Sympathy for the Devil Worshipper
“Ze Nazi” as the Fall Guy…Again
Clarissa Schnabel
Perspectives change in the weirdest ways. Who would have thought a mere week ago that I would find myself defending Klaus Schwab? Certainly not me.
Well, it’s not “defending” so much as it’s being angry at the people behind him. The guy has probably done far worse things than anyone gives him credit for, and I’ll definitely not make excuses for him. Still, there are moments when “ze Germans” have to stick together. Okay, Klausi is of Swiss descent, but that is actually somewhat the point I’m about to make. How often do you hear people refer to Schwab as Swiss? Then again, his paternal ancestors apparently came from Swabia (Schwaben), Germany, hence the last name.
But let’s start at the beginning. Counter-Currents readers might remember that I am into European prophecy. Recently, I came across something called Remote Viewing. Anyone who has watched the film The Men Who Stare at Goats may feel free to laugh, but I had never heard of this before. I am still not entirely clear on how the protocol works, so please don’t expect any expert explanation from me. Basically, it’s a form of learned clairvoyance. It has its origins in military intelligence gathering, and the reality is far less ridiculous than The Men Who Stare at Goats implies.
The original Department of Defense definition of Remote Viewing (RV) was “the learned ability to transcend space and time, to view persons, places, or things remote in space-time; to gather and report information on the same.” It was a technique used to spy on the real or perceived enemies of our nation using a human ability to perceive and record information about a target that is far away from the person doing the Viewing.[1]
… the most recent history began circa 1972 when the Central Intelligence Agency learned through various human intelligence sources that the Czechs, Chinese, Soviets, Germans, Israelis, and even the British were all heavily involved in the study of various aspects of what would be called paranormal. …
When the CIA learned of these studies, the obvious question was, “Do we have such a potential?” At this juncture, the United States did not have such a capability, nor had it ever really considered it – until now. If all these other agencies were involved in studying the paranormal, then why were we not involved? It was clear that the nation’s principal intelligence agency needed to catch up to the intelligence collection efforts of the others – at least in this alternative method of gathering intelligence.[2]
The procedure is that Remote Viewers are assigned an anonymous target, symbolized by a random number. They do not know who or what the target is; that information is known only to the so-called “targeteer.”
The concept of Coordinate Remote Viewing came from the early protocols for designating a target site for the Remote Viewers to view. Lacking any complete understanding of what was possible in this human ability, the scientists who developed the protocols assigned latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates to the target based on its actual location on the surface of the Earth. This two-dimensional plane had its limitations. Using latitude and longitude began to skew the data the Remote Viewers were able to produce. It did this for the simple reason that the more you work with latitude and longitude, the more you are prone to recognize where on the Earth you are working. … The scientists performing the experiments on the Viewers began noticing that the Viewers’ data was becoming highly accurate, perhaps too accurate, and they began searching for a flaw in the process. It was determined that the Viewers had begun memorizing the latitude and longitude coordinates and as a result were guessing at verbal and visual data that was supporting the target site. …
Something had to be found that would permit the assignment of target coordinates anywhere on the Earth and beyond. The new system had to be without physical limitation and based on the concept of a target rather than on the actual physical location of the target. … The idea was codified in the use of random numbers that would be linked to the thought – the conceptual illusion, the concept – of the target that was held in the mind of the person assigning the numbers to the target.[3]
Of course, unlike what author David Morehouse claims, you can never entirely eliminate a Viewer’s bias, imagination or interpretation. The same holds true for the targeteer who might or might not superimpose his thoughts on the “concept” of the target. You partly see this in a team of Remote Viewers that I discovered when I started to look into the topic, the Future Forecasting Group. They do a lot of crypto forecasting, but they’re also into some rather esoteric stuff. I really had to laugh out loud when I saw that they had tried to Remote View Maria Orsic. For those who don’t know, Maria Orsic is supposed to have been a medium who worked for Hitler, communicated with aliens via her hair, and developed vril-powered UFOs. I’m not even kidding. However, she never existed. Tino Struckmann, who did a video on the topic that I’m too lazy to find now, put it this way: If there was any conspiracy theory that he could get behind whole-heartedly, it would be beautiful women communicating with aliens. Sadly, he had to debunk it. The Remote Viewing sessions, tellingly enough, mainly got a hits on a male – probably the targeteer.
