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Back in 2008 I asked my dad how many Madonna songs he could name. He could only think of one: “Like a Virgin.” I found that amusing since Madonna had been an omnipresent cultural icon for a quarter of a century. (more…)
1,546 words
Back in 2008 I asked my dad how many Madonna songs he could name. He could only think of one: “Like a Virgin.” I found that amusing since Madonna had been an omnipresent cultural icon for a quarter of a century. (more…)
Has a major American publisher ever — and I mean even once — released a book written by an impoverished rural Caucasian that examines the multifarious neuroses and prejudices of urban Jews? If so, can you tell me how I’d go about ordering such a book? (more…)
The Icelandic government considered a bill in early 2018 banning the non-therapeutic circumcision of newborn boys. If passed, the law would have found such acts punishable by up to six years in prison. The reason for the ban, according to Silja Dögg Gunnarsdóttir, the member of Parliament who created the bill, was simply humane concern for boys’ welfare. “The bill only wants to protect the rights of the child to control his own body, and to make sure that no unnecessary surgery that could potentially harm the child is performed that early,” she stated. Makes sense, right? (more…)
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When it comes to their ability to disappoint me, people never disappoint me. One of the biggest compliments I can give someone is “You never annoyed me,” but it’s a compliment I use sparingly — perhaps once a year.
Although I’ve skipped a year here and there, this “Most Annoying People” listicle is a tradition I started ten years ago when writing for another site. Last year for Counter-Currents I wrote about “The 22 Worst Things About 2022,” but this year I’m shifting the focus back to annoying people. (more…)
It’s only been a week since Elon Musk took a stand on the Jewish Question, and yet so much has happened since then it almost feels like ancient history already. While it was a big win for the dissident Right, in the days that followed there were some minor black pills. (more…)
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On November 1 a “huge swarm of bullies,” nearly all of whom appear to have been black, surrounded a 17-year-old boy named Jonathan Lewis and beat him so badly that he died from his injuries a week later. The deadly beating happened across the street from Rancho High School in Las Vegas, Nevada.
At around 2:05 PM on November 1, police found Lewis bleeding from the head. He was taken to University Medical Center but died on November 8 “after doctors made several attempts to save his life.” (more…)
As much as we hate it when Donald Trump sucks up to the Jewish lobby, he will frequently do so in ways that are amusingly condescending. On Rosh Hashanah, Trump made a post on his vanity social media site Truth Social that read: (more…)
The second half of last weekend’s stream was an Ask Me Anything with host Greg Johnson and long-time activist Matt Parrott (Telegram, Substack), which is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
As everyone knows, it’s one of those lunatic far-Right anti-Semitic conspiracy theories to allege that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a “civil rights” organization that reportedly operates on a budget of only about $80 million per year, plays an oversized role in dictating policy to the United States government — which operates on a budget exceeding $5 trillion per annum. (more…)
Jim Goad has produced a short video to accompany his latest essay, “LOLocaust Denial,” on Roseanne Barr’s recent foray into Holocaust denial. See below. (more…)
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one below or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
Well, the Holocaust is back in the news. How long has it been — twelve hours? Six? As I’ve said many times, “Boy, when they said, ‘never forget,’ they weren’t kidding!” (more…)
Jim Goad has produced a short video to accompany his latest essay, “Clash of the Billionaire Comic-Book Supervillains,” on Elon Musk’s recent tweet comparing George Soros to X-Men supervillain Magneto — and the predictable outrage that followed. See below. (more…)