The only thing as unpredictable as Donald Trump’s path to victory in the general election is perhaps his path out of it. Few can be sure of how Trump will hit the ground running after his motley of cabinet appointees and pledge to exculpate Hillary Clinton from prosecution. Some in the Alt Right think that the honeymoon is over, whereas those in the Alt Lite are delighted to see their civic nationalist President signalling newfound moderation – the only exception being his UN-vote flare-up of Israeli irredentism. The party seems to be over, and unfortunately it’s not the GOP.
However, there are still a number of promising permutations of a Trump presidency that could deliver much-needed doses of political and ideological realism for a nationalist palingenesis. The ground is fertile in an America fatigued by wars, social problems, and government overreach. And then there is liberal America, where tens of millions truly believe that there is an epidemic of racist police shootings, that diversity is a strength, and that tougher gun laws will fix Chicago. They believe the media concerning Arctic ice predictions and the government on unemployment statistics. Many of these sentimental myths hang in the balance, along with several more macabre conspiracies that the Trump Administration could blow the lid off to the horror of the incumbent establishment and their mainstream minions.
This is the origin of the effort to avoid a Trump presidency at all costs. The real Donald Trump is a “conspiracy theorist” and man of the people, which is a good thing considering the decades of corruption stemming from the unbroken rule of groomed insiders. Washington elites are people who believe in social engineering, might is right, psy-ops, nihilism, and plebeian profitability-disposability. Much of the post-election talk imploring Trump to act “more presidential” and “like an adult” is mere code language for getting with the program and being a team player.
Those who paid attention on the campaign trail heard Trump warn that this was the last chance to save the country, which was rightly said without the trademark hyperbole. It’s ironic to reflect on the smearing of Trump for being little more than a populist demagogue when Obama was arguably the emptiest suit of them all, his “Hope and Change” paper-tiger presidency now widely seen as a fraud and failure. Only the mainstream media continues to lionize him, while his signature Affordable Care Act goes to the hyenas.
American politics has become increasingly shadowy, unaccountable, and fake, much like the Stalinist corporate environment or America’s MTV culture. Fake entertainment, fake talent, and fake news – even presidents are inaugurated by lip-syncing performers. Unsurprisingly, virtually every item on the radical agenda sharpened under Obama’s reign: from more economic injustice and social agitation to more melting-pot madness and fake unity. Obama even had the impudence to claim that race relations improved during his tenure.
If anything, the last eight years saw the evolution of the proposition nation towards the further Left, into the projection nation: a construct of never-ending future promise, where all the panglossian visions for post-racial harmony come true and bigotry is forever buried. The projection nation is defined by what elites claim the country should aspire to, rather than what it is. Acolytes of the Alinsky code see no problem in America drifting like an iceberg on the currents of globalism, convinced that the melting white ice can be replaced with the guano accumulating on top.
With such fanatics and partisan zealots at the helm, self-assured of their fraternally perpetuated hegemony, it was never thought that the complementary abuse of power and ends-justify-the-means corruption ran the risk of exposure. But this is the prospect now looming for the incumbent establishment. The fear is real, and so are the deep state’s efforts to destroy Trump, argues Glenn Greenwald. The CIA in particular opposes Trump, as the Agency is heavily engaged in illicit conflicts, like the proxy war to oust Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria. It was somewhat surreal to hear Trump before the election accusing Hillary Clinton of taking money from those who fund ISIS, or calling Obama “the founder of ISIS,” but now even FOX News is hosting views that expose the establishment’s true foreign policy agenda. Just how many of Trump’s previously ridiculed conspiracy theories will be vindicated in the coming months remains to be seen.
Just days after the election, when popular-vote sob stories were filling the airwaves, Trump echoed the reasonable claims of voter integrity organizations in stating that more than three million illegals voted. Political scientists have previously made similar claims. Mendacity has always been virtue for the far-Left in masking their agenda and fig-leafing the outcomes of bad policies, therefore performing surgery on the definitions of what it means to be “unemployed” or “deported” were never a problem. With America’s institutions no longer subordinate to international socialist or neo-conservative administrations, a rude awakening lies in store for many. The baloney 5% unemployment rate and 11 million illegals figure are set for a reality check, with Trump at one time speculating that the actual figure is 30% unemployment. Though the restoration of empirical integrity will be met with fierce opposition by establishment media and partisan Leftists who prefer Orwellian legal acrobatics, many in the mainstream will be forced to reflect on who was telling the truth about unemployment and illegals all along, while the hardliners can be left to suffer undocumented migraines.
