The Jewish Question Going Mainstream Before Race Realism
A Good or a Bad Thing?
Travis LeBlanc

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons.
1,381 words
The Jewish Question is going mainstream — at least on Elon Musk’s Twitter/X. Major Con Inc. figures such as Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson have felt the need to begin addressing issues of Jewish influence, and conspiracy-theory grifters such as Stew Peters have started incorporating JQ talking points into their brands. Certainly any Right-wing content creator whose online persona is based on being edgy now has to at minimum be talking about Zionism. Being “anti-woke” doesn’t cut it anymore. Being anti-anti-white isn’t enough. You gotta be naming the Jew.
That’s on the Right, although anti-Zionism is now ubiquitous on the Left as well. Even if the establishment was somehow able to sideline Elon Musk and wrest back control of Twitter/X, they would nevertheless still be unable to put the genie back into the bottle. The ideas and talking points have now been heard by too many people — untold millions. Reinstating the old censorship rules and expanding the blacklist to include all the new figures who have risen to prominence by espousing anti-Zionism as well as all the older ones who have adopted it recently would not quell the demand for anti-Zionist content. Even if these things were done, something else would inevitably arise to fulfill that demand.
The Big Four social media cartel — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram — is not nearly as hegemonic as it was a few years ago. Jews have since lost control of one of them. TikTok is controlled by the Chinese, and Rumble has carved out a niche by featuring “too hot for YouTube” streamers such as Nick Fuentes and Sneako. There are simply more holes in the dam than ZOG has fingers to plug them with. There’s no turning back the clock.
The establishment’s best hope is that the current wave of anti-Jewish fervor is merely a passing fad, like QAnon, the Tea Party, or the “libertarian moment.” Could some new political fad eventually come along that makes anti-Semitism look passé? “You’re still hating Jews? Don’t you know that the Jews are just pawns of the shapeshifting reptilians?” Not likely. The difference is that QAnon and libertarianism are easily debunkable, whereas anti-Semitism is thousands of years old. Once someone is red-pilled on the JQ, they never take the blue pill and go back to sleep.
This development is surprising. I always assumed that race realism would go mainstream before the Jewish Question would. I was wrong, but I had my reasons. The essence of race realism is cold, hard facts and statistics, such as about race and IQ, racial crime statistics, and so on. The JQ, for its part, is more abstract than race realism, even if it has its own set of cold, hard numbers. The average income of Jews, the number of them who own the major media institutions, and the number of them in academia and finance are all demonstrable facts.
The problem when dealing with newcomers is to explain why this is a problem. You thus have to understand both Jews as an ethnocentric group as well as the psychology of the individual Jew. You also have to know their history and how they got to where they are today. It requires big-picture thinking. There are a lot of moving parts to the JQ, and it can be tricky to wrap your head around how all the pieces fit together.

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I had always assumed that ordinary people would first become red-pilled on race, then White Nationalism would gain some mainstream momentum, and then there would be a debate as to whether Jews should be a part of it. But that’s not what’s happening. There are several problems with this. Race realism should come before the JQ because without it, the JQ is just a matter of assimilation. The question becomes, “How do we get these Jews to stop behaving like Jews?” I see this on social media all the time.
For example, you often see Right-wing Christians who jump on the bandwagon and end up reciting all the JQ talking points: Jews control the porn industry, they promote all the woke crap in the media, and they start wars to protect Israel. That’s all well and good, but then they’ll say that the problem is that they don’t have Jesus Christ in their hearts. If only the Jews would just convert to Christianity, in their view, they would stop behaving like Jews. This is of course nonsense. For one, the white race already tried that by making various attempts to force the Jews to become Christian over the centuries, and it didn’t work. But this is the sort of thing you end up with when you have the JQ without race realism.
To be fair, I have some sympathy for people who embrace Christian anti-Zionism. It’s a way to criticize Jews without being called a Nazi: “I’m not against Jews because I’m racist, I am against Jews because I’m a Chrisitan and they are opposed to Christian values.” It is true that one might be somewhat less likely to be cancelled for anti-Semitism if one dresses the talking points up in religious clothes, at least on the Right. The Left will still cancel you for it, however. conservative may give it a shrug because what can they do> Tell you to stop being Christian?
