Tag: William Pierce
The Haitian National Centre for Geospatial Information (CNIGS) is the closest thing Haiti has to a space program. Possessing no spacecraft launch facilities, satellites, or even telescopes, its sole purpose seems to be to collect satellite data that is donated to it by the French Space Agency which is then used to help Haitians to cope with the many disasters which strike their country. Compare this to NASA’s achievements and you’ll see why Haitians may be less capable than Ohioans at space exploration. (Image source: Recovery Observatory Haiti)
The Haitian National Centre for Geospatial Information (CNIGS) is the closest thing Haiti has to a space program. Possessing no spacecraft launch facilities, satellites, or even telescopes, its sole purpose seems to be to collect satellite data that is donated to it by the French Space Agency which is then used to help Haitians to cope with the many disasters which strike their country. Compare this to NASA’s achievements and you’ll see why Haitians may be less capable than Ohioans at space exploration. (Image source: Recovery Observatory Haiti)
1,969 words
55 years ago, almost to the day, Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the surface of the Moon. This event is not discussed nearly enough. As I see it, the Moon landing is one of the greatest achievements in the 300,000-year history of the human species. No earthly life form had ever traveled to another celestial body until three brave, white explorers completed their daring journey on July 20, 1969. That iconic date should be counted among the most glorious in the history of White America.
Not one of the great powers of past ages can claim to have sent the first man to the Moon. For myself and my fellow white Americans, that is an achievement that can be claimed by us and us alone. The moment Armstrong stepped onto the Moon’s surface, a new, uniquely American chapter was contributed to the epic, ongoing tale of the white race and its exploits. (more…)
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
October 7, 2023 was like both September 11, 2001 and January 6, 2021 for American conservatives. Hamas’ attack on Israeli settlements and troops unleashed an immediate fury from the Right, especially when there were reports of “beheaded babies,” babies “baked in ovens,” and hundreds of Israeli women raped. (more…)
Endicott & Swett, Nullification . . . Despotism (1833). Courtesy of The New York Public Library.
Endicott & Swett, Nullification . . . Despotism (1833). Courtesy of The New York Public Library.
3,059 words
Part 1 of 2
Classical liberalism tends to get a bad rap in our circles. There are reasons for that, of course. Although it didn’t turn out to be the final word in political theory, or a be-all end-all ideology, there are some valid principles from it which should be salvaged. More to the point, is democracy — or representative government, to be specific — washed up? (more…)
Photo courtesy of Liz Castro on Flickr.
Photo courtesy of Liz Castro on Flickr.
2,106 words
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
How much does White Nationalism have in common with other, more local nationalisms? Is it possible to use popular independence movements for our purposes? Is it possible to use, either in their place or additionally, the petty nationalisms of the current states for our purposes? (more…)
English original here, see also Czech, Estonian, French
Capítulo 1 aquí, Capítulo 29 aquí, Capítulo 31 aquí
El artículo de William Pierce “Los Skinheads y la Ley” es un provechoso punto de partida para tratar un problema importante del movimiento Nacionalista Blanco, un problema que yo llamo populismo prematuro. (more…)
March 6, 2024 Greg Johnson
Nueva Derecha vs. Vieja Derecha
Capítulo 27: Por qué los Conservadores siguen sin poder ganarEnglish original here, see also French
Capítulo 1 aquí, Capítulo 26 aquí, Capítulo 28 aquí
Hace poco releí el clásico ensayo de William Pierce de 1971 “Por qué los conservadores no pueden ganar”. Al igual que Pierce, si me viera obligado a elegir entre progres y conservadores, me pondría del lado de los conservadores. Los conservadores tienen el realismo político indispensable para la preservación de cualquier civilización. El liberalismo social, lo reconozco, atrae a los mejores cerebros, linajes y espíritus de nuestra raza. (more…)
2,570 words
Part 2 of 3 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here)
Harold Covington’s life and work centered on a determination some might call fanaticism. He clearly defined what his life was about:
There were as well several low ebbs in the past thirty-three years, when I could have slid off the stage into obscurity and into some shitjob, and the world would have forgotten about me. By choice, I never availed myself of those chances to get out of the life, and I have no reason to wail that “I never got a break.” I declined to take the breaks offered because to do so entailed making my peace with a world that is putrid, poisonous, and evil to its very wellsprings. One does not make peace with a loathsome disease. One does not come to accept evil as “Just one of those things.” (more…)
5,195 words
All of us at Heritage & Destiny were saddened to hear of the recent death of Dr. Roger Pearson, who was a long-standing subscriber to H&D magazine — in fact he was our eldest subscriber, aged 95, when he died in Washington, DC in January.
Dr. Pearson was a true English gentleman in every sense. He was born in London in 1927, but spent much of his childhood in Yorkshire. In October 1944, towards the end of the Second World War, he joined the British Army, despite his entitlement to exemption from military service to attend university after completing his Higher School Certificate examinations. (more…)
2,376 words
Note: This essay is occasioned by the new Imperium Press edition of Sorel’s Reflections on Violence, which is required reading.
Like Jack London, Georges Sorel (1847–1922) was a Left-wing writer whose primary influence today is on the Right. Sorel’s most influential book is Reflections on Violence, written in 1905–1906. (more…)
Whenever a conservative or Right-winger accuses Leftists of acting like the Party from George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, the unerring refrain from the Leftist chorus is “Don’t you know George Orwell was a socialist!” The implication is that, especially in these politically polarized times, Orwell is the property of the Left. He wore their uniform, and so Right-wingers are, by invoking his name, committing a kind of theft.
Orwell’s best-known writings, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, are dark satires of that exact attitude: A man’s thoughts ought to belong to a political faction, and that political faction has some sort of right to them. (more…)
November 5, 2021 William Pierce
Dostojewski über die Juden
July 16, 2021 William Pierce
Unsere Aufgabe
Übersetzt von Le Fauconnier
Anmerkung des Redakteurs: Diese Abschrift einer Rede, die 1976 bei einem Treffen in Arlington, Virginia, vom Gründer der Nationalen Allianz William Luther Pierce gehalten. Es ist eine beredte und inspirierende Verteidigung der Notwendigkeit, die metapolitischen Grundlagen zu schaffen, wenn ein revolutionärer politischer Wandel erreicht werden soll. (more…)