Thanks to Dinesh D’Souza, I now know that there are fat people in India.
When I was a child, India symbolized poverty and malnutrition. At the dinner table, when I didn’t finish my mother’s mashed potatoes, she’d scold me and say that there are starving children in India who’d love to eat her mashed potatoes.
So when D’Souza tweeted on Monday that fat kids used to laugh at him when he was a child in India, I scoffed at the very idea that there are or were any fat kids in India.
But I decided to show due diligence and fact-check his allegation. Working on a current population of 1.326 billion, and assuming the accuracy of this 2021 study’s estimate that roughly 40% of India’s population is obese, that would mean there are about 200 million more obese people in India than there are total people in the United States.
There are still nearly 200 million malnourished people in India, but they are overwhelmed by the adipose stench of nearly half a billion fatties.
I never would have suspected this. Ya learn somethin’ every day. And this is the first thing I’ve ever learned from Dinesh D’Souza.
I’ve mostly managed to avoid D’Souza over the years, primarily because I’ve never felt the need to ask some dweeb who was born in Bombay about what kind of nation America’s Founding Fathers wanted to build. Intensely nerdy, obnoxiously bland, and aggressively unoriginal, the most impressive thing about him is how he managed to get so far on so little charisma.
His new documentary, 2000 Mules, is roughly as exciting as staring at his face while a fly crawls on it. D’Souza gathers together a group of similarly charm-deficient neocons such as Dennis Prager, Seb Gorka, Eric Metaxas, and Larry “The Token” Elder to present a case that the Democrats stole the 2020 presidential election by using a network of “mules” who were paid by non-profit organizations to illegally stuff ballot boxes in sufficient numbers to tilt the election in Biden’s favor in crucial swing states such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona.
There are three problems with this hypothesis right out of the gate:
- Not a single “mule” is identified.
- There is zero evidence that any one of them was ever paid.
- Not a single non-profit organization is identified, either.
Beyond that, all the numbers they crunch as a result of their purportedly rigorous data analysis are speculative. Nothing is conclusive.

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Redneck Manifesto here.
What’s worse, the number-cruncher won’t even let anyone review his methodology because he claims it’s proprietary. To build his case, D’Souza uses geotracking data from an outfit called “True the Vote,” whose analyst Gregg Phillips reminds listeners about 40 times that he’s been analyzing elections for 40 years. We don’t get a chance to see exactly how selective Phillips and his co-workers were with their data-gathering and analysis, but D’Souza’s entire case rests on whether this tracking data can establish the contention that this was an organized network of people who dropped off multiple ballots at multiple drop boxes rather than people who may simply have passed by these drop boxes in the course of their regular comings and goings.
There are also credibility-demolishing blunders such as one scene where geolocations are shown superimposed over a map of Atlanta — one of the big alleged Mule Hubs — but, oopsie-daisy, it’s actually a map of Moscow. And although there is ample footage of people stuffing ballot boxes, the film fails to show a single person doing it twice at two different locations.
Amid it all, D’Souza’s wife Debbie nods sympathetically while everyone else talks. I have no idea why she is in the movie, although she is credited at the end as the “Executive in Charge of Music.”
D’Souza’s former girlfriend Ann Coulter notes that in all five battleground states the film profiles, it’s perfectly legal for someone to drop off multiple ballots under certain circumstances. She also points out that although it may be illegal to drop off another person’s ballots, it’s quite possible that many of the ballots themselves were perfectly legitimate.
Despite being severely put off by the film’s $19.99 cost to stream online, I approached it with an open mind. I wanted to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that the 2020 election was stolen. But there were too many holes in the film to convince me. I learned nothing from it.
The only thing I learned from all this is that not everyone in India is skinny. And that was a fun learning experience.
While testifying about the January 6 disaster, former Attorney General William Barr spoke derisively of D’Souza’s new film:
My opinion then and my opinion now is that the election was not stolen by fraud. And I haven’t seen anything since the election that changes my mind on that, including the 2000 Mules movie [laughs derisively].
Apparently, the portly former AG’s dismissive cackling triggered a deep sense memory within Dinesh D’Souza about being mocked by fat children back in the motherland. Conservatism, Inc.’s former Brown Boy Wonder launched into a days-long series of tweets that both directly and indirectly referenced Barr’s adiposity (emphasis added for comic effect):
Anyone who knows anything about geotracking — I don’t mean you — can see what an ignoramus Barr is on the topic. A fat guy laughing doesn’t quite substitute for expertise on this topic!