Most of the Future Forecasting Group’s interesting content is only available via a paid membership, but they put out one complete whiteboard session on Klaus Schwab, or target ID A6J0-N9SA, for free. While I cannot confirm or deny that the Remote Viewer who filmed his session really had no idea whom he was targeting, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. It’s worth watching, even if it’s only for entertainment purposes. I found myself thinking how mean it was – your whole life, down to the most intimate details, laid open for everyone to see. But hey, we’re talking about Klaus Schwab here. Any violation of his privacy is well deserved.
What got my attention was the Remote Viewer’s description of Schwab being involved in some sort of satanic cult. No, not the World Economic Forum, although there’s probably some overlap. The reason why I was impressed with this information is that Malachi Martin, a Vatican insider, had written a novel called Windswept House (1996) that centered on a plot to turn the Catholic church into a de facto secular, globalist institution – something that we are seeing today under Pope Francis. Martin not only correctly predicted that, because of the cabal’s actions, a pope would be resigning, he also wrote quite a number of real persons into his book. All under an alias, of course, but people in the know can recognize them easily enough. We find Klaus Schwab in it as “the Prussian”: “Not yet forty, he was already a man of importance in certain critical transnational affairs”; “his steel-rimmed glasses and his balding head”; “heavy accent.”
Malachi Martin has him take part in a ritual aimed at enthroning Lucifer at the Vatican in 1963. According to some exorcists, this was apparently a real thing. The exact date and details are unknown, but it’s interesting that Martin obviously was onto Schwab.
The full project “Target: Klaus Schwab” is truly fascinating. Sure, I learned things I never, ever wanted to have in my head. But each of the four participants looked at the target from a unique perspective. For example, Edward Riordan, a very good Remote Viewer based on his overall work, saw things from Schwab’s perspective – the idea (and ideal) behind the Great Reset, as well as Schwab’s own role in it, as he perceived it to be. Yes, it’s a megalomaniacal view, but Riordan also foresaw Schwab’s downfall due to his failure to pay sufficient homage to the people who put him in his position. About two weeks after the session had been recorded, Schwab announced his resignation from the executive role of the WEF.
A Remote Viewer who goes by the name of Nyiam managed to see the “head honcho” behind Schwab and described him as – surprise, surprise – a billionaire, a banker perhaps, of the Rothschild or Soros type. In the debriefing, several Viewers stated their impression that Klaus Schwab had been installed as the fall guy. If anything went wrong with the plan, he would take the blame. And that got me thinking.
Klaus Schwab certainly blew the WEF’s cover by being so damn obvious and blatant about its plans. Very German of him, actually; we are just not great at subtlety. But this might have been the true reason why the much more subtle (((people))) behind him wanted to get rid of him. Have you, like me, wondered why Yuval Harari was not announced as his successor? Instead, the choice seems to have fallen on Børge Brende (it doesn’t appear to be an ironclad decision yet), a name few people are familiar with. Harari had been too much in the limelight, both as Schwab’s protégé and because of some statements he had made. What if Brende had been chosen to succeed Schwab in order to calm things down on the social media front, to turn the WEF into an overlooked entity again?
The same thing might hold true for Schwab’s son Olivier who is or was very involved with the China side of the WEF. He is even married to a Chinese woman – the idea of a “dynasty” (including strategic marriage alliances) that Edward Riordan saw? No doubt Olivier Schwab is on the shortlist for head of the WEF, but the timing does not appear to be right.
