Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 290 Millenial Woes
Counter-Currents Radio184 words / 1:57:38
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Greg Johnson talks to Millenial Woes, a videomaker, writer, and speaker, about current events, pop culture, and your questions. Topics include:
- 00:00:00 Woes comments on allegations
- 00:06:30 What has Woes been up to?
- 00:15:00 Does the current zeitgeist consider racism worse than murder?
- 00:17:30 What happened to Lauren Chen?
- 00:19:15 What is the greatest Scottish rock band?
- 00:22:15 What have you been doing this summer?
- 00:25:30 Thoughts on Douglas Murray
- 00:28:10 Favorite movies
- 00:42:20 Cryptocurrency
- 00:44:00 Pop music favorites
- 00:52:40 Brendan O’Neil and dishonesty
- 00:59:15 David Hume vs. George Floyd
- 01:10:30 Wallflower psychology and flawed parenting
- 01:30:30 Dealing with haters
- 01:41:00 Millennials
- 01:46:40 Dealing with E-drama
- 01:54:30 Millenniyule / Final words
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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 290 Millenial Woes
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Regarding genetic versus nurture and which is more acceptable to the individual, I think Rousseau is missing the point with the thrown shingle analogy. People want an excuse. They want someone else to blame (parents, siblings, associates, etc.) to exonerate themselves from responsibility and guilt. They are protecting their ego, their innate quality by blaming their environment. Kasparov(chesschamp) said something different but closely related which I think will help to unlock this. Why he asked do we praise the chess prodigy so much rather than the less innately talented person who got there through grit? It should be the other way around. The answer is easy; we are Darwinian creatures. We value genetic fitness above accomplishment. That’s why that obnoxious kid who aced the exam in high school always said “he didn’t even study,” but you heard from his friend that he studied for weeks. Why lie? To signal greater innate fitness. Ask yourself would you rather have a rep as a brilliant underachiever or as a dumb grind? Easy! Why does Brynhild become so enraged when she learns her husband is not the true seed of Odin in the Volsunga saga? Same.
The same principle is at work with these “wallflowers” as Greg likes to call them, or willful losers. They don’t want to put their genetic fitness to the test. They are in an Edenic state of uncertainty now in which they have an out for their ego. To try and fail would create great psychic pain. I have friends like this. Ultimately, I’ve decided that grit and the will to compete and succeed, or conscientiousness perhaps, are themselves cognitive traits and faculties which some possess and others do not, as if some of us were simply meant to be talented stoners and video game players.
Absolutely wonderful to hear Woes again and in conversation with Greg Johnson to boot. Two great thinkers and contributors to our movement.
Can you give us the date at the start of these podcasts/streams? tia
MW mentioned one of his favorite movies is Alien3. Check out the John Fasano/Vincent Ward draft of the screenplay (available at various locations around the webworks). Their version was rejected by the studio, though elements of it found their way into the Fincher film.
Briefly, Ripley crash lands on a world run by a sect of monks who have built a universe unto a medieval vision of the mundane, heaven and hell. And into this world, Ripley has brought the demon-alien…
The story has elements of the Divine Comedy and the Odyssey, as Ripley makes a journey both geographical and spiritual. It ends with an exorcism and spiritual renewal.
The screenplay has gained something of a cult following online, with storyboards and such available. It’s worth checking out, given today’s crisis of faith in Western Civilization.
Dear Gregory Johnson,
I want to say thank you for inviting Millenial Woes for an interview at Counter-Currents Radio (CCR). He mentioned that one of his favorite movies is Alien 3. Well, the movie was originally going to be directed by the New Zealander film maker Vincent Ward. He had a different vision for the film. The links below provide more information about his work.
Smoking cessation, I had the same experience as Woes , I suddenly at the age of 25 stopped , with no cravings or withdrawl symptoms, yet once I knew a Professor who was a world expert in lung cancer who could not give up smoking.
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