I was down in the dumps last weekend when I headed once more to the annual American Renaissance conference. This year was a significant milestone for the organization, founded by Jared Taylor in 1990: It was the twentieth such conference. I was hoping that spending some time with fellow haters would perk me up — and indeed it did. Let me tell you why. (more…)
Tag: Asatru
January 27, 2023 Collin Cleary
Edred Thorsson a jeho kniha Historie Runové gildy
English original here
Edred Thorsson
History of the Rune-Gild: The Reawakening of the Gild 1980-2018, North Augusta, S.C.: Arcana Europa, 2019.Pozn. překladatele: Kniha má, snad trochu překvapivě, vztah i k České republice. Obsahuje totiž krom jiného také fotky české pohanky Šárky Sedlákové, která se setkala s Edredem Thorssonem/Stephenem Flowersem osobně, je členkou Runové gildy, a mimo jiné též stála za chaosmagickou edicí KIAton. (more…)
In Old Norse, written in the Younger Futhark: “Moria, Komandor, Spámaðr, Helga, Valdis, and Ing raised this stone in memory of Harald, valiant man and husband of Inna. He fell in the east.”
720 words
The story of an Asatruar fighter who fell in Ukraine and is being honored with a runestone was told to the author.
Like many Westerners, Harald rediscovered himself at the age of 30 when he got serious about sports, achieving a high level for a non-professional. He started with trail running, but, like Harald’s approach to his life, he grew ever more ambitious, entering a triathlon and eventually adding swimming and cycling to his schedule. (more…)
Robert N. Taylor was born in 1945 and grew up in a working-class neighborhood on the south side of Chicago. As a member of both the psychedelic underground as well as the anti-Communist paramilitary organization The Minutemen, Taylor participated directly in the violent social upheavals of the 1960s. In 1969 he started the music group Changes with his cousin, Nicholas Tesluk. After its revival in 1996, the group would go on to become a seminal part of the American apocalyptic folk genre. (more…)
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Danish translation here
“ODIN IS WITH US!” shouts the blond beast protagonist in the trailer for the new video game, Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. The trailer depicts the Vikings as the noble heroes, fighting against scoundrel Saxons who lie about their misdeeds. The teaser is narrated by an irate Alfred the Great who pillories the Nordic raiders for their bloodlust, godlessness, and cruelty. (more…)
Richard Rudgley
The Return of Odin: The Modern Renaissance of Pagan Imagination
Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions, 2018Richard Rudgley is a British author who has published several books offering unconventional interpretations of the ancient and prehistorical eras of Northern European history, as well as works on psychedelics. (more…)
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The following is a transcript of a conversation which took place in November 2012. The transcription was made by Tyler Harding. The original audio is here.
Keith Preston: Good evening, and welcome to Attack the System. I’m your host, Keith Preston, here on Counter-Currents; with me tonight is Mr. Robert N. Taylor.
Sweden may ban the runes to curb racism.
Justice Minister Morgan Johansson is investigating the proposal to see if the ban would stifle “incitement of ethnic hatred.” Along with the runes, several other Norse pagan symbols could be banned under the proposal, such as Mjolnir (Thor’s Hammer) and the Valknut. The move is clearly directed at the Nordic Resistance Movement, which uses a tiwaz rune as its logo, and other White Nationalists. (more…)
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“Ásatrú” is a modern coinage meaning “true to the Aesir.” In Old Norse, Aesir is the plural of áss, which is usually translated “god.” In order to understand what it means to be “true to the Aesir,” we must put into question this translation into “god” and “gods.” Indeed, ultimately we must liberate ourselves from the idea of “god” in order to understand who the Aesir are, and our relationship to them. (more…)
We are all faced with the challenge of speaking, and living, truths which are felt to be offensive by a great many of our countrymen, not to mention the powers that be. This is not a new problem. By definition, the natural diversity of men means that knowledge of the truth is highly unequally distributed and those who know most about the truth are necessarily a tiny minority. This minority must alone face the prejudices and ignorance of the masses and the violence of the state. (more…)
Damon T. Berry
Blood and Faith: Christianity in American White Nationalism
Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 2017When I was in graduate school, one of my professors likened grading undergraduate exams to fever dreams, in which the events of the day — or, in his case, a whole semester’s worth of lectures — come back in garbled form. I have had the same experience reading about my ideas in the mainstream media. (more…)
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Percy Grainger was a polymath: a pianist, composer, conductor, ethnomusicologist, inventor, artist, polyglot, and man of letters. He was one of the most celebrated pianist-composers of the early twentieth century. His work and writings reflect a worldview marked by both racial consciousness and an opposition to modernity that coexisted alongside radical artistic modernism. (more…)
English original here
Stephen A. McNallen
Asatru: A Native European Spirituality
Runestone Press, 2015Dobrý kazatel
Steva McNallena není radno brát na lehkou váhu. (more…)