Something else. In any comments section of anything Klaus Schwab-related, you’ll find the inevitable “Oh, his father was a Nazi, what do you expect?” remark. How very, very convenient. To quite a number of people, it’s really “the Nazis” who are in control behind the scenes. They came to America as part of Operation Paperclip, didn’t you know? They infiltrated every institution to bring about their Fourth Reich.
How clever a move is this? You install someone like Klaus Schwab, a living, breathing meme, in a prominent position. People hear his heavy accent, they read about his father’s involvement with the National Socialist party. They think of a James Bond villain. They think of the Nazis/Germans behind the Deep State. Whom will they blame for the mess that is the Great Reset?
This is a diabolical level of obfuscation. When I realized this while watching the Remote Viewing project, I got really angry. Klaus Schwab is a true believer in the Great Reset, but he is clearly not a Nazi. He cares nothing about either Germany or Switzerland, or about his own ancestral connection to both countries. Yet this is the impression far too many people are left with. And the real puppet masters? Well, I guess they are just loving it and having a good laugh.
That, by the way, may have been another reason not to put an Israeli Jew in Schwab’s former position. We wouldn’t want to spoil the optics, would we?
Dear Klaus (to quote Ursula von der Leyen), you better get your shit together. The New World Order might have been your life’s work, and it might sound fine on paper, especially if you’re part of the elite, and especially if you are a devil worshipper. But do you really believe your vision will not be subverted? Do you really believe someone will not come along and turn it into something else? A real student of history would know that this is what always happens.
So drop the kinky stuff, learn the real lessons of history, and reduce some of the bad karma that’s awaiting you. Let’s talk this through over a cup of coffee – you’re buying.
[1] David Morehouse, Remote Viewing, 2011. Kindle edition, position 297
[2] ibd., pos. 526, 537
[3] ibd., pos. 449, 459, 468, 478
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I came across something called Remote Viewing
Phenomena by Annie Jacobsen, a highly recommended book.
Oh dear. I see that she also wrote Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America. Here we go again…
FYI(Can’t recall if I’ve said this before.): Jacobsen’s, Operation Paperclip is a sanctimonious screed attacking virtually all of the German scientists brought over to the US after WWII as war criminals. I base this on watching her C-span presentation about the book. I’m still amazed by the claim she made on C-span (unsupported by any source, including any of the dozens of books I’ve read about it), that the US really didn’t need Werner von Braun & his team of German rocket scientists & engineers to beat the Russians in the space race.
I did not like her Paperclip, but I did like and still like Phenomena and Area 51.
And well, her last book Nuclear War. A scenario has disappointed me, ’cause it is simply a leftist rant. Annie argues, that in the case of a nuclear war not the people which start the war are guilty, but the nuclear weapon itself. However this is just like to say that not the shooter, who used a gun in some violent crime, is guilty, but the gun itself. Sorry, the guns do not shoot for their own will, and the nuclear weapons are also used by human beings, who would to blame for a nuclear catastrophe.
Maybe Schwab’s family come from Germany, but I dont think they are ethnically germans. Look at Schwab’s fisique, actions, associations, etc.
If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, and has feathers….
Maybe, maybe not. You’d think his father would have been vetted before being allowed to become a contractor in National Socialist Germany, but who knows?
What concerns me is Schwab’s image as “the Nazi”. I hadn’t considered that he might have been deliberately set up, with his odd mannerisms, to convey exactly that image in order to deflect from the people behind the scenes.
Forget that. All names with origins of cities, countries, nations, etc. are Jewish. A man named Deutsch is not a German, but a German Jew. A man named Polak/ov is not a Pole, but a Polish Jew. The man named Hollande, is not a Dutchman, but a Dutch Jew. The man named Moskowicz, is not a Russian Muscovite, but a Russian Jew. And so on, and so on. Compare: Berliner, Warschauer, Khmelnizki, Umanski, Berdichevski, Schwab…
I do recall that Otto Frank (Anne’s dad) had been a military supplier early on during the good old days. Therefore it seems that origin wasn’t such an insurmountable barrier as one might expect.
