Treat your mind (or trick it) with Halloween writings at Counter-Currents.
Jef Costello, “I Wake Up Screaming: My Top Ten Halloween Horror Flick Picks”
William de Vere, “All Hallows’ Eve: On Death & Remembrance” (more…)
Treat your mind (or trick it) with Halloween writings at Counter-Currents.
Jef Costello, “I Wake Up Screaming: My Top Ten Halloween Horror Flick Picks”
William de Vere, “All Hallows’ Eve: On Death & Remembrance” (more…)
“A slave is one who waits for someone else to free him.” — Ezra Pound
One of the ongoing projects of the North American New Right is the recovery of our tradition. One does not have to go too far back before one discovers that every great European thinker and artist is a “Right Wing extremist” by today’s standards.
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Saturday, October 30th, Counter-Currents Radio’s guest host will be Millennial Woes who will be joined by Nick Jeelvy to discuss current events, white identity politics, and, of course, YOUR QUESTIONS. Counter-Currents Radio will be streaming on DLive and Odysee at noon PST, 3 pm EST, 8 pm UK time, & 9 pm CET. Send your questions, comments, and donations through Entropy:
Sunday, October 31st (Halloween), Nick Jeelvy will be joined on the Writers’ Bloc by James O’Meara for a blood-chilling, spine-tingling discussion of what really scares “them” about magic and the occult, plus current events and YOUR QUESTIONS. The Writers’ Bloc will be streaming on DLive and Odysee at 1 pm PST, 4 pm EST, 9 pm UK time, and 10 pm CET. Send your questions, comments, and donations through Entropy:
“The Great Replacement” was coined by French author Renaud Camus to describe the demographic displacement of whites by non-whites taking place in Western Europe and North America. The Great Replacement is a fact. It is the product of political policies. It is celebrated by establishment voices. But if you don’t celebrate the Great Replacement, you are accused of trafficking in a discredited Right-wing conspiracy theory. However, despite attempts to marginalize the idea of the Great Replacement, it is becoming increasingly mainstream. (more…)
When I first began frequenting Counter-Currents, I was working at a university as a “writing consultant,” which — stripping away the fancy-sounding title — meant that I was a tutor, or “paper doctor,” as I called it. And as a “paper doctor,” my professional diagnosis was usually that the assignments themselves were lousy — dead on arrival. (more…)
How many of you have ever flown into Auckland Airport (as in New Zealand), assembled your mountain bike, then headed due south, ending up that evening at a nowhere stop that at least had a large pub featuring karaoke night (which had surprisingly good singers)? Further, how many of you, after food and beer, then pitched your little tent across the river from the pub on the other bank in the dark, listening as remaining patrons jeered the police waiting in the dark for drunk drivers? (more…)
Critique of capitalism has a long history. Broadly beginning with Marx and Engels, capitalism’s critics have morphed over time as capital itself continues to evolve. However, regardless of the source of discontent — ranging from nineteenth-century Communists, to twentieth-century socialists, to twenty-first century black-pilled intellectuals — certain themes pervade; (more…)
I have been a stranger in a strange land. — Exodus 2: 22
It is very hard, dear brother, to live in a foreign land. — Leo Tolstoy, The Cossacks
If I were asked what I considered the greatest invention in my lifetime I would have no hesitation in replying that it is the e-reader. Had my grandfather, for example, wished to own the collected works of Plato, he would have had to have taken time off from his work as a film developer for Paramount Films, travelled on the underground from his flat in Ealing, (more…)
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The discovery in the 1960s of a Viking settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows on the northern tip of the island of Newfoundland in Canada is one of the most striking, if little-heralded, findings in the history of European historical research and archaeology. The staggering accomplishment of Norwegian explorer Helge Ingstad and his archaeologist wife Anne Stine Ingstad is far less known than it should be.
The Ingstads furnished the first conclusive physical proof of Norse settlement on the mainland of North America around 1000 AD, as recorded in the Saga of Erik the Red and the Saga of the Greenlanders, written two hundred years after the events took place. (more…)
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Moving en masse on city streets with their white button-down shirts and white pants, the men cut quite a figure. Clad head-to-toe in white and moving as if they’re on a vengeance mission, they are reminiscent of the futuristic British droogs in the Anthony Burgess novel and Stanley Kubrick film — until you notice that they’ve splattered their crotch areas with bright red paint. (more…)
Having directed a couple of skits, ads, radio plays, artistic performances, and auteur hipster films in my time, I know that when people know they’re being filmed, they act strange. A lot of people think it’s the camera that does this to people, but in my experience it’s the knowledge of being perceived, scrutinized, and watched by “the public.” Put a camera in front of a woman’s face, and she starts imagining the reactions on social media. Take a full body shot of a man and he’ll suck in his belly and straighten his back. (more…)
Wolfram Siemann
Metternich: Strategist and Visionary
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2019
Julius Evola called Klemens von Metternich the “last great European.” The Right-wing philosopher saw the Austrian statesman as his ideal leader instead of the fascist strongmen he saw in his own time. Statements like this have made the Right partial to Metternich, seeing him as a leader who tried to reverse the poison unleashed by the French Revolution. (more…)