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Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
The following is a transcript of the Guide to Kulchur interview with the Traditionalist scholar Charles Upton on the subject of Alexander Dugin that was broadcast on May 27. Mr. Upton was previously interviewed by Greg Johnson for Counter-Currents Radio in 2012. The transcript was prepared by Hyacinth Bouquet. (more…)
بو ألبريشت
English original here
في عام 1982، ظهر تقرير حكومي للسياسة الخارجية في مجلة إسرائيلية ربع سنوية غامضة إلى حد ما، والتي أصبحت تُعرف بشكل غير رسمي باسم خطة عوديد ينون. لم يكن هذا القدر من الأهمية بمكان، باستثناء أن المؤلف بالتأكيد لم يكن ميالاً للسياسة. شغل عوديد ينون منصباً رفيعاً في وزارة الخارجية الإسرائيلية، ويبدو أيضاً أنه كان مقرباً من أرييل شارون. والأهم من ذلك، أن أجندته بعيدة المدى تحمل تشابهاً ملحوظاً مع مستقبل الشرق الأوسط، وعلى وجه الخصوص، العقدين الأخيرين من العبث الدقيق للولايات المتحدة هناك. يبدو أن بعض الأشخاص المؤثرين جداً أحبوا أفكاره، أو أنه عراف أفضل من نوستراداموس. (more…)
June 15, 2021 Beau Albrecht
The Oded Yinon Plan & American Foreign Policy
Arabic version here
In 1982, a foreign policy white paper appeared in a fairly obscure Israeli quarterly, which informally became known as the Oded Yinon Plan. That much wouldn’t have been too momentous, except that the author certainly wasn’t a run-of-the-mill policy wonk. Oded Yinon held a high post in the Israeli foreign ministry, and also seems to have been close to Ariel Sharon. More to the point, his far-flung agenda bore a remarkable resemblance to the future of the Middle East, and in particular, the last two decades of the USA’s fine messes therein. (more…)
Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller ended his investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election on March 22. It was clear from the get-go that the probe was a Stalinist, “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” sort of investigation. (more…)
Ali Soufan
Anatomy of Terror: From the Death of Bin Laden to the Rise of the Islamic State
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2017Ali Soufan is famous, to put it mildly. A fictionalized version of him was played by Tahar Rahim in Hulu’s miniseries, The Looming Tower. He is also a bestselling author. The foundation of Soufan’s fame is the fact that he was an FBI[1] agent investigating Al Qaeda prior to, during, and after 9/11. (more…)
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On October 4th, 2017, four Special Operations Forces soldiers were killed in an ambush in the African nation of Niger. Among the fallen was a single black soldier, Sergeant La David T. Johnson. When President Trump called Sgt. Johnson’s widow Myeshia Johnson to offer his condolences,[1] the president was claimed to have been “insensitive” and “disrespectful” by the Negro Congresswoman Frederica Wilson. (more…)
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Greg Johnson talks to Patrick Le Brun about the Gulf monarchy of Qatar and its place in changing US policy in the Muslim world. (more…)
Millennial Woes and I talked about Alt Right’s crisis of confidence in the wake of Trump’s betrayal and what comes next.
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Nothing quite kills like kindness — as we have learned once again with the recent atrocity in the French Riviera town of Nice, where a Muslim-piloted truck swept along two kilometres of the famous Promenade, like the scythe of the Grim Reaper, taking over 80 lives. (more…)
Leftists will accuse white men of fueling “rape culture” for sitting with their legs spread too far apart. But they’ve been excusing non-whites for committing actual acts of rape since well before the mass sexual assaults in Germany in 2016. The Cologne attacks on New Years’ Eve didn’t represent the beginning of these trends—they just exposed to the wider public more clearly something that some of us have already been observing for a long time. (more…)
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Editor’s Note:
Dara Halley-James is the pseudonym of an author who has published well-received “mainstream” books under her real name. The following is the first in an extended series of excerpts from the penultimate draft of the forthcoming book The Sixty Million: How Leading Jewish Communists, Zionists and Neocons Brought on a Dozen Holocausts.
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This weekend’s mass shooting at the Pulse, a gay bar in Orlando, Florida, provoked all the usual NAXALT casuistry and dissimulation from the agents of tolerance that we’ve come to expect. Omar Mateen, the “American” Afghan shooter, reportedly called 911 and pledged allegiance to ISIS, and mentioned the Tsarnaev brothers from the Boston bombing attacks, before committing the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. Mateen had also been under FBI investigation, but his father claimed that “homophobia” alone was responsible (more…)