The world has been gripped for some time now by the farmer protests in the Netherlands as the latest icon of anti-globalist activity, supplanting the Canadian truckers, who themselves supplanted the French Yellow Vests, who in turn had spiritually supplanted Occupy Wall Street from many years before. (more…)
Tag: Occupy Wall Street
1,543 words
If I ruled the world,
Every day would be the first day of Spring
–Tony Bennett, “If I Ruled the World”When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.–1st Corinthians, 13:11
One at times has to marvel at the hordes on the Left. They cling tenaciously to adolescence; never do they grow up and come to terms with reality. (more…)
4,637 words
The following text is the transcript by V. S. of my 2013 conversation with Robert Stark on the so-called “Boomerang Generation.” To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save target or link as.” To subscribe to our podcasts, click here.
Robert Stark: Hello everyone, this is Robert Stark. I’m joined here today with Greg Johnson, and we’re going to be discussing his article on the Boomerang Generation. (more…)
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Robert Stark interviews Greg Johnson about his article “The Boomerang Generation: Connecting with Our Proletariat.” (more…)
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In today’s edition of Attack the System, Keith Preston offers his views on emerging radicalism in American society. (more…)
February 28, 2012 Kevin DeAnna
Radicais a favor do Sistema:
O Faz-de-Contas da Falsa Esquerda & da Falsa Direita em Occupy Wall StreetEnglish original here
For it’s the End of History
It’s caged and frozen still
There is no other pill to take
So swallow the one that made you ill.— Rage Against the Machine, “Sleep Now in the Fire”
A grande força da Esquerda é que ela constitui tanto o sistema como a única alternativa permissível. (more…)
1,300 words
Who are the one percent of super rich getting fabulously wealthy by dominating the American economy? If you watch media portrayals in television and movies you might think they’re arrogant WASPs, white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Some rich folks like Bill Gates and the late Steve Jobs are, but they’re the last of an old breed of entrepreneur inventors, folks like Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, who once made themselves and their country very rich by making products the world wanted.
They’re a dying breed though. (more…)
The Occupy Wall Street protest is innovative from a technical viewpoint, as a protest form.
OWS is creating some news and some controlled chaos, and that is probably a good thing.
As a political movement, it is more about crowd psychology than anything else. The OWS folks don’t know what they want, and as a collective they don’t even seem to understand what they are against. (more…)
4,988 words
“These ladies were so much of the place and the place so much of themselves that from the first of their being revealed to me I felt that nothing else at Brookbridge much mattered. (more…)