Trump’s distrust and loathing of the dishonest media goes much deeper than most of his supporters are aware. With well-placed contacts in the big networks and government, it’s almost certain that Trump is aware of the social engineering propaganda that has been staging shootings in order to pass gun control legislation. He is, after all, a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment. The Sandy Hook shooting, portrayed as the Pearl Harbor event of gun crime is, at least on the Internet, the most mocked and parodied piece of news fakery in recent years. Trump’s refusal to denounce “Sandy Hook deniers” has not only upset The New Yorker and Rachel Maddow, but worse than that, Trump has appeared on Alex Jones and even invited a Sandy Hook denier to speak at a rally.
Another dubious shooting was the Dylann Storm Roof extravaganza, which was such a success for the Left that the Confederate flags came down and the case became liberal lore – a bookmark in any discussion of race in America. The KKK was soon on the scene in Charleston, led by FBI asset Chris Barker. What’s important to keep in mind is that, at the time, Americans were greatly fatigued by incessant black rioting following every whim of putative racism; so to have the shooting of nine blacks at the hands of a white supremacist be met by Zen monk-like composure from the alleged victims was a story too good to be true. Mr. Trump wryly voiced his bewilderment at the uncanny “love and forgiveness” for Roof held by alleged victims on CNN, though was more gracious than facetious.
The saga marked a change in the way “white supremacy” is marketed to the mainstream: Mr. Roof was not radicalized through the “traditional channels,” nor did he brandish a single swastika in his iconography. Instead, he was “self-radicalized” on the Internet, reading material from the Jared Taylor-associated Council of Conservative Citizens Website. Roof, the media allege, was the boy-next-door Nazi who had plenty of black friends but never uttered a single racist remark, furthering the stereotype of the implicit white racist. He was a devout Christian who engaged in Bible study with the black victims for an hour before opening fire on them, according to the official story.
As Trump is well aware, there is no low that the media won’t sink to. One of the dirtiest smears in election history was orchestrated by the mainstream media in conjunction with the DNC when the cascade of women alleging sexual misconduct against Trump appeared on the scene. Though the Left has now all but forgotten the allegations in favor of more plausible smears, Trump has vowed to sue all of the women, which would be a welcome discrediting of the lying media and cuckservative endorsement-rescinders.
Of course, Trump has also taken advantage of conspiracy theories himself, picking up on the rumor that Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The attorney and political blogger who was the original source of the story was later found dead in an alleged suicide, and though Trump never acknowledged this he may be delegating new Attorney General Jeff Sessions to open a full investigation.
Likewise, the death of conservative journalist prodigy Andrew Breitbart at the age of 43 will be on the mind of cabinet heavyweight Steve Bannon, who probably suspects that his late friend’s swashbuckling takedown of ACORN and Anthony Weiner had something to do with his death. Even the coroner investigating the death mysteriously died of arsenic poisoning.
Americans have been nurtured to believe that the liquidation of journalists and activists is a feature of Russian or Middle Eastern politics, rather than of their own model democracy. The last eight years, however, brought unprecedented silencing of whistle-blowers and dissidents. After contacting WikiLeaks with a big story, journalist Michael Hastings died under suspicious circumstances, as did Pulitzer Prize-winner Gary Webb, who exposed CIA drug trafficking in the 1990s. Julian Assange’s U.N. lawyer, WikiLeaks’ chief counsel and informant Seth Rich, were all killed for their activities; as was Loretta Fuddy, the state health director responsible for authenticating Obama’s birth certificate. Even author Tom Clancy, known for his inside knowledge concerning governmental operations, died in a hit ordered by Obama, according to ex-CIA agent Jim Garrow.
It is likely that every president since Jimmy Carter has a lot of skeletons in his closet, but what sets Obama apart is the number of those not directly connected to politics. Several homosexuals from his former church were given their final sacrament prematurely, as was Obama impressionist Steve Bridges, who “deeply offended” Mr. Obama with a comedy routine in 2011. Even the White House dog-trainer died at the age of 52. Judging from the fatigued and downcast character of Obama in the period of his lame-duck presidency, it is not America’s political future that is troubling him – it’s his own sordid past catching up that’s hinting his goose is cooked. Calling for a “seamless passing of the baton” is a bizarre appeal to be making to one’s ideological opposite and long-time nemesis.
But the greatest political scandal in America’s history is still being portioned out. It is Pizzagate – the conspiracy theory that refuses to go away despite the best efforts of the monolithic mainstream media to discredit it. The Podesta e-mails published by WikiLeaks contain so much known pedophile code language that thousands of independent researchers and citizen sleuths have been emboldened to investigate further. The evidence is damning. A number of Washington venues, including Besta Pizza, Comet Ping Pong, Beyond Borders, and L’Enfant Cafe have been identified as likely fronts for child trafficking and prostitution. Until the scandal broke, some of the establishments had pedophile logotypes, artwork, performers, and social media content.