Thus, for the time being I am willing to tolerate the “anti-Zionist Christian” shtick. As long as they are getting the talking points out, it’s a net gain. But at some point we will have a to have a “come to Jesus” meeting with these people and explain that Jews coming to Jesus ain’t gonna happen, and wouldn’t work even if it did.
Another thing I have been seeing are those who claim that Jews in themselves are well and good but that Zionism is an evil ideology. We’re therefore not at war with a people, but an ideology. Once we defeat this evil ideology, we can live with the Jews in peace.
Given how much you hear people talk about this theoretical group of good jews with no power, you’d think there would be some examples. Even Jews with less wealth and power than the elite level ones are Zionist or vocally anti-White, usually both.
— ThunderStruck ⚡ (@StrukkThunder) March 9, 2024
This argument of course overlooks Zionism’s distinctly Jewish characteristics. Zionism is the political manifestation of the Jewish character. It ignores the centuries of Jewish behavior from before Zionism’s emergence. There’s also the fact that many of those who promote this line do so because they are anti-ethnonationalist in general.
Again, for the time being I am will to tolerate a lot from our anti-Zionist co-belligerents on both the Right and Left. For now, the important thing is to get these ideas out to a mass audience. If people feel the need to drop some disclaimers, I will hold off on my sperging, but at some point racialists are going to have to put their foot down.
Race realism is essential for understanding the JQ. Trying to discuss the JQ without race realism is like trying to talk about blacks without it: You end up with an endless amount of copes. When it comes to blacks, we are told that their problems are due to the fact that they grow up without fathers, or that their schools are bad, or that they are on welfare, or that people are too mean to them. The logic then goes that if we address all of these issues, blacks will start behaving like white people.
It’s the same problem when it comes to the Jews. Without race realism, we are told that the problem with Jewish power is that they don’t have Jesus in their hearts, that they’ve been brainwashed by an evil ideology, or even that it is in fact the Evangelicals who are causing them to murder the Palestinians. Even if we were to red-pill every Evangelical on the JQ, destroy the Zionist project, and force every Jew to convert, they will still not behave like gentiles. They would still be nepotistic, dishonest, and anti-white. It’s in their nature.
In my next essay, I will take a closer look at some of our anti-Zionist allies and speculate about how long this united front can last.
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Great article. I think most of the current anti-J sentiment is due to Muslims. In Muslim countries they have been anti-J for a very long time but their mass immigration into the West has given them numbers that they haven’t had before and are now emboldened (mostly due to weak White authorities) and are vocal about their Muslim agenda.
Just as Fentanyl Floyd’s OD was the triggering of decades of anti-White indoctrination into black worship, anti-policing and anti-Whites, the Oct 7 attack by Hamas has been the triggering event for Muslims to get vocal and protest against Jews.
Ironically, the indoctrination against Whites by Jews in the education system, especially universities, has worked against them as Muslims are higher up the victim totem pole. Thus the Muslims have a keen ally in leftie Whites as we’ve seen on universities.
I don’t see an issue with people needing to be race realists before being red pilled on the JQ. Whites have been more susceptible to the machinations of Jews who are clever in their manipulation. If their influence is gone, it will be easier to wake Whites up.
Great article
I’m sure everyone has heard this one:
“I’m not anti semitic, some of my best friends are (were) Jewish, I’m just against really bad Liberalism, Hollywood, feminism, porn, anti 2nd amendment zealots, LGBT etc and too many misguided Jewish people fell down in to this”.
In my case this was pretty much true as I grew up in an urban, university community – lots and lots of Js, lots of really bad Lib Democrat politics which local Js aways seem to stand out by supporting this nonsense..
I’m very embarrassed to say that I fell for Neo Conservatism. I liked a lot of Commentary Magazine in the 1980s. The issue that completely broke the JQ for me was immigration…mass 3rd world immigration including mass Islamic immigration in to the USA/the West. And this “Thou Shalt Have Open Borders” mass immigration, the replacement of our people by the worst AIDS infected, Ebola infected, TB Haitians, Black Congolese, Afghan and Pakistani mountain tribal Islamists this was pushed, no DEMANDED by these supposedly “Conservative”, “Sensible” “Pro American ” Jewish New Conservatives/Neo Conservatives.
