Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 292 Jason Kessler
Counter-Currents Radio172 words / 2:00:27
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On this episode of Counter-Currents Radio, Greg Johnson talks to Jason Kessler, legal activist and organizer of the Charlottesville Unite the Right rallies. They discuss Unite the Right, Kessler provides updates on his legal battles, and the two answer listener questions. Topics discussed include:
- 00:00:00 Charlottesville, background and aftermath
- 00:28:48 Ongoing legal battles
- 00:47:00 Trump’s failure to deal with BLM
- 00:55:40 What legal outcome does Kessler hope for?
- 01:05:00 Organizational conflicts in Unite the Right and police corruption
- 01:22:30 Chris Cantwell
- 01:30:30 Dealing with haters
- 01:45:00 The upcoming election
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These guys have the heart on the right place.
I want to say thank you for bringing back Counter-Currents Radio (CCR). Interviewing people from a variety of backgrounds allows news about current events to spread your global audience.
There are some people you have not interviewed yet. Here are five people who should consider interviewing for your podcast: They are: Ramzpaul, John Friend, Jared Taylor, Paul Gottfried and Mike Enoch.
Thanks for all the hard work.
What an absolutely fantastic talk. The point that Mr. Kessler made about Antifa becoming a protected class is a frightening one, but is certainly within the modus operandi of the enemy. It really shouldn’t surprise us at all at this point.
I remember that years ago, when I first started to leave leftist liberalism behind and started to read the National Review and Weekly Standard, I was sometimes amazed at how it almost felt that I had written the articles. That’s how I feel when reading or listening to CC and others. It’s uncanny at times.
The analysis with regards to Trump at the end for instance. There is never going to be any ideal time to break ranks with the GOP. There will always be some element of fear of what an unchecked Left will pursue. But maybe that needs to happen. Maybe the Left needs to be allowed to run loose for awhile. Maybe it is inevitable anyway.
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