It’s Time to Admit That Massage Parlors Have an Asianness Problem
Jim Goad1,638 words
If there’s anything to be learned from the shooting sprees at three Atlanta-area massage parlors on Tuesday afternoon that left eight people dead, it’s that the massage-parlor industry is disproportionately Asian to a degree that would be comical if, you know, it hadn’t led to this unacceptable tragedy.
Since the shooter is white, WHITE SUPREMACY became the immediate narrative. Almost immediately, people were spreading an obviously forged Facebook post from the killer where he blames China for “the COVID coverup” and calls China “THE GREATEST EVIL OF OUR TIME.”
To be fair, six of his eight murder victims were Asian women. Then again, he also killed a white woman and a white man. He also injured a Hispanic man who survived.
To be even more fair — to the point of pathological and possibly even suicidal fairness in a climate where the Guilt War matters and the Fact War doesn’t — a 2019 study of massage parlors in Palm Beach County, FL “whose services were described as erotic on two X-rated websites monitored by police” found that 70 of the 95 erotic-massage locations “list corporate officers with Asian surnames.”
So the only statistic I was able to dredge up while toiling away on deadline about ethnic ownership of “erotic” massage parlors claims that 73.6% of them were owned by people with “Asian surnames,” which doesn’t even account for Asian owners who may have Americanized their surnames in order to pass. Anecdotal evidence suggests that perhaps a majority of these Asian-owned erotic massage parlors are owned by Asian women.
Tuesday’s shooting spree left eight dead bodies, 75% of them Asian.
So with Asian “erotic” massage-parlor ownership at 73.6% and Asian fatalities at 75% of the total, clearly the culprit is white supremacy.
A Google search for “Asian massage” yields over 32 million results, far surpassing the next closest type of massage that can be linked to an ethnicity, which was “Swedish massage” at just over five million results. But when you search for “types of massage,” the Swedish method shows up on every list, but “Asian massage” never does. Every so often, they might list shiatsu or “Thai massage,” but that’s it.
There appears to be no such thing as a generic “Asian massage.” It almost always seems like a euphemism for “massage with handjob at the end.” And even though this national industry essentially forces countless Asian women into sexual slavery, their lives don’t matter here — not unless their deaths can be blamed on “white supremacy.”
Therefore, you can forget about the fact that 87.5% of Tuesday’s massage-parlor murder victims were women. Even as women-compliant as mainstream culture is these days, they ignored this fact and instead fixated on race.
It’s a statistical fact that the shooter killed more women than he killed Asians. It’s also a statistical fact that men who blame their killing sprees on “women problems” are killing far more people than self-described “white supremacists” are.
The assailant didn’t shoot up any sushi bars or karate dojos. Instead of an attack on the “Asian community,” this seems like more of an attack on the “massage-parlor community,” which just so happens to be disproportionately Asian to a wild degree.
Tuesday’s rampage started shortly before 5:00 PM on Tuesday at Young’s Asian Massage in Acworth, Georgia, about 30 miles north of Atlanta. It left two Asian women dead. It also left a white man and woman dead, but you rarely hear a peep about that in the headlines. The shooter also injured a Hispanic man who was rushed to the hospital.
About an hour later in the normally posh Atlanta neighborhood of Buckhead, three Asian women were shot dead at Gold Spa, and one Asian woman was killed at Aromatherapy Spa across the street.
A couple of hours after that, police apprehended 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long of Woodstock, Georgia about 150 miles south of Atlanta. They say he told them he was headed to Florida to shoot up more porn-related businesses.
Long has reportedly confessed to the killings. And according to authorities, Long says a “sex addiction” motivated his spree, not racial hatred.
After authorities interviewed Long, Cherokee County Sheriff’s Captain Jay Baker held a press conference on Wednesday where he said:
He apparently has an issue, what he considers a sex addiction, and sees these locations as something that allows him to go to these places, and it’s a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate. . . . These locations, he sees them as an outlet for him, something he shouldn’t be doing. . . . He was fed up, at the end of his rope. . . . He had a bad day, and this is what he did.
You can imagine the field day the press and the full-time social-media white-supremacy-blamers had with the “He had a bad day” comment.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.
Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds said that Long “may have frequented some of these places in the past” and “might have been lashing out.”
There was incessant carping about how Long’s mug shot shows he was apprehended unscathed — this was offered as proof that he was treated with kid gloves because he was white instead of the statistical fact that whites tend to resist arrest at far lower rates than blacks do.
Asians don’t tend to resist arrest much at all — which may be related to the fact that they don’t tend to commit much crime, at least not compared to other races.