And then when we let these supposedly saved J sinners, former Liberals, Leftists even (Trotsky) Communists in to National Review, Conservative Inc, they took over, fired all of our White Gentile Conservatives who dared to oppose any of their Neo Con Zionist wars in Iraq, Syria, SERBIA! SERBIA to make an Islamic migrant terrorist beach head in Central Europe, they purged all our White Conservative Gentiles at NR who just NOTICED mass 3rd world immigration, the Great Replacement, ALIEN NATION (Peter Brimelow) or even the War on Christmas.
Yes, Immigration was the issue that broke it for me on the JQ. I opposed all the J Neo Con Zionist wars in Iraq, Syria, Serbia, Afghanistan now Russia, but I found most TV addicted, Negro Felon League White Amurikuns just love all these J wars – especially when the Js get some folksy country and western singer like Hank Williams Jr or Tobey Keith or Rock and Roller Ted Nugent to churn out some “Let’s Get Saddam, Don’t Give Us A Reason to Cummm Get ya, I’m an Amurkun Soldier”.
But the immigration issue, open borders immigration to the USA, Europe, UK – the West – that’s different. There really isn’t any way for the Js to make that sound or feel good to regular White folks, so they have to use their media monopoly to change the subject, fire anyone like Tucker Carlson who does notice the Great Replacement or BLM riots, Black criminal murder and mayhem, White South African farmers being targeted for murder and genocide.
So that’s my advice for trying to reach the hearts, minds, souls and votes of regular, normie Whites – concentrate on immigration, really really bad immigration like flooding their still safe White subdivision with COVID, AIDS, EBOLA infected Haitian migrants or even worse:
Muhammed Ata 9/11/01 Islamist mass murderers.
Sept 11th should be our holy day, holiday, immigration restriction day, deportation day.
White 9/11/01 conspiracy mongering, “The Muslims could never do us harm” idiots are as bad as race denying Liberarians and I noticed the Ron and Rand Paul Libertarian cult and their cult members are heavily involved in 9/11/01 denial, conspiracy theory BS or else “We deserved 9/11/01 for our mistreatment of Islam and the Palestinians”
Yep – go with immigration restriction and just note the truth that 90% + of American world jews are bat shi* insane, murderous on immigration.
We wrote about this over at OD Occidental Dissent:
The 9/11 narrative (I find it hard to believe some people in the dissident sphere still believe in it) was set up to justify “J Neo Con Zionist wars”, and in its wake came the misleading counter-jihad movement that shifted the focus from mass immigration to “Islam” as the main enemy.
We should be pro-White. This is what matters. In a world without White children it makes no difference to us whether Jews or Chinese rule the planet.
The most important part of the Jewish problem is who does this matter to?
If your answer is that the Jewish problem matters to us Whites because we need to survive and flourish you are thinking straight.
If your answer is that the Jewish problem matters to people of color and their allies because Zionism is a form of White supremacy your thinking is bad.
There are other confused answers, such as that Zionism is bad because it is not carving out the best future for the Jews. All these answers are of little use.
We need pro-White words, pro-white thoughts, and pro-White actions.
Here is the roadmap to enlightenment. Share quotes which are morally shocking to all: left and right, Black and White, Christian and Muslim.
First, expose Zionism as Jewish Supremacists dehumanizing Palestinians: Use post-October 7 statements by powerful Israelis – “there are no innocent Gazans” (Hertzog), “human animals” (Gantz), “Amalek” (Netanyahu), “kill them all” etc. The government of South Africa already did the work on this.
Second, expose traditional Judaism as Jewish Supremacists dehumanizing all non-Jews. Use quotes from Israeli Rabbis (they feel more comfortable saying what they really think) – “if a Jew needs a liver, can he murder an innocent gentile to get one? The Torah would probably permit that” (Yitzak Ginsburg), “the goyim exist to serve us. without that they have no purpose” (Josef Ovadia), “one Jewish fingernail is more valuable than a million Arabs”, “a greater distance between the soul of a Jew and a gentile, than between a gentile and an animal” (Kook the Elder), “the entire universe exists solely for the benefit of the Jews” (the founder of Chabad Lubavich)
Third, expose the anti-White left as just another manifestation of Jewish Supremacy. Use quotes from Jewish leftists which dehumanize Whites. These have the same “flavor” as quotes from Zionism and traditional Judaism. “the White race is the cancer of human history” (Sontag), “the White race must be abolished” (Ignatiev), “unlike muskrats, Whites aren’t worth saving” (Tim Wise).