Pizzagate could rival Watergate in terms of the immense number and rank of people from the Washington elite who are implicated. Hillary’s campaign manager and Obama counselor John Podesta is at the center of allegations, along with his lobbyist brother Tony Podesta. Powerful D.C. restaurateur James Alefantis is also involved and is tightly connected to the Podesta brothers, as well as Obama and Hillary Clinton – having also visited the White House on multiple occasions at strange times. One astonishing e-mail leaked by WikiLeaks suggests that Obama spent $65,000 flying in “pizza/dogs” from Chicago for a private party at the White House using the “usual channels.” In addition, Hillary Clinton is associated with two convicted child sex traffickers in Haiti: Laura Silsby and her Sephardic-Latino lawyer Jorge Puello.
The broader scope of famous and wealthy elites participating in or financing operations include Jeffrey Epstein, Anthony Weiner, Bill Clinton, George Soros, Herbert Sandler, Alan Dershowitz, and “spirit-cooker” Marina Abramovic. Even Stephen Hawking is implicated, having been photographed on Epstein’s island and being the butt of pizza-themed inside jokes on The Simpsons and Futurama. Over the years, Hollywood writers have taken the use of clandestine cover for subtle paedophilia innuendo for granted, but now there is a cache of material being communicated to millions of people in a way that is not supposed to happen. “It’s no big deal,” sang Katy Perry in a 2014 hit that manages to combine ping pong and pizza – but it rapidly is becoming a big deal for average folks as her video, which has been watched 550 million times, is now flooded with Pizzagate comments. New York Times bestselling children’s author Adam Rubin, who looks more like a Stephen King collaborator, wrote a book entitled The Secret Pizza Party, and the storyline incontrovertibly fits under the Pizzagate rubric.
Though still largely unknown in the broader population, on the Internet Pizzagate has reached a sort of critical mass that is unprecedented. The media cover-up is proving to be a major recruiter of disillusioned citizen vigilantes, though the movement is largely apolitical. Nevertheless, there has been a concerted effort to pin Pizzagate on the Alt Right. Speaking to the Washington City Paper, James Alefantis blamed “white nationalists made up largely of racists [and] homophobic individuals,” while a segment on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert smeared Pizzagate as an “Alt Right Fever Dream.” But the “fake news” meme is no longer working: the video has a 39% negative rating. The legacy media’s attempt to discredit the Alt Right and the Pizzagate conspiracy at the same time is backfiring as concerned and open-minded moderates are beginning to empathize with the antagonized dissident Right. A number of them are even using expressions like “red-pilled,” suggesting that Pizzagate is becoming a gateway conspiracy that could certainly benefit the Alt Right in other ways.
The Trump Administration is reportedly discussing the scandal, according to former Business Insider contributor David Seaman, but its enormity simply has no precedent. Proving its veracity would be a lifetime red-pill for Americans and others around the world, resulting in an irreversible skepticism toward big government and mass media. With boosted legitimacy, Trump could proceed with other pertinent issues, from ending the Federal Reserve banking system to disbanding NATO and the American empire. One can only hope that Trump’s interim pivot toward appeasement has been to facilitate a safe transition – especially since his extended olive branches have been spurned by the Left. It’s therefore time to furnish the winner’s kotinos and grab Hillary by her posse.
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Before I comment on this piece, I would like some clarification from the author Zaja as to what his own beliefs are and what he is trying to promote with this essay. Does he believe, for example, that Sandy Hook was a hoax? That Clancy was murdered? Or is he putting these forward as strong possibilities? Or is he saying that, while he himself does not believe it (or is agnostic), there are rump supporters who do believe it? And, even if it is the latter choice, how is it prudent for the advance of racial nationalism to tie it to such suppositions?
Thank you
correction: Trump supporters
The most important item is not mentioned in the article: 9/11
If I remember correctly, Trump mentioned during his campaign that he would re-open the investigation.
That’s the real thing – not Pizzagate.
It’s been about 24 hr since I asked for clarification with no response; at this point I’ll take the essay at face value. Zaja refers to Sandy Hook as “news fakery” and apparently takes seriously the idea that Obama ordered a “hit” on Clancy, etc. I’ll comment on this essay at my blog as part of a more comprehensive post on recent “movement” activity and events.
@Ted – I’m advancing them as very strong possibilities. The main point of the essay is that Trump is a conspiracy theorist, which is good for nationalist movements.
Staging shootings to enact gun control disproportionately affects white America, which is intentional.
What’s also good for nationalism is govt skepticism and distrust of media. There are a lot of dominoes that could fall and Sandy Hook is one of them. I do not refer to Sandy Hook as news fakery, I say on the internet (especially YouTube) it overwhelmingly is considered to be that. My view can remain an enigma. And yes, many of these are ‘gateways’ to becoming red-pilled on more important subjects.
Clancy murder – who knows but worth a mention. He was allegedly collaborating with Hastings (the other murdered journalist) to write a book on Obama.
