“I don’t believe in luck. I believe in being prepared.” — Olympic wrestling champion Dan Gable
“I don’t believe in psychology. I believe in good moves.” — World chess champion Bobby Fischer (more…)
“I don’t believe in luck. I believe in being prepared.” — Olympic wrestling champion Dan Gable
“I don’t believe in psychology. I believe in good moves.” — World chess champion Bobby Fischer (more…)
In his recent Takimag essay, “White Knighting for Middle East Unsalvageables,” David Cole gets a lot right, but he misses the broader picture. With his usual caustic flair, Cole complains about the uncritical — and what he sees as hypocritical — support many on the Right have been lavishing on the Palestinians during their ongoing war with the Israelis. (more…)
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There have recently been stories about how this or that mainstream conservative commentator is some kind of closet and/or ex-dissident Rightist, or is consuming dissident Right content on the down low. In March, liberals raked Tucker Carlson over the coals after leaked internal text messages revealed that he had read a Takimag article by notorious “Holocaust denier” David Cole and commented favorably on it. And then last month, a hot mic recording of Daily Wire star Matt Walsh surfaced in which he could be heard making “demographics are destiny” arguments about how non-whites would not be able to maintain America’s Anglo-Saxon culture. (more…)
Long-time Counter-Currents contributor Ondrej Mann recently conducted an interview with our most prolific writer, Jim Goad.
Ondrej Mann: Do you believe in astrology and astrological signs? Do you have any experience with it? I was telling my girlfriend about you, your work, your interests, and your books, and she immediately said, typical Gemini. And then when I looked at your birth date, June 12 . . . (more…)
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
11. In addition to being prominent Holocaust revisionists, both you and your mentor, David McCalden, were outspoken atheists. Through people like Michael Shermer, you also had some engagement with the “skeptic” (as atheists were branding themselves at the time) scene. These were the 1990s equivalent of the people we now refer to as “fedora tippers.” (more…)
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Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
David Cole (YouTube, Substack) is a man who needs no introduction to Counter-Currents readers. But just in case Ann Coulter tweets this out to her millions of normie fans (she’s one of Cole’s most enthusiastic supporters), I should probably write an introduction.
Whether you love him or hate him, you’ve got to admit that David Cole has had one hell of a life. (more…)
The recording of Greg Johnson‘s appearance on Millenniyule earlier this month is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:01:51 What are the most significant events of 2022?
00:05:54 Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover
00:10:00 Is Musk a normie? (more…)
Imagine that you’re an organic dairy farmer in Pennsylvania, as trad as can be. One day, while you’re supposed to be milking the cows by hand, someone catches you at your side gig. Specifically, you’re working on your cloud-hosted Hyper-V cluster, adding a DNS reverse lookup zone to the Active Directory domain controller so the DHCP server can assign PTR records when it leases IP addresses. Obviously, your Amish brethren won’t cotton to that. They might shun you for apostasy, and perhaps stack one count of felony TCP/IP administration onto your sentence. Still, luckily for you at least the Amish Ordnungspolizei won’t put out a contract on you. (more…)
A Yiddish election poster from Ukraine in 1917 which reads, in Yiddish, “Vote for the United Jewish Socialist Workers’ Party.”
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When approaching the Jewish Question, a beginner should keep in mind that the ultimate goal of his investigation should be the normalization of the white and Jewish populations. Normalization, in this case, means a state of affairs in which one population does not take undue advantage of the other. A utopian goal, perhaps, but one that would most likely reap tangible rewards the closer both populations come to achieving it.
How are white-Jewish relations today not normalized? If you ask Jonathan Greenblatt or any other spokesmen of diaspora Jewish interests, they would tell you that relations today are normalized. (more…)
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Host Greg Johnson invited Gaddius Maximus, Karl Thorburn, Cyan, and Arthur to discuss their experiences at the recent American Renaissance conference on this installment of Counter-Currents Radio, and it’s now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
Colin Flaherty and David Cole
Favorite speeches (more…)
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In his recent essay “Suicide (Final) Solution” at Taki’s Magazine, David Cole aired some extraordinarily trenchant criticisms of Jews. Despite his seemingly philo-Semitic baseline (i.e., he vigorously criticizes Jews because he vigorously wants what’s best for them), (more…)