—6/13/22, 12:18PM
Bill Barr is the stereotypical small-town sheriff, overweight and largely immobile, whose rank incompetence results in the whole town being robbed from under his nose. Then, asked to explain how it happened, Fatso breaks into laughter and insists the robbery itself is “bullshit”
—6/13/22, 1:11PM
I’d like to invite Bill Barr to a public debate on election fraud. Given his blithe chuckling dismissal of #2000Mules this should be easy for him. What do you say, Barr? Do you dare to back up your belly laughs with arguments that can withstand rebuttal and cross-examination?
—6/13/22, 2:39PM
I’ve been thinking about Bill Barr’s sycophantic laughter before the Democrats, and it reminds me of fat boys in my school in India who were always laughing. I suspect the reason was twofold: 1. They couldn’t fight and 2. They couldn’t run
—6/13/22, 5:30PM
The idea that Dinesh D’Souza trudges through this vale of tears still traumatized by dim memories of chubby schoolyard Pajeets mocking him is, by far, the most compelling thing about his life story. I enjoy the idea that he was bullied as a child. I would have bullied him, too. But it was fun to see him pull a Leo Bloom on Bill Barr’s Max Bialystock and flail away at him for being a “fat fatty.” I didn’t know the boy had it in him. His little e-tantrum proved to me that despite his almost suffocating blandness, Dinesh D’Souza has a little curry in his tummy after all.
It doesn’t come without the sour sting of hypocrisy, however. Debbie D’Souza is fat. So is Dennis Prager. And Seb Gorka. But apparently, they haven’t mocked Dinesh in public — at least not yet.
I remain steadfastly agnostic as to whether the 2020 election was stolen. But this doesn’t mean that I trust the electoral process. Not only do I lack faith in the integrity of elections, I have very little faith in the usefulness of elections. I believe they’re mostly used as a palliative.
But now that I’m aware there are hundreds of millions of fat people in India, I no longer feel guilty about not eating mom’s mashed potatoes.
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The most interesting tidbit I got from your essay is that Ann Coulter and he were an item?? That’s a hideous visual to wrap my head around. Say it ain’t so.
Queen Ann is sadly a coalburner.
A curry boiler
Jim is actually incorrect here. It was Laura Ingraham rather than Ann that dated D’Souza
For what it’s worth I did a half assed search and found that Ann did date D’Souza.
There’s also a rumor she dated Jimmy JJ Walker. She denied that. I can’t picture Ann or Laura dating anyone.
Thanks for the “correction.”
Frank Sinatra dated Ava Gardner. Therefore, he was never with Mia Farrow.
Not exactly a stellar source. I knew Ann very well in Palm Beach. I know exactly who she was dating, it was a swarthy foreigner but not D’Souza.
Right. A truly “stellar source” is an unverified anecdote from “Alex.” I mean, he KNEW her!
“In the cab, I told Ms. Coulter that although back in college I’d been comforted by writers like Tom Wolfe, Camille Paglia and Dinesh D’Souza (‘I’ve dated him, I’ve dated every right-winger,’ Ms. Coulter said)”
“D’Souza, who was inundated with speaking invitations. He also became a hot commodity among blonde conservatives. After dating Laura Ingraham and then Ann Coulter…”
We can safely say he dates shrill, strident shrews.
I don’t give a shit about a quote for effect, I don’t give a shit if you believe me and I don’t give a shit about your opinion. I have no interest in doxiing myself. I don’t even like her, she is a terrible, insecure person who has done horrible things to a few people I know. She barely dates at all. The only boyfriend she’s had for a long time is a Muslim named Younis, he’s of the Bosnian rather than Arab variety but still a Muslim so she keeps it under wraps to protect her brand
If discretion is assured I can send you an email leaving no doubt that anonymous “Alex” is not a fucking idiot with his head lodged up his ass.
The election was stolen. Trump stole it from himself by being a worthless POS for 4 years after talking hard trash throughout the election. I believed him in 2016 and he went out of his way to be worthless for 4 years. I didn’t vote for him in 2020 and it turns out that Trump lost 12% of his White male voters between 2016 and 2020.