This will open many eyes to the reality of the anti-White left, including those who might otherwise having been unsympathetic and unwilling to listen.
Summarize the essence of Jewish hyper-ethnocentrism / Jewish Supremacy:
Jewish lives are infinitely more valuable than non-Jewish lives; therefore, the only valid rule of right and wrong is “Is it good for the Jews”; therefore, no one can be allowed to criticize Jewish patterns of behavior.
Now they are ready for Culture of Critique, which is a history of 20th century movements designed to prevent criticism of Jewish Supremacy. When they learn that the suppression of race realism was a Jewish Supremacist project, many who never otherwise would have been open to race realism might be willing to give it a fair hearing – as long as there is no gratuitous disrespect for non-Whites such as you’d find on Larry Auster’s View From the Right, for example. (I could never stand his gratuitous insults towards Blacks and Muslims, combined with his hysterical insistence that no one ever criticize Jewish patterns of behavior, no matter how mildly or respectfully).
There is no ‘logical’ path to White Nationalism for the masses. Our job is to promote White Nationalist sentiments and ideas during this time. Beating down the jews will leave a power vacuum among liberal Whites who have been taking their lead from the jews for a long, long time. The problem is that White Nationalism has positioned itself as a ‘right wing’ movement for so long and with such intensity that it’s barely prepared to speak to ‘concerned Whites’ of the liberal persuasion who find the yoke of the jew somewhat loosened.
When lefty converts to White Nationalism complain about our ideology being too willing to identify itself as a Right Wing movement, they usually come at it from one of two positions:
Economic Perspective
WN’s are too critical of big gubmint and not supportive enough of social programs. Reagan Bad. (Reagan *was* bad, but his tax cuts are down on the list of things that made him bad)
Social/Cultural perspective
As an ex-libertarian who followed the classic LOLbert-to-WN pipeline, I’m sympathetic to this one. I don’t want to live in a socially conservative society that feels Middle Eastern as opposed to Aryan. Rome is who we are, not Gilead.
Certain feminist WNs who clearly come from a TERF background and who are basically entitled brats make it difficult to support the WN critique of social conservatism, but I nonetheless agree with the critique because I genuinely don’t want White women oppressed, and I also don’t want my people telling me what to do in terms of my personal life and whether I chose to form a family or not. I don’t support a coercive set of norms that encourages family formation.
With all that being said, it turns out that you, Mr. Hamburger Today, are actually a unique type of leftist that doesn’t really fit the above descriptions.
I have a brother who identifies as an anarchist, and who wishes to see a world of decentralized communities that co-exist with each other and don’t go to war with each other. His whole thing is peace (absence of conflict), and he wishes to see communities form organically from the ground up based on shared values.
I think its fair to say that your proscription for White Nationalism is basically racism + anarchism. A racist anarchist, if we’re being satirical.
Insofar as that is an accurate description of your worldview, here is my all-encompassing retort: The last 250 years of human development should demonstrate that Alexander Hamilton’s vision is superior to Thomas Jefferson’s. Centralization won. Centalization is good. Centralization provides Nice Things that decentralization is incapable of providing. Centralization is how Progress is achieved. Centralization is how our race will move forward.
I’m bothered that many smart Whites such as yourself and my brother don’t want to see this because you have overriding personal sentiments that get in the way of that. My brother wants peace, like John Lennon, and you apparently have a real hang up with Right Wing WNs who wish to use the levers of power to protect our race and advance our race. You won’t win as many converts that way as you think you will. Virtually all Right Wing Whites and most Left Wing Whites support some type of centralized government. True believing LOLberts and Anarchists are vocal but small number of the White population.
My objection of identifying White Nationalism with ‘the Right’ is that hardly anyone is willing to buy what ‘the Right’ is selling. And this has been the case for some considerable time. If you think ‘centralization’ is the solution, then you have nothing to complain about. We have a centralized system and its been taken over by jews and weaponized against Whites. But you think that’s good because it’s ‘centralized’.
As for ‘racist anarchist’, I think most Americans are anarchist. Heck, you’re being an anarchist, when you assert your preference for not being told how to live. But I’m not a ‘racist anarchist’ as much as I am a ‘Folk anarchist’. You should conform to the values of your Folk. Now I say ‘Should’ but, in truth, almost everyone does whether the realize it or not.
