Author: Colin Liddell
Back in 2012, I caused some controversy with a pair of articles that touched on the issue of genocide: “Is Black Genocide Right?” closely followed by “Is White Genocide Right? (more…)
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The sprint events at the Olympics are dominated by runners of Western African origin, occasionally with small admixtures of White blood. This means that the events are usually won by Black American or Black Caribbean athletes, the most famous example being the great Jamaican runner Usain Bolt, who has now won both the 100m and 200m gold medals at the last three Olympics. This Black dominance gives the impression that White men can’t sprint, although this image was at least partly dented at Rio by the bronze medal won by the White French runner Christophe Lemaitre in 200m. (more…)
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Nothing quite kills like kindness — as we have learned once again with the recent atrocity in the French Riviera town of Nice, where a Muslim-piloted truck swept along two kilometres of the famous Promenade, like the scythe of the Grim Reaper, taking over 80 lives. (more…)
“Black lives matter, Blue Lives Matter, All lives matter” — Bang! Bang! Bang! Splatter splatter splatter!”
Right now, the media — both the old desiccated mainstream version and the snarky shitposty memey new version, powered by the autistic and lonely — has a glint in its eye, a bounce in its step, and a tremulous quaver in its voice. In other words it has something to bang on about — a bit like the sniper(s) and other assorted thugs in Dallas, (more…)
History has proved that large, complex, multicultural societies can in fact exist. There are countless examples of them. In fact, any state or society that achieves a large size will almost inevitably be multicultural in some way.
Historically, most large, complex, multicultural societies tended to be empires, (more…)
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The killing of MP Joe Cox has thrown the BREXIT vote into a final spasm of doubt and confusion. For many people in the Alt-Right, this death, regardless of whether it happened at the hands of a madman or a Manchurian Candidate, (more…)
One of the golden rules is don’t start a fight you cannot finish, something the Anti-Trump left and their tribally motivated allies should be bearing in mind now, after a spate of cowardly skirmishes with some of the nice White people who attend Trump rallies. (more…)
A meme is going around the internet that highlights the points on which the Alt-Right apparently agrees with Radical Islam. Of course, it is possible to quibble with several of these – e.g. the Alt Right actually believes in Israel as a solution to the Jewish question – but there is a broad truth to the general assertion that makes the meme effective. (more…)
The Alt-Right is both a medium and a message. This is confusing for a lot of people. Don’t blame them. It’s tricky.
As a medium, the Alt-Right is an aspect of the internet and social media that makes use of a number of simple psychological tricks and which exploits a number of factors, including youth, anonymity, boredom, egoism, and shock value. (more…)
Thanks to the “ragheads” who slaughtered over 30 innocent people in Brussels, I now know why the internet was invented. It was so that multicultural societies wouldn’t fall apart and could subsist. (more…)
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Not only are the British and other Europeans forced to accept mass immigration, but if and when they get incensed enough to demonstrate against it, they can expect a visit from the various groups — some of them state and trade-union funded — that make up the antifa, with the inevitable violence that this leads to.
It is hard to say exactly how David Bowie will be remembered, as he was defined by his ability to constantly reinvent himself, both musically and visually. (more…)