Agree completely – except it still would have been better if he’d won (which he may have in fact). I realize that you are more of a WN than conservative, but for those of us who are both, Biden is an untrammeled disaster, in every way, on every issue. Politics is about more than race, even if these days the foundational issue for true conservatives is racial perpetuity (followed by Occidental continuity). I cannot imagine how much even worse things would be right now (let alone in the future) if Democrat Joe Manchin had not hung tough against Biden’s proposed socialist spending blowout (and Democrat Sinema against his tax increases). If Trump were in office, I think the economy right now would be in much better shape across the board instead of heading inevitably into either a long period of unprecedented inflation, or an inevitable recession. We would have had much better judicial picks since Jan 2021; the Jan 6 Capitol storming would not have happened; the politically instigated targeting of peaceful rightist protesters would not be happening; the crime wave would be somewhat lessened. Elections matter.
That said, I hope Trump stays the hell out of the 2024 race. He is perhaps the one Republican who would lose to Biden or Harris or anyone else.
I don’t agree that Trump would have done things much differently. The same people that are running Biden’s foreign policy ran Trump’s foreign policy and most of our domestic woes go back to foreign policy. The days of the dollar as a reserve currency are over because of these policies.
The one obvious deviation between Biden and Trump is energy policy but it’s not clear just how well that would have gone. Energy companies benefit from shortages and they have clout in every administration.
As for me being a ‘conservative’, you’re quite right. However, I think you’re wrong thinking Trump is a ‘conservative’. He’s a Rockefeller Republican. Basically a Democrat who doesn’t mind giving tax breaks to banks. The simple truth is that it wouldn’t matter if Trump was on our side or not. He was – and remains – singularly ineffective at governing. Nothing he did survived the first 10 hours of Biden’s Presidency.
The GOP exists to make White politics safe for Jews. It has absolutely nothing to do with ‘conservative values’ or any of the other claptrap that has been wrapped around Judeo-supremacist politics in the US for last 100 years. There’s only one real political divide in this country: Pro-White Politics vs Everything Else. I see that very clearly now.
ZMan does a great job of exposing the emptiness of the conceit of ‘conservatism without Whiteness’ in this essay:
I found Zman’s post confusing. No matter. I agree that the foundation of conservatism (in any society) is race – the genetic stock of the people in question. Trump was worthless on white racial interests (I bet he is a bit better on race in private, but also that he doesn’t understand anything in an even slightly systematic way). My point was merely that he was clearly the lesser of two lousy choices, and this from a conservative standpoint, which encompasses a lot more issues that just race (even if, ultimately, getting race wrong is pretty much guaranteed to nullify whatever good actions are taken).
I forgot to add that the situation at the border was much better under Trump than Biden. No one that I’ve heard denies this. I wish Trump had won, despite his inadequacy. But there could be a silver lining. Had Trump won, GOP would have continued to lose seats in Congress, and some other Democrat horror would have been elected in ’24. Now, it is possible that GOP will crush it in November, and that we’ll get a more serious person, like DeSantis or Tom Cotton, as President in ’24. Either of those men could do some genuine good with an all-GOP Congress.
Of course, from the WN perspective, there is literally no long term hope absent the Ethnostate. Our people on this continent (and likely everywhere else) will, if they do nothing, eventually become electorally subjugated, then economically enslaved, and finally either driven to extinction via miscegenation, or simply exterminated. We must have sovereign territory under our racial (political and military) control if the white race is to endure. A GOP Admin in 2025, esp if headed by DeSantis, buys us some more time for our meta- and macropolitical projects. We’re not going from here to the Ethnostate. There will obviously be many steps in between. We need conservative policies to slow down the rate of racial decline, to get us the breathing and teaching space we need.
I hope we have at least 8 years after 2024 of solid GOP control of the Federal government.
I predict that the GOP will eventually win and in the first session they will (a) pass red flag laws, (b) pass a hate speech law and (c) pass an amnesty.
You are wrong about Trump’s legacy not surviving Biden’s first ten hours. As is already pointed out, the SCOTUS has had tremendous impact. Trump, part by luck, changed the court to the conservative side. The Republicans have had their longest project succeed, probably at the very year of their demise. The overturning of Roe was the death rattle of conservativism. Trump has earned his place in history.
