The current debate on architectural styles, stimulated as it has been by a number of broadsides against modern architects by no less a public figure than the Prince of Wales, (more…)
Author: John Tyndall
Robert S. Griffin
The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds: An Up-Close Portrait of White Nationalist William Pierce
Bloomington, Ind.: 1stBooks Library, 2001The cause of white resurgence around the world in the post-war years has deserved better leaders than it has had—at least in many countries and for much of the time. (more…)
4,872 words
“A Jewish Question”
Editor’s Note:
I have decided to reprint John Tyndall’s impressively dignified, rational, pragmatic, and moderate discussion of the Jewish Question in British National Party politics (more…)
2,077 words
With nationwide race riots and unemployment up to the 3 million mark, the question is being asked again: will the British people at last wake up and register their rebellion against their rulers through the ballot box and by means of their participation in a mass movement of national renewal?
3,759 words
Mass movement or elite hard core? Force of numbers or force of ideology and dedication? Quantity or quality? These are questions that have always preoccupied British nationalists as they have contemplated the way forward for our movement, and they are indeed very relevant today as we are in the throes of a drastic stocktaking and reappraisal of our political strategy following some hard reverses.