There are not many festivals like Eternal Hate Fest (EHF) in the Czech Republic or in the world, and I dare say EHF is the oldest in this field. We had a chance to see the 21st year of this festival and now you can read about it. (more…)
Tag: Black Metal
2,938 words
Part 1
This is one of the deepest interviews about black metal, the roots of black metal and the meaning of black metal. Hendrik Möbus is a musical legend and with this interview you can enter his musical and thought world of Absurd, which he has been building for more than 30 years. (more…)
2,584 words
I came to racialism in a curious way. There is a well-known singer in our country, Daniel Landa, who sang in the skinhead band Orlik and then went on to a solo music career, where he recorded many albums and composed several musicals. Landa is a role model for a lot of white guys in the Czech Republic: He’s a tough guy, a wrestler, a spiritual guru, a car racer, and a music composer. (more…)
3,393 words
In Europe there are very few black metal festivals that are genuinely free of censorship. In the Czech Republic there is one such festival, which is held in an attractive and dark natural location: Eternal Hate Fest, organized by Daniel Beherit Bílý. I always go to this festival even if it is far away from my home, as it is always worth it. (more…)
April 25, 2023 Greg Johnson
Ce qui est vraiment en jeu en Ukraine
English original here
Traduit par Ulrich Duca
Dans mon débat avec E. Michael Jones sur la guerre en Ukraine, ma déclaration d’ouverture affirmait que les nationalistes en Occident — et en fait, à travers le monde — devraient soutenir l’Ukraine contre son envahisseur, la Russie. E. Michael Jones a affirmé que les Occidentaux ne devraient pas soutenir l’Ukraine. (more…)
The famed Ukrainian black metal band Drudkh has returned. All Belong to the Night (“Всі Належать Ночі”), released on Friday, is Drudkh’s first studio album in four years and one of its strongest albums to date. Its potent blend of sorrow and defiant aggression provides a fitting soundtrack to the Ukrainian people’s fight against Russian imperialism. (more…)
October 12, 2022 Fullmoon Ancestry
Asgardsrei 2019 jako pocta věčné legendě Kaldradovi
3.279 slov
English original here
Kdo chce plně porozumět významu letošního festivalu Asgardsrei, musí plně pochopit dopad scény Blazebirth Hall a zejména jejího nejplodnějšího umělce Kaldrada na NSBM (nacionálně socialistický black metal) i na sound východoevropského black metalu jako takový.
Nikdy jsem se s Kaldradem nesetkal, ani neviděl žádné z jeho nemnoha živých vystoupení. (more…)
May 5, 2022 Greg Johnson
O co skutečně jde na Ukrajině
English original here
Ve své argumentaci v debatě s E. M. Jonesem o válce na Ukrajině jsem tvrdil, že nacionalisté na Západě — a vlastně na celém světě — by měli podporovat Ukrajinu proti ruskému agresorovi. Podle Jonese bychom Ukrajinu podporovat neměli.
Jones začal dějinami Židů a jejich činnosti na Ukrajině, zřejmě v přesvědčení, že jakmile se někde objeví Židé, nemůže na tom být ani zbla dobrého. Následně se snažil ukázat, že se ve skutečnosti nejedná o válku Ruska s Ukrajinou, ale Ruska s Amerikou. (more…)
Czech version here, French version here
In my debate with E. Michael Jones on the Ukraine War, my opening statement argued that nationalists in the West — and indeed, around the world — should support Ukraine against its invader, Russia. E. Michael Jones argued that Westerners should not support Ukraine.
Jones began with the history of Jews in Ukraine, apparently assuming that if Jews are involved with anything, it can’t be good. Then he argued that the war is really not between Russia and Ukraine but between Russia and America. (more…)
Today I would like to introduce the very popular fourth full-length album from the band M8l8th, Reconquista. The band itself has gone through three phases in their development, even though they have always played — and still play — true National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM). The first phase ran from 2003 to 2014, when the singer was arrested for racially-motivated assault (he claims it was self-defense) and subsequently convicted. (more…)
909 words
They say that you should never meet or get to know your heroes, but I completely disagree.
I have been very fortunate in my life to have gotten to know many of the heavy metal musicians who I grew up listening to. Whether I was working backstage at concerts or on tour with my favorite bands, I have seen many of my heroes at their best and worst. Discovering that your heroes and idols also flatulate and drink too much might ruin the music and childhood memories for many people, but for me, it only made the music and experiences with my heroes that much more exciting and authentic. (more…)
3,012 words
Part 1 here
This part of the interview was published in the XXXIV issue of the magazine Reconquista.
In this part, Jaroslaw will discuss metapolitics, Polish culture, music, art, his travels, and writing. (more…)
1,703 words
I watched American History X with my roommate last night. Watching the film brought back memories and nostalgia for my teenage years. When I first saw the movie as a teen, I was obsessed with Scandinavia due to my passion for heavy metal and my own Danish roots. (more…)