The recent SCOTUS decisions are not determinative of ‘Trump’s legacy’. The driving force seems to be Clarence Thomas, who, as you might recall, is a Justice utterly unrelated to ‘Trump’s legacy’. But there is a more fundamental problem to your claim: Allowing SCOTUS to decide the rights and obligations of an entire national political order. Fortunately, for anti-abortion activists, grass-roots people didn’t wait around for SCOTUS to swing their way to do something about their cause. Finally, unless the doctrine of ‘state’s rights’ catches on with the federal judiciary, some other version of a ‘Roe v Wade’ decision is right around the corner.
At this point in our continental history, White’s interests are best served by rejecting the right of the federal authorities to either take or return any power required to police our territories as we see fit.
Clarence Thomas has been on the court since the 80s and only now got Roe overturned, with the help of people Trump selected. The anti-abortion people got trigger laws passed, but had to wait on the sane members of the court to pass the ruling. I know this is not the end of the story and do not expect any Supreme justices to be a savior. Not unrealistic about this current situation.
please explain him being a worthless POS given all he got done for the American people – one of the very few who has ever done anything for the benefit of the people themselves.
Please regale us with all the long-term, permanent policy changes he made on immigration, trade, and foreign wars. You know, the things he ran on in 2015/16. The simple fact is that Trump’s immigration policy was dismantled in an hour because he didn’t use the power of the Office of the President to do the things he promised. He didn’t veto a single crappy budget, including those that specifically prevented him from spending money on the Wall. He is the GOP’s version of Jimmy Carter: An ineffectual, embarrassing one-term President. Only Carter, for all his terrible flaws, at least retired from public life for a considerable time before quietly return. Trump is carny barker on the midway trying to get you to pony up cash to play a rigged game. Every penny his supporters have given him has been used to line the pockets of himself and his cronies.
I don’t see how Trump is to blame for his failure as a president. He tried to stick to the rules and play nice with a hostile system that tried from day one to undermine him. The alternative would have been a revolution that broke all conventions and wiped the slate clean. It was clear that Trump was never going to be that, nor did he aim to. Was his predestined failure a reason not to support him and his policies? I don’t believe so.
None of those things you describe are worthwhile policy goals that he ran on in the 2015/2016. He ran as a tough deal-maker ready to kick some ass. Trump didn’t run on the ‘predestined failure’ platform. This sort of goal-shifting and selective amnesia is typical of the last subscribers to the Trump Show. Trump’s major accomplishment was to raise White people’s hopes only to (a) dash them and (b) exploit them for money before, during and after his Presidency. Trump is a salesman who sells one thing: The ‘Trump’ brand. You’re still buying his ‘Trump’ branded politics. I’m not. In the end, you get nothing for your brand loyalty and I’ve moved on to another product entirely: White Identity Nationalism.
As an American person, I’d like to hear what Trump did for me. Your implication that Trump is a selfless person is intriguing.
As a non-American person I’d like to point out that he dealt a major blow to the deindustrialization of your country. He also kept your zombie economy afloat for 4 years longer than it needed to.
Trump did not affect industrialization one iota. In fact, every one of his trade deals significantly favored the other nation(s). Go look as the Mexico deal again. This was probably the most lauded deal he did during his tenure. It’s wholly favorable to Mexico and American companies that want to outsource or sell in Mexico. During most of Trump’s Presidency, the trade deficit grew and imports from China were at their highest ever. Trump didn’t do what you think he did. He also supported ‘red flag’ laws and still does. Which is a separate matter from trade but is an indication of just how anti-White the guy is.
Middle class income increased while income tax decreased.
The unemployment rate fell as low as 3.5%
Inflation was kept low.
and he got ever so close to dismantling obamacare but for that disgusting, truly worthless, piece of shit, short-hand typist McCain.
Middle class income increased while income tax decreased…while $7.8 trillion was added to the debt.
The unemployment rate fell as low as 3.5%…and then rose to 6.5% by the end of his term.
Inflation was kept low.…and then, almost as if it was somehow a result of the $7.8 trillion he added to the debt, it started to rise out of control.
2, count ’em, 2 stimulus checks!!
Plus 4 years of this:
Which served as a near endless supply of amusement.
“… it turns out that Trump lost 12% of his White male voters between 2016 and 2020.”
Trump actually gained almost 9 million white male voters between 2016 and 2020.
But the voter turnout was so much higher in 2020 that Trumps share of white men went down from 62% in 2016 to 61% in 2020. That 1% shift cost him the election.