You would have to be a conspiracy theorist to see so many dead journalists and DNC staffers (many more that I did not mention) and claim a statistical quirk.
P.S. I don’t think I’m famous enough to be referred to by my surname.
My own view, discussed on my blog, is not an enigma, and is out in the open. Rather than get into all that (including balancing out the accounts by addressing the costs of conspiracy theorizing, not just the putative benefits), I’d just like to point out that the major conspiracies – that I would consider the real ones – are all out in the open – globalism, mass migration, etc. Maybe best to address all that low-hanging fruit first. I’d also point out that if all these shootings are “staged” for gun control they’ve failed miserably. With Trump, gun rights are more secure than they’ve been for years. One would think the best way to actually get gun control would be to change the electorate through mass immigration – one of the open conspiracies I mentioned.
You are right Ted. However, when people start to wake up, it is usually with something very personal and nearby. There are still people who think a little sign ‘gun free zone’ will keep the baddies out. Why do people support sanctuary cities? I had friends on facebook I had to unfriend because I just could not stand the stupid anymore. They believed all the lies. They have hit a moral wall and refuse to look at it. Those who are waking up have to relate it to something personal than happened or they witnessed. What does globalism mean to someone who just saw a stabbing, say black on white. They either have to find excuses for the black or they have to question those excuses. It is a very scary process for lots of people. For me it was ‘ what if absolutely everything I have been told is really a lie?’ And then proceed from there to what makes sense.
Excellent. Lots of normies are concerned about conspiracy theories. That is why so many forums about them continue to attract people. Something is wrong with the official story, but no one is sure what it is. Personally, I think playing on sentiments seems to be the game and the guilt over doubting the official story is constantly played up. ‘ How dare you not feel sorry for the Sandy Hook parents. Are you an unfeeling, uncaring person? The government would never lie, not about a thing like that.’ Someone wants us in this nebulous little wonderland. But, who knows what Trump will do. I wish my prime minister would put Canada first.
But of course he does. All Justin wants is to transform Canada into a “Humanitarian Superpower” like Sweden. What could be better than that?
Trump’s election is a political earthwquake. As the ripples emanate from the center nothing will look the same.
I’d say that there are at least 50 million Americans who are red pilled – the so-called “Deplorables.”
The trick is in getting them mobilized.
There are only ~25,000,000 deplorables, not everybody made it into Hillary’s half basket. I dunno what she thinks about the other half of the Trump supporters but I venture to say she finds them as stupid as democrat voters because after all, they’re just voters.
Let’s put it this way, from a South African perspective (one of many opinions though):
1) He has four years in office. If he is lucky, another four. They are working on it that this event does not realise. Quite a period of time will be needed to put together a new administration. If there is a new Africa Affairs representative, it will take him at least a year to get up to scratch with the situation there, before a new policy can be established.
2) There are seven billion people on this planet. South Africa is a drop in a bucket. His first priority will be to establish order in his own country, while facing the enormous pressure of the left, who are trying to discredit him. Relationship with Russia, the Middle East, China, Europe and Brexit have to be reestablished. South Africa will not be high on the list. It will take him at least two years to land on his feet again amidst this chaos.
3) White South Africa is divided, has no representative. Who speaks for the Boer? There is no mandate.
4) The media is smelling blood. The will again try to discredit the Afrikaner (Boer) as naive fools that cannot think before they do.
Source (Afrikaans, shortened to the essentials by me): Front Nasionaal facebook entry
The “PizzaGate” label itself, with its retro-playful conjurings of Kubrickian rabbit holes, is rarely given any credit for the ongoing viral explosion. A normie liberal can google it without feeling guilty and gross, unlike, say, “Sandy Hook conspiracy” or “9/11 truth” or “Epstein pedo-island.”
We in the alt-right can *learn much* from this. A redpill is much easier and enticing to present to the curious masses, and to trigger MSM clickbait outrage (and thus, wider exposure), if it wears an unthreatening, colorful, absurdist wrapper. Pepe the Frog is another great example.
Regarding President Trump and his plans to lift the veil on various cabal machinations, I don’t fear assassination attempts on his life. Sadly, we must consider: what is Trump’s Achilles Heel? What would totally derail his presidency’s goals of MAGA?
The answer is as dark as a PizzaGate dungeon: if heaven forbid, Ivanka was assassinated in a false flag blamed on Muslim terrorists (like 9/11), can anyone not foresee Trump dropping all plans and investigations in favor of WWIII, clearing out the Middle East, as Israel and the neo-cons/libs so prophet-beckon? PizzaGate would be swept into the online dustbin too, providing relief to the globalist pervs.This hypothetical may seem too extreme/taboo even for these devilish goons, but then again, they refer to helplessly traded children as food, pandas, and ping-pong.
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