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March 15 is known as the Ides of March, the day when Julius Caesar was betrayed and assassinated by the Roman Senate. March 15 also marks the date for other betrayals, from the murder of Odoacer to the overthrow of Empress Theodora by her son. Although less personal, many of us have ended up in the Dissident Right because we have been betrayed by our societies and the liberal values we were told to believe in. After all these betrayals, I often ask myself where my own loyalties lie. Nevertheless, one holiday on March 15 reminds me that there are still some things worthy of our trust and loyalty.
Before Julius Caesar, March 15 was merely the due date by which the Roman citizens had to pay their debts and taxes. From crossing the Rubicon in 49 BC to proclaiming himself dictator in 44 BC, the Roman senators were more worried about Caesar than paying their debts. After several incidents of Caesar mocking and disrespecting the Roman Senate, Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius began discussing ways to assassinate him. It was even predicted by a seer that Caesar would be murdered by the 15 of March.
Despite warnings from his wife, Caesar ignored the prophecy and went to meet the Roman Senate. On his way to the meeting, Caesar passed the seer and noted that the Ides of March had come and that he was still alive. The seer explained that the day had come but was not over yet. When Caesar entered the Senate, he was distracted by Lucius Tillius Cimber and was stabbed by Publius Casca Longus. The rest of the conspirators began stabbing Caesar as he tried to escape. After being stabbed 23 times, Caesar died on the steps of the Theatre of Pompey. The conspirators may have betrayed Caesar on the Ides of March to save the Roman Republic, but their actions eventually led to the Second Triumvirate and Augustus becoming the Roman Emperor.
Over 500 years later, a similar betrayal took place between Odoacer and Theodoric. Odoacer was a Germanic barbarian who rose to power and deposed Romulus Augustus to become the King of Italy. Although Odoacer ruled Italy, he came into constant conflict with Zeno, the Eastern Roman Emperor. After Odoacer invaded Dalmatia and incorporated the area into his domain, Zeno persuaded the Ostrogoth Theodoric the Great to invade Italy. Theodoric invaded Italy in 489 and spent the next three years conquering the area. After several defeats, Odoacer took refuge in Ravenna. Theodoric attempted a siege of the city but was unsuccessful. It was then that Theodoric made an offer that Odoacer should have refused.
After the long and unsuccessful siege, Theodoric agreed to a joint rulership of Italy with Odoacer. Odoacer let Theodoric and his troops into Ravenna on March 5, 493. After several days of negotiations, they decided to hold a banquet to celebrate their joint rule on March 15. Theodoric planned to have his soldiers kill Odoacer at the beginning of the feast, but his soldiers were too scared and nervous to carry out the plans. Due to their inaction, Theodoric drew his sword at the end of the feast and killed Odoacer. After killing Odoacer, Theodoric also killed Odoacer’s family and loyal followers. Thus, another ruler was betrayed and killed on the Ides of March.
Another betrayal took place in the Byzantine court on March 15, 856. Michael III was the youngest child of Emperor Theophilos and his wife Theodora. Theophilos died when Michael was two years old, making Michael the emperor with his mother Theodora acting as his regent. During his youth, Theodora was successful at maintaining religious peace (by allowing the veneration of icons) while deterring the Bulgarians from further invasions. It was during these times, however, that Theodora began to lose her influence and control over Michael.

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As Michael was growing up, many people in the court competed to gain the trust of the future emperor. Theodora’s brother Bardas spent a lot of time with Michael and started to turn Michael against his mother. Bardas eventually accused Theodora of plotting against Michael. After siding with Bardas over his own mother, Michael deposed his mother and became the Byzantine Emperor on March 15, 856. Michael then forced his mother and his sisters to spend the rest of their lives in a monastery. Bardas maintained considerable influence over the young emperor until Michael became friends with a charismatic courtier named Basil. Gaining Michael’s trust, Basil eventually assassinated Bardas and Michael to become emperor. By betraying his mother on the Ides of March, Michael got a bitter taste of his own medicine.
