Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 529
The CAPS LOCKED Livestream
Counter-Currents Radio
Host Greg Johnson welcomed Thomas Steuben and Gaddius Maximus back on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss such current things as the Trump indictment, TRUMP’S CAPS LOCKED REACTION, the Ricky Vaughn case, and listener questions.
Topics discussed include:
00:01:59 What’s the difference between paying hush money versus being an extortion victim?
00:04:50 Why Donald Trump’s indictment is propaganda gold
00:13:30 On Ron DeSantis’ pro-Trump statement
00:14:16 On the constitutionality of DeSantis’ position and rogue jurors
00:22:41 How New York courts are like the courts of a foreign nation
00:27:34 The Ricky Vaughn conviction
00:34:57 “Voting should be a group right, not an individual right”
00:40:57 Why don’t people like Ricky Vaughn?
00:49:05 Online activism versus street activism
01:06:49 Response to the argument that white people are illegitimate colonizers
01:20:03 Would protesting Trump’s arrest be effective?
01:28:16 Question about regional federalism
01:38:42 What were your favorite board games as a kid?
01:44:54 Who are some of your favorite writers?
01:52:39 Does white America still have open wounds from the Civil War?
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I was wondering if you guys, particularly Greg have ever read Clark Ashton Smith? He was a friend of Howard and lovecraft and the third of the great weird tales writers. I was surprised Greg likes lovecraft—I don’t care for his prose.
CAS is great, but not as political as Howard and lovecraft, but far the most poetic and literary. In fact his apoliticality is expressed I think in his story Voyage to Sfanomoe, which should be compared to Baucis and Philemon. Jack Vance’s Morreion is his answer to these tales.
All of CAS can be found online at eldritch dark. I would recommend Voyage of Eurovan, Necromancy in Naat, Last Incantation, the Collossus of Ygorl, Seven Geases, Black Abbot of Puthum, the Coming of the White Worm to determine if you like him. Phoenix is a good story too. I think that’s where the idea for the movie Sunshine came from. Note the Coming of the White Worm’s allegorical value. Isn’t it amazing all that stuff was already there, in much the form it is now, if you consider how early this story must have been written!
I have read one collection of Clark Ashton Smith extending the Cthulhu mythos and very much liked it, but it does not draw me back to repeat readings like Lovecraft does. Thanks for the recommendations among his works.
Those are short stories, as was all he wrote. I like barbarella and Flash Gordon too. In fact, I’m overdue to rewatch them! You might like the movie Ted if you like Flash Gordon. You have to see it to understand the connection. It is very goofy.
This internecine doxxing business is something I’ve pondered for years. There is something Darwinian about it. It’s like interspecies mutualism. Chris Cantwell did it with Jared Holt to people in that Heal Turn group. Then Holt had the audacity to publish the texts and claim ‘I won’t be used to settle your scores’ even though he promptly did just that. Matt Parrott did that with the SPLC regarding Matt Heimbach. Can’t blame him for that one though. Augustus Invictus also doxxed other Heal Turn people because they made fun of his mulatto kids. So many examples. I’ve seen it in the manosphere/incelsphere too.
Then there is a secondary kind of doxxing, which is just as bad if not worse. I’ve seen TRS and America First do this. They air our dirty laundry publicly after fallings out and it becomes their new identity. They otherwise agree on everything else. Entire podcasts have been created and are singularly dedicated to infighting and manufactured drama, especially from the Ethan Ralph extended universe. This really makes NDAs look sacrosanct, but most of this isn’t business. It’s just ‘grassroots’ NEETs.
It reminds me of Enemy at the Gates where the Jewish soldiers were both vying for the same Jewess during Stalingrad. So it was a rivalry within the backdrop of another rivalry. Eventually, the one Jew tried using his newsletter to besmirch the rival Jew, but then gave up and did the opposite of the Alt-Right (which would not happen IRL besides maybe Anthony Bourdain) and purposely exposed himself to German snipers for just a second, knowing he would be killed instantly, as revenge for unrequited love and feeling personally betrayed.
Another subplot served as even greater metaphor of cooperating with the enemy or trying to manipulate the system when the little boy, Sasha, trying to play double agent. You cannot interact with the enemy whatsoever because this the ultimate result.
People always ask ‘what happened to notorious doxxer Richard Spencer?’ He got punched by Antifa. Not only did that punch dislodge his brain, that little goblin transferred some of his neoliberal degeneracy into what was left of Richard’s mind. Instead of becoming Harry Potter, he became somebody who tries too hard to be Voldemort.
Excellent program. Be great to see a printable transcript which can be handed out, especially to Trumpians.
Also, like to see the White Strike pushed. It can be anything from a social media meme to a Sorelian myth. Let the Regime be haunted by the specter of the White Strike!
Thanks so much. We will get some transcripts going.
Interesting commentary on the perceived victory of a Trump conviction for Democrats being a Pyrrhic victory. I hope Trump won’t get convicted but he would be more valuable as a martyr. All the more so with DA Bragg crying “rule of law” while NYC goes to hell in a hand basket.
Also interesting commentary on what’s constitutional. It’s cynical hearing liberals citing article 4 and how DeSantis has to comply with federal law. Of course, the “it’s federal law” canard has been used for subversive purposes for quite sometime now. We’ve seen this with Arizona trying to enforce immigration law. The feds tell them it’s not their jurisdiction, too bad for you that the feds aren’t doing their job.
“Online activism versus street activism”
– I enjoyed this section. Really important more people realize the potential of online activism. I think that more pro-whites need to get into the online content creation space. Start taking up digital real estate. If due to your personal circumstances you are unable to do the proper activism then one thing that you can do is start to build up a social media following for a particular niche or hobby you have. Anything. It will all come in handy for the future. An example of this is SolBrah he has built up a massive following with a mainly fitness and health focused Twitter account but he has also made tweets about mass immigration etc.
The other key thing for people to do is make re-upload accounts for tiktok, twitter, instagram etc and post red pilling content with various hashtags and in the comments sections of MSM and under conservative influencers, center right politicians. Really easy and safe ways to make a difference.
I do think it would be good for Counter Currents to add an “Activist’s Corner” or similar part to this website. But can understand if you don’t want to.
Is this picture of Trump REAL? Or just a joke?
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