Elle Reeve
BLACK PILL: How I Witnessed the Darkest Corners of the Internet Come to Life, Poison Society, and Capture American Politics
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2024
Tag: the alt right
2,233 words
Elle Reeve
Black Pill: How I Witnessed the Darkest Corners of the Internet Come to Life, Poison Society, and Capture American Politics
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2024Elle Reeve made a career covering the “Alt Right,” its precursors, and its aftermath, including the Charlottesville trials and January 6, first for Vice and then for CNN. Black Pill is a memoir of her time on the Alt Right beat. (more…)
1,927 words
The year was 2016. Donald Trump had just stunned the world by getting elected despite the entire media establishment being against him. The only support Trump had during his campaign was on the Internet, particularly the Alt Right, which was spreading across social media like a virus and pied-pipering the youth into White Nationalism. (more…)
1,008 words
Word broke on Telegram on Tuesday morning that Alt Right icon Robert Ray, aka Azzmador, passed away shortly after a disturbing post complaining about excruciating pain in his legs.
One could argue that Azzmador qualifies as a martyr to the White Nationalist cause because the only reason that he was unable to seek proper medical care was because he had been a fugitive of the law since August 2017, when he maced an antifa activist in self-defense at the Charlottesville tiki torch march. (more…)
1,749 words
What would become known as the Alt Right began to crystalize by the mid-2010s. The Alt Right introduced a style of White Nationalism that was so radically different than what came before that it was necessary to invent some terms to differentiate the two. Pre-Alt Right White Nationalism came to be referred to as White Nationalism 1.0 (WN 1.0). This encompassed groups such as the Klan, skinheads, the militia movement, and the efforts of individuals such as George Lincoln Rockwell, David Duke, William Pierce, and Tom Metzger. (more…)
Jason Kessler
Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech
Dissident Press, 2024To constrain a man’s innermost expression is subjugation of his soul. — Jason Kessler
Jason Kessler
Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech
Dissident Press, 2024A number of books have already been written about the suppressed “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. I have already reviewed the excellent Charlottesville Untold by Anne Wilson Smith. Padraig Martin’s A Walk in the Park also enjoys a good reputation. (more…)
3,463 words
I fought in the Optics War for six years. Then, last December I declared that the Optics War was over for several reasons. The Right Stuff closing down the National Justice Party project took the question of real-world activism off the table. Andrew Anglin and Nick Fuentes falling out over the Richard Spencer Question was a sign that old Optics War rules were no longer being adhered to by its most prominent figure. (more…)
April 12, 2024 Travis LeBlanc
Problém pozérů aneb nešíří se snad myšlenky pravicového disentu až příliš rychle?
1.888 slov
English original here
Ještě v dobách největší slávy „alt-right“ (přibližně první polovina minulé dekády, pozn. DP) jsem si nejednou postesknul nad tím, že hnutí až nevyvratitelně spravedlivé je do takové míry obýváno lidmi morálně nepříliš vábnými. Nebyla to jistě celá a dokonce ani většina alternativní pravice, ale stěží jste mohli ujít více než pár pomyslných kroků, aniž byste narazili na nějakého narcistního sociopata, narkomana, zhýralce nebo zástupce jiného z nepřeberného množství protispolečenských osobnostních typů. (more…)
1,077 words
Winston Churchill once said that when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union, he knew that Britain would not lose the war, and that when Germany declared war on the United States, the Allies would win. Well, when it comes to the whole “saving the white race” thing, I have arrived at a point where I am confident that we will not lose. By that I mean that I am now confident that we will be able to red-pill enough people in time to stave off complete racial annihilation.
Now, will we win? Will we able to take back our countries and banish the non-white hordes from our midst? Eh . . . Honestly, I don’t know. (more…)
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I was recently asked to make some subtle aesthetic adjustments to the Counter-Currents website. If I’ve done the job well, no one will even notice the changes. The task required me to go through the archives all the way back to the summer of 2010, the year Greg Johnson broke digital ground and Counter-Currents went online. (more…)
Beating Up White Kids and Filming It
Despite the sickly-sweet rainbow-colored lollipops they’ve been trying to sell us for generations now, racial violence will be a factor in any multiracial society — especially when that multiracial society endlessly posits these groups as warring tribes with unsettled historical grievances. Until everyone decides to assimilate and breed into one indistinguishably cross-blurred and hybridized mess — i.e., never — there will be racial conflict and racial hierarchies, with much of the pecking order decided by who controls street violence. (more…)
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There’s been a lot of talk lately about the “2016 energy” returning to Twitter/X. That was a magical time when all the factions of the non-establishment Right came together for a single purpose. The Alt Right, the Alt Lite, Right-wing libertarians, and millions of normie MAGA conservatives formed a unified front to get Trump elected. (more…)