It would be nice if the success of White Identity Nationalism (WIN) were to resolve all social, economic, political, psychological and relationship issues.
But I suspect it will not.
Instead, what I hope WIN provide Whites with a way of viewing themselves that facilitates the resolution of those conflicts that can be resolved and provides a means to avoid White murdering Whites except in the most extreme circumstances.
Whites are a valuable and important people. We need to push away not only alien races, but alien philosophies and viewpoints that do not put the interests (and if possible happiness) of the White race at the center of that philosophy.
And the Right doesn’t do that. Neither does ‘the Left’ or ‘conservatism’ or ‘liberalism’ or any of the other universalist philosophies of the 3000 years.
That’s why we need a White Identity Nationalism that is not beholden – nor carries the water for – any pre-existing ideology, no matter how well-meaning.
The Scotch-Irish White Folk of the American South are quite different in many ways from the German-Swedish-Norwegian White Folk of the American North. Which suggests that it may be difficult to craft policies where one size fits all comfortably.
I think the great benefit of WIN is it’s ability to cause to come into being an ethos of mutuality that will allow North American Whites as a whole to enjoy one another as a Folk rather than just squabble over who gets to control the ‘central’ government you seem to think is so important.
I’m a Calhounian democrat. I believe that where virtue fails in preventing tyranny, deterrence can succeed.
Political philosophy since Plato has been one long apology for the disagreeable misfits who make life hard for the 99%. And this is true of both the Left and the Right and everything in-between.
Do the few threads I’ve seen, about Israel possibly knowing the attack from Hamas was coming and they allowed it to happen so they could forcibly remove everyone from Gaza, have any truth to them? If so it would put them on par with the worst dictators from history. Allowing civilians to be killed and tortured for a political aim is more callous than they’ve been given credit for. China would have nothing on them if this was true. The source was Egypt so maybe it comes with its own salt. 🧂
I’ve heard the theory and it is plausible but I don’t think it really matters. They can always say “Look, we get a lot of leads and many of them turn out to be nothing” or “We heard rumors but sometimes Hamas throws out disinfo to fool us” or “we knew an attack was coming but we didn’t know when or how”. They’d bullshit their way out of it. If there is anything Jews know how to do, it is how to bullshit.
Even if in the unlikely event that some Watergate-style smoking gun evidence emerged, I don’t think it would be the game changer people think it is. It might be a black eye for Israel and my guess is that they would try to scapegoat Netanyahu. But it still would not exonerate Hamas. Whether or not Israel knew in advance, they still launched an attack where some civilians killed and kidnapped. Hamas gave Israel an excuse to launch a count attack. Unless it came out that Mossad collaborated with Hamas in planning the attack, I don’t think it would have change the narrative that much.
They haven’t lost control of anything. You have Candace Owens, who works for Ben Shapiro, out front. You have Elon Musk — I’m not even going to get into it — out front. The trend was clear and they have put their controlled op in place to steer it in a safe direction. Elon is already distasteful to the normie libtards and Candace Owens will say or do something distasteful to normies on both ends soon. There will be others and, regardless, they, strategically, will do things / have personality flaws to discredit the truth. That’s why you see Candace, Kanye, and others talking about Hitler. Folks here likely know that anything said about the man for the last 80 years is high probability BS but folks who have been swamped with Schindler’s List and The History Channel are too far down that path of lies to be reversed.
My philosophy is that you should not speak favorably of Hitler unless you are prepared to give a multi-hour presentation where you go through and debunk the entire History Channel narrative. You’ve got a lot of explaining to do before you can convince anyone that Hitler was the good guy.
Even if you got past the Holocaust, you still have to explain how he did not actually violate the Munich Agreement and how he just had to invade all those neutral countries (what did Belgium ever do to Germany?). Most people consider democracy an unqualified good so you have to explain why he had to ban all opposing parties and how fascism is superior system. You have to explain the Einsatzgruppen (whose existence not even the most fanatical Hitler apologist or Holocaust deniers dispute) and explain why they had to execute all those civilians. You have to explain how refusing to let the 6th army escape from Stalingrad was a totally sound decision.
It’s a long conversation and so unless you have a captive audience for the next few hours and you are able to break out all the charts and maps and redpill them on everything, it’s best not to bring up Nazi shit ever.
