Stregoneria Politica is the title of Guido Taietti’s “manual of non-conventional political communication.” It translates as “political witchcraft,” and one can see why such a title was chosen. There may be nothing new under the Sun, and doing politics has always been a messy business no matter which system of government was employed, but the advent of the Internet and social media has rendered the political realm today even more bewildering, heaving with a multitude of parties and actors who are all noisily vying for attention. (more…)
Tag: CasaPound
203 words / 1:53:52
Guest host Pox Populi (Telegram, YouTube) welcomed the Italian author, political strategist, and CasaPound Italia activist Guido Taietti to Counter-Currents Radio last weekend to discuss politics in Italy, the CasaPound Italia social movement, Mr. Taietti’s book Political Witchcraft, and to take questions from the audience. It is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
September 1, 2023 Guido Taietti
Jak sociální sítě manipulují společností — i vámi
1.004 slov
English original here
Následuje zredigovaný přepis projevu italského intelektuála a politického aktivisty Guida Taiettiho z květnové Jarní konference, pořádané Fróðim Midjordem v estonském Tallinu. Taietti vystudoval politologii (se specializací na politickou komunikaci), je aktivní v CasaPound a stojí za Youtube kanálem Progetto Razzia. Je autorem knih Trattato sul Sovranismo: O del populismo efficace (Pojednání o suverenismu aneb efektivní populismus, Collana Chimera, 2019) a Stregoneria Politica: Comunicazione politica non convenzionale (Politické čarodějnictví: nekonvenční politická komunikace, Altaforte Edizioni, 2021). (more…)
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Czech version here
The following is an edited partial transcript of a speech that was given by the Italian intellectual and political activist Guido Taietti in May at the Spring Conference in Tallinn, Estonia. He is active in CasaPound Italia. The video of his speech is linked below.
The process through which an individual becomes familiar with and develops his own political categories is called “political socialization,” and it is — or has been for a long while — a process that usually requires a lot of time, and above all involves a large amount of stimuli, sources, and inputs. (more…)
June 30, 2023 John Morgan
Inspirace taktikou protivníka:
Identitáři v Budapešti rozdávali potraviny potřebnýmEnglish original here
V sobotu 11. března jsem měl to potěšení připojit se k členům Identitás Generáció (Generace Identity), jedné ze dvou maďarských poboček evropského identitárního hnutí (tou druhou je Identitesz), při jejich první akci rozdávání potravin budapešťským bezdomovcům. Identitáři se touto akcí zařadili do bohaté a rozmanité mozaiky nacionalistických stran, skupin a aktivit, jimž se dnes v Maďarsku tak daří. (more…)
Man can work musically with his zeitgeist, analyzing it and then either accepting it as one’s own or radically rejecting it. Here I would like to deal with the latter in a certain limited territory where this phenomenon has occurred to a quite large extent: the Right-wing music scene in Italy. (more…)
1,297 words
1,297 words
The nation-state is the triangulation of people, territory, and sovereignty. If this triangulation is threatened, the idea of the State itself is threatened.
Of course, we know that the idea of a people is under attack in the West: the Left, the progressives, and the liberals (more…)
English original here
Uno dei movimenti politici più interessanti e originali apparsi in Italia negli ultimi anni è CasaPound Italia (CPI). Secondo il punto di vista dal quale li si guarda nel vecchio spettro politico, il gruppo da una parte rinnova l’estremismo di destra per le giovani generazioni, dall’altra sconfigge semplicemente l’estrema sinistra al suo proprio gioco “rivoluzionario” mantenendo nello stesso tempo il perseguimento di obiettivi di tendenza più tradizionali, come il legame con la famiglia, la comunità e la nazione, contro le forze di una globalizzazione senza limiti. (more…)
Italian translation here
One of the most interesting and original political movements to arise in Italy in recent years is CasaPound Italia (CPI). Depending on which point you view them from in the old political spectrum, the group either repackages Right-wing extremism for a younger generation or simply beats the hard Left at its own “revolutionary” game but in pursuit of traditionalist mainstream objectives like securing family, community, and nation against the forces of unrestricted globalism.
1,277 words
I am reprinting Colin Liddell’s 2011 interview with CasaPound’s Gianluca Iannone because it has many things to teach our readers, particularly in North America, about metapolitics.