In this episode of Counter-Currents Radio, Greg Johnson spoke with Angelo Plume about his podcast series “The New Nationalism” as well as his recent trip to Italy and listeners’ questions. It is now available to download or listen to online. (more…)
Tag: Italy
On Friday, December 20, Matteo Salvini was absolved of the kidnapping charges brought against him by Palermo prosecutors. This is the second time that leftist activist judges working in concert with immigration NGOs have failed in their attempts to wage lawfare against Italy’s former Minister of the Interior. (more…)
December 20, 2024 Angelo Plume
Europa Carnaio
Francesca Totolo
Le Vite delle Donne Contano
Altaforte Edizioni, 2024(English version here)
Francesca Totolo è una cronista italiana con una significativa presenza sui social italiani. Ha quasi diecimila iscritti su Telegram e più di cinquantamila su X. Molto di ciò che posta ha a che fare con il declino dell’Italia, causato in ampia misura dall’arrivo di migranti da paesi disfunzionali del terzo mondo. Nel tardo agosto di quest’anno, ha pubblicato il suo quinto libro, Le vite delle donne contano. (more…)
National Rally’s leader Jordan Bardella with Marine Le Pen on election night. (Image source: Marine Le Pen’s Facebook wall)
National Rally’s leader Jordan Bardella with Marine Le Pen on election night. (Image source: Marine Le Pen’s Facebook wall)
3,007 words
The European Union Parliament elections have come and gone. While some results were being finalized just this morning, the dust has settled more or less and we can take stock of what occurred.
We’ll start with what is arguably the most momentous election result. In France, National Rally, of which Marine Le Pen is a member and which is now led by the handsome and charismatic Jordan Bardella, won 31% of the votes and gained 12 seats in the EU Parliament. (more…)
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Last week, for the first time in too long a time, I found myself again in Rome. Europe is changing so rapidly that returning to once-familiar places no longer feels like a homecoming. It feels like entering an alien terrain for the first time. I perceived a similar sensation when I visited Ireland again after an absence of a few years. Shops and locales that I frequented have been closed down or replaced and renamed. Inflation — and in the case of Ireland, a sudden and record-breaking influx of migrants and “refugees” — has caused prices of the formerly cheap hostels where I used to stay to increase by 1,000%. (more…)
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Today is the birthday of Gabriele D’Annunzio, novelist, poet, playwright, aesthete, dandy, playboy, war hero, and the first fascist dictator, who from 1919 to 1920 ruled over the Adriatic city-state of Fiume, establishing many of the political and aesthetic forms followed by Mussolini a few years later.
To learn more about D’Annunzio’s life and accomplishments, see the following works on this site: (more…)
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Part 5 of 5 (Part 1 here, Part 4 here)
A German war with Poland was now a certainty, but a new continental war involving Britain and France was not. The most important obstacle to the widening of the conflict was that Britain quietly viewed French participation as an indispensable precondition of her own involvement, and the French had not committed themselves to action against Poland. (more…)
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Part 4 of 5 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here, Part 5 here)
Hitler’s cancellation of military operations for August 26 left him with only five days before September 1, after which, according to his generals, a military campaign in Poland would no longer be feasible. If war was to be prevented, it had to be done within this time. (more…)
Joseph Stalin and Joachim von Ribbentrop during the signing of the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact on August 23, 1939.
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Part 3 of 5 (Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 4 here)
By August 1939, everyone understood that a war between Germany and Poland was extremely probable. The great question was whether it might still be prevented from developing into a general European war. Hitler was under an important time constraint: since October rains transform Poland into a sea of mud, German military leaders warned him it would be unsafe to postpone the launch of hostilities past September 1. (more…)
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Part 2 of 5 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here)
Given that both the United States and the Soviet Union were far larger and more powerful than Germany, and that the British themselves were still presiding over an enormous empire, one may wonder why Britain’s leadership was in such agreement on the supposedly urgent need to resist a far smaller power’s efforts to consolidate more of the German-speaking population of Central Europe within her borders. (more…)
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Cartoonishly Obese Black She-Beast Who Ruined White Woman’s Life with False Allegations Is Made Honorary Spokespig for Dove Soap’s “Fat Liberation” Campaign
Not so long ago, being black, female, and morbidly overweight were all considered liabilities. No more! (more…)
Stregoneria Politica is the title of Guido Taietti’s “manual of non-conventional political communication.” It translates as “political witchcraft,” and one can see why such a title was chosen. There may be nothing new under the Sun, and doing politics has always been a messy business no matter which system of government was employed, but the advent of the Internet and social media has rendered the political realm today even more bewildering, heaving with a multitude of parties and actors who are all noisily vying for attention. (more…)
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Guest host Pox Populi (Telegram, YouTube) welcomed the Italian author, political strategist, and CasaPound Italia activist Guido Taietti to Counter-Currents Radio last weekend to discuss politics in Italy, the CasaPound Italia social movement, Mr. Taietti’s book Political Witchcraft, and to take questions from the audience. It is now available for download and online listening. (more…)