Quite possible. I’m not ruling anything out. Formally, dear Klaus is (or was born) Catholic, so that would have been his father’s religion as well, I guess. Yes, I know that religion says nothing about ethnicity. But that might explain the Malachi Martin connection quite nicely.
It’s interesting that Dick Allgire, the Remote Viewer, mentioned “the target” reminded him of Henry Kissinger, but I think he just meant the accent. 🙂 Kissinger, as it turned out, was Schwab’s mentor. And yes, as to Kök Böri’s thesis, Kissinger’s ancestors came from Kissingen at some point.
Whatever Schwab’s origins (Mischling?), I don’t get a Zionist vibe from him. He probably has even less a connection to Israel than he has to Switzerland or Germany. He’s a pure globalist with delusions of grandeur. Not saying that this is not a very Jewy thing (it is), but it doesn’t appear Jew-centered to me. “Ve vill rool ze vorld!” Which, if we want to get conspiratorial, might be the reason why the people behind him wanted to get rid of him, now that his usefulness is over. “Pay homage to those who put you there or they may conspire to remove you.”
It wouldn’t be unprecedented. There’s the other archetypal Bond villain, George Soros. Similarly, he doesn’t have much pro-Israel street cred, and also seems mainly on a globalist tangent. He’s basically a “crypto” type for strategic reasons, and if my source is correct, he’s even said something to that effect.
Er isch Schwäbisch? Hanoi! Er isch do Raumeidechse, gnau wia ‘r Lompaseggle Harari!
Ich bin beeindruckt! 🙂
How’s the translation coming along, by the way?
I bi halb fertisch mid ‘s zwoider Endwurf. I wollde koi Schlamassl hindrlassa. Schaffa isch a gschäfd!
Sehr löblich.
Anti-slavic hatred and genocide has always been a very germanic obsession since times immemorial!… The historical truth is that it was ALWAYS the germans which tried to conquer and exterminate the Slavs, and NOT the other way around, starting at least since the viking era, and probably since much earlier… The horrific conquest of Prussia and the Baltic States by the so-called “Teutonic Knights” was one of the darkest chapters of all European History: these genocidal monsters, at the time, basically behaved like the dreaded “Einsatzgruppen” of the Second World War!… In fact, Prussia today bears the name of the old “Prussaïs”: an entire ethnic group of Baltic-Slavic people which was totally and barbarically exterminated by the “Teutonic Knights” mass murderers and genocidal maniacs, between the 12 th and 14 th centuries, to the very las man, woman and child… Very much in the spirit of Heinrich Himmler and his beloved anti-slavic, mega-genocidal projects “Generalplan Ost” and “Hungerplan”!…
My knowledge of the WEF is limited to the everyday talk on the internet, but to me it sounds like a very “un-German” organization. Then again, Germans, like the other peoples from the West, hold very different values than they did forty or fifty years ago. The WEF strikes me as having Jewish values, including globalization, which seems similar to the one world government I believe the early Bolsheviks wanted.
Judging by the number of Jews often in high-profile positions of power, they do crave it. But they don’t always need one of their own to be the top guy in order to control things. The USA is just one example. President Biden is not Jewish, but Jews largely control the US. Jews might think it’s better to have a non-Jew replace Klaus Schwab at this time. They are currently being accused of carrying out a genocide by so-called “anti-Semites” against the Palestinians. In the early 20th century, the group of psychoanalysts in Vienna were so Jewish that they deliberately sought out Carl Jung (a Christian) to join their group so they wouldn’t be so overwhelmingly Jewish.
I have often wondered about the background of two high-profile “Germans” based on their reputations. I have wondered if Klaus Schwab and Peter Thiel might be Jewish or part Jewish. I tend to think Schwab is not.