Interestingly, Trump made percentage gains with every other demographic between 2016 and 2020.
Trump got 62,984,828 total votes in 2016 compared to 74,216,154 total votes in 2020.
31% of white male voters voted for Clinton in 2016. 38% of white male voters voted for Biden in 2020.
I suspect all the lefty white men and moderates who stayed home (or cast a protest vote) in 2016, refusing to vote for Hillary Clinton, showed up in 2020 to vote against Trump.
Add to that the cemetery vote which I believe Biden won by 100%, and it put Biden over the top.
Bottom line is: Trump didn’t lose votes with any group, the Democrats gained a hell of a lot of votes by hook or by crook.
You could be right about the overall vote. But in key states he lost ground. Ann Coulter writing about D’Souza’s movie: In the five states where D’Souza deploys his hocus-pocus cellphone data — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — Trump lost 8% of white voters compared to 2016. He lost 12% of white men. So, he gained some and lost some? If you think Trump lost because of voting irregularities, that’s your view. I know I didn’t vote for him after both giving him money and voting for him in 2015/2016 because of his pandering to non-Whites. The painful truth is that national elections mean that Democrat strongholds with huge populations can outvote the mainly White rural and suburban voters. This is nothing new. It’s been going on in any state where there are major cities, Illinois for example. Chicago votes one way, most of the rest of the state votes the other. Chicago wins every time.
Debating about ‘winning’ national elections is about as useful as debating which piece of rotten chicken guts is going to poison you the least. It’s counterproductive.
If you think you can get move a pro-White political agenda forward by pandering to non-Whites, you’re simply wrong. That last 30+ years of ‘conservative’ politics is proof that this is impossible.
You misunderstood his point. Trump didn’t lose anything if he gained in total quantity. This is something everyone on the far right continually gets wrong. No one switched their vote from republican to Democrat assuming democrats were better for white people. Republicans mention their policies for minorities because white women need to hear that. Sit down with a white female boomer and you’ll see. They’ll vote Somalian pirates into their own backyard if they see a sad enough commercial or lifetime movie.
Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 as well. Everyone seems to forget that. This time, our enemies (who see him as our avatar) were prepared. You think that after 4 years of relentlessly negative media coverage and every NGO in America working against that the problem was ballot-stuffing? Our enemies openly admitted to ‘fortifying democracy’ against us in dozens of ways but you guys still think it was ballot-stuff of likely legitimate ballots that cost Trump the election.
I don’t know for sure what happened in the big, wide world but I know I didn’t vote for him because he pandered to Negros and Browns while attacking ‘racism’ which is, as you ought to know, a code word for White people’s interests. Trying to recuperate a system that is as flawed as you think it is seems dubious to me. Best to just work on the things you can actually effect, like local elections and local community activism and build up the resources to simply nullify the national authorities where you live.
But, you go ahead, continue to re-litigate 2020 until 2024 when no matter who gets nominated, White people’s interests will not be represented.
Republicans mention their policies for minorities because white women need to hear that. Sit down with a white female boomer and you’ll see. They’ll vote Somalian pirates into their own backyard if they see a sad enough commercial or lifetime movie.”
Indeed, indeed, indeed. The 19th Amendment ratification; probably the darkest day in this nation’s history. Vile creatures like Ilhan Omar and AOCunt don’t vote themselves into office.
CORRECTION to my previous post: Trump only gained about 5 million white male votes in 2020 compared to 2016.
“Ann Coulter writing about D’Souza’s movie: In the five states where D’Souza deploys his hocus-pocus cellphone data — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — Trump lost 8% of white voters compared to 2016. He lost 12% of white men.”
I believe Ann used the Fabrizio study for her numbers:
Her use of the word “lost” is inartful. Trumps percentages went down because the turnout was much higher in 2020 and that extra turnout went heavy for Biden.
Using Fabrizio’s percentages from page 11 for the flipped states, he shows that in 2016 65% of white male voters voted for Trump. That percentage fell to 61% in 2020.
Even with the lower percentage in 2020, by my calculations, Trump actually won over 700,000 MORE white male votes in 2020 than he did in 2016 in those combined 5 states that flipped.
“If you think Trump lost because of voting irregularities, that’s your view.”
I can’t say if that’s why he lost. I have yet to see any definitive evidence. I do think that a lot of shady shit went on behind the scenes, as is true in most elections.
