Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 69
Robert Stark interviews Greg Johnson on the Boomerang Generation
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Robert Stark interviews Greg Johnson about his article “The Boomerang Generation: Connecting with Our Proletariat.” Topics discussed include:
- The failure of Occupy Wall Street to address the needs of the Boomerang generation
- A political Agenda agenda for the Boomerang generation: ending affirmative action in education and employment, repudiating college debts, reinstituting protectionism, recapitalizing the American economy, and making family formation affordable
- Why the system is no longer coopting the Boomerang generation.
- Why there should be complete confiscation of wealth generated by dismantling the American economy in order to recapitalize American industry
- How dispossessed millenials need to explore mortgage-free, sustainable, off-the-grid lifestyles
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 69 Robert Stark interviews Greg Johnson on the Boomerang Generation
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How ironic that you write of “Connecting with Our Proletariat” (“proletariat’ being a fancy, shmancy word for working class people) but then use terms like dispossessed millenials.
If you want to connect with ordinary folk, then how about using ordinary language? Tossing around big words just to impress your fellow Movement “intellectuals” doesn’t make you smart. It makes you a wanker.
You completely missed the point of my use of the word “proletariat,” which is not to refer to the working class but rather to the Boomerang Generation as a potential revolutionary constituency. Yet, even though you missed my point, you still know the basic meanings of these words. So I imagine that smarter people than you, who are my target audience, have no trouble taking my meaning.
Millennial here, and not proud of it.
Thankfully, however, not yet a boomerang, though probably not far from it.
Being a White man with a degree in statistics and a mediocre G.P.A., with a minor in computer science, doesn’t seem to take you to the stars like it used to.
So I do tree-trimming for a living, with my off-hours doing contract work for offices and such just to pay the rent.
If I can’t pay the rent, well then, hello Mom and Dad!
But, I read counter-currents, and take solace that if an ideal is truly righteous, it is indestructible. It can be ridiculed, slandered, but it will always find sanctuary in those with true spirit and identity.
Millennials need more than promises of debt-repudiation and guaranteed jobs, they need a new spirituality in a degrading and profane world. There’s a kind of aimlessness to them, a void in outlook that I can only describe as a man defeated by the very emptiness inside of him. So awestruck by a total sense of….nothingness…that they try and solace themselves in a day to day existence that is superficial beyond anything I could ever imagine blighting human existence.
Our job is beyond political, it’s a spiritual and bodily salvation of our people. We must do what has so often be credited to prophets and Gods: to stop an apocalypse itself.
That point about the distinction between “being” and “seeming” is so profound. This non-White population in our midst so alien to us, but they have been trained to act like a European as much as possible. Often times, you can see their insecurity if you know to look for it. I think their anxiety about not really “being” is the White Privilege for which we are supposed feel such guilt.
I have just listened to this and I agree with Greg’s prescriptions. We can’t neglect these fundamental economic, social, practical concerns. An overarching socioeconomic program, that is fully populist, protectionist, and, yes, a little bit “commie” is required. Big business capitalism is an open enemy of White racial interests. They have chosen us as an enemy — we can return the favor.
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