Along with some bitter medicine, my grandmother would also give me some bitter truths about life. She told me that while family, friends, and women can betray you, the only person that will always remain loyal to you is your dog. I know this sounds harsh, but as a white man living in 2021, I have a hard time thinking of things that haven’t betrayed me. The educational system betrayed me, as it spent more time preaching anti-white propaganda than teaching me anything useful for my career. Many of the actors, musicians, and authors I enjoyed as a kid turned against me once I became a Trump supporter. The liberal parties have abandoned white people while the conservative parties have refused to stand up for us. Moreover, the values of liberalism no longer include or apply to white people. As a white man living in the modern age, every day seems to resemble the Ides of March.
But even the cloudy skies of March have some silver linings. On the morning of March 15, 1848, Sándor Petőfi read his poem “Nemzeti Dal” as he marched around Pest with other artists and nationalists. This inspired the events that led to a revolution for Hungarian independence from the Austrian Empire. After 18 months of conflict, the revolution was eventually suppressed. While Petőfi disappeared after a battle, many of his fellow nationalists survived and escaped to other countries where they continued speaking out for Hungarian independence. These heroes are celebrated this time each year, as March 15 is a national holiday in Hungary that commemorates the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. Despite the Ides of March being known as a day of betrayal, it is also a reminder of the loyalty that these men had to the idea of having a homeland of their own.
I have often asked myself where my own loyalties lie and where my own homeland is. I have never felt patriotic or at home in America. I always wanted to leave the US because I hated many of the things that America represented like rap music, sports, forced inclusion, and globalism. I hate how the foreign policy and culture of America impact the entire world. Being a white American today feels like being an Estonian under the Russian Empire, a Greek under the Ottoman Empire, or a Hungarian living under the Austrian Empire. Although the collapse of these empires paved the way for the sovereignty of the Baltic and Balkan nations, I worry that America will never collapse and that whites in America will never get a homogeneous homeland of their own. As with many empires, the American Empire has betrayed the people whose ancestors created it.
This is where my loyalty resides. I care about white people in America and all over the world. I want white people around the world to be proud of their history and their identity. I want our people to have ethnic sovereignty with white solidarity. We know the differences between Hungarians and Austrians, and we want to maintain those differences. But if Austria falls, then it may only be a matter of time before Hungary falls. And many exiled revolutionaries left Hungary in 1849 to seek shelter in the US. Their descendants also deserve a homeland of their own, whether it is the ability to return to Hungary or to form a new land out of the declining American Empire. The average lifespan of empires is 250 years, and America has been around for 245 years. Whatever the seers predict for the future, my loyalty is to help white people in America and around the world stand up for their lands, their rights, and their sovereignty.
The Ides of March has been a day of political murders, family betrayals, and brother wars. But this day has also shown us that a poem and a group of artists can change the course of history. The Dissident Right is also making history by creating great art and content. Since March 15 was originally a deadline to pay debts, be sure to support the content creators, activists, and websites that have entertained and inspired you. History has shown that betrayals usually end up backfiring on people. If this is true, then our enemies have some dark days ahead. In these times of betrayal, your loyalty and support will keep the Ides of March shining bright for our people for many years to come.
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Odoacer was a Germanic barbarian who rose to power and deposed Romulus Augustus to become the King of Italy.
Odoacer was a SLAVONIC barbarian. He was a Rugi/Rugian; and Rugians were ancestors of Transcarpathian Ruthenians.
For Romanians there were no differences between the barbarians, Slavic, Germanic, Türkic, Sarmathian (IranoAryans), they all were the same for the “high-civilized” spaghetti-eaters-
Caesar had it coming. No tears should be shed for him.