The WEF certainly has nothing to do with German values. It is purely globalist.
Schwab, whatever his origins (and I tend to think there’s probably some admixture, one way or another), is a true believer in globalism, the NWO, and all that stuff. This may have made him the perfect instrument in the beginning. Where did the WEF get its initial founding to become what it is today? We all know the answer. And now that it has its tentacles everywhere, who still needs good old Klaus? The guy can’t stop running his mouth, anyway…
I am pretty sure this satanic german supremacist asshole is behind all the hate anti-russian/anti-slavic rethoric of today’s “European Union”!… DESTROY SATANIC NATO, and ALL the evil Banderist/Genocidal maniacs of “Ukraine”!… SLAVA ROSSIYA!!…
Slava Rossii as a part of a bigger Chinese Empire. I remember a book written by four Frenchmen, CHINE, IRAN, RUSSIE : un nouvel empire mongol ?
I read the book with big interest. Anyway I think the authors were wrong, calling this new Empire “Mongol”, because neither Mongolian nor Türkic peoples have anything common with it, moreover, this Empire is and will be hostile to them, but anyway this Empire do emerge, and China will play the leading role in it.
The historical truth is that it was ALWAYS the germans which tried to conquer and exterminate the Slavs
Since 1801 Russia was the British cryptocolony and so Russian cannon fodder died for British interests during Napoleonic wars and two World wars. Now Ukraine is British cryptocolony and Russia is in the vassality dependence of Red China.
Generalplan OST is the fake of the Soviet Propaganda.
Try harder, Bernard.
Na Berlin! Mozhem povtorit! Ne sabudem, ne prostim! Voevali didy, upravlialy zhidy!
Bernard is very ignorant. When the Teutonic Knights arrived 800 years ago, or longer, they entered sparsely settled lands with no cities and people eating off of dirt. The Germans settled and built Prussia, Latvia, and Estonia, and cities like Memel (since 1945 Klaipeda, Lithuania), Konigsberg (since 1945 Russia), and many other German cities, like Breslau (now Wroclaw, Poland). The fact that people go back 800 years to justify their hatred and jealousy based on their own completely distorted view of things says a lot.
At the end of World War II, fifteen to twenty million Germans were brutally expelled from the lands they had lived on for centuries by the gang raping Soviet army. Those beasts raped two million German women, gang-raping and murdering many. When the Germans retreated from the beasts, the Latvians and Estonians that welcomed the German army in 1940 and the many young Latvians and Estonians that formed their own legions to fight alongside the Germans against the mass murdering Bolsheviks retreated with their German comrades towards Germany. When the East Prussians fled from the beasts, the ethnic Lithuanians from Memelland fled with their German brothers. The Lithuanians from Memelland, who were German citizens, considered themselves German, and they also sided with Germany when Lithuania stole the city of Memel in 1923. They wanted Memel to remain German.
The capital of Estonia, Tallinn, was known as Reval, a German name, until the end of World War I. It’s population was German-speaking for centuries, as was the case with Tartu (previously called Dorpat) and most cities in Estonia and Latvia. Latvia’s capital, Riga, was founded by the Germans, and most of Latvia’s cities once had German names and populations. Latvian and Estonian cities look like German cities, and in Soviet times, it was known that they had a higher standard of living than Russian cities. They always did. That was thanks to the Germans that left their cultural imprint there. There are still people in these countries that have good feelings towards Germans and recognize the contributions Germans made to their countries, but since the Jews and Americans introduced the Holocaust hoax to eastern Europe beginning in 1991, many younger people talk like the idiot Bernard, except about the Holohoax.
Similarly, Prague was a German city for centuries, with a German population until the population became largely Czech in the 1800s. The university in Prague, founded in 1348, was founded by the Germans. Facts like these are kept secret, perhaps to justify the creation of the country of Czechoslovakia, which many or most of the people living there never wanted.