I did a deep dive into the data and I believe the delay by Pfizer-BioNTech in their announcement of a Covid vaccine until November 9th alone could have cost Trump the election. Covid was the main issue in those 5 flipped states and the shift in the age 65+ vote was enough to determine who won.
BioNTech is a German company so if they deliberately delayed the announcement to hurt Trump that would be considered a foreign entity meddling in our election which is a violation of federal law. Whether or not they made a deal with the Democrats I cannot say.
“If you think you can get move a pro-White political agenda forward by pandering to non-Whites, you’re simply wrong. That last 30+ years of ‘conservative’ politics is proof that this is impossible.”
I agree with you on this. The “conservative” politics of the last 30 years has been influenced largely by neocons. They pretend to hate Trump but it’s not really Trump they hate. It’s the people who voted Trump into office in 2016 who they really hate.
Here’s the thing. Trump partisans often seem to think there was no way Trump could have lost because he was so great. I’m not saying you’re that way, but I see a lot of that about when the election and Trump comes up. I thought he could win, but I couldn’t have told you why. All I could tell you was that I didn’t intend to vote for him and I thought there might be quite a few 2016 Trump voters who felt the same way.
As for large turn-outs, I’ll return to a regular theme of mine: Urbanization – not liberalism – has changed national politics. Although liberalism and urbanization go hand-in-hand it seems, the deep process that is driving electoral politics has to do with the Cities vs Everything Else process that has been building for thousands of years and most particularly in the last 200 or so as technology allows the cities to dominate the Periphery.
But, to get back to the question of 2020: When someone can explain to me how the GOP could not exploit the exact same loopholes that supposed the Democrats exploited, I might give the ‘We was robbed’ narrative a second look. All that I know is that when the GOP is fighting against rank-and-file candidates (like Neil Kumar), they’re no-holds-barred dirty, low-down and nasty political street-fighters. It’s just when running against their supposed big enemies they somehow lack the wherewithal and ruthlessness necessary to win. It’s as if the GOP’s sole purpose is to keep a certain kind of political candidate from running, not beating the opponents they wind their partisans up to hate.
The fact that a mediocrity like D’Souza can strut around and call himself an intellectual and even demolish the career of an intellectual titan like Sam Francis is a testament to how far the West has fallen. Still, it brings me joy that skinny twig D’Souza has been laid low by vigorous Big Belly Nationalism.
Nick Jeelvy,
Agree 100%. A mediocrity indeed. And there’s too many of them.
Cows are considered sacred in India.
I’m sure they have good ideas, too.
Dinish is the Michael Moore of the right.
Indeed he’s very unappealing personally.
But of course the election was stolen.
Call it what it was, regime change.
A black op. 🔥
The ultimate fat Southern (well, Texan) sheriff is Orson Welles in Touch of Evil, which I discussed here:
Unlike Barr (whose father hired Jeffrey Epstein to teach math at the swanky Dalton School in NYC, despite having no particular qualifications other than an interest in children), Welles’ Hank Reardon pursued crime with a literal vengeance (“The strangest vengeance ever filmed!” said the posters), fabricating evidence when needed; ironically, his “victims” were in fact guilty, he just enjoyed rigging things. He could teach the Dems a thing or two.
Also unlike Barr, he made a specialty targeting border hopping Mexicans (the film is wonderfully un-PC; “I don’t talk Mexican” Hank proudly declares, just like Breaking Bad‘s Hank, and even the Mexican good guy is played by a blacked-up Charlton Heston, as Johnny Depp points out in Ed Wood (*); there’s also Marlene Dietrich as a gypsy).
I suspect that most readers think of Welles as that fat guy hanging out on Carson’s talk show and shilling for cheap wines. But in his yoot, Welles was svelte and handsome, and screwed all the best Hollywood had to offer. Even as late as Touch of Evil, he was in good shape and so to play Hank he had to wear a “fat suit” and extensive makeup, including a fake nose (he loved fake noses, for some reason). One day, he had to rush from filming directly to a “Hollywood party”, still in fat suit and makeup; now, this was his first movie after returning to Hollywood, so no one had seen him in years. He was greeted thus: “Orson! You haven’t changed a bit!” A lesson in Hollywood perception, or hypocrisy?
(*) It occurs to me that the Depp/Dinofrio pairing in that scene recurs in Gillian’s Fear and Loathing film.
