Tag: Foreign Policy
February 16, 2022 Robert Hampton
Woodrow Wilson — proč ho nikdo nemá rád?
August 20, 2021 Morris van de Camp
نظرة في الثمانينيات على اللوبي الإسرائيلي
English original here
موريس فان دي كامب
بول فيندلي
إنهم يجرؤون على الحديث: الناس والمؤسسات يواجهون اللوبي الإسرائيلي
ويستبورت، كونيتيكت: لورانس هيل وشركاه، 1985
كان عضو الكونغرس الراحل بول فيندلي (1921-2019) عضواً جمهورياً في الكونغرس من إلينوي. مسقط رأسه كانت جاكسونفيل. مثل العديد من سكان الغرب الأوسط الآخرين، كان أسلافه مزيجاً من اليانكيز وسكان بنسلفانيا الذين أنشأوا حضارة في البرية. (more…) -
بو ألبريشت
English original here
في عام 1982، ظهر تقرير حكومي للسياسة الخارجية في مجلة إسرائيلية ربع سنوية غامضة إلى حد ما، والتي أصبحت تُعرف بشكل غير رسمي باسم خطة عوديد ينون. لم يكن هذا القدر من الأهمية بمكان، باستثناء أن المؤلف بالتأكيد لم يكن ميالاً للسياسة. شغل عوديد ينون منصباً رفيعاً في وزارة الخارجية الإسرائيلية، ويبدو أيضاً أنه كان مقرباً من أرييل شارون. والأهم من ذلك، أن أجندته بعيدة المدى تحمل تشابهاً ملحوظاً مع مستقبل الشرق الأوسط، وعلى وجه الخصوص، العقدين الأخيرين من العبث الدقيق للولايات المتحدة هناك. يبدو أن بعض الأشخاص المؤثرين جداً أحبوا أفكاره، أو أنه عراف أفضل من نوستراداموس. (more…)
According to Anatoly Karlin at the Unz Review, the photo below is evidence of how “kneeling before Anglo ambassadors seems to be becoming something of a Ukrainian military tradition”: (more…)
June 15, 2021 Beau Albrecht
The Oded Yinon Plan & American Foreign Policy
Arabic version here
In 1982, a foreign policy white paper appeared in a fairly obscure Israeli quarterly, which informally became known as the Oded Yinon Plan. That much wouldn’t have been too momentous, except that the author certainly wasn’t a run-of-the-mill policy wonk. Oded Yinon held a high post in the Israeli foreign ministry, and also seems to have been close to Ariel Sharon. More to the point, his far-flung agenda bore a remarkable resemblance to the future of the Middle East, and in particular, the last two decades of the USA’s fine messes therein. (more…)
Andrei Martyanov
Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse
Atlanta: Clarity Press, Inc., 2021Recently, I had to drive through my Rust Belt homeland to pick up some antique oak furniture that was part of an inheritance. My relatives who still lived in the area had spent the last COVID-19 infected year volunteering at a drive-in food pantry. (more…)
I took a rare day off on Memorial Day, but it had nothing to do with mourning dead American soldiers. Naturally, this didn’t stop me from being bombarded by the endlessly treacly and corny “conservative” online finger-wagging about how I need to honor all the dead soldiers who ostensibly shed their blood to protect my freedoms. (more…)
Arabic version here
Paul Findley
They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby
Westport, Connecticut: Lawrence Hill & Company, 1985The late Congressman Paul Findley (1921-2019) was a Republican Congressman from Illinois. His hometown was Jacksonville. Like so many other Midwesterners his ancestors were a mix of the Yankees and Pennsylvanians who created a civilization on the wild prairie. (more…)
Beautiful Losers is a collection of essays by the late Samuel Francis, who influenced not only my work, but much of the Right in America today. The omnibus opens with an introduction and brief history of the post-World War II conservative movement in America up to 1993, when Beautiful Losers was published. (more…)
Ever have one of those moments that make you question everything? Sometimes things get so confusing that up seems like down, day seems like night, and you find yourself revisiting some of your most fundamental principles. Of course, I’m talking about the Jewish Question. (more…)
Nature is a temple, where the living
Columns sometimes breathe of confusing speech;
Man walks within these groves of symbols, each
Of which regards him as a kindred thing.— Charles Baudelaire, “Correspondence” (more…)
Philip H. Gordon
Losing the Long Game: The False Promise of Regime Change in the Middle East
New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2020Philip H. Gordon is a Deputy National Security Advisor to the Dementia Regime’s Vice President. Previously, he’d served on the staff of President Obama. (more…)
2,198 words
To say that Disciples of Christ minister Gerald L. K. Smith had a controversial career would be an understatement. He was aware of the Jewish Question and published an influential Rightist newsletter called The Flag and the Cross for many years. He was “deplatformed” throughout his life, was met with hostile and jeering crowds, endured several attacks, and gained plenty of intrusive FBI and ADL attention. He had bitter falling outs with former friends and allies. Even George Lincoln Rockwell feuded with him. (more…)