I’m not seeing much recent progress on the Jewish Question. I think the awkwardness of the post-10/7 situation is hugely overstated. The billions of dollars are going to keep going to Israel as they always have. And the JQ is not about the Zionist state anyway but about the Diaspora. (A certain Uncle already wrote that about a century ago.)
Sure, there might be some criticism over the beat-down of Brown people by “White” Imperialists in Israel/Palestine, but the you-know-whos will get their assets back on the reservation and the crucial goalposts adjusted soon enough. At best they might sacrifice Bibi’s job or something like that.
You can’t ignore the Holocaust or the “Nazi shit” because the Big-H won’t ignore you. That’s how they keep you grazing on the Kosher Plantation.
All the History Channel talking points that you just listed above can be addressed if not defeated outright by competent historians. It ain’t easy but it ain’t rocket science either.
But of course, our side seems to get lost in some of the most sophomoric and irrelevant conspiracy-theories, which is not exactly what I would call “competent historical analysis.”
Personally, I am not quite sure what difference it makes if the twin towers were brought down by the Brown ooga boogas or by the Mossad. The subversion of the almighty American nation-state is the same either way.
Here’s a helpful hint: They aren’t going to throw you into jail for Flat Earth Theory or for Moon Landing Hoax ─ but they absolutely will (and have) if you run a chemical test on the concrete basement in the ruins of Krema II. Even lesser Thoughtcrimes like showing how high your dog can jump or distributing flyers like “It’s okay to be White” are almost as inculpatory. “You are guilty of inciting Genocide, pardner.”
This should give anyone an idea about what is really important to them. We will not be able to escape it, and we only ignore the truth at our own peril.
History is not something that free and proud people can just run away from.
The thing is that while you can ignore the fact that discussion of certain (key) taboo historical matters is actually criminalized in most advanced countries, with the United States at least still benefitting from the First Amendment being the law of the land ─ you ultimately can’t ignore that “racist” or “anti-Semite” baggage (real or invented) is going to land on you as a White person, and hard.
At the very least you need to be prepared to be hit by it, and at best (if you are interested in winning) you need to actually deal with it.
Well put!
It’s not that difficult to explain why Germany “invaded” Belgium or any of the other things that have been blown wildly out of proportion, especially the so-called Holocaust. It becomes harder when it’s never mentioned that England and the US invaded Iceland and England and the USSR invaded Iran around the same time. While the talk about Germans never ends, the murderous behavior of British and American airmen never even begins.
I can think of a better question than “What did Belgium ever do to Germany?” What did Germany ever do to the USA that twice they entered a world war against Germany from the other side of the world? My answer is that, considering geography, the USA had little to lose and plenty to gain. Two oceans prevented an invasion of the USA, especially when the other leading world powers were already at war with Germany. The USA could attack Germany with relative safety and could take part in dividing up the spoils of what was the leading technological and scientific power in the world at that time. If Germany should win, it is highly unlikely they would then launch a new war to conquer the USA, although FDR told gullible Americans exactly that.
Ron Unz discusses a different reason. He discusses evidence that the American economy was stuck and there was no way out. FDR was looking for a war to solve American economic problems, and he pressured certain European countries to take an adversarial position towards Germany. His evidence comes from high-ranking people in the USA.
Here is the liar FDR explaining to propagandized Americans how Germany planned on attacking and taking over South America before taking over the USA. This speech was made on October 27, 1941, four months after Germany’s pre-emptive attack on the USSR. Germany was also at war with Great Britain at that time. France had been defeated after, along with Great Britain, they declared war on Germany. So, with most of the German army fighting in Russia and the rest holding off the British and their fighting in Africa, somehow Germany would now launch an attack on the continent of South America. Mark Weber explains how the British created that phony map and fed it to FDR so that he could make his ridiculous speech.
It’s indeed possible to explain all that. Travis said so too, though I believe his point is that it would take a remedial history course to go into sufficient depth. Anyway, most people couldn’t find Belgium on a map if their lives depended on it, and never have heard of the Maginot Line, much less how it was designed to put a small buffer state on the chopping block if war broke out. That said, the biggest matter by far is the Holobunga; all else pales in significance.
