9/11 was a sanity test for America, and the test was failed spectacularly. The absolute minimum rational American response to 9/11 would have been to: (a) ban all further Muslim immigration; (b) impose draconian racial profiling at airports and elsewhere; (c) adopt a foreign policy aimed at promoting strictly American interests, which would mean a non-interventionist stance toward the Middle East in all matters not directly related to American security; and (d) have a very public discussion on the weaknesses and failures of diversity and multiculturalism.
Instead we got the opposite in all points: more Muslims, pat-downs of 80 year old Irish-American nuns so as to not offend NEC (Non-European Caucasian) sensibilities, an “invade the world” foreign policy dictated by Levantine neo-conservatives, and even more pro-diversity hysteria than before.
Clearly, America is a madhouse with the inmates running the asylum. Americans worship “people of color,” and “people of color” flew passenger jet airplanes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. In this sense, the events of 9/11 were richly deserved. As our nation continues to drown under the rising tide of color, it is important to remember that.
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I remember pretty well that day. When I saw the news I would have bet my head that the points a), b) and d) will be thoroughly implemented. To my surprise the next period proved me utterly wrong as everything went on unabated. I thought that justice will be done in what I was thinking then it was “the American style”. What a sad joke. What a lie. What a crazed mind humiliating everyone.
In the fifties many Romanians went to jail for fighting communism and wishing that the GI’s will fall from the sky. Only to discover they were delivered to the soviets by Philby and the like – “British” and “Americans”. After 50 years of waiting what was to come was no better than the Philbyes – i.e. Taubman, Gitenstein and the like. That the Americans were in the same manner prisoners of the same dark forces that enslaved (brain cuffing is probably a better term) my people.
OK, OK, but where were the real Americans? So it challenged everything I thought I knew.
“The absolute minimum rational American response . . . ”
‘rational American response’ is much too sci-fi for my mind, if American means ‘White majority’ and ‘rational’ means supporting (or at least approaching) their interests. Too many in our corner have some abstraction America, in their heads, something that could be united without armed government or mass media coercion. In reality, this is a nation only in the sense of having a common flag and economic system. We cannot speak of borders and only barely of a common language. Any action by our Frankenstein-like, tug-of-war-operated government will necessarily be controlled the most by our strongest ruling minority and therefore act in their interests.
The string holding this thing together is thin.
PS: Ezra Pound called this place a madhouse or something like that in 1958 (not exactly the pinnacle of what we call degenerate modernity)!
PPS: keep in mind where his place of residence had been just prior!
Thanks for this very short piece: 9/11 aftermath in a nutshell.
The event just underscores the absolute necessity of regaining our media by any means possible. The greatest opportunity to discuss jewish control of our government’s policies went to complete waste.
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