The news of Long’s confession and explanation of his motives came roughly 12 hours after his shooting spree hit the national news, and the outlets who weren’t blaming it directly on “white supremacy” and at least had the decency to say that a clear motive had not yet been established still felt compelled — down to the very last news outlet — to note that the murders came amidst a national wave of anti-Asian violence that nearly every media outlet is too timid to note has largely been perpetrated by black assailants — the culprit was “white supremacy” there, too.
After Long claimed a sex addiction motivated him rather than racial hatred, those who NEED it to be racially motivated are scoffing and saying, “Why trust a murderer?”
Something tells me they would have trusted him if he said he was motivated by racial hatred. After all, they claimed to know his motives before he even opened his mouth, so why would they renege on their confirmation biases if it turned out that he went out of his way to confirm them?
Although I’m sure they are trying their very best to the point where they’re standing on tippy-toes attempting to Swiffer up one mildly bigoted speck of dust from the cobwebbed shelves of Long’s online history, no one has yet produced any evidence of Robert Aaron Long showing any animus toward nonwhites.
His online track record, however, shows a consistent commitment to Christianity.
Long’s alleged Instagram account’s profile said: “Pizza, guns, drums, music, family, and God. This pretty much sums up my life. It’s a pretty good life.”
An unnamed student who graduated along with Long from Sequoyah High School in 2017 said:
He was very innocent-seeming and wouldn’t even cuss. . . . He was sorta nerdy and didn’t seem violent from what I remember. He was a hunter and his father was a youth minister or pastor. He was big into religion.
Another ex-classmate said Long carried a Bible with him every day and described him as “super nice, super Christian, very quiet. . . . He went from one of the nicest kids I ever knew in high school to being on the news yesterday.”
Long attended the Crabapple First Baptist Church in Milton, GA. A 2018 video from the church’s Facebook page shows him making the following testimonial:
The [prodigal] son goes off and squanders all that he has and lives completely for himself and then, when he finds he’s wanting to eat pig food, he realized there’s something wrong and he goes back to his father and his father runs back to him and embraces him. . . . And by the grace of God I was able to draw the connection there and realize this is a story between what happened with me and God. I ran away living completely for myself, and he still wants me, and so that’s when I was saved.
However, I haven’t seen anyone — at least not yet — blame Long’s rampages on Christianity and its alleged hostility toward the human sexual impulse. Mind you, I’m aware that the Uberkultur is not friendly toward Christianity and often views it as a proxy for whiteness. But Long gave the Usual Suspects plenty of reason to blame his shooting sprees on Christianity’s suppression of healthy sexuality and zero reason to blame it on white supremacy.
If you ever doubted that the Powers That Be see whiteness, not Christianity, as the enemy, this is your case. After all, there are too many black, Hispanic — and Asian — Christians in the USA to make Christianity an acceptable target these days. And many of the black ones are politicians or at least political commentators.
Just as there wasn’t a scintilla of evidence of “racism” in George Floyd’s death, there was none here, either. But it doesn’t matter anymore.
A new unwritten rule in American culture: If a nonwhite suffers in any way at the hands of a white, it is BECAUSE they were nonwhite. Even to question this rule makes you complicit in the suffering.
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Exactly. TPTB are anti-white, not anti-Christian-per se.
IMO some people like to go with the anti-Christian angle because they are too cowardly to face the real reason and/or they want to feel like a victim due to their religion.
And yet, no-one in the media commented on the most obvious tragedy in this shooting – the resurgence of the Lincoln Beard.
Long wasn’t a satisfied customer by the sound of it.
He did miss the other story about Christ though. When the village men are stoning the adulteress Jesus did point out that the whole lot of them had already fucked her as customers and were equally as degenerate. So stop chucking rocks over people having a quick fuck.
I want to point out that there is almost zero trafficking involved in the massage business today. Local law enforcement and AG’s like to get their names in the news and take the cash from the unsuspecting massage therapists. These women are adults and come to the US of their own free will and know they can make better money doing this work than slinging hash in some cafe. I know of this through personal experience. There may very well be a small percentage of therapists that will offer a happy ending, but there are far, far more that will tell the customer to go packing.
Another thing about those listings on websites. These are not all actually posted by the businesses. They can be posted by non owners using publically available information. The reviews are also potentially dangerous because a shop could refuse to provide an illegal service and the customer can go online and post a review as if they did receive the service. I will say that the therapists in this state have to be licensed and get random inspections that can close you down if they find something they deem out of compliance. This shooting spree is horrible and none of the people deserved their fate. It had nothing to do with race. It was the action of a deranged mind.
Stfu. There’s around 24,000 massage parlours in the US using Asian imports. It’s on its face human trafficking combining slavery and prostitution.
Pulm the other one Schlomo.
Sounds like some MKUltra action going on here.