Great movie James. By far Orson’s best performance and best flick. I was unaware of the fat suit he had to wear. I always thought he was just bloated from too much Paul Mason.
Always laugh-out-loud to watch. “AaahHHhhHH the French!” 🙂
Better than “Citizen Kane”? I don’t think so.
Yes, better than Citizen Kane. By a mile.
Sorry, I haven’t watched the first movie, so my comment was based partially on ignorance. I will have to watch it some day. I just couldn’t imagine an Orson Welles movie being better than “Citizen Kane”. If indeed you are right, then Wells was twice as good as I thought he was.
That gay photo of D’Souza in a cowboy shirt is the perfect symbol of the GOP.
I’ve long been unconvinced of D’Souza. There are so many valid stats and realities out there, I’m not sure why D’Souza needs to stoop to tactics that brand the entire right as idiots and conspiracy fanatics.
Out just now is ‘Web of Make Believe’ on Netflix. One episode features an ex-alt right gal cherry picking stories of every ultra-right fanatic’s bad behavior. It features clips of Steve Sailer and Jared T. But the whole thing is so lopsided in perspective I think many will do their own research out of curiosity.
Wasn’t it Sam Francis who wrote that Dinesh D’Souza’s nickname, as editor of a student newspaper, was “Distort da Newsa”?
Long ago, yes, but that was also the time real men of the right were replaced by the current crop of pod people. Most of us can’t even stand to read them. I salute Jim Goad for doing the dirty job for me. Your money order is in the mail.
Giggling at this rant of nonsense. I work in tech – geo tracking data is decisive and precise down to a couple of feet or less, depending on the location of the cell towers. As for not IDing people, uhh, they don’t want to get sued. As well, they have no legal access to the phone numbers. They had one whistleblower on camera, anonymously, working at one of the NGOs. And the data they claimed they had IS CONCLUSIVE statistically. You ask for “methodology” – uh, there is none. This is a trivial analysis to do on this data set as it doesn’t rely on statistics at all. All it’s evaluating are actual observations. The “methodology” is called “counting”. It’s really tough to understand…Setting the threshold at 10 drop boxes and an NGO stop in the same trip is a very likely far to high a criteria for the analysis. The chances of that occurring randomly are absurdly high. LE can unmask these numbers for investigative purposes. To me, this was a conclusive analysis and the methodology is trivial. I work in AI and have worked in the analytical field for 30 years.
As for evidence of payment, why throw this on them? They are not LE – they are merely uncovering a good “lead” LE should investigate. They are not required to have an entire court-case ready evidence package for this to be believed. It’s incredibly persuasive work. And this article isn’t persuasive at all. Hell, it’s not even interesting. And Bill Barr is a fat pig of a man, and a loathsome hack to boot. Remember, he’s the guy who charged the Rodney King cops with Civil Rights charges after those cops were righteously acquitted by a Simi Valley jury. He’s human garbage – not Dinesh, who I’m not a big fan of. Why the hate on Dinesh? My guess is this author is a fattie himself.
Bravo to that reply, and I couldn’t agree more. I did, however, watch 2000 mules and think it was needlessly corny and Dinesh is an awful filmmaker from an artistic perspective.
The thing that I was thinking as I watched the movie: so there was video of some disgusting, ass in front cat lady (in other words: definitely a rabid, Trump hating lib) at a drop box in yoga pants. Her face and license plate were pixelated… but she would recognize herself on the video. So then if she’s NoT a mule (she definitely hates Trump with a vengeance -ass in front, remember?), why wouldn’t she be on TV ballyhooing about what nonsense Dinesh’s video is and explaining? She would be flown 1st class, stay at the Waldorf Astoria and eat steak and lobster as she did the mainstream media circuit, then parlay that into a Cush job in education, where she already likely works
There are many leads that strongly point toward suspicious activities and happenings that when seen as a whole create a composite of election fraud against Trump. It is up to the authorities to investigate these ‘leads’ and they never do. Trump was a wild card in the 2016 election, and the American power elite hates that. Presidents are administrators for Ruling Class interests, and they are normally vetted by the lame Republican and Democratic parties. Okay, that’s not “proof” of election fraud. We will never get the lowdown on what really happened. Trump was a populist accident that Establishmentarians don’t want to see ever happen again.
