Who can listen to objections regarding such a book as [A Christmas Carol]? It seems to me a national benefit, and to every man or woman who reads it, a personal kindness. — William Makepeace Thackeray, Fraser’s Magazine, 1844 (more…)
Tag: hatred
July 28, 2022 Greg Johnson
Je biely nacionalizmus „nenávistný“?
English original here, French version here
Jedným z najbežnejších obvinení proti bielemu nacionalizmu je, že ide o ideológiu nenávisti k ďalším skupinám. Moja odpoveď na toto obvinenie je: Áno. No a čo?
Áno, pretože nenávisť k iným skupinám je jednoznačne faktorom v bielom nacionalizme. No a čo, pretože nenávisť nijako nediskvalifikuje biely nacionalizmus z dvoch dôvodov: (more…)
English original here, Slovak version here
L’une des accusations les plus communes contre la Nationalisme Blanc est que c’est une idéologie de haine contre d’autres groupes. Ma réponse est : « Oui, et alors ? ». Oui, parce que la haine envers d’autres groupes est clairement un facteur dans le Nationalisme Blanc. Donc, et alors ?, parce que la haine ne disqualifie pas le Nationalisme Blanc, pour deux raisons : (1) la haine ethnique est un phénomène universel dans les sociétés racialement et culturellement diverses, (more…)
C. B. Robertson
In Defense of Hatred
Independently published, 2017To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
It is my honor to introduce the first release by someone who I think is only going to grow as an important figure within our circles. That figure is Christopher Robertson, and the release is In Defense of Hatred (more…)
1,398 words
French version here, Slovak version here
One of the most common charges against White Nationalism is that it is an ideology of hatred toward other groups. My answer is: “Yes, but so what?” Yes, because hatred of other groups is definitely one factor in White Nationalism. So what, because hate does not disqualify White Nationalism, for two reasons: (1) ethnic hatred is a universal phenomenon in racially and culturally diverse societies, and (2) unlike the proponents of multiculturalism, White Nationalists actually offer a realistic path to reducing ethnic hatred and violence by reducing racial and cultural diversity. (more…)