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Tucker Carlson and the New York Times Agree About the Great Replacement
The Anti-Defamation League is a Jewish organization that exists for the sole purpose of defaming whites. Its current CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, resembles an egg with AIDS.
People such as Greenblatt exult in gaslighting and doublespeak, which is why they both openly celebrate the demographic replacement of whites and call you crazy if you happen to notice that whites are being demographically replaced.
Tucker Carlson is a goyish news broadcaster who, when interviewing contentious guests, has perfected the “You’re mentally ill, and I’m concerned that you’re going to kill yourself or someone else very soon” facial expression which at this point should have won him several Emmys.
During a recent conversation with Mark Steyn, Carlson suggested that Democrats are feverishly pro-immigration because at this point in American history, most immigrants are nonwhite and the only Democratic platform these days is “White people are Satan”:
I know that the Left and all the little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical if you use the term “replacement,” if you suggest that the Democratic Party is trying to replace the current electorate. But they become hysterical because that’s what’s happening actually. Let’s just say it. That’s true. I mean, everyone’s making a racial issue out of it. Oh, the, you know, white replacement? No, no, this is a voting rights question.
Carlson’s comments put the ADL in a right proper shvitz, leading Greenblatt to put down his buttered bialy with lox and tweet out the following:
.@TuckerCarlson: “replacement theory” is a white supremacist tenet that the white race is in danger by a rising tide of non-whites.
It is antisemitic, racist and toxic. It has informed the ideology of mass shooters in El Paso, Christchurch and Pittsburgh.
Tucker must go. https://t.co/FSvgNfR1KO— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) April 9, 2021
One would think that the head of the ADL would know how to spell “anti-Semitic.” One would also think that someone whose religion teaches that his people are preferred by God above everyone else would be a bit more careful about tossing around the term “supremacist.”
Never knowing when to shut the fuck up or stop overplaying their hand, the ADL shot off a letter to Fox News demanding Carlson’s termination:
Carlson’s full-on embrace of the white supremacist replacement theory on yesterday’s show and his repeated allusions to racist themes in past segments are a bridge too far. Given his long record of race-baiting, we believe it is time for Carlson to go.
Nearly 300,000 American soldiers died in World War II, and over a million were injured, only for their grandchildren to be called Nazis by an organization that butters its bagels with race-baiting.
Curiously, the ADL didn’t make a peep back in back in 2018 when Michelle Goldberg — sounds like a German or Dutch name if you ask me — penned an essay for the New York Times called “We Can Replace Them.” In the days leading up to a Georgia gubernatorial race pitting a white man against a fat black female wildebeest named Stacey Abrams, Goldberg could barely stop rubbing her hairy paws with glee at the fact that Georgia was only 53% white and fading fast:
Right now America is tearing itself apart as an embittered white conservative minority clings to power, terrified at being swamped by a new multiracial polyglot majority. . . . In a week, American voters can do to white nationalists what they fear most. Show them they’re being replaced.
I sort of envy the kind of mind that can hold two absolutely contradictory ideas at once like free-floating soap bubbles that never collide into one another and burst.
Asian Man Assaults Asian Woman He Thought Was White
The surname “Rhee” is Korean in origin, and it is a documented fact that Koreans have the smallest penises in the world, which might help explain why they are so humorless and bitter.
Last week in Southern California, 37-year-old Michael Sangbong Rhee, reputedly enraged at the false media narrative that the recent spate of anti-Asian violence in America is “fueled. . . by white supremacy” rather than “perpetrated by blacks,” allegedly pointed a gun at a woman sitting in her car in Irvine, California, pushed her into the backseat, sexually assaulted her with his angry inch, and then ran like a bitch when she began screaming. Surveillance footage captured his license plate, and according to police, Rhee said he attacked the woman because he thought she was white and he was fed up to his yellow gills with all this anti-Asian violence he keeps hearing about on the news. The woman was actually Asian, which makes Rhee’s little stunt the funniest thing an Asian has ever done.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.
Two New Extremely Anti-White TV Shows
If you’ve yet to have your fill of genocidally anti-white rhetoric in the media, worry ye not — two new series from HBO and Amazon may stuff your guts to the point where you won’t even be able to handle dessert.
At TIME magazine, Judy Berman [cough] writes that “HBO’s Exterminate All the Brutes Is a Radical Masterpiece About White Supremacy, Violence and the History of the West.” Directed by Raoul Beck, a black man who spent much of his youth in wonderful places such as Haiti and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the series is an attempt to find the “origin story” of the savage system of white supremacy that has kept blacks down from achieving the endless potential they display when left to their own devices in places such as Haiti and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Auschwitz is of course mentioned, and Peck attempts to describe how “the backward and poorly resourced Europe of the 16th century would acquire a monopoly on ocean-traveling ships with guns capable of spreading death and destruction across huge distances.”
I really have to watch this show, because I’ve been wondering for decades how such a backward continent was able to conquer all the relatively advanced and rich countries all across the globe for so long.
