotic American public. So the question, the criteria, here is: Neil Kumar, Michelle Malkin, are they effective towards getting us closer to that goal or not?
They quote Neil much earlier in the article:
So imagine one person, like myself, on the floor of Congress talking about white interests, white advocacy. That would change the global conversation. It would make national headlines, push the Overton Window; it would bring white advocacy into the mainstream.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here.
So, Neil and I have the same agenda. My counsel to be “ruthlessly pragmatic and calculating” advises White Nationalists to accept helpful contributions from non-whites. Would it have been wise for the Arabs to refuse assistance from T. E. Lawrence?
The merits of an ethnostate are undeniable. It is the best way to end hatred and violence between radically different peoples. Given our 400 years of conflict with American Indians and blacks, Americans should understand the perils of diversity. We don’t need any more of it.
But I want to popularize and empower white identity. I want us to get a grip on the public mind and influence American politics. If we achieve this — someday, somewhere — we will secure total independence.
Right Wing Watch, thank you for giving me, Neil, Greg, and Counter-Currents some excellent press. You were clever to omit hyperlinks to our work, because America really is ready for white identity politics.
Until the next round,
Robert Wallace
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Just shot you another rack.
I waded into the Bolshevik slurry at Right Wing Watch and found it to be little more than a slick cardboard sign held by intellectual bums begging for change.
These rats should be acknowledged for their fundraising prowess, even if it buys someone else’s Boones Farm.
You are the real heavyweight champ, DeMeo. This gave Cyan, Greg, and me a great boost.
I wouldn’t give RWW much credit for their fundraising prowess. Donors and foundations fall into the lap of organizations like these. But I will give credit to wealthy left-wingers for their philanthropic urgency. This is why they win.
We will catch up soon, my friend.
Great piece, Mr. Wallace.
A great way to combat CRT is to push GRT.
Thank you, Edmund. It was fun to write this one.
The Replacement numbers alone make for an easy argument. I tried to give readers some useful talking points, and form a solid intro to the subject.
Thank you, Robert Wallace, for joining the fracas with the Left, and giving us a good lesson on how ‘it is done!’ I’ve not yet checked out ‘Right Wing Watch’, but I’ll look them up. I’ve used ACLU to look up others ‘whom I may consume’, like any other good predator on the hunt. “Know Your Enemy”.
It’s my pleasure, Alexandra. I’m having fun with this article. It would be hilarious and helpful if we pushed it to the top of “Right Wing Watch” search engine results. We scare them, but I’d like to force a rematch.
This article is a knockout victory for White Nationalists against the commies at RightWingWatch. These loonies omit any links to CounterCurrents. What are they afraid of? They are afraid of the truth.
Sample quotes:
1) “To deny the Great Replacement is to deny the existence of the Hart-Celler Act, and the 100 million arrivals since.”
2) “At this stage, Replacement deniers can only be cynics, fools, or conformists. Seething Neo-Marxists believe replacement is a good thing, but celebrating genocide is a public relations blunder, so usually they just pretend it isn’t happening.”
Thanks, kolokol. They will not respond to my emails so maybe I gave them brain damage with this “knockout victory.” I’d like for them to come back for more. We’ve been locked inside a cage together since Charlottesville, and it seems as if the right mostly fights with itself now. We need to start engaging in open conflict with the left again. It just takes a lot of fire to draw them out of their lair.
As I messaged to Neil at the time, being attacked by these people – ADL, SPLC, RWW – is the pro-White world’s ‘Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval’.
Truer words, HT… I wish it had been the SPLC or ADL as people would’ve been more motivated to share. It’s extremely helpful when our articles on these groups pop to the top of their search engine results. SEO is one of the only ways we can break out of the censorship ice we’re in right now. But lots of harassment on the horizon for me 😄 Thanks, hope you’re well.
I get a kick out of how welcoming millions of nothing less than colonists from third world hellholes is deemed acceptable or even encouraged, yet white colonists that tamed africa and America are deemed ruthless and owing reparations. I saw it the other day where these aliens are now getting referenced as colonists. I like it as an accurate description and we need to make sure it’s used more often. Especially to note that they come with hands open begging for benefits rather than offering anything of value to our society.
You’re exactly right. Whereas European colonialism brought the non-white world into modernity, non-white colonialism is bringing progress to a grinding halt. Whites have to accept that generally, non-whites will never be grateful to them. Other than Northeast Asians, there’s just too much resentment there. But then they aren’t colonizing because their countries are nice. Not a coincidence.
Amazing column, thank you for this. According to the maps, South Dakota went from Norway to Ethiopia in 63 years. No European countries on the 2013 map. Thanks for the link to the RWW site; now looking for some rebel flag suspenders and neckties to match Mr. Kumar’s.
Thank you, Z-Man. Spread around if it isn’t too much trouble. I’d like to push it to the top of search engine results for “Right Wing Watch.” Time to remind Commies that actions have consequences.
For the consideration of any egalitarian who asks what is meant by “The Great Replacement:”
You’re traveling through a university campus. But the statue of Malcolm X in front of the student union is gone and instead there stands a memorial to George Wallace. So you go to the Black Studies Department to complain, but you discover a White Student Association organizing a campaign to support Boer farmers in South Africa. And you visit your friendly Marxist-Leninist Professor of Trotskyite Boundaries, but you find occupying his office a well known National-Populist teaching a course on Julius Evola and the Expanding Dimension of Elitism.
That’s the LED screen up ahead – your next stop, the Replacement Zone!
This replacement sounds truly great 😁 Thanks, Francis.
Boy, they’ve gotta be hating this; making people feel stupid then quietly skulk back into the shadows had really been working well for them.
Your well-reasoned response is exactly what they don’t want, Robert. “Please,” one imagines them pleading, “Burn a church! Hang a noose up–something!”
* * *
“The merits of an ethnostate are undeniable. It is the best way to end hatred and violence between radically different peoples.”
It’s also the best way to end theft from, and violence toward, whitey: a shuddering prospect for Mr. Cohenberg and his golem, L’Dante.
Thank you, James! You’re the best, man.
It probably stung them a bit. They will sure as hell not want people to read it. Note they never link to our work—only to other Antifa Inc. hit pieces.
We will talk here soon if I’ve anything to do about it. Long overdue.
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