On a side note, somewhere I have a picture from a page in Life magazine discussing new Navy ships being built to fight the Germans and Japanese. It was dated well before Pearl Harbor – how interesting! It sounds like someone knew something was in the works and didn’t even bother trying to hide it.
Yes, I recognize that; a course in “real” history.
Race realism will have to be the missing piece of the puzzle for those recently aware of the JQ.
As for Christians, now is the time to hammer home the Book of Ezra and the actions of the pharisees in the Gospels, and how this all relates to dispensationalism as a proto-Zionism. If Evangelicals (et al) can understand that they’ve been hoodwinked on theology, they might be able to see the present circumstances more clearly.
Since Jesus uses his lineage from David as a legitimacy against the pharisees/talmud, that could be a starting point to opening up race realism to Christians.
The door to open, forthright antisemitism once opened is not easily closed. This is the age of the internet, of Google searches, on David Duke, The Occidental Observer, Unz Review, etc. Once peoples’ eyes are opened to the reality of Jewish power they’re almost never closed. All this is a good thing.
Part of me says that both are important
For one thing, it’s because of the Jews that Whites became conditioned to no longer understand and accept race, so there’s that. On another, a few race realists are soft on the Jewish question (American Renaissance) but they’re solid on the race question
I’m a little torn
I don’t think you established that the jewish question is going mainstream on the right (whether on Twitter or elsewhere).
There was Musk’s “actual truth” comment, which he followed up on with groveling and visits to a concentration camp and to israel. And didn’t Carlson and Owens just say that pro-israel donors didn’t seem to mind when their donations were funding anti-white programs at universities? Am I missing something? Because that seems pretty weak. Maybe it will lead to more, but so far it hasn’t amounted to much. And then of course there’s Nick Fuentes, who, through his coordination with people like Keith Woods, as well as through encouraging his supporters to bully certain influencers and public people, has successfully put some Israel First commentators and others on the defensive and caused them rethink or tone down their expressions of Israel worship. No new Gen Z commentator can emerge now and promote Israel without being absolutely called to the carpet by Nick and “dragged,” as the blacks say, and ratio’d repeatedly by his supporters.
But so far, despite the considerable amount of awareness that has been raised by Fuentes, at this point the average conservative person, even one who’s on Twitter and follows anti-woke commentators, wouldn’t have a clue about any of this. At this point, anyway.
On the left, anti-zionist activism is often just an extension of, or a close cousin of, anti-white activism. And there are plenty of jews involved in it. And it’s definitely mainstream.
But I agree with you about the necessity of understanding the reality of race when it comes to this and many other issues. A positive racial identity makes white people more resistant to, and able to identify and stop, anti-white activity regardless of whether it’s originating with jews or others. It’s important for people to understand group differences (and recognize that whites have legitimate group interests) as well as the fact that groups often have conflicting interests. When someone understands these things, then understanding the “JQ” becomes so much easier and happens naturally as they notice who and what groups are often pushing anti-white ideas. But just going to not-yet-racially-conscious white people and saying “jews are a problem and hate whites” doesn’t work and sounds nutty because the people will think “isn’t that [jew] white, etc” and/or will not want to be mean or unfair towards jews. White people are big on fairness. When racially aware whites recognize the antagonistic and malicious actions being directed at them and their children for being white, then they’ll feel a moral justification for objecting to the anti-white behavior and even naming who’s doing it. It’s important for them to believe they are not acting unfairly and are, in fact, the ones who are being treated unfairly.
Also, I think many nationalists vastly underestimate how little the average white person in 2024 understands race. I would say a good 90%+ of whites honestly and truly believe that race is merely skin color and is unimportant. This is THE stumbling block (and one that CAN be overcome), and I believe every effort should be made to increase awareness about the importance of race. Most people don’t need to know all about phenotypes and genetic markers and all sorts of technical stuff, but they need to understand basic facts about racial group differences.
Also, another big issue with regard to the JQ is that most white people think of jewishness as being religious only and not ethnic, which complicates efforts to inform them about the JQ. Many people don’t even get that a significant proportion of jews in the US, for example, are atheistic and hostile to Christianity and don’t even see their own jewish identity as primarily revolving around the judaic faith. Efforts to call out negative jewish influence should focus on their ethnic resentment and opposition to a positive white racial identity and not get too distracted by the religious stuff, since religion today is not the main driver and since white people are more likely to tolerate religious differences, out of a sense of fairness, but they will be less likely to excuse ethnic resentment… especially when they realize it’s being directed at them and their children.
