After years of abortive attempts at devising their own populist response to the Tea Party, the American political Left finally have one: Occupy Wall Street. Like the Tea Party, it’s devoid of coherent leadership or a coherent agenda. Like the Tea Party, it feigns a lack of partisanship or class identification while obviously belonging to a major party. The Tea Party began as a populist outcry against the GOP’s outrages, degenerated into a kabuki theater routine of feigned autonomy, then eventually died in its sleep . . . in bed with the Republican Beltway insiders who patiently and methodically sucked the life out of it.
They’re not exactly yin and yang, though. The Tea Party was initially instigated and guided by a relatively serious and organized vanguard of ideological libertarians. Occupy Wall Street has no such vanguard and no ideological compass to speak of. It’s easy to cherry-pick individuals who claim to speak for decentralized uprisings like this, and it’s more difficult to find its common message. In this case, the only message is that “us” in the 99% are victims of “them” in the top 1% of wealth. I have accused ideological libertarians of lacking in nuance and depth, but this takes the cake!
If Occupy Wall Street is a nascent revolution—the American Fall following the Arab Spring—then it will be the single dumbest revolution in world history.
But what more can we expect of a generation which has been so effectively brainwashed by our global elites that they’ve effectively inculcated taboos against discussing or even thinking about anything which comes close to the root problem? To name the attackers, one would have to name a cosmopolitan cabal of Jews and their technocratic puppets. Of course, we can’t do that. For fear of being anti-Semitic, we must all pretend the perpetrators are “faceless.” To defend what’s being attacked, one would have to defend our last remaining bulwarks of tradition and identity. Good luck recruiting ironic hipsters and alienated individualists to sign on for that.
The argument is shaping up to be one of whether our problem is a cancerous government commandeered by a sinister cabal or whether it’s our rapacious corporations commandeered by a sinister cabal. [Spoiler Alert: The same cabal controls both.] The solution coming from the “left” is to trust the government to “regulate” the corporations. The solution coming from the “right” is to trust the market instead of the government. It’s obvious to readers in these circles that we can trust neither, that both are integrally set against the interest of the “99%” they have the power to control and exploit. Government regulations and corporate policies are both suitable means of breaking a people, and our overlords are magnanimously inviting you to pick your poison in a free and fair election.
We as a movement are in a much better place than we were in previous decades. A large and growing mass of White Americans across the “left” and “right” bands of America’s narrow slice of the political spectrum recognize that something is very deeply wrong. While a good share of it is the predictable dissonance that comes with economic hardship, what they’re experiencing is more than a mere hangover. There’s that, too, of course. But they’re awakening from decades of decadence and distraction and taking stock of just how completely and totally abysmal their future will be.
Most folks on the White Right are joining the controlled Right in buying the mainstream media’s new Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street paradigm. They’re giving up on Occupy Wall Street because there are reports of some leftist and anti-White stuff being shouted by random voices in the mob—some of whom fancy themselves leaders of said mob. This is the defeatist spirit of conservatives, the “beautiful loser” mentality in full effect. They’re resigned to absorb another round of abuse like the battered housewives they are.
When the Tea Party declared that they demanded X, Y, and Z, the Republican machine responded with a condescending smirk of an abusive husband and got busy having its way with them. It got busy influencing, leading, propagandizing, hustling, and organizing. We can’t sit around and wait for the people to apologize to us for being wrong and ask us to lead them. We need to either get in the game and fight for what we believe in or have the integrity and humility to admit defeat and hang it up.
You don’t get to pick your battles, but White Nationalists who carried the torch through our darkest decades would have died to have a shot at diving into this civil unrest. They would have loved to wade into leaderless mobs of desperate youths who are angry about international bankers and the Federal Reserve. The overwhelming majority of people showing up for these events are White. The overwhelming majority of them are both clueless about what’s going on and looking for answers. Unlike the typical Tea Party supporter, these people are more open to radical paradigm shifts, less invested in the current system, and a couple decades younger. They may not care for the answers and solutions I have, but—by God—they’re going to hear them, anyway.
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I agree with the last paragraph in that maybe these are the “type” of people we should try to win over to the cause of white nationalism. However, I think we’d be better off to look at their “propaganda”, for lack of a better word, and find the parts of it that we may agree with rather than take the approach of “we’re going to give them a piece of our mind whether they like it or not”. For instance, “Wretch” Limbaugh was wailing on his radio show today about how the Occupy Wall Street movement had originated in Canada and was anti-semitic-condemning the Jewish stock market etc. etc. Hmmm….maybe there are elements of this movement that aren’t so bad after all.
