Attack the System
Interview with Robert N. Taylor
Counter-Currents Radio
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Join Keith Preston as he interviews musician and former activist Robert N. Taylor on Taylor’s vivid experiences with the revolutionary, anti-communist, Minutemen organization of ’60s and ’70s, and his later work with the folk band Changes and the .
Robert N. Taylor has played an active and influential role on the outsider Right for decades. In the 1960s, he was closely involved with The Minutemen, a grassroots anti-communist group headed by Robert Bolivar DePugh. Due to a variety of factors, including pressure from the FBI and other organizations, the paramilitary group widely known for its “Traitors Beware!” stickers eventually disbanded; but a template for many future militia groups had been formed. After leaving The Minutemen, Taylor turned to other interests and founded the first incarnation of his folk band Changes with cousin Nicholas Tesluk. In the ’70s, Taylor helped pioneer the growing Odinist/Ásatrú movement and remains involved with various organizations. In the late ’90s, Michael Moynihan—an editor of the radical traditionalist journal TYR—rediscovered Changes and worked to release old and new material by the duo. Taylor continues to record and tour.
Topics include:
- Taylor’s background
- The type of people who made up the Minutemen organization
- Robert DePugh
- COINTELPRO and its infiltration of both left- and right-wing organizations
- Some of the techniques used by agitators during supposedly “spontaneous” protests
- How problems that existed in the 60s have continued to develop and evolve
- How former radical leftists and communists of the 60s went on to become the currrent “establishment”
- Taylor’s move away from politics and toward folk music and folk religion
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Great interview, informative and inspiring. Robert Taylor is a great man, we all owe a debt to him.
What a great interview! Keith really ought to buy a beer for whoever told him to interview R. Taylor.
Changes is an awesome band; they definitely left a mark on me during my college days. Musically, they sound similar to Pete Seeger, except with balls, and better lyrics. They also inspired me to read Ezra Pound, because of another interview with Taylor from way back.
And then reading Pound kind of opened up a whole world, because of his influence from the troubadour tradition, his indebtedness to Dante, etc. etc. Basically, Changes were part of my REAL Western Civilization education; the one that college failed miserably to provide for me.
Very cool to hear about his times in the Minutemen and things.
Taylor is a ‘Renaissance Man’ of the contemporary Right: musician, poet, artist, philosopher, with the background also of a fighter. I listened to Changes years ago – inspiring and genuinely talented.
“Keith, you’re done taping?” – No he wasn’t.
Great interview! Definitely take up Mr. Taylor’s offer to come back again some time soon for a second interview! I’d like to hear more about the inspirations for his band Changes and his thoughts on Heathenry.
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