The Jewish Question IS race realism.
If Jews = a race (which AncestryAndMe would attest to) then the JQ is a race Q.
Therefore an understanding and acceptance that :
Race is real and not a construct
Race is more than skin deep
Different races don’t get along
Different races ought to have different lands
Is absolutely paramount to understanding the JQ, which without an understanding of race realism becomes bogged down in “who are these white people with funny hats and why are they doing (xyz)?” Or Christian moralising “we can convert them!”.
Without race realism you have no road map. As it stands the JQ going mainstream is simply more evidence of how far down the anti White rabbit hole we’ve gone. Because to normies Jews are just White and Israel is either a creation or offspring of the White Supremacist west.
You also have people who seem to think Israel is America’s puppet, and that its really all to do with oil or global trade. These are the NAXALT people who will argue til the cows come home that you cant generalise about a group (Weirdly, they tend to be OK with generalising about Whites, Males, Heteroes, and/or Christianity. Weird how that works out)
The current awakening on the JQ is not good unless we were framing the debate. IF discussion of the Holohoax became mainstream (which, admittedly from under my rock, I haven’t seen yet – i will defer to whoever is down with the cool kids on whether it is or not) then that’s a totally different situation. Discussion of the H enables us to show the duplicity of Jews and simultaneously exonerate Whites for the evil deeds. That would be a game changer.
But just boring old anti zionism ain’t gonna do nuthin for us. Also if we “get rid” of Israel, and there’s a one Arab state solution, then what happens to the Israeli Jews? They come back to the west…..? Is that a good thing?
I’m an advocate of Biribidzhan (sp) but that’s not mainstream either.
The anti zionists need to present an alternative. Either :
Israel ceases to exist due to diplomatic pressure/ an Arab war / whatever.
Of the c. 8 million Jews there, maybe a couple million would be happy to stay under Arab rule but certainly about 5 million or so are going to come to the west – most likely the USA (though increasingly now, Ukraine might be an option. Khazaria?) Is this what we want? Isn’t this just back to square one?
How would this work out, in practice? Then the other anti zionist theories effectively boil down to Exterminationism – again, what is desirable about that? That is to be avoided. Talk to an anti zionist and ask them the big question ; “okay. What next?” and they tend to go standoffishly silent. They have no answer to that.
I’m wary of anything along these lines that isn’t well thought through.
I am so utterly sick and tired of people blaming Zionism for Jewish treachery. They’re either cowards or they’re retards. Zionism has only existed as a real movement for a little over a century, and in practice for less than 80 years. Jewish treachery has existed for thousands of years, and Zionism is just one expression of that.
Naming the “Zionist” is a cop-out and anyone doing it should be shamed.
This. And the silliness of : Zionism= Nazism.
This doesn’t reflect what I see around me on the ground. People remain screamingly pro Jewish. I’ve had several young men express to me a desire to fight and die for Israel. I ask people what they think of Aaron Bushnell and literally not a one of them knows about it. Then they insist it happened in the Middle East. When I prove it was in the US, they give a prolonged perplexed look and express,”he must have been crazy.” It ’s the power of media deemphasis and control.
This spate of antisemitism is mainly a fracture in the antiwhite coalition of the left. Therein is its utility. However, I suspect the oligarchs will realize the danger of the golem, hand down a few firings and prison sentences as with the Harvard presidents, and dial things a little more to the right, a little to the left of the W Bush era. That’s all.
My gift to everyone:
Refuse to accept the term anti-Semite. Next time someone calls you an an anti-Semite, tell them you are no such thing. Tell them you are a <i>counter-Semite</i>.
You’re welcome.
Great insight, Travis. This article hit on a lot of the concerns that I’ve been having regarding the newfound relevance of the JQ in political discourse ever since October 7th and subsequent emphasis on Zionism while neglecting other important parts of the JQ, namely, race realism. All said, it’s important to be grateful for the situation we find ourselves in. It’s a privilege to lament the contrast between the prominence of the JQ and race realism in mainstream society, when for many years, both relegated to the fringes of political discourse. Of course there is still more work to be done on the presentation of race realism to the American public, we’re in a good place at the moment, or at least as good as one could hope for given the circumstances.
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