“In the 1880s more than half the Russian foreign ministry was German, as were nearly all members of the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences.” And these people were loyal to the Russian Empire.
Thomas Sowell delivers a history lesson on eastern Europe. What he doesn’t say and probably doesn’t know is that when World War II ended in 1945, Germany had far more Nobel Prizes than any other country in the world. Germany had been the leader in the sciences for a very long time. In fact, the US only started working on the atomic bomb when the German chemist Otto Hahn discovered nuclear fission in 1938, and his Jewish colleague Lise Meitner, who contributed to explaining it, revealed it to the world (to the dismay of Hahn).
In contrast to the tens of millions of Germans and others that fled the sub-human gang raping Bolsheviks in 1945. across the Soviet Union, huge numbers of Soviet citizens welcomed the German army as liberators and often joined up with the Germans. In Ukraine, in cities like Lviv, in Belarus, in Minsk, in Riga, Tallinn, and elsewhere, Slavs and others welcomed the Germans as liberators from the murderous Bolsheviks. Many Russians welcomed the Germans too. They wanted the Germans to free them. They disliked their own murderous government.
Norwegian academic Johannes Due Enstad’s book on the German army in the USSR. Many Russians (in addition to Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Estonians, and Latvians) hoped that Hitler would free them and welcomed the German soldiers as liberators.
“Many Baltic and Ukrainian people despised the Bolshevik regime.”
“At the same time, western historians have largely agreed that the ethnic Russians were loyal to the Stalin regime when the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in 1941….It is time to crack this myth apart.”
‘”Something that happened in December 1941, six months after the start of the German occupation, illustrates the positive reaction quite well. During that time, people from some of the small villages collected several thousand woolen socks, mittens, and felt boots as Christmas gifts for the German soldiers.
Inside one of the socks there was a note signed by a Russian by the name of Mikhail Nikiforov:
“I am sending these socks as a gift to the invincible German army and pray that you defeat the Bolsheviks so that they are eradicated forever, and also for a quick victory and a safe journey home.”
“This is just one of a number of similar sources expressing a hope that the Germans would defeat the Soviet regime and contribute to a better life for the Russians.”’
In the early 1930s, in Ukraine, the Great Famine, now called the Holodomor, was carried out against Ukrainians. Ukraine says eight million people were killed in that operation. It was headed up by one of the top Bolsheviks in the USSR. He was the Judeo-Bolshevik Lazar Kaganovich, perhaps only second to Stalin in the government. That “actual” war criminal died at the ripe old age of 97 in 1991.
Partly as a response to that, many Ukrainians welcomed the Germans as liberators in 1941, and in 1943 many young Ukrainians (Slavs, in case you don’t know) joined the Germans and formed the Galicia Division in 1943 to fight the murderous Bolsheviks. By contrast, no Germans welcomed the Soviets, Americans, French, or British.
Lviv/Lvov/Lemberg – 1943
I hold no ill will towards Russians. I dislike hateful ignoramuses.
Two good books on topic:
Lothar Greil, Die Slawenlegende.
Heinrich Piebrock, Deutsche helfen Russland bauen
Russian Emperors were all Germans for 200+ years. When Russians since 1801 fought for the British interests, firstly against the French, and then twice against the Germans, and died 1914-1917 and 1941-45, this was not a German fault. “Russian” leaders should simply find another sources of money, rather than simply sell their subjects as cannon fodder for a foreign power.
Many Baltic and Ukrainian people despised the Bolshevik regime
WESTERN Ukrainians, despised the Bolshevik regime, yes. EASTERN Ukrainians WERE the Bolshevik regime. The Bolshevism was brought to the Eastern Poland (Galicien), as also to Slovakian (Ruthenia) and Romanian (Bukovyna) lands, by Eastern Ukrainians, Stalin’s true and willing executors.
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