I was downtown in Salt Lake City in 2002 to watch the Pioneer Day parade, also known as “Days Of ’47” — as in 1847, of course. I got to see the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ President Gordon B. Hinckley heading up the column. Although my piety leaves much to be desired, that was something else, indeed! (more…)
Tag: American Indians and violence
This latest round of Israeli-Palestinian warfare, in which Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Israeli citizens and thousands more injured, leaves me with mixed feelings. I’m reminded of the troubles frontier Americans faced with hostile Indians in the nineteenth century. Putting it as simply as possible, you had an intelligent, civilized race of people competing over land and resources with a less intelligent, less civilized race of people. (more…)
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Captivity narratives, especially those written by women, were a staple of American literature during the nineteenth century. Stories of white women captured and abused by savage Indians certainly inspired enough fascination and horror in the American public to warrant its own literary genre. And for good reason, considering that there had been thousands of white captives throughout American history up to 1900, and the abuse they in many cases suffered was a fate worse than death. (more…)
The Catholic Kamloops Residential School for American Indian children, where it has been alleged that hundreds of children were murdered in an act of genocide.
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If the Canadian Left were capable of embarrassment, it suffered a doozy late last month.
For two years, the vengeance-seeking Native American grievance mob, along with virtue-signaling whites, have been sharing horror stories about supposed mass graves of indigenous children hidden at Catholic schools across Canada. (more…)