Starting with Jordan Peele’s Get Out, black horror movies that depict white people as scary monsters are all the rage these days, and Amazon has a new series by an over-moisturized black man who calls himself Little Marvin that seeks to recreate the horrors that greeted black people when the Great Migration out of the South occurred in the post-WWII era. Called Them: Covenant, the first season will focus on a black family who moved to Compton, California, only to be welcomed with pickaninny dolls, the word NIGGER burned into their front lawn, a black woman getting raped while her infant is murdered, and a horrific flashback to the 1800s where a black couple gets their eyes impaled with hot pokers while the song “I Only Have Eyes For You” plays in the background.
While Little Marvin acknowledges that, no, OK, sure, some of these things really didn’t happen in real life, he says it was important to maintain “integrity and authenticity” by attributing to whites the sort of callous sadism that one is much more likely to see on a daily basis anywhere in sub-Saharan Africa.
Back in 1959 — before blacks pushed out the whites and before Mexicans pushed out the blacks — Compton was almost entirely white. You can get a sense of exactly how horrific and savage it was here.
Teens Set White Man on Fire, Killing Him
The word “teens” is apparently Swahili in origin. Roughly translated, it means “young black criminals.”
In the dying town of Rochester, New York, two teens aged 14 and 16 — the younger of whom was previously arrested for robbing a deaf man at gunpoint in a parking lot last year — have been arrested and charged with dousing a white man with gasoline and setting him on fire. The man, Steven Amenhauser, was hospitalized with burns over 70% of his body and finally succumbed to the Angel of Death while hospitalized. The teens’ names are Zayvion and Adriel, and that’s all you really need to know.
Black Mass Murderer of Six Whites Described as “Quiet, Troubled”
Nearly a month ago when a white incel shot up three Atlanta-area massage parlors, killing two whites and six Asians, the media was all ablaze about “white supremacy” and “anti-Asian hatred by whites,” and nary a chirp was made about the two inconvenient white fatalities.
Last week, a 32-year-old black ex-NFL player named Philip Adams entered the home of a white family in Rock Hill, South Carolina. He killed six white people, including two white children, before killing himself.
But the Associated Press article about the incident does not mention the race of the victims and instead focuses on the “quiet, troubled” gunman. It includes quotes about Adams being “somewhat depressed,” “such a good kid,” “such a good father,” and someone who “didn’t bother nobody.”
Well, he bothers me. And I’m sure he bothered the surviving family members of his six victims. But the Associated Press couldn’t be bothered to mention any of that.
It Starts With Words, Ends With the Holocaust
A TIME magazine piece written by Sara J. Bloomfield of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and Greg Schneider of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany claims that “The Holocaust Began Not With Concentration Camps, But With Hateful Rhetoric.”
I could be mistaken, but I thought that the Germans got the whole idea about concentration camps from the Russian gulags.
The article quotes a Polish Holocaust survivor to push forward the idea that words inevitably lead to violence provided that the words dehumanize a specific group:
We heard the words. . . the Jews were cursed, the Jews are traitors and all of the problems in the world starts with the Jews, therefore what we have to do is get rid of the Jews.
A companion piece for NBC News written by Rachel Elbaum quotes Greg Schneider, who along with several ethnic cohorts is pushing the hashtag #ItStartedWithWords:
People don’t wake up one day to say I want to commit mass murder today, but it’s a process that over time people are dehumanized. That starts with words and ideas.
I’ll give credit where it’s due — at least they are finally admitting, if unwittingly, that white people are being set up for mass slaughter.
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This is directly from the ADL website…….
“Furthermore, bi-nationalism is unworkable given current realities and historic animosities.”
“With historically high birth rates among the Palestinians, and a possible influx of Palestinian refugees and their descendants now living around the world, Jews would quickly be a minority within a bi-national state, thus likely ending any semblance of equal representation and protections. In this situation, the Jewish population would be increasingly politically – and potentially physically – vulnerable.”
“It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory.”
So it’s good for Israel to be a ethno state but racist for anywhere else. Got it.
This is also a good one from the always truthful and unbiased ADL:
“Zionism is the Jewish national movement of rebirth and renewal in the land of Israel – the historical birthplace of the Jewish people. Rooted in the liberal principles of freedom, democracy, equality, and social justice, Zionism is fundamentally incompatible with racism.”
“The false and biased charge of racism is a deliberate effort to delegitimize the right of Jews to a national homeland and undermine the Jewish nationalist movement.”
This defensiveness is a reaction to a United Nations resolution from 1975 equating Zionism with racism. Although the resolution was revoked in 1991, many countries want to reinstate the 1975 resolution.