Justin: I live in Canada – I think – and as far as I can tell Occupy Wall Street originated in America and has yet to even have a demo up here.In Canada we are far more discrete and merely buy the odd silver coin as suggested by Max Kaiser as a means to bring down the Wall St. bankers. And, of course, we keep our silver coins in the bank’s safe deposit box
I reckon I made it sound like that. I definitely agree that we should approach them in the most friendly and effective way possible. It’s tricky, given the taboos, but worth a shot. It’s not as if the Tea Party crowd isn’t laboring under the same taboos. If anything, your typical leftist kid is less “TWO LEGS BAD” about criticizing Jewish oligarchs than your typical baby boomer.
Go among them and hide your views and do practical things for them. I have been doing this for years. I made a post about it:
Matt Parrott in blockquote:
To be effective, politically, we have to offer people who are still too comfortable Something Better, and we must be able to state our position in, say, five words.
How do you propose to do that?
“…the defeatist spirit of conservatives” is their choice, because it removes from them the responsibility to actually Do Something. Remember what Sobran said Buckley told him about CONservatives – “It’s all a game, it’s all a pretty rewarding business.”
CONservatism leads them to…Newt Gingrich, and another wasted thirty years in politics. THESE thirty years, however, will reduce us to permanent minority status. From there, it’s pretty much a short step to “The Hunger Games.”
There were actually TWO Tea Parties: the first, disaffected Whites, usually over fifty, who “acted out” in a safe manner, and then went back to their ineffective behaviors, and the second, a cleverly organized and centrally controlled organization bankrolled by billionaires with a thorough grasp of the issues and answers needed to neutralize the former, if not bring them back into the fold. To sum up the worst of the First, in one phrase: “Keep the Federal Government out of my MEDICARE!” To sum up the worst of the Second, in one phrase, “Elect Republicans.” Both, incidentally, are willing to throw their grandchildren’s economic and political futures under the bus.
The more distinct dividing line can be seen clearly in the California Budget, where the battle was between retired White people, and the welfare underclass, including the illegals. This is spoken of by System commentators as the Age War. In fact, it is a soft Race War, in all but name, with the battlegrounds being Sacramento. Demographically, however, as the illegals all work for the day Los Angeles will be the capital of Alta California, and those Whites who can literally flee for their lives to a safer place. Show them the demographics of Kalispell, and they ask, “It’s wonderful. Too bad about the cold weather.” Well, too bad about your and your grandchildren’s lack of a future, Gran’pa. If possible, a Northwest Republic would solve many of their problems.
They can only handle five words, Matt. “You should do “X” because..”. They will not apologize to us ever, unless it is the last minute of their lives. Even then, it will not matter, as it will be too late. “Whiter, Brighter, Better – Focus Northwest!”
That one’s on the house!
A people with nothing has nothing to lose. I highly recommend the ideas on Bob Whitaker’s site. Hit them with the Mantra! Good luck!
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
The further I got into this article the more I felt the need to add a comment. The trouble is, I really have nothing to say/add, except “Spot on!”
I had an e-mail exchange just yesterday with a lefty friend who was all exited about the Wall Street protests and my point was exactly what Matt has written here. Actually, I said that until I see Bernanke (and about 100 others) swinging by their necks from lamp posts, I won’t be holding my breath for “‘change we can believe in”.
For those of you who haven’t seen RamZpaul’s video on the isssue, it’s over here.
This is Lollapaiooza for broke sociology majors . It has bouncers and free lunch.
These people have approved causes and approved chants, etc., even if they somehow got it into their heads to storm the trading floor(they won’t), the stock market wouldn’t go down. Everything is electronic and “twinned” on a massive server complex in some mine shafts and modified caves in upstate NY. The result would be a Gabrielle Giffords style pep rally/vigil/ funeral. Let the heeling begin. (vomit) Public displays cover a host of sins.
Public sector unions (financed by foreign bond purchases) and paragon of self loathing (with corresponding case of racial masochism) Michael Moor and everyone in between can take the money and proclaim the revolution all the way to the bank. Regulation damages the private sector, at some point, but it almost always serves private interests. The market actually went up, proclaiming its faith in another TARP as this was going on. This “entertainment” will end when the weather turns cold, ideally before the besotted undergrads and “right-thinking” graduates vote a straight Democratic ticket. (Who paid for that free lunch.)
It takes time to undo orthodoxy, even when that orthodoxy is obviously collapsing.
Disillusionment will follow. Some will subsequently embrace The World of Tradition.