The left gets lucky again! After months of blacks attacking Asians, and “white supremacists” getting the blame, now they have a white weirdo who slays some Asians. Now it’s sealed: white supremacists are targeting asians
“-to note that the murders came amidst a national wave of anti-Asian violence that nearly every media outlet is too timid to note has largely been perpetrated by black assailants ” Yes how “convenient” all this is…can’t make blacks look bad..oh,look Whitey is the problem —
Yeah, but a few days later, an Arab schizo goes nuts and mows down a dozen white progressives in America’s most privileged woke mountain town and home of Mork and Mindy. Nature always compensates for natural imbalances and seeks restoration immediately.
They are both anti-White and anti-Christian, if the two are combined in one individual. African belief in Christianity, including animist and voodoo traditional habits, are considered cultural expressions and thus good. White belief in Christianity equals colonialism and sexual repression and White supremacy. The former is more the charge from the POX, and the latter is the interpretation of their paymasters and string pullers, but they all stem from the anti-White animus more than the anti-religious animus. Combine them and you have a winner. Add in ‘male’ and you have a winning trifecta. The perfect personification of evil: A White, Christian male.
A lot of these massages places have mandatory “tip” requirements and these bimbos will aggressively chase you out the door for it after giving you a shitty massage with no ancient Chinese secret or nothin. It’s enough to make a guy go get his gun.
If you ever doubted that the Powers That Be see whiteness, not Christianity, as the enemy,
I’m at the age “that I remember” when Christianity was viewed as the white man’s religion and whites in some countries were annihilated because they were either Christian themselves, were related to a Christian, knew a Christian or had a notion what Christianity was. The modern version would be again not to kill Christians but whites, because white guilt will keep the beast from waking up. That’s my two cents worth.
Demographically, Christianity was a majority-white religion 100 years ago. Now, the majority of Christians live south of the Equator, the Land Where Nothing Was Ever Invented:
When you look at this graph, take into account that the “Americas” include South America, where there are far more Christians numerically than in North America:
When people keep falling for this Bannon/Mercer plot to neuter white identity by shunting it toward Christianity, remind them that Jesus never set foot in Europe and that global Christianity is majority nonwhite.
Also remind them that it’s 2021, not 1910.
All true, but the text is written in Greek in the oldest texts. Let’s say that Jesus is just a text. He’s a satire by a Greek writer about Jewish foibles. Not much different to Kipling on Gunga Din or Danny Dravot in Kafiristan. Let’s call the character of Jesus an early Orientalist example of Greek literature. There’s a case to be made that the Greeks in Bactria gave Buddha sculptural and textual form. You might be missing some of the esoteric literary possibilities with the characters here.
None of this would have happened if Robert Aaron Pull My Long Dong wasn’t so uptight about degeneracy.
These sorts of places really don’t belong in a decent country. But shooting them up isn’t the remedy or course. Would be much better if there were mass deportations. There must be a lot of money in prostitution provided by Asian sex slaves.
A very good point you illustrated, that often gets made to the Christlings of the world when they adhere that we should keep Christianity alive because it is what made Europe “good”. No, it wasnt Christianity, it was Whites, and the criticism remains that it is a Jewish religion. There is a reason slaves and women were the first adopters. We should instead adopt the Redbeards and Nietzscheans of the world.
Time to be more accurate in describing this “Asian” problem – these disgusting businesses are run/owned by and large by Chinese. In there geographic region even the Japanese and Koreans look down on them for their behavior
To be completely accurate, at least four of the six Asian victims were confirmed by the South Korean Embassy to be Korean.
He appears to have gunned down the Pimp’s and madames. None of the traffic Korean teens.
Are you jewish by any chance? Most of the time somebody tries to make me feel hatred towards the chinese, the person is jewish.
No it’s not, it’s mostly South Korean women in their 50s and 60s who married GIs they met in brothels outside US military bases back in the 1970s and 1980s. The marriages break up and they have lots of friends from the brothels also over here who open up the same sort of businesses here. Then the go every week to the casino and pretty much gamble every last penny away, most have huge gambling problems. These aren’t women who have their act together who get into this, it’s the crazy ones.
One thing at a time. The mostly Christian Hispanics are currently needed for the war on Whites. Their time will come.
On another point
I’ve been asking People of the Woke for examples of successful “diverse”- leave it for them to define, societies.
The only two non-White successes I can think of are Singapore- if you like your freedom delivered by fascism, and Japan, about which I know next to nothing, but it seems to work for them (or did until lately).
It is absurd to blame this on Christianity. Christianity is very much against killing people but the perp was happy to break that Commandment. Also, porn and brothels aren’t “healthy sexuality”, so the Christian hostility is justified. I would put this massacre down, like most massacres, to mental illness and easy gun access. Even where they spout an ideological motivation these two factors are the real problem.
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