It is sad that there still are many people that believes that movies depict reality. Hollywood keeps exaggerating the plight of Blacks in America and it all part of the agenda of using blacks to spark RACIAL WARS among the worlds goyim. There is NO white supremacists in fact WHITES non jews are demographically a diminishing population. They donot OWN CNN CBS Universal Disney, Goldman Sachs, whites are making less percapita$$ than jews, Asians, they make up less than 40% of University students, less than 70% of the public-private LABOR force. They dont start wars in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Russia, Ukraine, etc. Whites are suffering from record unemployment, suicides, sky high oppiod addictions. Their manufacturing, farming economics have been confiscated through bankruptcies. Ironically they serve , and die more the average foot soldiers fighting in the Middle East. White Supremacists is just plain BS…WHITES must face the facts they are being exterminated, marginalized, excluded. OUTnumbered..and MUST ACT wisely and quickly…BUIL LOCAL POWER even overiding federal [laws[ regarding IMMIGRATION….the USA will never achieve this LYRICAL utopian multicultural paradise…in fact the whole point of multiculturalism is ENDING WHITENESS..which they blame for all ILLS in USA-American Society..America will break into regions deep South Black,Mexican SouthWest, Whites????. Blmaing whites-race is a perversion of HISTORY and Marxist theory that emphasize ECONOMIC STRUCTURES for socieconomic inequities..A historical footnote…there was salvery-poverty-extreme inequities during the Cartaghenian-Roman-Greek-Persian-Chinese empires which were NOT white anglo-aryans..Nigeria is the 5th oil exporting country in the world with deep economic ills…how many whites run Nigeria?? Zimbawe? NKorea? Thailand?…Its not about RACE its about ECONOMIC STRUCTURES ..In the context of Human Societies MEN derived their roles-values-self concepts IN relations to their place in the production process, …means of production…hence social relations of production..is NOT WHITENESS…if whites are exterminated will all social HUMAN ills disappeared also-automatically? who will become the world oligarchs???
The shear unadulterated stupidity of white leftists is unimaginable. These people are not smart, they are among the dumbest of the dumb. I could go on but it would 1) only state the obvious and 2) Make my blood pressure go higher.
Tucker actually read that passage aloud yesterday. Amazing.
“Never knowing when to shut the fuck up or stop overplaying their hand, the ADL shot off a letter to Fox News demanding Carlson’s termination:”
It’s cringeworthy that people like Greenblatt and Goldberg are pathetic stereotypes of their own people. It’s ironic that Theodor Herzl thought the same of his own group. When people read Herzl’s quotes, they think they’re reading the thoughts of an anti-Semite.
Do you have any examples of these quotes from Herzl?
It is interesting to see how brazen the ADL is with respect to respecting Israel’s identity and sovereignty as a Jewish state, even going as far as using the word “subvert” in its press release. Of course, when white people want to express similar concerns its the worst possible thing ever.
“[Anti-Semitism] is an understandable reaction to Jewish defects” — From his diaries, as quoted by Arthur Kornberg
“Every nation in whose midst Jews live is, either covertly or openly, anti-Semitic…its immediate cause is our excessive production of mediocre intellects, who cannot find an outlet downwards or upwards. When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat. When we rise, there also rises our terrible power of the purse.” — Herzl, “A Jewish State” 1896
He also said: “The Jews are carrying the seeds of anti-Semitism into England; they have already introduced it into America.”
The US will have to dismantle its nuclear arsenal. You can’t have those weapons and Blacks aiming them.
Great piece. There’s the matter of how creeps like Greenblatt, Wojicki, Zuckerberg, et al get away with any of this. I’m a native NY’er who’s worked on Wall Street and in a related field with these kikes, commuted for decades with them, and never, not once over decades, was I ever embarrassed by a single non-Jew taking one minute of their ethnic (ie, white-hating) crap. The opposite is rather the case, even when they’re confronted with the emerging truth about that six-million Holohoax.
As the late Roger Scruton delicately put it about Jacques Derrida, when they’re bested in argument (it’s usually like taking candy from a child), they disappear up their own assholes like the Cheshire Cat. They’re gone. I’ve also spent time with them at one of their better golf clubs in the Catskills, and the best of them are fragile and pathetic people.
So, what explains the cowering submission of the entire edifice of so-called conservatism in America before these people when these Jews are calling for white genocide, as well as inciting riot to the point of capital treason through their control of the MSM, Hollywood, and social media? Aside from “gay” kompromat as a prerequisite for leadership in the Republican Party, as now appears to be the case, there’s even the wimpier preppy losers of Conservatism Inc kissing Jewish ass like it was a sacrament from hell.
Unless they’re all sexually compromised, there’s no explanation I can see. As Jefferson put it watching Gen. Hamilton ride by on a horse–No soldier ever lost so much of his manhood, and yet watching a video during Trump’s impeachment of Graham and McConnell from the rear waddling down some Senate corridor like fussy ducks, it’s doubtful these two faggots were ever men to begin with. Is the Epstein/Barr kompromat psyop and it’s like the explanation?
I’m surprised the article about the NFL player didn’t mention his stats.
Mirabile dictu: Towards the end of his monologue last night (4/12) Tucker upped the Anti- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0e4QjoJ4wc
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