Right-wingers are fascinated with IQ to the point that it’s a focal point of the ideological brand. It’s an unspoken credo that says, “We’re the smart ones.” And that’s fine. All movements have mantras. There’s certainly nothing unappealing about being “the smart ones.” But when was the last time you heard the Left discuss IQ? (more…)
Tag: equality
February 13, 2023 Alain de Benoist
The Populist Moment, Chapter 12:
Liberty — Equality — Fraternity:
On the Meaning of a Republican SloganIntroduction here, Chapter 11 Part 4 here
Translated by F. Roger Devlin
As is well-known, the republican slogan “Liberty — Equality — Fraternity” was first invoked during the French Revolution.[1] At that time it was merely one slogan among many others. Falling into disuse under the Empire, and frequently called into question thereafter, it reappeared during the Revolution of 1848 when it was inscribed as a “principle” of the Republic in the Constitution of February 27, 1848. (more…)
6,359 words
Part 1 of 3 (Part 2 here)
1. “I am what I freely make myself to be”
This is the sixth essay I have written for Counter-Currents on the German idealist J. G. Fichte (see the introductory essay here), and it is effectively a continuation of my series on “Heidegger’s History of Metaphysics.” However, the reader need not be familiar with any of the earlier entries in order to understand this one. (more…)
2,041 words
And who will guard the guardians? — Juvenal
During my long life, I cannot recall approaching the New Year with a greater sense of apprehension and angst. Looking back over the last several years, 2020 was a tipping point of chaos: COVID lockdowns, George Floyd riots and deification, an Alzheimer’s POTUS, adolescent mutilation as a “civil right,” Ukraine.
What next? Yeats? (more…)
November 16, 2022 Sir Oswald Mosley
Revolution of the Nation
The following text is being presented in commemoration of Sir Oswald Mosley’s 136th birthday. — Ed. (more…)
English original here
Alain de Benoist
Contre le libéralisme: La Société n’est pas un Marché
Monaco: Éditions du Rocher, 2019Název nejnovější knihy Alaina de Benoist Contre le libéralisme (Proti liberalismu) je polemický, zatímco podtitul La société n’est pas un marché (Společnost není trh) by klidně mohlo posloužit jako velmi případný slogan demonstrace. (more…)
August 5, 2022 Greg Johnson
Rozhovor s Alainom de Benoistom o kresťanstve
2,290 slová
English original: Part 1, Part 2
V roku 2005 poskytol Alaine de Benoist rozhovor pre The Occidental Quarterly, ktorý bol publikovaný pod titulom „Syn Európy: Rozhovor s Alainom de Benoist.“ Rozhovor bol veľmi obšírny a nakoniec sa pristúpilo k jeho skráteniu. (more…)
Part 4 of 4 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here)
Translated by F. Roger Devlin
The history of modernity can be understood at least in part as a gigantic process of uniformization. Induced by philosophico-moral or political universalism and the diffusion of techniques for the modeling of behavior more effective than those of the most centralized dictatorships, it has expressed itself in the West by the gradual eradication of differentiated ways of life, (more…)
July 8, 2022 Alain de Benoist
What Is the Ideology of Sameness? Part 2
Part 2 of 4 (Part 1 here)
Translated by F. Roger Devlin
The Ideology of Sameness
“I think the entire history of the world and of societies can be fully interpreted according to two great principles,” writes the sociologist Paul Yonnet, “viz., that of equalization and that of differentiation (or the tendency to similarity and the tendency to deviation), between which relations of re-equilibration, of compensation (true, false, symbolic, or real) or consolation, are constantly being formed.”[1] (more…)
Right-wing dissidents often argue that the American debate over abortion is a waste of political resources. Leftists almost never agree that fighting for “the right to choose” diverts attention away from more important issues, because egalitarianism requires that a woman (or a “birthing person”) have complete control over her (or his!) reproductive capacity. (more…)
1,938 words
One of the harshest judgements we get as White Nationalists and identitarians is that of being hateful, and that we are motivated purely by hate for non-whites. This charge informs a great deal of the mainstream discourse about us and a good deal of our mainstream-facing discourse (meaning our addresses to the normies). White Nationalists and identitarians will often frantically defend themselves against this charge, about as frantically as conservatives rush to prove they are not racist. (more…)
5,048 words
What we in America call multiculturalism the French call vivre ensemble, or “living together.” If that sounds like a euphemism to cover up a genocide, it’s because it is. As French author Renaud Camus dryly notes, “Between living together and living, one must choose.”
And so one must. (more…)