Great article. My attention came back to a great poem by Robert Browning called “The Lost Leader.” It’s about Wordsworth who betrayed the liberal cause by becoming poet laureate of England, hence lending his support to the Establishment. The issues were surprisingly similar to ours. I dedicate this poem to all those who took the Bitcoin from whomever and betrayed us! Not pointing any fingers at anyone, they know who they are. Quoted the beginning, the entirety is quite long:
Just for a handful of silver he left us,
Just for a riband to stick in his coat—
Found the one gift of which fortune bereft us,
Lost all the others she lets us devote;
They, with the gold to give, doled him out silver,
So much was theirs who so little allowed:
How all our copper had gone for his service!
Rags—were they purple, his heart had been proud!
We that had loved him so, followed him, honoured him,
Lived in his mild and magnificent eye…
“. I care about white people in America and all over the world. I want white people around the world to be proud of their history and their identity. I want our people to have ethnic sovereignty with white solidarity. ”
How about then starting to use the word “European” rather than “white”? How about naming ethnicities, rather than always lumping your language under globalist words?
And further if you are not an American by heritage, then go home and build that place up. I don’t hate this place, but I am the posterity in question. If you hate it, go some place else and let us either take care of it or die in the process.
Part of reclaiming an identity is learning to be local, rather than embrace the easy and open identities of globalism. If you don’t want to that, there’s much to complain about. /shrug
America is not 245 years old.
It remains 244 years old until July 4th.
“And it came to pass that two hundred and forty and four years had passed away and thus were the affairs of the people. And the more wicked part of the people did wax strong, and became exceedingly more numerous than were the people of God.” – 4 Nephi 1:40 Book of Mormon
The Prophets Nephi and Joseph Smith foresaw the fall of the United States of America.
A lot can happen in four months.
the Proclamation of the Hungarian Revolution launched on the 15th of March, which, at point 12, proclaimed the union of Transylvania with Hungary, ignored the will of the Romanian majority in Transylvania and “forgetting” that the heart of the hearth where the Romanian people were born is Transylvania. It is no coincidence that the Romanian language is very similar to the Latin language, the supreme argument of the origin of the Romanians that the Hungarian revolutionaries were aware of, including the Hungarian national poet Petőfi Sándor.
Ignoring the records, the leader of the Hungarian revolution, the jurist Kossuth Lajos, a “lawyer of justice”, established the status of Romanians by trampling on the very ideals of the revolution of freedom, equality and fraternity: “In the new Hungary there was only one political nation – the Hungarian one. Non-Hungarian peoples [such as Romanians] are nationalities that can enjoy equality before the law and a certain degree of autonomy in religion and education, but will never be able to become a political nation, as it could destroy the territorial integrity of Hungary.
Immediately after the launch of the Proclamation on March 15, it was adopted by the Hungarian People’s Assemblies in Timişoara and Cluj. After only a week (on March 23), the Hungarian parties in Cluj demand the union of Transylvania with Hungary. The Hungarian guards rise under arms, and the Hungarian government in Cluj declares a state of siege in Transylvania.
The answer of the Romanians is par excellence democratic: on May 15, 1848, not accepting the union of Transylvania with Hungary, a National Assembly takes place on the Plain of Freedom in Blaj, in which Romanians chant: “We want to unite with the Country” (Romanian).
What followed was that the Hungarians tryed to ethnically cleanse Transsylvania burning more than 300 Romanian villages, butchering more than 40.000 Romanians. As a result, the peasants from the Apuseni Mountains armed themselves under the leadership of the lawyer Avram Iancu. Their fight against the Hungarian army lasted until August 1849.
Nursing grievances related to the oft-messy changes of borders in old countries as to stoke resentment against an independent European nation today isn’t a good look.
Treading repeatedly the graves and the bodies of others doesn’t do any good.
You can’t say that some should forget and the others shouldn’t just because.
It’s a tough spot that has to be overcomed and efforts should be done by everyone.
Otherwise long live the Empire! If you now what saved the Austrian Empire in 1848.
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