Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “What’s With the Egos on These Negroes?“, on the recent fracas between former superstar NFL quarterback Cam Newton and a small throng of young amateur footballers, and what this shows about the black community. (more…)
Tag: the NFL
1,513 words / 11:42
As the ancient African proverb says, “You should never chimp out on a gorilla.”
In Atlanta last Sunday — in yet another sad and tiresome case of the black community harming the black community, leading to the black pundits who represent the black community demanding that the black community be nicer to the black community — former superstar quarterback Cam Newton, a 6’5” dreadlocked Sasquatch described as “arguably the most physically imposing quarterback the NFL has ever seen,” was attacked by a small throng of young amateur footballers, whom he effortlessly tossed around like stuffed animals before security guards stepped in and deescalated the situation. (more…)
According to legend, an independent, truthful, and unbiased press is a vital pillar of democracy. There’s a certain mystique about intrepid journalists facing the night and storm in their trench coats and fedoras, out to fight corruption and bring the powerful to heel, armed only with their pens and notepads. Their aim was nothing but the truth: “Just the facts, Ma’am.” (more…)
The Promise Keepers prayer sessions held in stadiums across the US during the 1990s were the first attempt of evangelicals and American football to team up to try to bridge the racial divide.
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The last week of the National Football League (NFL) season witnessed an outpouring of Christian faith. Players have never been shy about expressing their faith. They usually pray before games on the sidelines, triumphant quarterbacks will thank God in the sky after a touchdown, and victorious footballers love to credit God for why they won the game. But Week 18 saw an even more obvious display of faith. (more…)
The Super Bowl always serves as a good barometer for American culture. It’s where ads seek to introduce upcoming blockbusters and “social progress.” Corporations made sure to start showing off gay couples in Super Bowl advertising in the mid-2010s. (more…)
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A long time ago, in a magical kingdom tucked safely away from the flaming hell we currently inhabit, there used to be this crazy, hate-filled idea that if some groups performed better on average than other groups regarding any given task, it’s highly likely that the main reason for this is that they simply were better than other groups at that task. It was so pure and innocent in its reasoning that someone invariably had to come and fuck it all up. (more…)
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Charlottesville: The Blowback Continues
More than four years after that naked mole rat of a college professor named Dwayne Dixon pointed a rifle at James Fields in Charlottesville, Virginia, causing him to panic, drive away, and then plow through a crowd of Leftist agitators who were rioting without a permit and ignoring police orders to disperse, inadvertently causing an obese woman named Heather Heyer to have a heart attack, probably 99% of Americans are savagely unaware of many key points I outlined in this paragraph. (more…)
Jewess comedienne Sarah Silverman, who is trying to lead the charge against white people playing Jews in what she calls “Jewface,” in blackface.
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Neovaginas and Why They Stink
In almost no time at all — seemingly less time than it takes to surgically repurpose part of a slimy colon or an inverted scrotum into a fake vagina — trannies have become the Jews of Sexuality. Make one snide comment about them, and you will forever be banished from polite society. This may not be as bad as it seems, though, seeing as how “polite society” these days hinges around supremely impolite topics such as the bacterial climate inside manmade vaginas. (more…)
NFL Players Association Executive Director DeMaurice Smith, whom Raiders coach Jon Gruden described as possessing “lips the size of Michelin tires.”
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NFL Coach Resigns After His Hilarious Emails are Leaked
Black Americans are as statistically overrepresented in the ranks of professional football players as they are when it comes to committing homicide.
With his Nordic features and blond hair, Jon Gruden was a white NFL coach until last week. Back in 2003, he led the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to a decisive Super Bowl victory over what were then known as the Oakland Raiders. (more…)
In the final days of the holy Pride Month, the National Football League told the world: “Football is gay.”
The message came in a pro-gay ad released by the macho sports league. The ad also said that: “Football is lesbian;” “Football is queer;” “Football is transgender; “Football is bisexual;” “Football is American;” and “Football is for everyone.” (more…)