As far as antisemitism goes (purported or otherwise) the Left is free to hobnob with everyone from Black September to the Ayatollah, to Hamas and always has been. Even in the War on Terror it can donate to certain “charities”. It can organize boycotts of Israel and bring actual hook-nosed moneylender puppets to the anti-globalization demonstrations in Seattle for everyone to heap their scorn upon.
It can also live in effectively whites-only cities. like San Francisco.
Can you say: projection.
So far, this is nothing like 1929, which only spawned the current managerialist regime in 1933, which in turn only spawned the post modern/New Left shoggoth in 1960-68. Yes there were antecedents. there was a gestation period, where the illness was present but not apparent.. But the next Year of Decision is a ways off.
Can’t the American Right recover its own heritage and promote alternatives to the debt finance system beyond libertarianism and Leftism? It has the answers if it cares to look back into its recent past. If a White Republic suddenly emerged but retained the present financial system then it would simply be a white shit-hole instead of a multicultural shit-hole and would end up reverting to type anyway.
The one slogan I heard from the Occupy Wall Street crowd was “tax the rich.” I assume the demonstrators in Greece and elsewhere, protesting the inevitable outcome of a parasitic system are saying much the same – i.e., they haven’t got a bloody clue what’s going on, and the Right doesn’t seem to be offering any alternative. Causes need to be examined – not symptoms. As Father Coughlin said: throw out the money-changers – be they Jewish or Gentile.
Your recent historical article on alternatives to usury points to the necessity of a simple primer for nationalist/populist/social credit economics. The idea that the only alternative is finance capitalism or socialism is just another Jewish “Heads we win, tails you lose” hegemonic attempt to define the parameters of debate.
I guess we could always dig up ye olde Tally Sticks?
Good comment Kerry. I agree with much of what you say. I wouldn’t expect the American Right to recover much of anything though. They’re dead as far as I can tell.
Unfortunately no one remembers Father Coughlin, or the Catholic alternative to Capitalism and Marxism (Distributism). The 19th and early 20th century Catholics caught on to the Capitalism / Marxism trap before anyone.
The answer is to abolish all economic legislation.
The question (for the ages) is- how to stop special interests from taking over the government?
As Alfred J. Nock pointed out- all governments in history were established for only one reason- economic exploitation.
Nock sounds like a Marxist.
Every economic system is the product of some sort of rules. How can one have trade without reciprocity? The market is not a self-organizing phenomenon. It is a game with rules. And rules that can be enforced, adjudicated, etc. are laws.
The book is Our Enemy the State. He makes a distinction between the state and the government. Government is OK, for enforcing contracts and dealing with muggers, including foreign muggers.
A famous book The Triumph of Conservatism by Marxist Gabriel Kolko (jew) shows how business uses regulation for its own purposes. Example- FDA was created by the drug companies. Left wing special interests (unions) also use the state to get a larger slice of pie. The economy was cartelized by the Swope act during the New Deal. Jew Gerard Swope was CEO of General Electric.
Business hates a free market, as they get their way by the state. Socialism and business are united in the love of state coercion to establish monopolies. The real “class conflict” is- those getting special privileges from the state are at war with those not getting such privileges.
Monopoly- root of all evil.
Nock did a great thought piece called “Isaiah’s Remnant,” which I always use as a touchstone on how and why we must carry on, and we must prevail.
Have you ever noted how masterful the Jews are as rent seekers?
What’s In YOUR Future. Focus Northwest!
Tax collector Mr. “Levy” is a real rent seeker. “A levy is a legal seizure of your property”
Despite the grim economic situation, I’m not seeing any evidence the trends are moving in our direction, not in the news, in the Internet chatter outside the WNist-sphere, or in my own day-to-day experience. I went to my local OWS event last week. The crowd struck me as a much harder sell for the WNist message than the flag waving “no, we are not racist TPM.”
At the TPM events I attended, people were obsessed with denying they were racists. At the one OWS event I have attended so far, people were obsessed with suggesting that White racism and White priviledge are a big part of problem, because Wall Street is run by Whites.
The OWS people are so eaten up with self-hatred and programmed with anti-White bromides I think WNists would have a better chance of winning over a segment of John Hagee’s congregation. Al Sharpton was welcomed at OWS in New York today.
Sean Hannity has been doing anti Semitic /ZOG comments gleaned from OWS demonstrators. Very 1984: since the usual suspects are editing out everything counter narrative; as their camera men send it to FOX on the side. We also provide the opposition ,etc., so that the counter narrative supports the narrative in some way.
If Obama wins reelection, then someone will have to produce a documentary:
Triumph of the Buzz
The question arises: what if even the most outlandish forms of anti-Semitism were already acceptable as long as the “right” sort of people did it. Consider Louis Farrakhan
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