Stellar comment, more insightful than the article itself. Maybe Jim simply hates this Pajeet dweeb cause hes brown. That’s just what us racists do, right?
Stop the Steal had a perfectly valid premise that the election was stolen or at least that there was a rebuttable presumption that it was stolen due to the irregularities. The conservatards made sure to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by shameless grifting. At this point, conservatism is arguably as damaging as the left because its gross incompetence and malice enables the left. The sooner these tepid clowns are replaced the better, and I include Trump among them.
I agree, but I don’t think they need to be replaced. I think they will need to be overthrown.
The refrain “we can’t vote our way out of this” is becoming more and more obvious to even normies now.
Election was stolen through unsolicited mass mail voting with no built in verification because of Covid hysteria and goosing the minority vote by harvesting and canvassing jails, old folks homes, inner city neighborhoods, as well as ballot stuffing.
Can you explain how the infrastructure of that process favored only Democrats? I don’t see a single thing there that the GOP/Trump organization could not have exploited to great effect. Nursing homes are full of GOP voters.
Some years ago I wrote a piece for C-C concerning Dinesh D’Souza’s movie Death of a Nation. The basic thesis is DR3 or “Democrats are the Real Racists” via an appeal to irrelevant nominal and historical connections. A cynical attempt to solidify his position in the GOP as a non-white.
I remember him stating that America is a great place because gangs of connected people don’t run things like they do in India, but he’s speaking as a token non-white in the GOP, and the upward mobility for such people is often meteoric. To quote Gregory Hood, “What do you call the only black guy at a Republican event? The key note speaker.” A professional white guilt soother doesn’t have to struggle as much to rise through the proverbial gangs who run America.
Dinesh Phillip D’Souza would do well to use that stock Indian accent made popular by Deepak Chopra and I think we’d all like him more.
It’s also hard to take him seriously when you know he probably has cows roaming freely in his apartment.
To Meir is simply obvious the election was stolen. They stopped the counting the night of the election with Trump way ahead in several states where the following morning he ended up trailing. That was fraud and it has never being investigated. There were no signs prior to the election that Biden was going to end up with 81 million votes.
If Trump had won in a landslide and only twelve people voted for Biden, I would have been shocked and incredulous that that many people voted for Biden. But there’s 81 million spooky shitheads in the country? I was thinking about half that many.
I didn’t see the film and won’t, mostly because I actually went to a lecture D’Souza gave about twenty years ago at Mizzou (U. of Missouri-Columbia), and he was, I thought, kind of slippery if engaging here and there. He said, for one thing, that Affirmative Action is now just a battle between blacks and immigrants. He simply had nothing to say about whites, and I noted the mostly white audience was numb and totally uninterested. Or they knew to keep their mouths shut. America really had no place in his worldview, except that of the corporate achievers and neocon hangers on.He pretty much banged the drum for racial replacement…by all those brilliant, qualified non-white immigrants who would, yes, SAVE THE COUNTRY. It’s kind of his shtick, and guarantees him a place in the neocon world, and he does know his niche. he also liked to brag about his white wife. What I found more interesting was the blacks in the audience, who hated him because he was shooting out unpleasant facts about their non-brilliance they didn’t like. He realizes that as a non-white, he can say things about their holiness that whites don’t dare say.
One black kid stood on his seat to rant at D’Souza, saying if blacks were behind in education…well, they have been suppressed for centuries. Of course they were mentally equal…no, SUPERIOR to whites because, he said proudly, his race built the pyramids, so if they seem to need a few decades to catch up…no matter.
I thought “with people like this, what’s the point or arguing?” And again, I noted how blank and silent the whites were.
D’Souza didn’t really answer the black kid. He was a kind of numbers cruncher and fact nerd, and didn’t want to tick off the brothers. But then, a couple of months ago, Ward Connery spoke there, and blacks almost mobbed him, He had to exit from the back, protected by a phalanx of whites well-wishers which I was a part of.. The Young Republicans who sponsored him were really shocked, all of them wide-eyed in their blazers and khakis. The cops never showed up, even when a dozen blacks were literally screaming and shaking fists at Connerly a few feet from his face. It was then I decided thirty blacks anywhere could shut down any university any time. So, BLM really didn’t surprise me.
I just see D’Souza as part of the controlled opposition of a darker hue. But he might eat mashed potatoes if no one is looking.
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